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left and omitted. So then, that part of entercourse which could be from other nations to sail to us, you see how it hath long since ceased; except it were by some rare accident, as this of yours.

But now of the cessation of that other part of entercourse, which might be by our sailing to other nations, I must yield you some other cause.

For I cannot

say, (if I shall say truly) but our shipping, for number, strength, mariners, pilots, and all things that appertain to navigation, is as great as ever: and therefore why we should sit at home, I shall now give you an account by itself; and it will draw nearer, to give you satisfaction, to your principal question.

There reigned in this island, about nineteen hundred years ago, a king, whose memory of all others we most adore; not superstitiously, but as a his name divine instrument, though a mortal man; was Solomona: and we esteem him as the lawgiver of our nation. This king had a large heart, inscrutable for good, and was wholly bent to make his kingdom and people happy. He therefore taking into consideration, how sufficient and substantive this land was, to maintain itself without any aid (at all) of the foreigner, being five thousand six hundred mile in circuit, and of rare fertility of soil in the greatest part thereof; and finding also the shipping of this country might be plentifully set on

work, both by fishing, and by transportations from port to port, and likewise by sailing unto some small islands that are not far from us, and are under the crown and laws of this state; and recalling into his memory, the happy and flourishing estate wherein this land then was; so as it might be a thousand ways altered to the worse, but scarce any one way to the better; though nothing wanted to his noble and heroical intentions, but only (as far as human foresight might reach) to give per petuity to that, which was in his time so happily established. Therefore amongst his other fundamental laws of this kingdom, he did ordain the interdicts and prohibitions, which we have touching entrance of strangers; which at that time (though it was after the calamity of America) was frequent ; doubting novelties, and commixture of manners. It is true, the like law, against the admission of strangers without licence, is an ancient law in the kingdom of China, and yet continued in use: But there it is a poor thing; and hath made them a curious, ignorant, fearful, foolish nation. But our law-giver made his law of another temper. For first, he hath preserved all points of humanity, in taking order, and making provision for the relief of strangers distressed, whereof you have tasted. At which speech (as reason was) we all rose up, and bowed ourselves. He went on. That king

also still desiring to join humanity and policy together; and thinking it against humanity, to detain strangers here against their wills; and against policy that they should return, and discover their knowledge of this estate, he took this course: he did ordain, that of the strangers that should be permitted to land, as may (at all times) might depart as would ; but as many as would stay, should have very good conditions, and means to live, from the state. Wherein he saw so far, that now in so many ages since the prohibition, we have memory, not of one ship that ever returned, and but of thirteen persons only, at several times, that chose to return in our bottoms. What those few that returned, may have reported abroad, I know not: But you must think, whatsoever they have said, could be taken where they came but for a dream. Now for our travelling from hence into parts abroad, our law-giver thought fit altogether to restrain it. So is it not in China. For the Chinese sail where they will, or can: which sheweth, that their law of keeping out strangers, is a law of pusillanimity and fear. But this restraint of ours hath one only exception, which is admirable; preserving the good which cometh by communicating with strangers, and avoiding the hurt; and I will now open it to you. And here I shall seem a little to digress, but you will by and by find it pertinent.

Ye shall understand, (my dear friends,) that amongst the excellent acts of that king, one above all hath the pre-eminence. It was the erection, and institution of an order, or society, which we call Solomon's house; the noblest foundation (as we think) that ever was upon the earth; and the lanthorn of this kingdom. It is dedicated to the study of the works and creatures of God. Some think it beareth the founder's name a little corrupted, as if it should be Solomona's house. But the records write it, as it is spoken. So as I take it to be denominate of the king of the Hebrews, which is famous with you, and no stranger to us; for we have some parts of his works, which with you are lost; namely, that natural history which he wrote of all plants, from the cedar of Libanus, to the moss that growth out of the wall; and of all things that have life and motion. This maketh me think, that our king finding himself to symbolize in many things with that king of the Hebrews (which lived many years before him) honoured him with the title of this foundation. And I am the rather induced to be of this opinion, for that I find in ancient records, this order or society is sometimes called Solomon's house, and sometimes the college of the six days works; whereby I am satisfied, that our excellent king had learned from the Hebrews, that God had created the world, and

all that therein is, within six days; and therefore he instituting that house for the finding out of the true nature of all things, (whereby God might have the more glory in the workmanship of them, and men the more fruit in the use of them,) did give it also that second name. But now to come to our present purpose. When the king had forbidden, to all his people, navigation into any part, that was not under his crown, he made nevertheless this ordinance; that every twelve years there should be set forth, out of this kingdom, two ships appointed to several voyages; that in either of these ships there should be a mission of three of the fellows, or brethren of Solomon's house; whose errand was only to give us knowledge of the affairs and state of those countries to which they were designed; and especially of the sciences, arts, manufactures, and inventions of all the world; and withal to bring unto us, books, instruments, and patterns, in every kind that the ships, after they had landed the brethren, should return; and that the brethren should stay abroad till the new mission. The ships are not otherwise fraught, than with store of victuals, and good quantity of treasure to remain with the brethren, for the buying of such things, and rewarding of such persons, as they should think fit. Now for me to tell you how the vulgar sort of mariners are contained from being discovered

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