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Kepler publishes his HarmonicsAccount of his Astrological Opinions and Discovery of the Law of the Periods of the Planetary Revolutions— Sketch of Newton's proof of Kepler's

Laws. THE "

Cosmographical Mystery" was written, as has been already mentioned, when Kepler was only twenty-six, and the wildness of its theories might be considered as due merely to the vivacity of a young man; but as if purposely to shew that his maturer age did not renounce the creations of his youthful fancy, he reprinted the "Mystery" in 1619, nearly at the same time when he published his celebrated work on Harmonics; and the extravagance of the latter publication does not at all lose in comparison with its predecessor. It is dedicated to James I. of England, and divided into five books: "The first, Geometrical, on the origin and demonstration of the laws of the figures which produce harmonious proportions; the second, Architectonical, on figurate geometry, and the congruence of plane and solid regular figures;-the third, properly Harmonic, on the derivation of musical proportions from figures, and on the nature and distinction of things relating to song, in opposition to the old theories;the fourth, Metaphysical, Psychological, and Astrological, on the mental essence of harmonies, and of their kinds in the world, especially on the harmony of rays emanating on the earth from the heavenly bodies, and on their effect in nature, and on the sublunary and human soul;-the fifth, Astronomical and Metaphysical, on the very exquisite harmonies of the celestial motions, and the origin of the excentricities in harmonious proportions."

The two first books are almost strictly, as Kepler styles them, geometrical, relating in great measure to the inscription of regular polygons in a circle. The following passage is curious, presenting an analogous idea to that contained in one of the extracts already given from the Commentaries on Mars. The heptagon, and all other polygons and stars beyond it, which have a prime number of sides, and all other figures derived from them, cannot be inscribed geometrically in a circle; although their sides have a necessary magnitude, it is equally a matter of necessity that we remain ignorant of it. This is a ques

tion of great importance, for on this account is it that the heptagon, and other figures of this kind, have not been employed by God in the adornment of the world, as the other intelligible figures are employed which have been already explained." Kepler then introduces the algebraical equation, on the solution of which this problem depends, and makes a remark which is curious at this period of the history of algebra-that the root of an equation which cannot be accurately found, may yet be found within any degree of approximation by an expert calculator. In conclusion he again remarks that "the side of the heptagon has no place among scientific existences, since its formal description is impossible, and therefore it cannot be known by the human mind, since the possibility of description precedes the possibility of knowledge; nor is it known even by the simple eternal act of an omniscient mind, because its nature belongs to things which cannot be known. And yet this scientific nonentity has some scientific properties, for if a heptagon were described in a circle, the proportion of its sides would have analogous proportions."

The third book is a treatise on music, in the confined and ordinary sense in which we now use that word, and apparently a sober and rational one, at least as nearly so as Kepler could be trusted to write on a subject so dangerous to his discretion. All the extravagance of the work seems reserved for the fourth book, the title of which already conveys some notion of the nature of its contents. In this book he has collected the substance of the astrological opinions scattered through his other works. We shall content ourselves with merely citing his own words, without any attempt to explain the difference between the astrology which he believed, and that which he contemptuously rejected. The distinctive line seems very finely drawn, and as both one and the other are now discarded by all who enjoy the full use of their reasoning powers, it is not of much consequence that it should be accurately traced.

It is to be observed, that he does not in this treatise modify or recant anything of his earlier opinions, but refers to the favourable judgment of his contemporary philosophers as a reason for embodying them in a regular form. "Since many very celebrated professors of philosophy and medicine are of opinion


that I have created a new and most true philosophy, this tender plant, like all novelties, ought to be carefully nursed and cherished, so that it may strike root in the minds of philosophers, and not be choked by the excessive humours of vain sophistications, or washed away by the torrents of vulgar prejudices, or frozen by the chill of public neglect; and if I succeed in guarding it from these dangers, I have no fear that it will be crushed by the storms of calumny, or parched by the sun of sterling criticism." One thing is very remarkable in Kepler's creed, that he whose candour is so indisputable in every other part of his conduct, professed to have been forced to adopt his astrological opinions from direct and positive observation.—“ It is now more than twenty years since I began to maintain opinions like these on the predominant nature of the elements, which, adopting the common name, I call sublunary. I have been driven to this not by studying or admiring Plato, but singly and solely by observing seasons, and noting the aspects by which they are produced. I have seen the state of the atmosphere almost uniformly disturbed as often as the planets are in conjunction, or in the other configurations so celebrated among astrologers. I have noticed its tranquil state, either when there are none or few such aspects, or when they are transitory and of short duration. I have not formed an opinion on this matter without good grounds, like the common herd of prophesiers, who describe the operations of the stars as if they were a sort of deities, the lords of heaven and earth, and producing everything at their pleasure. They never trouble themselves to consider what means the stars have of working any effects among us on the earth, whilst they remain in the sky, and send down nothing to us which is obvious to the senses except rays of light. This is the principal source of the filthy astrological superstitions of that vulgar and childish race of dreamers, the prognosticators."

The real manner in which the configurations of the stars operate, according to Kepler, is as follows:-" Like one who listens to a sweet melodious song, and by the gladness of his countenance, by his voice, and by the beating of his hand or foot attuned to the music, gives token that he perceives and approves the harmony: just so does sublunary nature, with the notable and evident

emotion of the bowels of the earth, bear like witness to the same feelings, especially at those times when the rays of the planets form harmonious configurations on the earth."-" I have been confirmed in this theory by that which might have deterred others; I mean, by observing that the emotions do not agree nicely with the instants of the configurations; but the earth sometimes appears lazy and obstinate, and at another time (after important and long-continued configurations) she becomes exasperated, and gives way to her passion, even without the continuation of aspects. For in fact the earth is not an animal like a dog, ready at every nod; but more like a bull, or an elephant, slow to become angry, and so much the more furious when incensed."

This singular doctrine must not be mistaken for one of Kepler's favourite allegories; he actually and literally professed to believe that the earth was an enormous living animal; and he has enumerated, with a particularity of details into which we forbear to follow him, the analogies he recognized between its habits and those of men and other animals. A few samples of these may speak for the rest. "If any one who has climbed the peaks of the highest mountains throw a stone down their very deep clefts, a sound is heard from them; or if he throw it into one of the mountain lakes, which beyond doubt are bottomless, a storm will immediately arise, just as when you thrust a straw into the ear or nose of a ticklish animal, it shakes its head, or runs shuddering away. What so like breathing, especially of those fish who draw water into their mouths and spout it out again through their gills, as that wonderful tide! For although it is so regulated according to the course of the moon, that, in the preface to my

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Commentaries on Mars, I have meritioned it as probable that the waters are attracted by the moon as iron is by the loadstone; yet, if any one uphold that the earth regulates its breathing according to the motion of the sun and moon, as animals have daily and nightly alternations of sleep and waking, I shall not think his philosophy unworthy of being listened to; especially if any flexible parts should be discovered in the depths of the earth to supply the functions of lungs or gills.”

From the next extract, we must leave the reader to learn as well as he may,

throw dust in the eyes of the people, and those whom Picus calls the plebeian theologians among the true lovers of wisdom, I easily clear myself of this imputation, by the advantage of my reader; for there is no one whose nativity or whose internal disposition and temper I can learn so well as I know my own. Well then, Jupiter nearest the nonagesimal had passed by four degrees the trine of Saturn; the Sun and Venus, in conjunction, were moving from the latter towards the former, nearly in sextiles with both: they were also removing from quadratures with Mars, to which Mercury was closely approaching: the moon drew near the trine of the same planet, close to the Bull's Eye, even in latitude. The 25th degree of Gemini was rising, and the 22d of Aquarius culminating. That there was this triple configuration on that day-namely, the sextile of Saturn and the Sun, the sextile of Mars and Jupiter, the quadrature of Mercury and Mars, is proved by the change of weather; for, after a frost of some days, that very day became warmer, there was a thaw and a fall of rain.*"

how much Kepler did, and how much he did not believe on the subject of genethliac astrology." Hence it is that human spirits, at the time of celestial aspects, are particularly urged to complete the matters which they have in hand. What the goad is to the ox, what the spur or the rowel is to the horse, to the soldier the bell and trumpet, an animated speech to an audience, to a crowd of rustics a performance on the fife and bagpipes, that to all, and especially in the aggregate, is a heavenly configuration of suitable planets; so that every single one is excited in his thoughts and actions, and all become more ready to unite and associate their efforts. For instance, in war you may see that tumults, battles, fights, invasions, assaults, attacks, and panic fears, generally happen at the time of the aspects of Mars and Mercury, Mars and Jupiter, Mars and the Sun, Mars and Saturn, &c. In epidemic diseases, a greater number of persons are attacked at the times of the powerful aspects, they suffer more severely, or even die, owing to the failure of nature in her strife with the disease, which strife (and not the death) is occasioned by the aspect. It is not the sky which does all these things immediately, but the faculty of the vital soul, associating its operation with the celestial harmonies, is the principal agent in this so-called influence of the heavens. Indeed this word influ ence has so fascinated some philosophers that they prefer raving with the senseless vulgar, to learning the truth with me. This essential property is the principal foundation of that admirable genethliac art. For when anything begins to have its being when that is working harmonies, the sensible harmony of the rays of the planets has peculiar influence on it. This then is the cause why those who are born under a season of many aspects among the planets, generally turn out busy and industrious, whether they accustom themselves from childhood to amass wealth, or are born or chosen to direct public affairs, or finally, have given their attention to study. If any one think that I might be taken as an instance of this last class, I do not grudge him the knowledge of my nativity. I am not checked by the reproach of boastfulness, notwithstanding those who, by speech or conduct, condemn as folly all kinds of writing on this subject; the idiots, the half-learned, horoscope he in many places declared to be nearly the inventors of titles and trappings, to

“I do not wish this single instance to be taken as a defence and proof of all the aphorisms of astrologers, nor do I attribute to the heavens the government of human affairs: what a vast interval still separates these philosophical observations from that folly or madness as it should rather be called. For, following up this example, I knew a lady?, born under nearly the same aspects, whose disposition, indeed, was exceedingly restless, but who not only makes no progress in literature (that is not strange in a woman), but troubles her whole family, and is the cause to herself of deplorable misery. What, in my case, assisted the aspects was-firstly, the fancy of my mother when pregnant with me, a great admirer of her motherin-law, my grandmother, who had some knowledge of medicine, my grandfather's profession; a second cause is, that I

*This mode of verifying configurations, though something of the boldest, was by no means un usual. On a former occasion Kepler, wishing to cast the nativity of his friend Zehentmaier, and being unable to procure more accurate information than that he was born about three o'clock in

the afternoon of the 21st of October, 1751, supplied the deficiency by a record of fevers and accidents at known periods of his life, from which he deduced a more exact horoscope.

Kepler probably meant his own mother, whose

the same as his own.

was born a male, and not a female, for astrologers have sought in vain to distinguish sexes in the sky; thirdly, I derive from my mother a habit of body, more fit for study than other kinds of life fourthly, my parents' fortune was not large, and there was no landed property to which I might succeed and become attached; fifthly, there were the schools, and the liberality of the magistracy towards such boys as were apt for learning. But now if I am to speak of the result of my studies, what I pray can I find in the sky, even remotely alluding to it. The learned confess that several not despicable branches of philosophy have been newly extricated or amended or brought to perfection by me but here my constellations were, not Mercury from the east, in the angle of the seventh, and in quadratures with Mars, but Copernicus, but Tycho Brahe, without whose books of observations everything now set by me in the clearest light must have remained buried in darkness; not Saturn predominating Mercury, but my Lords the Emperors Rodolph and Matthias; not Capricorn, the house of Saturn, but Upper Austria, the home of the Emperor, and the ready and unexampled bounty of his nobles to my petition. Here is that corner, not the western one of the horoscope, but on the Earth, whither, by permission of my imperial master, I have betaken myself from a too uneasy court; and whence, during these years of my life, which now tends towards its setting, emanate these Harmonies, and the other matters on which I am engaged."

"However, it may be owing to Jupiter's ascendancy that I take greater delight in the application of geometry to physics, than in that abstract pursuit which partakes of the dryness of Saturn; and it is perhaps the gibbous moon, in the bright constellation of the Bull's forehead, which fills my mind with fantastic images."

The most remarkable thing contained in the 5th Book, is the announcement of the celebrated law connecting the mean distances of the planets with the periods of their revolution about the Sun. This law is expressed in mathematical language, by saying that the squares of the times vary as the cubes of the distances. Kepler's rapture on detecting it was unbounded, as may be * See Preliminary Treatise, p. 13.

seen from the exulting rhapsody with which he announced it. "What I prophecied two-and-twenty years ago, as soon as I discovered the five solids among the heavenly orbits - what I firmly believed long before I had seen Ptolemy's Harmonics'-what I had promised my friends in the title of this book, which I named before I was sure of my discovery-what, sixteen years ago, I urged as a thing to be sought-that for which I joined Tycho Brahe, for which I settled in Prague, for which I have devoted the best part of my life to astro nomical contemplations, at length I have brought to light, and have recognized its truth beyond my most sanguine expectations. Great as is the absolute nature of Harmonics with all its details, as set forth in my third book, it is all found among the celestial motions, not indeed in the manner which I imagined, (that is not the least part of my delight,) but in another very different, and yet most perfect and excellent. It is now eighteen months since I got the first glimpse of light, three months since the dawn, very few days since the unveiled sun, most admirable to gaze on, burst out upon me. Nothing holds me; I will indulge in my sacred fury; I will triumph over mankind by the honest confession, that I have stolen the golden vases of the Egyptians*, to build up a tabernacle for my God far away from the confines of Egypt. If you forgive me, I rejoice; if you are angry, I can bear it: the die is cast, the book is written; to be read either now or by posterity, I care not which: it may well wait a century for a reader, as God has waited six thousand years for an observer."

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He has told, with his usual particularity, the manner and precise moment of the discovery. "Another part of my Cosmographical Mystery,' suspended twenty-two years ago, because it was then undetermined, is completed and introduced here, after I had discovered the true intervals of the orbits, by means of Brahe's observations, and had spent the continuous toil of a long time in investigating the true proportion of the periodic times to the orbits,

Sera quidem respexit inertem,

Respexit tamen, et longo post tempore venit. If you would know the precise moment, the first idea came across me on the 8th March of this year, 1618; but chancing

In allusion to the Harmonics of Ptolemy.

to make a mistake in the calculation, I rejected it as false. I returned again to it with new force on the 15th May, and it has dissipated the darkness of my mind by such an agreement between this idea and my seventeen years' labour on Brahe's observations, that at first I thought I must be dreaming, and had taken my result for granted in my first assumptions. But the fact is perfect, the fact is certain, that the proportion existing between the periodic times of any two planets is exactly the sesquiplicate proportion of the mean distances of the orbits."

There is high authority for not attempting over anxiously to understand the rest of the work. Delambre sums it up as follows:-"In the music of the celestial bodies it appears that Saturn and Jupiter take the bass, Mars the tenor, the Earth and Venus the counter-tenor, and Mercury the treble." If the patience of this indefatigable historian gave way, as he confesses, in the perusal, any further notice of it here may be well excused. Kepler became engaged, in consequence of this publication, in an angry controversy with the eccentric Robert Fludd, who was at least Kepler's match in wild extravagance and mysticism, if far inferior to him in genius. It is diverting to hear each reproaching the other with obscurity.

In the "Epitome of the Copernican Astronomy," which Kepler published about the same time, we find the manner in which he endeavoured to deduce the beautiful law of periodic times, from his principles of motion and radiation of whirling forces. This work is in fact a summary of all his astronomical opinions, drawn up in a popular style in the form of question and answer. We find there a singular argument against believing, as some did, that each planet is carried round by an angel, for in that case, says Kepler, "the orbits would be perfectly circular; but the elliptic form, which we find in them, rather smacks of the nature of the lever and material necessity."

The investigation of the relation between the periodic times and distances of the planets is introduced by a query whether or not they are to be considered heavy. The answer is given in the following terms :-" Although none of the celestial globes are heavy, in the sense in which we say on earth that a stone is heavy, nor light as fire is light with us, yet have they, by reason of their mate

riality, a natural inability to move from place to place: they have a natural inertness or quietude, in consequence of which they remain still in every situation where they are placed alone.”

"P. Is it then the sun, which by its turning carries round the planets? How can the sun do this, having no hands to seize the planet at so great a distance, and force it round along with itself?Its bodily virtue, sent forth in straight lines into the whole space of the world, serves instead of hands; and this virtue, being a corporeal species, turns with the body of the sun like a very rapid vortex, and travels over the whole of that space which it fills as quickly as the sun revolves in its very confined space round the centre.

"P. Explain what this virtue is, and belonging to what class of things?— As there are two bodies, the mover and the moved, so are there two powers by which the motion is obtained. The 'one is passive, and rather belonging to matter, namely, the resemblance of the body of the planet to the body of the sun in its corporeal form, and so that part of the planetary body is friendly, the opposite part hostile to the sun. The other power is active, and bearing more relation to form, namely, the body of the sun has a power of attracting the planet by its friendly part, of repelling it by the hostile part, and finally, of retaining it if it be placed so that neither the one nor the other be turned directly towards the sun.

"P. How can it be that the whole body of the planet should be like or cognate to the body of the sun, and yet part of the planet friendly, part hostile to the sun?

Just as when one magnet attracts another, the bodies are cognate; but attraction takes place only on one side, repulsion on the other.

"P. Whence, then, arises that difference of opposite parts in the same body?

In magnets the diversity arises from the situation of the parts with respect to the whole. In the heavens the matter is a little differently arranged, for the sun does not, like the magnet, possess only on one side, but in all the parts of its substance, this active and energetic faculty of attracting, repelling, or retaining the planet. So that it is probable that the centre of the solar body corresponds to one extremity or pole of the magnet, and its whole surface to the other pole,

"P. If this were so, all the planets

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