Imágenes de páginas

And to the faithful, death the gate of life;
Taught this by His example, whom I now
Acknowledge my Redeemer ever blest."

To whom thus also the Angel last replied:
"This having learn'd, thou hast attain'd the sum
Of wisdom; hope no higher, though all the stars
Thou knew'st by name, and all the ethereal powers,
All secrets of the deep, all Nature's works,
Or works of God in heaven, air, earth, or sea,
And all the riches of this world enjoy'dst,
And all the rule, one empire; only add
Deeds to thy knowledge answerable; add faith,
Add virtue, patience, temperance; add love,
(By name to come call'd charity), the soul
Of all the rest: then wilt thou not be loth
To leave this Paradise, but shalt possess
A Paradise within thee, happier far.
Let us descend now therefore from this top
Of speculation; for the hour precise
Exacts our parting hence. Go, waken Eve."
He ended, and they both descend the hill.
In either hand the hastening Angel caught
Our lingering parents, and to the eastern gate
Led them direct, and down the cliff as fast
To the subjected plain; then disappear'd.

They looking back, all the eastern side beheld
Of Paradise, so late their happy seat,
Wav'd over by God's flaming brand; the gate
With dreadful faces throng'd, and fiery arms.

Some natural tears they dropt, but wip'd them soon :
The world was all before them, where to choose
Their place of rest, and Providence their guide!
They, hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow,
Through Eden took their solitary way.



COWARDS die many times before their death;

The valiant never taste of death but once.

Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,

It seems to me most strange that men should fear;
Seeing that death, a necessary end,

Will come, when it will come.

THE sense of death is most in apprehension;
And the poor beetle that we tread upon,
In corporal sufferance, feels a pang as great
As when a giant dies.

OUR indiscretion sometimes serves us well,

When our deep plots do fail; and that should teach us
There's a divinity that shapes our ends,

Rough-hew them how we will.

THERE is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

GOOD name in man and woman,

Is the immediate jewel of their souls:

Who steals my purse, steals trash; 'tis something, nothing; "Twas mine, 'tis his, and has been slave to thousands;

But he that filches from me my good name,

Robs me of that which not enriches him,

And makes me poor indeed.

MEN's evil manners live in brass; their virtues We write in water.

"Tis Slander;

Whose edge is sharper than the sword; whose tongue
Outvenoms all the worms of Nile; whose breath
Rides on the posting winds, and doth belie

All corners of the world. Kings, queens, and states,
Maids, matrons-nay, the secrets of the grave,
This viperous Slander enters

Containing the more difficult words that occur in the preceding Lessons.
(To be got accurately by heart.)

A-base', to cast down; to bring low.
Ab-dom'i-nal, relating to the belly.
A-bol'ish, to annul; to destroy.
A-bom-i-na'tion, hatred; detestation.
Ab-rupt'ly, hastily; suddenly.
Ab-sorb', to swallow or suck up.
Ac-cel'er-ate, to make quick;


Ac-cess', admittance.
Ac-ces'sion, increase; a coming to.
Ac-com'mo-date, to supply; to fit.
Ac-cu'mu-late, to heap together.
Ac'cu-rate, very exact.
A-chieve'ment, performance; exploit.
Ac'tu-ate, to put into action.
Ad'a-mant, a stone of great hardness.
Ad-dict', to devote; to dedicate.
Ad'e-quate, equal to.
Ad-here', to stick to.

A-nal'y-sis, a separation of a com-
pound into its several parts.
An'ar-chy, want of government.
An'ces-tor, progenitor; one from
whom a person descends.
An'gu-lar, having angles or corners.
An-i-mal'cule, a small animal.
An'i-mate, to make alive.
An'nals, a history digested by years.
An-neal', to temper glass.
An-nex', to join to.

An-ni'hi-late, to reduce to nothing.
An-nounce', to proclaim.
An-noy', to vex; to incommode.
An'nu-al, yearly.

An'them, a holy song.
An-tic'i-pate, to take beforehand.
An-tip'a-thy, hatred; aversion.
A-pos'tate, one who has forsaken
his religion.

Ap-pal', to frighten.

Lenemy. Ap-pa'rent, plain evident.

Ad-ja'cent, near to.

Ad'junct, something joined to.

Ad-just', to regulate.

Ad-ver'si-ty, affliction.

Ad-vert', to attend to.

Ad'ver-sa-ry, opponent; antagonist; Ap-pend'age, something added.

Ap'pe-tite, desire; hunger.

[the air. Appli-ca-ble, suitable.

A-e'ri-al, high in air; belonging to Ap-pre ci-ate, to value.

Af'fa-ble, courteous; complaisant.
Af'flu-ence, wealth; plenty.
A'gen-cy, acting; action.
Ag'gran-dize, to make great.
A-gil'i-ty, nimbleness.
Ag'i-tate to put in motion.
Ag'ri-cul-ture, tillage; husbandry.
A-lac ́ri-ty, cheerfulness; gaiety.
Al'der-man, a magistrate.
A'li-en, a foreigner.

A'li-en-ate, to transfer; to withdraw.
Al'i-ment, nourishment; food.
Al-lege', to affirm; to declare.
Alle-gor-y, a figurative discourse.
Al-le'vi-ate, to lessen; to mitigate.
Al-loy', baser metal mixed in coinage.
Al-lure', to entice; to seduce.
Al-lu'vi-al, formed by a current of


Al-ter'nate, by turns; reciprocal.
Am'a-ranth, an imaginary flower
that never fades.
Am-bas'sa-dor, a messenger from
one government to another.
Am'bush, a lying in wait.
A'mi-a-ble, worthy to be loved.
Am'i-ca-ble, friendly.

Am-phib'ious, living in two elements
Am'pli-tude, largeness.

Ap-pre-hend', to perceive; to seize
Ap-pre-hen'sive, fearful.
Ap-pro'pri-ate, to set apart for some
particular purpose.
Apt, fit; inclined to.
A-quat'ic, living in the water.
Ar bi-tra-ry, capricious; despotic.
Ar'chi-tect, a builder.
Arc'tic, northern.
Ar'dent, hot; burning.
Ar'id, dry; parched up.
Ar-o-mat'ic, spicy; fragrant.
Ar-rest', to stop.
Ar'ro-gant, haughty.
Ar'ter-y, a tubular canal conveying
the blood from the heart to all
parts of the body.
Ar'ti-fice, trick; stratagem.
Ar-til'ler-y, ordnance; great guns.
Ar-ti-san', a workman.
Art'ist, one engaged in the fine arts.
As-cend'en-cy, superiority.
As-cer-tain', to make certain.
As'pect, visage; look.

As-sail', to attack; to assault.
As-sas'sin, a murderer.
As-sent', to agree.
As-sert', to affirm; to aver.
As-si-du'i-ty, diligence.

As-sign', to appoint; to make over. Car-a-van ́se-ra, an in.
As-sim'i-late, to make like.

Car'nage, slaughter; havoc.

As-size', a court for trying causes Car-niv'o-rous, living ou flesh. by a judge and jury. panion. Cas-cade', a waterfall.

As-so ci-ate, a confederate; a com- Caste, a tribe.

As-sume', to take to one's self.
A-stound', to astonish.

At'mo-sphere, the air.
At'om, a small particle.

A-tro'cious, wicked in a high degree.
At-tach', to seize; to gain over.
At-tire', dress.

At-tribute, to ascribe; to impute.
Aug-ment', to increase.

Au-ric'u-lar, known by the ear.
Au'spic-es, omens.

Au'tho-rise, to give power.
Aver-age, mean proportion;
A-vid'i-ty, greediness.

Cas'u-al-ty, accident.
Cat'a-logue, a list.
Cat'a-ract, a waterfall.
Ca-tas'tro-phe, a final event.
Ce-ler'i-ty, swiftness; speed.
Ce-lest ́ial, heavenly.
Cem'e-ter-y, a burial-place.
Cen'tu-ry, a hundred years.
Cer'e-mon-y, rite; form; etiquette.
Challenge, to call to fight; to object


[dium. Char'ac-ter, a mark; a stamp.
me- Charred, burnt to a cinder.
Chasm, a cleft; a gap.
Chas-tise', to punish.

Av-o-ca'tion, calling; business.
A-vow to declare openly.
Baffle, to elude; to defeat.

Chem'is-try, the art of mixing or separating bodies by fire.

Ban-dit'ti, robbers. [savageness. Chem'i-cal, of or belonging to chemBar'bar-ism, ignorance of arts; istry.

Ba-rom'e-ter, an instrument for Chiv'al-ry, knighthood.

measuring the weight of the

Bar'ren, unfruitful; sterile.
Bas'i-lisk, a kind of serpent;

cockatrice. Ba'sis, foundation.

Bat'ter-y, erection on which
nons are mounted.
Ben-e-dic'tion, blessing.
Be-nef'i-cent, doing good.
Ben-e-fici'al, advantageous.
Be-nev'o-lent, having good will.
Bev'er-age, drink.

at- Chor'is-ter, a singer in a choir.
Cir'cuit, the act of moving round.
Cir-cum'fe-rence, measure round
a about; periphery; perimeter.
Cir-cum-vo-lu'tion, a rolling round.
Ci-vil'i-ty, politeness.

can- Civ'il-ize, to reclaim from barbarism.
Clem'en-cy, mercy.
Cir-cum-spec'tion, a looking round;
Code, a book or system of law.
Cog'ni-zance, judicial notice.
Col'o-ny, a body of people drawn
from the mother country to in-
habit some distant place.
Co-los'sal, gigantic.
Com-mence', to begin.
Com-mo'di-ous, convenient. [rison
Com-par'a-tive, estimated by compa-
Com'pe-tent, fit; adequate.
Com'ple-ment, full quantity.

Big'ot-ed, blindly devoted to a party.
Bomb, a shell filled with gunpowder,
and thrown from a mortar.
Brief, short; concise; succinct.
Brilliant, shining; sparkling.
Browse, to eat shrubs.

Buf-foon'er-y, low jests.

Burrow, to mine as rabbits.
Ca'dence, fall.

Ca-lam'i-ty, misfortune; disaster.
Cal-ca're-ous, partaking of the na-
ture of calx or lime.
Callow, unfledged.
Can'did, open; ingenuous.
Ca'pa-ble, able or fit for.

o compute to reckon

Ca-pac'i-ty, ability; space.
Ca-reer', a course; race.

Com'pli-ment, expression of civility.
Com-prise', to include.

Con-cen'trate, to bring into a nar-
row compass.
Con-cep'tion, thought; act of con-
Con-cert', to settle; to agree.
Con-cil'iate, to make friendly. [stow.
Con-fer', to discourse with; to be-
Con'fer-ence, a meeting for discus-

Con'fi-dent, trusting firmly

Con-fis'cate, to transfer private prop- Cu-ri-os'i-ty, inquisitiveness.

Curv'a-ture, a bending.
Cus'to-dy, imprisonment; care.
[tion. Dalliance, fondness; play.

erty to the public.
Con-Ha-gra'tion, a great burning.
Con'flict, a combat.

shape; configura

De-base', to bring low; to degrade.

Con-front', to stand face to face. De-ceit', fraud; fallacy.
Con-geal', to freeze.

Con-jec ́ture, guess.

De-ci'sive, settling a matter.

Con'scious, knowing one's own De-cliv'i-ty, slope; descent.
Con'se-quence, that which follows; Ded'i-cate, to devote.


Con-sign', to make over to.

pact and solid body.

[thoughts. De-cline', to decay; to refuse.

De-fect', want; failing.
De-fici'en-cy, something wanting

Con-sist ́ence, agreement with itself. De-file', to go off file by file; to
Con-sol'i-date, to form into a com- pollute; n. a narrow pass.
[guished. Def'i-nite, certain; limited.
De-form'i-ty, ugliness.
'De-fy', to challenge.
De-gen'er-ate, to grow worse.
Deign, to vouchsafe.
De-jec'tion, lowness of spirits.
De-lici'ous, sweet; delightful.
De-lin'e-ate, to describe.
De-mean'our, behaviour.

Con-spic'u-ous, eminent; distin-
Con-spir'a-tor, one who plots.
Con'sti-tute, to make up; to appoint.
Con-straint', compulsion.
Con-tem-pla'tion, meditation.
Con-tempt', scorn.
Con-tin'u-al, incessant.

Con-tin'u-ous, joined together.

Con'trite, penitent.

Con-trol', to restrain.

Con-ve'ni-ence, accommodation.

De-mol'ish, to destroy.

De-mon'strate, to show; to prove.

De-mur', to doubt; to delay.

Con'vent, a religious house; a nun-De-nom'i-nate, to name.

[blocks in formation]

Con'vex, a projecting surface.

Con'cave, a hollow surface.

Con'vict, one proved guilty.

Con-vul'sion, violent commotion.
Co'pi-ous, plentiful.
Cor'di-al, sincere; hearty.
Co-ri-a'ceous, of a substance
sembling leather.

Dense, close; thick.

De-pos it, to lay up.

De-pre'ci-ate, to undervalue.
Dep-re-da'tion, a robbing.
De-rive', to trace; deduce.
De-serve', to merit.

Des ́ig-nate, to mark out.
Des-per-a'do, a desperate person.
re- Des'pi-ca-ble, mean; worthless:
De-spond ́ent, hopeless.
Des'tine, to doom.
De-tect', to discover.
Dev-as-ta'tion, a laying waste.
against De-vel'ope, to unfold.

Cor-o-na'tion, the act of crowning.
Cor'o-net, a small crown.
Cor-ri-dōr', a gallery.
Cor-rode', to wear away by degrees.
Coun-ter-bal'ance, to act
with an opposite weight.

De-vi-a'tion, a going astray.

Coun'ter-scarp, that side of the ditch Dex-ter'i-ty, expertness.

[blocks in formation]

Curfew, an evening peal announc-Di-min 'ish, to lessen.

ing that the fire must be covered. Di-min'u-tive, small,


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