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old Austrian principality of Gueldres, on the side of Ruremonde : and directing itself towards the most eastern point of the Dutch territory to the north of Swalmen, continues to encircle this territory.

Lastly, setting out from the most eastern point, it joins the other part of the Dutch territory in which Venloo is situated; that town and its territory being included within it. From thence to the old Dutch frontier near Mook, situated below Genep, the line follows the course of the Meuse, at such a distance from the right bank, that all the places within a thousand Rhenish yards from it (Rheinlandische Ruthen) 1,970 of which yards are equal to the 15th part of a degree of the meridian, shall belong with their territories to the kingdom of the Netherlands: it being understood, however, as to the reciprocity of this principle, that the Prussian territory shall not at any point touch the Meuse, or approach it within the distance of eight hundred Rhenish yards.

From this point where the line just described reaches the ancient Dutch frontier, as far as the Rhine, this frontier shall remain essentially the same as it was in 1795, between Cleves and the United Provinces.

This line shall be examined by a Commission, which the Governments of Prussia and the Netherlands shall name without delay, for the purpose of proceeding to the exact determination of the limits, as well of the kingdom of the Netherlands as of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, specified in the 4th Article: and this Com

mission, aided by professional persons, shall regulate every thing concerning hydrotechnical constructions and other points, in the most equitable manner, and the most conformable to the mutual interests of the Prussian States, and those of the Netherlands. This same arrangenient refers to the fixing of limits for the districts of Kyfward, Lobith, and in the whole territory as far as Kekerdom.

The enclaves of Huissen, Malburg, Lymers, with the town of Sevaner, and the lordship of Wiel, shall form part of the kingdom of the Netherlands, and his Prussian Majesty shall renounce them in perpetuity for himself, his heirs and successors.

Art. 3. That part of the old duchy of Luxemburg which is comprised in the limits specified in the following article, is likewise ceded to the Sovereign Prince of the United Provinces, now King of the Netherlands, to be possessed in perpetuity by him and his successors in full property and sovereignty. The Sovereign of the Netherlands shall add to his titles that of Grand Duke of Luxemburg, his Majesty reserving to himself the privilege of making such family arrangements between the Princes his sons, relative to the succession to the Grand Duchy, as he shall think conformable to the interests of his monarchy and his paternal intentions.

The Grand Duchy of Luxemburg being intended as an in-demnity for the principalities of Nassau-Dillenburg, Siegen, Hadamar, and Dietz, shall form one of the States of the Germanic Confederation,

Confederation, and the Prince, King of the Netherlands, shall form a part of the system of this Confederation, as Grand Duke of Luxemburg, with all the Prerogatives and privileges which the other German Princes might enjoy.

The Town of Luxemburg, in a military point of view, shall be considered as a fortress belonging to the Confederation. The Grand Duke shall, however, retain the power of appointing the Governor and Military Commandant of this fortress, subject to the approbation of the executive power of the Confederation, and under such other conditions as it may be judged necessary to establish, in conformity to the future constitution of the said Confederation.

Art. 4. The Grand Duchy of Luxemburg shall consist of all the territory situated between the kingdom of the Netherlands, such as it has been designated by Article 2; France, the Moselle, as far as the Mouth of the Sare; the course of the Sare, as far as the junction of the Our; and the course of this last river, as far as the limits of the former French canton of St. Vith, which is not to belong to the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg.

Disputes having arisen with regard to the property of the Duchy of Bouillon, his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, Grand Duke of Luxemburg, engages to restore the part of the Duchy, which is comprised in the line of frontier abovementioned, to that party whose claims shall be legally confirmed.

of the Netherlands renounces, in perpetuity for himself, his heirs and successors, in favour of his Majesty the King of Prussia, the sovereign possessions which the House of Nassau-Orange held in Germany, namely, the principalities of Dillenburg, Dietz, Siegen, and Hadamar, together with the lordships of Bielstein, such as those possessions have been definitively arranged between the two branches of the House of Nassau, by the Treaty concluded at the Hague the 14th July, 1814. His Majesty equally renounces all claim to the principality of Fulda, and to the other districts and territories which had been secured to him by the 12th Article of the principal Recess, of the extraordinary deputation of the empire on the 25th February, 1803.

Art. 6. The right and order of succession established between the two branches of the House of Nassau, by the Act of 1783, called Nassauischer Erb-Verein, is confirmed and transferred from the four principalities of OrangeNassau to the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg.

Art. 7. His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, uniting under his sovereignty the countries designated in the second and fourth Articles, enters into all the rights, and takes upon himself all the charges, and all the stipulated engagements, relative to the provinces and districts detached from France by the Treaty of Peace concluded at Paris the 30th of May, 1814.

Art. S. His Majesty the King of the Netherlands having recogArt. 5. His Majesty the King nised and sanctioned, under the


date of the 21st of July, 1814, as the bases of the union of the Belgic Provinces with the United Provinces, the eight Articles contained in the document annexed to the present Treaty,* the said Articles shall have the same force and validity as if they were inserted, word for word, in the present instrument.

Art. 9. A Commission shall be immediately appointed by his Majesty the King of Prussia and his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, to settle whatever relates to the cession of those possessions of the House of Nassau which belong to his Majesty, with regard to records, debts, excesses of the public chests, and other subjects of this nature.

That part of the Records which does not concern the ceded provinces, but only the House of Orange, and libraries, collections of maps, and all other objects of the same description, belonging to his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, shall be retained by him as private and personal property, and shall be immediately restored to his Majesty. A part of the said possessions being exchanged against other possessions of the Duke and Prince of Nassau, his Majesty the King of Prussia engages, and his Majesty the King of the Netherlands consents, that the engagement stipulated in the present Article, shall be transferred to his Serene Highness the Duke and Prince of Nassau, with respect to those possessions which are to be united to their states.

(No. 7.)-AUSTRIA.

Convention between Great Britain and Austria, signed at Paris, 2d August, 1815.

Napoleon Buonaparte being in the power of the Allied Sovereigns, their Majesties the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Emperor of Austria, the Emperor of Russia, and the King of Prussia, have agreed. in virtue of the stipulations of the Treaty of the 25th of March, 1815, upon the measures most proper to render all enterprise impossible, on his part, against the repose of Europe. Plenipotentiaries, Castlereagh, Wellington, and Metternich.

Art. 1. Napoleon Buonaparte is considered by the powers who have signed the Treaty of the 25th of March last as their prisoner

Art. 2. His custody is especially intrusted to the British Government.

The choice of the place, and of the measures which can best secure the object of the present stipulation, are reserved to his Britannic Majesty.

Art. 3. The Imperial Courts of Austria and of Russia, and the Royal Court of Prussia, are to appoint Commissioners to proceed to, and abide at the place which the Government of his Britannic Majesty shall have assigned for the residence of Napoleon Buonaparte, and who, without being responsible for his custody, will assure themselves of his pre


Art. 4. His Most Christian Ma

Vide General Treaty of Congress, jesty is to be invited, in the name of the four above-mentioned

page 111.


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Courts, to send in the like manner a French Commissioner to the place of detention of Napoleon Buonaparte.

Art. 5. His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland binds himself to fulfil the engagements which fall to him by the present Convention.

Art. 6. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratification shall be exchanged within fifteen days, or sooner if possible.

In faith whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention, and have affixed thereto the seals of their

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of Warsaw, by the great Act of Congress, signed on the 9th day of June last, and also by the Treaty of the 18th of May thereto annexed, and hereinafter particularly set forth; and his Majesty the King of Saxony, desirous of procuring the immediate accession of his Britannic Majesty to the said Treaty of the 18th of May, having invited, and his said Majesty having agreed to accede thereto by a direct Treaty with his Saxon Majesty, their said Majesties have named Lord Castlereagh and Count de Schulenburg.

Art. 1. His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland accedes to all the stipulations of the Treaty entered into between their Majesties the Kings of Prussia and Saxony, bearing date the 18th of May, 1815, and also between his said Majesty the King of Saxony, and the Emperors of Austria and Russia respectively, as hereafter inserted.

[Here follows a copy of the Treaty referred to, for which see General Treaty of Congress, Act No. 4.]

Art. 2. His Majesty the King of Saxony accepts of the above Accession, and renews to his Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland the engagements therein contained, and engages to fulfil and execute, in the whole and every part thereof, all the stipulations of the said Treaty which his Saxon Majesty has on his part therein stipulated to fulfil and



Treaties of Accession were entered into with the following States:

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Treaties of Subsidy were entered into with the following States:

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