THE COMPLAINT: O R, Night Thoughts ON LIFE, DEATH, AND IMMORTALITY. To which is added, A NEW EDITION, from one Corrected by the Author. With the Addition of the Author's Life, by an Sunt lacrymæ rerum, & mentem mortalia tangunt. LONDON: Printed in the Year M. DCC. LXXI. THE COMPLAINT. NIGHT the FIRST. On Life, Death, and Immortality. To the Right Hon. ARTHUR Onslow, SPEAKER of the House of COMMONS. Τ' AIR'D nature's fweet reftorer, balmy Sleep! He, like the world, his ready vifit pays, Where fortune fmiles; the wretched he forfakes: Swift on his downy pinions flies from woe, And lights on lids unfully'd with a tear. From fhort, (as usual) and disturb'd repose, At random drove, her helm of reason loft: Night, fable goddess! from her Ebon throne, |