Imágenes de páginas
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

XIV. 234.

Brownift. IV. 108.

brows. XV. 211.
bruifing irons. X. 674.
bruit. X. 362.

. . XI. 647.
bruited. VII. 576.
... - IX. 560.
brush of time. X. 203.
brutish fting. VI. 62.
Brutus. X. 133.

buckle. IX. 18.

buckler. VIII. 457.
bucklers. IV. 544.
Bucklersbury. III. 419.
bud. XIII. 25.
buff jerkin. VIII. 375.
bug. X. 376.

buggle boe. IX. 336.

bugle. IV. 412.

bugs. VI. 436.

. XIII. 196.

XV. 325.

[ocr errors]

bulk. X. 510.
. XV. 95:
bully rock. III. 330.
bumbard. III. 76.
bumbards. XI. 198.
bung. IX. 84.

bunting. VI. 275.

burgonet. X. 191.

XII. 452.

burft. XV. 389.

bury. VIII. 318.
bush at taverns. VI. 172.
bufky. VIII. 563.
but. III. 19.
VI. 470.

XII. 411, 615, 649.

but shaft, V. 208.

buttery. VI. 398.
buxom. IX. 374.
buy and fell. XI. 23.
buy this dear. V. 117.
buz. XV. 131.
by the mass. IX. 225.


caddis garter.
caddiffes. VII. 135.
cade. X. 136.

VIII. 447.

cadent. XIV.

cage. X. 138.


Cain-coloured. III, 343.
caitiff. VIII. 203.
Caius, Dr. III. 346.
cake is dough. VI. 543.
Calchas. XI. 224.
calculate. XII. 266.
calendar. XV. 332.
calendars, old. XIII. 442.
calf's skin. VIII. 79.
Calipolis. IX. 92.
caliver. IX. 138.
call. XII. 446.

Burgundy, Ifabel, duchefs of. called. X. 271.

X. 258.

burial. XV. 314.

burial feaft. XIV. 526.

burthen of a wooing dance. VI.

[blocks in formation]

callet. XV. 604.

calling. VI. 26.

Cambridge, Richard, earl of.

IX. 303.

Camelot. XIV. 98.

camomile. VIII. 473.

canaries. III. 377.

XIV. 370.

[blocks in formation]

burst. VI. 386.

cancel. XIII. 408.

IX. 147.
XIII. 527.

cancel. XI. 305.

candle cafes. VI. 474-
candle mine. IX. 105.
candle wafters. IV. 541.
candles of the night. V. 539.
candlesticks. IX. 424-
canker. IV. 420.
. . . - VIII. 403.
canker bloffom. V. 107.
cankers. VIII. 551.
cannibals. IX. 90.
cannon. XV. 36.
canopied. XIII. 67,
canftick. VIII. 494.
cantle. VIII. 492.
- - XII. 556.

canton. VIII. 493.
cantons. IV.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

captain. VI. 200.

[blocks in formation]

XIV. 239.

captain of compliments. XIV. cafques. IX. 264.

[blocks in formation]

caffock. VI. 325.

caft. III. 69.

... IV. 282.
VII. 430.
IX. 209.
XIII. 443.


-- XV. 394, 479.

caft beyond the moon. XV. 97.
caft in his mood. XV. 496.
caft lips. VI. 111.

caft the water. VII. 562.
Caftilian. III. 392.
Caftiliano volgo. IV. 15.
caftle. XI. 421.

- - XIII. 309.
cat in bottle. IV. 412.
Cataian. III. 363.

- - - IV. 58.
catch. IV. 57.

catch mere fimplicity. XI. 374.

catling. XIV. 530.
catlings. XI. 354-
cavaleroes. IV. 229.

cavaliero. III. 366.

caveto. IX. 336.
caviare. XV. 137.
cautel. XV. 48.

cautelous. XII. 160, 283.

cauterize. XI. 643.
cease. VI. 365.

X. 196.

ceafed. XI. 510.

cenfer. VI. 519.
.... IX. 238.

cenfure. III. 179.

- VII. 48.
IX. 557, 669.
- X. 27, 86, 539.
XI. 11.
. XIII. 469.



XIV. 268.

XV. 52, 664.

cenfured. IV. 214.

VIII. 49.

centre. XI. 252.

centuries. XII. 47.

ceremonious. X. 551.

[ocr errors]

XII. 245.

certes. III. 105.

.V. 271.
VII. 290.
XI. 13.
XV. 378.

cefs. VIII. 413.
chace. IX. 2,8.
chafes. XI. 466.
chalice. XIII. 73.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

XII. 51.

XV. 433.

chafe. XI. 338.

chafte as the icicle. XII. 216.

Chatham, clerk of. X. 140.

chaudron. VII. 503.

cheater. IX. 82.

check. XIII. III.
checking. XV. 285.
cheer. V.

95, 161, 482.

. . . IX. 520.
cherry pit. IV. 121.
eheveril. XI. 76.

cheveril. XIV. 428.
cheveril glove. IV. 97.

chew. XII. 245.
chewet. VIII. 564.
chide. IX. 345:

chide with. XV. 605.
chides. XII. 360.
chiding. V. 128.

XI. 120, 247.
XIII. 488.

chief. XV. 52.
child. XIV. 172.
child changed. XIV. 252.
child of honour. XI. 146.
childing autumn. V. 49.
china dishes. IV. 223.
chop logick. XIV. 492.
choppine. XV. 135-
chopping VIII. 337.
chorus. XV. 195.
chough. III. 70.

XV. 330.

choughs. V. go.

chriftendom. VIII, 118.
christendoms. VI. 201.
chryfom. IX. 330.
chryftal button. VIII. 445.
chryftal glafs. VII. 512.
chryftals. IX. 336, 505.
chuck. V. 309.

VII. 469.

XII. 598..

chuffs. VIII. 430.

cicatrice. VI. 117.

circummured. IV.


[blocks in formation]

clack difh. IV. 304.
clamour. VII. 96, 138.
XIV. 218.

clang. VI. 435.
clap. VII. 17°
clap hands. IX. 487.
clap in. IV. 340.

clapped i'the clout. IX. 127.
Clarence, Lionel, duke of. IX.
claw. IV. 420.

clean. VII. 216.
VIII. 267.

XI. 585.
XII. 264.

clean kam. XII. 131.
clear life. III. 111.
cleareft. XIV. 232.
cleave. III. 130.

cleaving the pin. V. 255.
clerkly. III. 198, 467.
cley. XI. 11, 207.
cliff. XI. 407.
cling. VII. 571.
clinquant. XI. 11.
clip. III. 121.

XII. 608, 683.

clipped. XII. 177.
clippeth. VIII. 157.
clipping. VII. 189.
clofe. VIII. 227.
clofe. exploit. X. 614.
clofely. VIII. 124.
clothier's yard. XIV. 234-
clouds. IX. 112.


XII. 623.

clout. V. 254.

XIV. 235.

clouted. XIII. 168.
clown. VI. 212.

clown's drefs. IV, 25,

clubs. VI. 151.

IX. 533.

XI. 193.

XII. 277.

XIV. 331.

clutch. VII. 406.

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