Imágenes de páginas

298. EMPHASIS, by changing the seat of Proverbs. 1. One may have a thousand ao Accent, and, of course, the Emphasis too. quaintances, and not one real friend among them 1. Does he pronounce correctly, or incorrect-all. 2. The richer a country is in talent, and good ly? 2. In some kinds of composition, plaus- sense, the happier will it be. 3. Always to speak ibility is deemed as essential as probability. -what we think, is a sure way-to acquire the 3. Does that man speak rationally, or irra- habit of thinking and acting with propriety. 4. tionally? 4. We are not now to inquire All finery—is a sign of littleness. 5. In proportion into the justice, or the injustice, the honor, others. 6. The government-and people-should as we know ourselves, we are enabled to know or the dishonor of the deed; nor whether it never regard each other, as opposite parties. 7 was lawful, or unlawful, wise, or unwise; Time and labor-change a mulberry-leaf into satin. but, whether it was actually committed. 5. 8. As virtue - is its own reward; so vice- is its He who is good before invisible witnesses, is own punishment. 9. It is torture, to enemies, to reeminently so before visible ones. 6. This turn their injuries with kindness. 10. Cast thy corruptible-must put on incorruption, and bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it, after this mortal-immortality 7. What fellow- many days. 11. He, may find faul, who cannot ship hath righteousness, with unrighteous-mend. 12. A bird is known by its note, and a man ness? or what communion hath light-with-by his talk darkness? 8. We naturally love what is agreeable, and hate what is disagreeable.

299. It is surprising, how few, even of our better readers, emphasize the right words, in a proper manner; this is more especially the case in reading, than in speaking; and yet children emphasize, correctly, everything that is the result of their own feelings and thoughts. Incorrect emphasis, always perverts the sense; and, to the hearer, it is like directing a traveler in the wrong road. Ex. 1. "Dr. Syntax told Jack, to saddle his horse; and Jack saddled him." Thus emphasized, there is no possibility of doubt, but that Jack -put the saddle on the Doctor. Place the emphasis on saddled, and you will get the true meaning. 2. Now, therefore, the said John, (says the said Thomas,) is a thief. 3. Now, therefore, the said John, says the said Thomas is a thief. Apply emphasis in a variety of ways, to other examples.


Anecdote. No rank in life-precludes the efficacy of a well-timed compliment. When Queen Elizabeth, who was highly accom plished, both in mind and person, asked an embassador, how he liked her ladies, who attended on her; he replied, "It is hard to judge of stars-in presence of the sun."

An Honest Means of getting a Living. There seems to be but three ways for a nation to acquire wealth; the first is by war, as the Romans did, in plundering their conquered neighbors,-this is robbery; the second, by commerce, which is generally cheating; the third, by agriculture, the only honest way, wherein a man receives a real increase of the seed thrown into the ground, in a kind of continual miracle, wrought by the hand of God in his favor, as a reward for his innocent life and his virtuous industry.

Varieties. 1. Should not every one be ware of the evils, attendant on his own con 300. CONSTRUCTION OF HOUSES. dition? 2. Children, as well as adults, are little attention is paid to the construction benefitted by their own conjectures and reasof our dwellings! They seem to be built, onings; even about things and principles, principally, for their looks; and without that they cannot as yet comprehend. 3. regard to health, and comfort. Our sleep- What does education mean, but the regene ing apartments-appear to be of second-ration of the mind? 4. The present families ary consideration: they are generally made small; are poorly ventilated, with low ceilings, while all ingress and egress of air is carefully prevented. It would be much better to reverse this arrangement, and have our dwelling apartments constructed like our sleeping apartments; for the former are often wentilated through the day. Beware of low stories, or low ceilings: houses with attic stories, or half stories, or garrets, used for sleeping or study rooms, are hot-beds of disease and death; excellent places, with the addition of highly seasoned food, and a plenty of coffee, to generate bilious and other fevers. Fine economy this! and then pay the physician a few hundred dollars a year, to cure, or kill you!

The best-sometimes, from virtue's path recede;
But if the intent be good, excuse the deed.

of mankind-seem but the wrecks and ruins of men; like the continents, that compose the earth. 5. How apt we are to make our selves-the measure of the universe; and with the span of one life, or the world's has tory, to crowd the magnitude, and extent of the works of God; these are but parts-of one stupendous whole. 6. Our bodies are new-formed every seven years. 7 Only, that external worship is profitable, in which an internal feeling, and a sense of what is said and done, exists; for without such sense, it must needs be merely external.

Lo! like a glorious pile of diamonds bright

Built on the steadfast cliff, the waterfall
Pours forth its gems of pearl and silver light;
They sin, they rise, and, sparkling, cover all
With infinite refulgence: while its song,
Sublime as thunder, tolls the woods along.

301. EMPHASIS 5-may be exhibited by Proverbs. 1. He, who goes no further than stress, and higher pitch: that is, force and bare justice, stops at the beginning of virtue. 2 loudness of voice, and elevation to the upper The blameless-should not bear the effects of wire notes of the scale. 1. Little minds are 3. The faults, and misfortunes of others, should tamed-and subdued-by misfortunes; but serve as beacons, to warn us against the causes, ereat ones-rise ABOVE them. 2. VIRTUE by which they have been overwhelmed. 4. Soms -leads to happiness; vice-to misery. 3.-have such a love for contention, that they will TRUE liberty-can exist-only where JUS- quarrel, even with a friend, for a matter aevoid of TICE—is impartially administered. 4. TYR-complish almost any thing that it determines to efall importance. 5. The human mind-can ac ANNY-is detestable-in every shape; but in none so formidable, as when assumed and exercised, by a NUMBER of tyrants. 5. Frown INDIGNANTLY, upon the first DAWNING-Of an attempt, to alienate any portion of this Union from the rest: the UNION-it must be preserved. 6. DRUNKENNESS-destroys more of the human race, and alienates more property, than all the other crimes on earth. 7. A day, an HOUR-of virtuous liberty, is worth a whole eternity in bondage. 8. I tell you, tho' (5) you; tho' all the (6) world; tho' an angel from (8) HEAVEN-declare the truth of it, I could not believe it. N. B. The words in small capitals have both stress and


fect; for patience, and perseverance, surmount every surmountable difficulty. 6. Keep your appetiteunder the control of reason. 7. The indulgence of a satirical disposition-is always dangerous: it betrays a malicious spirit, a bad heart, and often creates enmities, and dislikes, that no lapse of years can soften, and death-can hardly extinguish 8. While the tongue and expression of someseem to be honied, their heart-abounds with rine gar. 9. Superfluity-often leads to profusion. 10. Characters-in every other respect virtuous and amiable, if tinged with haughtiness and reserve, become odious. 11. Solitude-dulls thought; too much society-dissipates it. 12. The longest lifeis but a parcel of moments. 13. Without pru dence, fortitude is mad.

Anecdote. A paver, who had often dunned a Doctor, was one day answered by him,

"Do you pretend to be paid for such work? You have spoiled my pavement, and covered it with earth-to hide its defects." "Mine is not the only bad work, that the earth hides as your practice abundantly proves,”joined the man.

302. STRONG POINTS. There are, in all kinds of sentences, paragraphs, speeches, &c., what may be called strong points, which are to be shown, principally, by the voice: hence, the importance of throwing all weak parts into the back-ground, and bringing out the strong ones-into the fore-ground. Now if the little words, that are insignificant, are, in their pronunciation and delivery, made Legendary Tales. In countries, where significant, the proper effect will be destroy-education and learning abound, legendary ed. Therefore, we should never make prom- and miraculous tales lose ground; exciting inent such words as are not emphatic; and but little interest, and less belief, and at last especially, such words as at, by, of, for, from, almost becoming a dead letter. Mankind, in in, on, up, with, &c., unless they are contras- a state of ignorance, with little education, ted with their opposites: as-of, or for; by, are credulous, and fond of the marvellous, or through; from or to; in or out; on, or and there have not been wanting, in all ages, under; up, or down, &c. men of craft and invention, to gratify that passion in others, and turn it to their own advantage.

303. RECITATIONS. Frequent recitations, from memory, are very useful, as they oblige

e speaker to dwell on the ideas, which he wishes to express, discern their particular meanings, and force, and give him a knowledge of emphasis, tones, &c., which the pieces require: and they will especially relieve him from the influence of school-boy habits-of reading differently from conversation, on similar subjects, and afford far greater Ecope for expression and gestures.

304. ETHICS. Moral Philosophy,-treats of our duties to our Maker, to our fellowmen, and to ourselves; and the reasons by which those duties are enforced. Its great object seems to be-to promote the cause of virtue, by showing its reasonableness, excellence and beauty, and the melancholy effects of neglecting or forsaking it.

Honor-is an isle.-whose rocky coast
When once abandoned, is forever lost.

Varieties. 1. The Bible-has truth for its subject, the mind for its object, and the Futher of mind for its Author. 2. Such is the arrangement of Divine Order, in the govern ment of the universe, that no evil can be prac ticed, or intended, without eventually falling on the contriver. 3. A knowledge of man's physical organization, as well as mental, is essentially requisite for all, who would successfully cultivate the field of education. 4. Experience-is the knowledge of every thing in the natural world, that is capable of being received through the medium of the senses. 5. Where liberty dwells, there--is my coun try. 6. Intemperance-drives wit out of the head, money out of the pocket, elbows out of the coat, and health out of the body. 7. In the choice of a wife, take the obedient daugh• ter of a good mother.

305. EMPHASIS is made, secondly, by Proverbs. 1. A desire to resist opp ressionquantity and force; i. e. prolongation of is implanted in the nature of man. 2. The faults sound, and stress of voice, on either high, low, and errors of others, are lessons of caution-to ouror medium pitches. 1. Roll on,-thou dark selves. 3. No shield is so impenetrable, no security -and deep blue ocean-ROLL; Ten THOUSso effectual, as a mind-conscious of its innocence. AND fleets SWEEP-over thee in vain. 2. 4. Our most delightful enjoyments-are always liable to interruption. 5. If our passions are not Let our object be-our country; our WHOLE 6. country; and nothing BUT-our country. kept under control, they will soon master us 3. I warn you—do not DARE-to lay your Ardent spirits-have drowned more people, than Those things that are unbecoming, are unsafe. 7 hand on the constitution. 4. Hail! Univer- all the waters in the world. 8. He, is never tred sal LORD! Be bounteous still-to give us of listening, who wishes to gain wisdom. 9. All ONLY GOOD; and if the night-have gathered true religion relates to life; and the life of that re-aught of evil--or concealed-disperse it now, as light-dispels the dark. 5. A Deity -believed-is joy begun; a Deity-adored -is JOY ADVANCED,-a Deity--BELOVED- with swearing. is joy matured. 6. Prayer-ardent-opens heaven; lets down a stream of glory-on the consecrated hours of MAN,-in audience -with the DEITY. N. B. The first Ex. is an instance of the lowest division of subjects -the Natural; the second and third, of the middle division-the Human; and the fourth and fifth, of the upper-the Divine: see previous article on this subject.

ligion is to do good from a love of it. iv. A wis

man is a great wonder. 11. Be courteous to all, and intimate with few. 12. Defile not your mouth

Anecdote. Law Practice. A lawyer told his client, that his opponent — had removed his suit to a higher court: "Let him remove it where he pleases, (quoth the client;) my attorney will follow it-for money."

Common Sense. It is in the portico of the Greek sage, that that phrase has received its legitimate explanation; it is there we are taught, that " common sense" signifies "the sense of the common interest." Yes! it is the most beautiful truth in morals, that we have no such thing as a distinct or divided interest from our race. In their welfare is ours, and by choosing the broadest paths to effect their happinesss, we choose the surest and the shortest to our own.

306. SHERIDAN, of whose oratorical powers, every elocutionist has heard, after having excited a great interest among his friends, who were filled with hope at his prospects, made a signal failure, on his first appearance in Parliament; insomuch, that he was entreated never to make another attempt. He nobly replied "I will; for by Heaven, it is Varieties. 1. The universe-is an ernin me, and it shall come out." He did try, pire; and God—its sovereign. 2. The smoothand his efforts were crowned with success. ness of flattery-cannot now avail,-cannot In like manner, almost every orator failed at save us, in this rugged and awful crisis. 3. first; but perseverance made them more than I had much rather see all-industrious and conquerors. It is not unfrequent that the enlightened,-than to see one half of manmost abashed, and ill-omened, succeed the kind-slaves to the other, and these-slaves best. Take courage; let your motto be "on-to their passions. 4. The condition of scofward and UPWARD, and true to the line."

My crown is in my heart,-not on my head;
Nor decked with diamonds, and Indian stones:
Nor to be SEEN; my crown-is called-CONTENT;
A crown it is that seldom KINGS enjoy.
If there is a Power above us,

(And that there is-all Nature-cries aloud,
Thro' all her works,) He-must delight in virtue ;
And that which He delights in-must be happy.
He hath a heart-as sound as a BELL,
And his tongue-is the CLAPPER;
For what his heart-THINKS, his tongue-SPEAKS.
Where'er thou journeyest—or whate'er thy care,
My heart shall follow, and my spirit—share.
5. American Literature-will find, that the
intellectual spirit-is her TREE OF LIFE; and
the union of the STATES,-her garden of
Paradise. 6. God-is our FATHER; and al-
though we, as children, may be EVER SO
guilly, his compassion towards us--fails not;
and he will pity, forgive, and counsel, advise,
teach, and lead us out of evil whenever we
sincerely wish it.

fers, is of all-the most dangerous; as well from the particular state of mind, that consti tutes their character, as because they are incapable of conviction-by argument; who

ever knew such a one converted to the truth? 5. Watch against, and suppress-the first motions of spiritual pride; such as-proneness to think too highly of yourselves, or a desire to have others think highly of you, on account of your spiritual attainments. 6. How many villains-walk the earth with credit, from the mere fulfilment of negative decencies. 7. Study history, not so much for its political events, as for a knowledge of hu man nature.

Away! away to the mountain's brow,

Where the trees are gently waving;
Away! away to the mountain's brow,
Where the stream is gently laving.
Away! away to the rocky glen,

Where the deer are wildly bounding;
And the hills shall echo in gladness agaia
To the hunter's bugle sounding.


397. QUANTITY AND RHETORICAL Proverbs. 1. You cannot appease PAUSE. 1. Dwell on such words as are expres-even by sacrificing virtue. 2. The envious man sive of the kindlier affections, with a slow grows base, by contemplating the success of anand adhesive movement of voice, as if you other. 3. A government, that undervalues the af parted with the ideas reluctantly. 2. Very fections of the people, and expects to find a firm deliberate subjects require more or less of basis in terrors, will be mistaken, and short-lived quantity in their emphasis: so also do the 4. He, who passes over a crime, unreproved, or sublime, the grand, and the solemn; partic-who controls his passions, subdues his greatest unpunished, encourages its repetition. 5. He, ularly, the reverential, the grave; so also do enemy. 6. He, alone is wise, that can adapt him. earnest entreaty, prayer, deep pathos, &c. self to all the contingencies of life; but the foolEx. "Join-all ye creatures-to extol-Him vainly contends, and struggles against the stream. -FIRST; Him-last; Him-midst, and-7. The ways of the lazy-are as a hedge of without end." "O Mary! dear--departed thorns. 8. To a lazy man-every exertion is pain shade, Where is thy place of blissful rest?ful, and every movement a labor. 9. InnocenceSeest thou thy lover--lowly laid? Hear'st thou the groans, that rend his breast?" 308. Read, or rather speak from memory, these lines with quantity, and on the lower pitches of voice.

Night, (sable goddess) from her ebon throne,
In rayless majesty, now stretches far
Her leaden sceptre-o'er a slumbering world.

Silence-how dead! and darkness-how profound:
Nor eye, nor listening ear, an object finds.
Creation-sleeps. "Tis-as if the general pulse
Of LIFE-stood still,-and Nature-made a pause,
An awful pause,-prophetic of her end.

and mysteriousness-seldom dwell together. 10. It 3 folly-to expect justice-at the hands of the

unjust. 11. Great are the charms of novelty. 12. Custom-is no small matter. 13. Consider thy ways, and be wise.

Humbugs. All new developments of truth--are called, by many, who do not ap preciate them, or dare to think and act for themselves—“HUMBUGS:" and this dreadful name--has no doubt had the effect--to lead some--to condemn them, without further in quiry. But the worst of all humbugs, the most deplorable of all delusions--is that, which leads men to shut their eyes to the truth, lest they should be laughed at-for acknowledging it.

309. IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS. If the evils of tight lacing, and tight dressing could only stop with the guilty, one consolation would still be left us; but even this is Varieties. 1. Is not this world-a world denied us: no! there is not even one drop of dreams, and the spirit-world-a world of of joy to be cast into our cup of bitterness-realities? 2. Some are only in the love of the draught is one of unmingled gall: the human form divine is sadly deformed; the fountain of innumerable evils and diseases is opened by this suicidal practice; and thous ands of human beings are yearly coming into life, cursed from head to foot, from mind to body, with the awful effects of this infernal fashion, which originated in the basest passions of the human heart. Oh, who can measure the accumulating woe, which this accursed custom has entailed, and is yet entailing on the human race!

[blocks in formation]

knowing what is good, and true; others, of
understanding them; and others—of living
according to them; to which class do I be-
long? 3. Xerxes-whipped the sea, because
it would not obey him. 4. That, which some
people pride themselves in, often becomes
the cause of their undoing; and what they
very much dislike, becomes the only thing
that saves them. 5. Possession-is eleven
points of the law: hence, never let a valua
ble thing go out of your possession, without
an ample security. 6. The world below-
is a glass, in which we may see the world
above: remove the vail, and see where spirit,

and matter are connected. 7. The heart-felt
prayer, only, is available; and to produce it,
there must be deep-felt want; and the strong-
er it operates, the more perfect, and accepta
ble must be the

"Oh! tell me, step-dame Nature, tell,

Where shall thy wayward child abide?
On what fair strand his spirit dwell,
When life has spent its struggling tide?
Shall hope no more her taper burn,
Quench'd-in the tears that sorrow sends?
Nor from the feast, misfortune spurn

The wishful wretch, that o'er it bends?" "Can storied urn, or animated bust,

Back to its mansion, call the fleeting breath Can honor's voice-provoke the silent dust? Or flatt'ry soothe the dull, cold car of death?

310. EMPHASIS-by prolongation, and de- Proverbs. 1. A mind conscious of its integ pressed monotone: that is, quantity of voice rity,-is a most noble possession. 2. In acquiron the first, second, or third note: it is some- ing knowledge, consider how you may render it times used in the grave and sublime, and pro- useful to society. 3. Avoid undue excitement on duces astonishing effects. Monotony-occurs trivial occasions. 4 When engaged in a good when the voice is inflected neither up nor cause, never look back. 5. Poverty--is no excuse down, but is confined to a few words. The for sinning. 6. Never repeat in one company, figures refer to the notes of the diatonic what is said in another; for all conversation, is scale. The following free translation of a tacitly understood-to be confidential. 7. Let paragraph from one of Cicero's o ations, will reason-go before every enterprise, and counsel~before every action. 8. Look on slanderers-as serve as a good illustration: but no one enemies to society; as persons destitute of honor, should attempt it, without committing it to honesty, and humanity. 9. Divisions, and contentions are upheld by pride, and self-love. 10. Patience, when subjected to trials that are too severe, is sometimes converted into rage. 11. Avoid match-makers. 12. Virtue is often laughed at.


311. (COMMENCE ON THE FOURTH NOTE.) "I appeal to you-O ye hills, and groves of (5) Alba, and your demolished (6) altars! I call you to (8) WITNESS! (4) whether your (5) altars, your (6) divinities, your (8) rowERS. (5) which Clodius had polluted with all kinds of (6) wickedness, (5) did not (4) avenge themselves, when this wretch was (3) extirpated. (1) And thou, O holy (2) Jupiter! (3) from the (4) height of this (5) sacred (6) mount, whose lakes and groves-he had so often (3) contaminated."

COLUMBIA! Columbia! to glory arise,

The queen of the world, and the child of the skies;
Thy genius commands thee; with rapture gehold,
While ages-on ages thy splendors unfold.
Thy reign is the last-and the noblest of time;
Most fruitful thy soil, most inviting thy clime;
Let the crimes of the eart-ne'er encrimson thy name;
Be freedom, and science, and virtue-thy fame.

Anecdote. Lord Albermarle-was the lover of Mademoiselle Gaucher, (Gaw-shay.) As they were walking together one evening, he perceived her eyes fixed on a star, and said to her "Do not look at it, my dear; I cannot give it you." "Never," says Marmontel, “did love-express itself more delicately."

Law-is law-law-is law; and as in such, and so forth, and hereby, and aforesaid, provided always, nevertheless, notwithstanding. Law-is like a country dance; people are led up and down in it, till they are tired. Law-is like a book of surgery; there are a great many desperate cases in it. It is also like physic; they that take the least of it, are best off. Law-is like a homely gentlewo

a scolding wife, very bad when it follows us Law-is like a new fashion, people are be witched to get into it: it is also like bad weather, most people are glad when they get out of it.

312. The only way in which children, or adults, can be taught to read, or speak, naturally, is to memorize short or longer sentences, and deliver them in a perfectly intelli-man, very well to follow. Law-is also like gent, impressive, and unrestrained manner. Abcdarians: first teach them the sounds of the vowels; then of the consonants, interspersing the exercises with select, or original sentences. Ex. "Time and tide-wait for no man." Or, if it is a rainy day, "This is Varieties. 1. Are we not apt to be proud a very rainy day." If pleasant, "This is a of that, which is not our own? 2. It is a less delightful day." Which sentences, after be- crime-to gnaw a man's fingers with your ing recited in concert, should be spoken by teeth, than to mangle his reputation with the class individually. In this way, even your tongue. 3. It is better to yield gracesmall children may be taught a great variety fully, than to be held up as a spectacle of of things, natural and spiritual; and an im- vanquished, yet impertinent obstinacy. 4. mense field of usefulness opened before the Really learned persons-never speak of hav mind of the real teacher: i. e. one who teach-ing finished their education: for they cones from the love of teaching; and no others should engage in it.

Notes. 1. Remember-the figures, placed before words in sentences, indicate the pitch of voice, and have reference to the diatonic note; they are aids to break up the monotonous delivery. 2. Still continue your efforts to smooth the apparent roughness of the notations, in regard to the dash, (-) pauses, (,:?!) and

Emphasis: glide out of the mechanical into the natural.

There is, in every human heart,
Some-not completely barren part,
Where seeds of truth-and love might grow,
And flowers-of generous virtue blow;
To plant, to watch, to water there-
This--be our duty, and our care.


tinue students, as long as they live. 5. Equivo-
cation-is a mere expedient-to avoid telling
the truth, without verbally telling a lie. 6.
True philosophy and contempt of the Deity,
are diametrically opposed to each other. 7.
Sensual good, has sensual truth for its object;
natural good has an order of natural truth,
and spiritual good has spiritual truth, agree
ing with the spiritual sense of the Bible.

No flocks, that range the valley free,
To slaughter-do I condemn :
Taught by that power, that pities me,
I learn to pity them.

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