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swiftly passing days have hitherto been crowned by thy never-failing benignity and care.

At the same time that I devoutly thank thee for every instance of thy love, I earnestly implore thy forgiveness of my numerous and aggravated sins and follies. Remember not, O God, my transgressions and my sins. Grant that, filled with the deepest remorse for having offended so kind and liberal a benefactor, and a thorough abhorrence of every evil way, I may retire to rest in the enjoyment of thy pardon and favour, that, should I sink this night into the sleep of death, I may die in thy favour, and in thy good time be raised to honour and immortality. Or, should I awake in the morning of the morrow, blessed with a capacity of discharging the duties of life, may I enter on the performance of them better prepared by this evening's devotions to improve aright the means of grace and the dispensations of thy providence. May I henceforth keep up so diligent a watch over the workings of my heart, the door of my lips, and the actions of my life, that I may every time approach thee freer from moral defects and imperfections, further advanced in every christian excellence, more

capable of enjoying the pure and sublime plea sure of intercourse with thee, and more enlivened and elevated with the transporting hope of being finally adınitted to share in the exalted joys of heavenly worship, and in a more intimate acquaintance and communion with thee, the original and inexhaustible fountain of light, love, and happiness.

Protect my friends from all real evil; succeed their labours in their lawful pursuits; keep them at all times in thy fear and obedience ; and at length unite them and me to each other and to the assembly of the just made perfect in heaven. If I have enemies, I forgive them, as I hope to be forgiven by thee, my God; I implore for them thy pardon; and earnestly wish the reformation of every thing wrong in their temper and conduct, and their final and. everlasting happiness. Thou afflictest not willingly, and grievest not the children of men for thy pleasure. Let those, on whom thou hast laid afflictions, profit by thy fatherly chastisements, learning wisdom by what they suffer; and in thy due time remove from them the stroke of thy hand. Keep those, to whom thou grantest health, ease, and prosperity, from

presuming on a continuance of those blessings, or making an ill use of them while they remain in their possession; from denying or forgetting thee, the author of them; and from putting off the necessary work of preparing for the enjoyment of a better and more enduring substance in heaven.

If I have prayed for any thing improper for myself or others, mercifully withhold it. Whatever thou seest to be proper for them or me, whether asked or unasked, graciously bestow. In granting or denying the petitions of thy servant, let that alone be done, which appears best to thee, the rightful sovereign and sole governor of the universe: thou canst not do wrong. To thy will I bow with the profoundest reverence, and to thee I now desire to join with every sincere worshipper of thy adorable Majesty, in ascribing wisdom, and honour, and power, and might for ever. Amen.


O GOD, the supreme maker and governor of the world, perfect in all that is truly great

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and lovely! I, thy unworthy servant, appear before thee, under the deepest sense of thy glorious perfections, and of my own great and many failings and imperfections. Under this sense, the only support and satisfaction to my mind is, that thou art too just and too good, not to accept of the sincere endeavours of thy creatures to reform whatever has been amiss in their past conduct; and that thou hast sent thy son Jesus Christ into the world to save us from our sins, and to declare to us plainly the terms of thy forgiveness and favour. In his name, therefore, I present myself before thee ; and, as his disciple, I entreat of thee the pardon of whatsoever thou hast seen amiss in me, from the beginning of my rational life unto this day. Forgive, O Lord, every wilful thought of my mind, which has been disagreeable to thy nature and precepts; every word of my mouth unworthy of a man or a christian; every instance of my behaviour, which has been displeasing to thee, or my own conscience; every offence, of whatsoever sort or degree, against thee, my neighbour, or myself. Forgive me all the sins, which I myself can now call to my own remembrance; and forgive me likewise all those transgressions of thy holy

will, which may now be out of the reach of my memory, but have been open to thy allseeing eye, and are known to thee, with all their circumstances and aggravations.

Pardon me, O God! according to the abundant goodness of thy nature, and the declarations made by thy son Jesus Christ; and grant me that forgiveness, which I neither ask, nor expect, but upon those terms and conditions, which thy holiness and mercy have laid down in his gospel. And as I am sensible that no forgiveness can be expected, according to thy gospel, without amendment of life, I seriously renounce all communication with whatsoever is displeasing to thee, and sincerely resolve to make it my great endeavour to correct every thing that is amiss in my temper and behaviour. Forgive me, and accept me, therefore, as thou hast promised; and give success, I earnestly beseech thee, by thy gracious favour and providence, to these purposes and designs of my heart.

And now, O Lord, according to the same goodness to thy creatures, graciously receive my earnest petitions. I acknowledge thee to

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