Imágenes de páginas

ployde in the service, be prepared by them with all such other Necessaryes provision there attayneable, as may rationally conduce to that end, you are without neglect of any oppirtunitye to address yourselfes to the worke by ordering the ships for the Manhattos, and takeing care that the soldgers from the Collonyes may by a land march meet them there or bee taken into the ships as by advice may be judged most advantageous. You being comed to the Manhattos you shall by way of surprize, open force, or otherwise, as you by a counsill of war consisting of the comanders of the ships and armie shall judge most conduceing to that end, endeavour to take in that place in the Name of his Highnes the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland for the use of the said Commonwealth. And you have power to promise and give them faire quarter in case it be rendred upon summons without hostile opposition; the like alsoe you shall doe to the fort of Auranea or any other place upon Hodson's river.

If the Lord give his blessing to your undertakeing, that the forts and places be gayned, you shall not use crueltye to the Inhabitants, but encourage those that are willing to remayne under the English goverment and give liberty to others to transport themselves for Europe. Upon gaineing of the places you shall with like advise setle such garrisons and order affaires in such manner as what is so gayned may be preserved to the English Interest till forther directions be given therein, and shall provide that the charges to be expended for maintenance an preservation therof may be borne out of the bever trade or other advantages the place affords, as likewise some suitable recompence be given to the soldgers employed in this service according to their severall proportions & deserts but of such thinges as shall be their gained if any such bee.

In all your proseedings you shall endeavour to hould loveing correspondence & advise with the Governers of the English Colloneys and such as they shall committ trust to for your assistance that if possible noe breach or disaffection may appeare in this undertakeing, wch. is onely designed for the secueritye of those plantations with the comfort of themselfes And posteritye.

The aforementioned service being performed, if tyme permitt and opertunitye be presented, you are to proseed to the gaineing in any other places from the Enemie wch upon advise with a counsell of warr may be judged feizeable and conduceing to the settlement of the peace and saiftye of the English plantations. If any thinge shall occure to hinder the undertakeing or prosecution thereof, or when the worke is finished, the commanders of the severall ships are to attend such directions as they either here receyve from the commissioners of the Navye or those to whome they are consygned in those parts for their future dispose.

In the transaction of this busynes we shall depend much upon your wisedome & prudence to act according to interve[n]ing occasions and circomstances wch may be best be discerned and improved upon the place. We expect from you a carefull observation of all pasages and proseedings of moment relateing to this service, and that an axact accompt be kept thereof and rendred into us as oppertunitye is presented. In case you finde any such obstructions as therby any of the govermts. should be induced not to improve the publique power in furthering the service, you are to desiyer that volunteers should not onely be permitted but encouraged to engadge therein. By command of his Highnes

Whitehall 8 Feb. 1653


This is a true coppy of his Highnes Comission compared with the originall this 13 March 54


To Capt John Leveret Governour in chief of our Forts of St. John Port Royall, and Pentacoet in Acadia commonly called Nova Scotia in America, and to his Lieutenant and other the officers there, or any of them.

Oliver Pr.

Whereas wee have committed unto our Trusty and welbeloved Colonell Thomas Temple the charge custody and government of our Forts of St. John, Port Royall, and Pentacoet in Acadia commonly called Nova Scotia in America, and the Martiall stores and provisions there being or thereunto belonging; - Our will and pleasure therefore is, That you deliver or cause to bee delivered unto the said Thomas Temple ymediatly upon his arrivall there, the full and peaceable possession of the said Forts, and of all the Ordnance, Gunnes, Ammunicon, and martial stores, and other provisions of Victualls, Clothes, Barkes, Boates, Shipps and other thinges Whatsoever in the said Forts or any of them, being or of right belonging to this Commonwealth by a true and just Inventary and Appraisement at indifferent and just rates and values, and that the said Inventary and Appraisement you doe with all convenient speed send unto Us or our Councell to the end the same may bee entred of Record, and brought to Accompt in our Exchequer: For which this shalbe a sufficient warrant: Given under our Signet at Whitehall the six and twentyeth day of September 1656.

Cop. vera Ex1


[blocks in formation]


[The following letters were discovered among some ancient papers in the possession of the descendants of Governor Joseph Dudley. We are indebted to J. W. Thornton, Esq., of Boston, for permission to take copies.

The first paper, it will be seen, is addressed to Mr. Dudley, as "President of our Councill of New-England." Dudley's commission as President of New England is dated the 8th of October previous, but from Hutchinson, Vol. I. p. 341, it appears not to have been received by him until the 15th of May following, and then by the "Rose frigate," from London. It seems probable, therefore, that the commission was brought over with this order from James the Second, which we now publish, bearing his sign manual; in which case there must have been some delay in the departure of the "Rose." Pepys was Secretary of the Admiralty under Charles the Second and James the Second.

The reader will find something further concerning Captain George and the "Rose frigate " in Hutchinson, Vol. I. p. 374, and in Chalmers's Annals, pp. 469, 470.

The letter from Solomon Stoddard to Mr. Dudley, who was then Governor under the Provincial Charter, is curious and interesting, partly as having been written about four months previous to the destruction of Deerfield, and partly for the recommendations therein contained, offered by a distinguished son of Harvard, of known piety and humanity.EDS.]

James the Second to Joseph Dudley, Esq., President of the Council of New England.

To Joseph Dudley Esq, Presid' of our Council of NewEngland, & to the President of our said Council for the time being.

James R.

Whereas wee haue thought fitt to appoint Our Shipp the Rose Cap' John George Commander, to attend our

Collony of New-England; Our will and pleasure is, That upon the arrivall of our said Shipp with you, you doe consider, and thence forward from time to time direct (by your written Orders on that behalfe to her Comander) how Our said Ship may bee best Employed for the publick Service of Our said Colonie, or any other Our Neighbouring Colonies, and upon the said publick Service thereof only; it being Our pleasure, that shee bee in noe wise Employed to the serving of the private Occasions of any Person or Persons whatsoever; On which Service of our said Colonie, Our said Shipp is to remaine until shee shall receive Our Orders for her returne, or untill by the consumption of her Victualls brought with her, and her incapacity of being supplied with more by you, (the Value of which supplies, in case you give her any, shall bee fully answered to your Accot here) or any other Occasion, you shall judge it necessary to give her your Order for her returne to England. For which this shall bee your Warr. Given at our Court at Whitehall this 28th day of November 1685.

By his Mats Command.


[Labelled, "Order to ye President of y Councill of New England, ab disposing of the Rose."]

Reverend Solomon Stoddard to Governor Joseph Dudley.

Excellent St

The Town of Deerfeild has suffered much formerly from the Indians, of late two of their young men are carryed into Captivity. this makes a great impression on the Spirits of the people, & they are much discouraged. This puts me upon it to make two proposals to your excellency.

The first is that they may be put into a way to Hunt the Indians with dogs. Other methods that have been taken, are found by experience to be chargable, hazardous & insufficient: But if dogs were trained up to hunt

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