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SONGS OF THE VINE. With a Medley for Maltworms. Introduction and Notes. BULLEN. 35. 6d. net.

"Mr Hutchison has brought to his task-mirabile dictumuch sober judgment, which the better accentuates the air of jolly pot-companionship he has affected in the dedication and learned preface to his Medley for Maltworms. From Walte Mapes to W. E. Henley the good toping singers of Englane join lustily in the chorus that echoes from the Old Devil Tavern and from the Mermaid, while the spirit of Tom D'Urfey is over all. Our anthologist taps a good brew, and, like the Gull, 'we do grow most inwardly acquainted with the drawer.'". Illustrated London News.

LYRA NICOTIANA: Poems and Verses concerning Tobacco. Introduction and Notes. WALTER SCOTT PUBLISHING CO. IS. "Lyra Nicotiana' is a capital little anthology of songs in praise of tobacco. . . . There is a deal of fine confused reading in it, and the ingenious compiler's preface is worthy of the excellent collection he has made."-Saturday Review.

THE CYNIC'S BREVIARY: Maxims and Anecdotes from Nicolas de Chamfort. Introduction. ELKIN MATHEWS. IS.

"Here at last one gets hold of something really good. The translation (the first, it seems, into English of any of Chamfort's writings) is good, and the introduction is better."-Mr A. B. WALKLEY in Morning Leader.

The Pembroke Booklets
(First Series)


Sir John Suckling

Ballads and other Poems

Sir Charles Sedley

John Wilmot

(Earl of Rochester)
Poems and Songs


J. R. Tutin


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