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This work has been arranged and issued in answer to a call for it from many Sabbath Schools. It is not intended as a competitor of any of the good singing books for the young folks now in use, but as a pleasant companion of them all, designed to be a helper with them in promoting Christian devotion and culture in the Sabbath School and Home. The compiler has drawn from rich treasuries, and offers a collection here which he desires should be tested by use, and which he feels quite sure will be satisfactory to the lovers of music and sentiment expressive of true Christian worship, character and life.

It has been one object of the compiler to present such music in the MELODIST as will be most agreeable to children and youth, regarding at the same time their religious improvement.

The tunes are from many sources, original and selected. We have sought to be particular in obtaining the consent of authors and publishers to use certain hymns and tunes that may have been copyrighted in other works; and they have our hearty thanks for the readiness with which they have complied with our wishes.

With most earnest desires for the prosperity of the great Christian Sabbath School cause in our land and world, we send forth this little contribution to its interests. May it aid many souls in their endeavors to offer grateful praises to the Father of all, and to worship him in the beauty of holiness.

Entered according to Act of Congress, A. D. 1866, by JOHN G. ADAMS, in the Clerk's Office of the

District Court of Massachusetts.

EDWARD L. BALCH, Music Printer.








Hark! the morning bells are ringing! Children, haste without de- lay; CHORUS.
Prayers of thousands now are winging
D. C.-Let us all unite in singing,

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Up to heav'n their silent way. Come, children,
All u nite in solemn prayer.

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1 The wild flow'r drinks the morning dew, And greets the breezes free; The pure in heart their 2 The bark, by storms and tempests driv'n, Would to its haven flee; So turns the spir - it

strength renew, From thee, my God, from thee. The tired bird seeks at night her rest Withly riv'n, To thee, my God, to thee. My morning dew, my evening nest, My


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in the shelt'ring tree; So longs the weary heart to rest On thee, my God, on thee. quiet haven be; Give me to find my strength and rest In thee, my God, in thee.





From "THE CHERUB," by permission.

a-rise, no more delay!


1 A-rise,
It the blessed Sabbath day, A-
2 A-rise, ye people of the Lord! Proclaim his boundless love a broad, For
3 A-rise, thou Sun of Righteousness! Thy glo- ries let the world con- fess, Her-

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rise to sing, and praise, and pray, For, see the sun ascend! Afar he sends his peaceful light, And night is passed, the day restored, Let notes of praise ascend! And come, ye happy, youthful throng, The ald the reign of heav'nly grace, Let peace and love prevail. Afar send forth thy powerful light, Put

warbling birds,in rapid flight, Sing sweetest lays,with voice of praise, With our morning pray'r to blend. morning fair invites your sorg, Sweet, silv'ry tones with joy prolong. To praise th' almighty Friend. shades of sin and death to flight, Begin the day that knows no night, No more thy light shall fail.

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those who fight with courage bold, there's victory at last. Marching on together, singing drive the foe before us like the chaff before the wind.

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