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HE English feem as filent as the


Japonefe, yet vainer than the inhabitants of Siam. Upon my arrival I attributed that referve to modefty, which I now find has it's origin in pride. Condefcend to addrefs them firft, and you are fure of their acquaintance; ftoop to flattery, and you conciliate their friendfhip and efteem. They bear hunger, cold, fatigue, and all the miseries of life, without fhrinking; danger only calls forth their fortitude; they even exult in calamity; but contempt is what they cannot bear. An Englishman fears contempt more than death; he often flies to death as a refuge from it's preffure; and dies when he fancies the world has ceased to esteem him.

Pride feems the fource not only of their national vices, but of their national virtues alfo. An Englishman is taught to love his king as his friend, but to acknowledge no other matter than the laws which himfelf has contributed to enact. He defpifes thofe nations, who, that one may be free, are all content to be flaves; who first lift a tyrant into terror, and then shrink under his power as if delegated from Heaven. Liberty is echoed in all their affemblies, and thoufands might be found ready to offer up their lives for the found, though perhaps not one of all the number understands it's meaning. The loweft mechanic, however, looks upon it as his duty to be a watchful guardian of his country's freedom, and often ufes a language that might feem haughty, even in the mouth of the great emperor who tracés his ancefty to the moon.

A few days ago, paffing by one of their prifons, I could not avoid ftop. ping, in order to liften to a dialogue which I thought might afford me foin: entertainment. The converfation was carried on between a debtor through the grate of his prifon, a porter who had topped to reft his burthen, and a foldier at the window. The fubject was upon a threatened invafion from France, and each feemed extremely anxious to rescue his country from the impending danger. For my part,' cries the prifoner, the greatest of my apprehenfions is for our

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freedom; if the French fhould conquer, what would become of English liberty? My dear friends, liberty is the Englishman's prerogative; we mult preferve that at the expence of our lives, of that the French fhall never deprive us; it is not to be expected that men who are flaves themselves would preferve our freedom should they happen to conquer.'' Ay, flaves,' cries the porter, they are all flaves, fit only to carry burthens every one of them. Before I would ftoop to flavery, may this be my poifon," and he held the goblet in his hand, may this be my poifon-but I would fooner lift for a foldier.'

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The foldier, taking the goblet from his friend, with much awe fervently cried out It is not fo much our li

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berties as our religion that would fuffer by fuch a change: Ay, our religion, my lads. May the Devil fink me into flames,' fuch was the folemnity of his adjuration, if the French fhould come over, but our religion would be utterly undone.' So faying, inftead of a libation, he applied the goblet to his lips, and confirmed his fentiments with a ceremony of the moft perfevering devotion,

In short, every man here pretends to be a politician; even the fair-fex are fometimes found to mix the feverity of national altercation with the blandish

ments of love, and often become conquerors by more weapons of deftruction than their eyes.

This univerfal paffion for politics is gratified by Daily Gazettes, as with us at China. But as in ours the emperor endeavours to inftru&t his people, in theirs the people endeavour to inftruct the adminiftration. You must not, however, imagine, that they who compile thefe papers have any actual knowledge of the politics, or the government of a state; they only collect their materials from the oracle of fome coffeehoufe, which oracle has himfeif gathered them the night before from a beau at a gaming-table, who has pillaged his knowledge from a great man's porter, who has had his information from the



great man's gentleman, who has invented the whole story for his own amufement the night preceding..

The English in general feem fonder of gaining the efteem than the love of thofe they converfe with: this gives a formality to their amulements; their gayeft converfations have fomething too wife for innocent relaxation; though in company you are feldom difgufted with the abfurdity of a fool, you are seldom lifted into rapture by thofe ftrokes of vi-, vacity which give inftant, though not permanent pleasure.

What they want, however, in gaiety, they make up in politenefs. You fimile at hearing me praife the English for their politeness: you who have heard very different accounts from the miffionaries at Pekin, who have feen fuch a different behaviour in their merchants and feamen at home. But I muit till repeat it, the English feem more polite than any of their neighbours; their great art in this refpect lies in endeavouring, while they oblige, to leffen the force of the favour. Other countries are fond of obliging a stranger; but feem defirous that he thould be fenfible of the obligation. The English confer their kindnels with an appearance of indifference,

and give away benefits with an air as if they defpifed them.

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Walking a few days ago between an Englishman and a Frenchman into the fuburbs of the city, we were overtaken by a heavy fhower of rain. I was unprepared; but they had each large coats, which defended them from what seemed to me a perfect inundation. The Englifhman feeing me fhrink from the weather, accofted me thus: Pha, man, what doft fhrink at? Here, take this coat, I don't want it; I find it no way useful to ine; I had as lief be without it. The Frenchman began to fhew his politeness in turn: . My dear friend,' cries he, why won't you oblige me by making use of my " coat; you fee how well it defends me ⚫ from the rain; I fhould not chufe to part with it to others, but to fuch a friend as you, I could even part with my skin to do him fervice."

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From fuch minute inftances as thefe, molt reverend Fum Hoam, I am fenfible your fagacity will collect instruction. The volume of nature is the book of knowledge; and he becomes molt wife who makes the most judicious fele&ion. Farewell.


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Have already informed you of the fingular paffion of this nation for poJirics. An Englishman, not fatisfied with finding by his own profperity the contending powers of Europe properly balanced, defires alfo to know the precife value of every weight in either fcale. To gratify this curiofity, a leaf of political instruction is ferved up every morning with tea when our politician has feafted upon this, he repairs to a coffeehoufe, in order to ruminate upon what he has read, and encrease his collection; from thence he proceeds to the ordinary, enquires what news, and treasuring up every acquifition there, hunts about all the evening in queft of more, and carefully adds it to the reft. Thus at night he retires home, full of the important advices of the day. When lo! awaking next morning, he finds the inftructions of yesterday a collection of abfur

dity or palpable falfhood. This, one would think, a mortifying repulie in the purfuit of wisdom; yet our politician, no way difcouraged, hunts on, in order to collect fresh materials, and in order to be again difappointed.

I have often admired the commercial fpirit which prevails over Europe; have been furprised to fee them carry on a traffic with productions, that an Afiatic ftranger would deem entirely u eless. It is a proverb in China, That an European fuffers not even his spittle to be loft; the maxim, however, is not fufficiently strong, since they fell even their Lies to great advantage. Every nation drives a confiderable trade in this commodity with their neighbours.

An English dealer in this way, for inftance, has only to afcend to his workhoufe, and manufacture a turbulent Speech averred to be spoken in the fe


nate; or a report supposed to be dropt at court; a piece of fcandal that ftrikes at a popular mandarine; or a fecret treaty between two neighbouring powers. When finished, thefe goods are baled up, and configned to a factor abroad, who fends in return two battles, three Leges, and a fhrewd letter filled with da hes blanks and Kars

of great importance. Thus you perceive, that a fingle gazette is the joint manufacture of Europe; and he who would perufe it with a philofophical eye, might perceive in every paragraph fomething characteristic of the nation to which it belongs. A map does not exhibit a more diftinct view of the boundaries and fituation of every country, than it's news does a picture of the genius, and the morals of it's inhabitants. The fuperftition and erroneous delicacy of Italy, the formality of Spain, the cruelty of Portugal. the fears of Auftria, the confidence of Pruffia, the levity of France, the avarice of Holland, the pride of England, the abfurdity of Ireland, and the national partiality of Scotland, are all confpicuous in every page.

But, perhaps, you may find more fatisfaction in a real news paper, than in my defcription of one; I therefore fend a fpecimen, which may ferve to exhibit the manner of their being written, and diftinguish the characters of the various nations which are united in it's compotion.

NAPLES. We have lately dug up here a curious Etrufcan monument, broke in two in the raifing. The cha racters are scarce vifible; but Nugofi, the learned antiquary, fupposes it to have been erected in honour of Picus, a Latin King, as one of the lines may be plainly diftinguished to begin with a P. It is hoped this discovery will produce fomething valuable, as the literati of our twelve academies are deeply engaged in the difquifition.

PISA. Since Father Fudgi, prior of St. Gilbert's, has gone to refide at Rome, no miracles have been perform ed at the shrine of St. Gilbert; the devout begin to grow uneafy, and fome begin actually to fear that St. Gilbert has forfaken them with the reverend fa


LUCCA. The administrators our Serene republic, have frequent come

rences upon the part they fhall take in the prefent commotions of Europe. Some are for fending a body of their troops, confifting of one company of foot, and fix horfemen, to make a diverfion in favour of the Empress Queen; others are as ftrenuous afferters of the Pruffian intereft; what turn thefe debates may take, time only can difcover. However, certain it is, we fhall be able to bring into the field at the opening of the next campaign, feventy-five armed men, a commander in chief, and two druminers of great experience.

SPAIN. Yesterday the new king fhewed himself to his fubjects, and after having staid half an hour in his balcony, retired to the royal apartment. The night concluded on this extraordinary occafion with illuminations, and other demonftrations of joy.

The queen is more beautiful than the rifing fun, and reckoned one of the first wits in Europe: the had a glorious op portunity of displaying the readiness of her invention, and her skill in repartee, lately at court. The Duke of Lerma, coming up to her with a low bow and a fimile, and prefenting a nofegay set with diamonds Madam,' cries he, I am your moft obedient humble fervant."

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Oh, Sir,' replies the queen, without any prompter, or the least hesitation, I'm very proud of the very great honour you do me. Upon which the made a low curtsey, and all the cour tiers fell a laughing at the readiness and the smartness of her reply.

LISBON. Yesterday we had an auto da fe, at which were burned three young women accufed of herefy, one of thein of exquisite beauty; two Jews, and an old woman convicted of being a witch: one of the friars, who attended this last, reports, that he faw the devil fly out of her at the ftake in the shape of a flame of fire. The populace behaved on this occafion with great good-humour, joy, and fincere devotion.

Our merciful Sovereign has been for fome time pait recovered of his frights though fo atrocious an attempt deserved to exterminate half the nation, yet he has been graciously pleased to spare the lives of his fubjects, and not above five hundred have been broke upon the wheel, or otherwite executed, upon this horrid occafion.

VIENNA. We have received certain advices that a party of twenty thousand B2 Auftriaus,

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Auftrians, having attacked a much fuperior body of Pruffians, put them all to flight, and took the rest prisoners of


BERLIN. We have received certain advices that a party of twenty thousand Pruffians, having attacked a much fuperior body of Auftrians, put them to flight, and took a great number of prifones, with their military cheft, cannon, and baggage.

Though we have not fucceeded this campaign to our wishes; yet, when we think of him who commands us, we reft in fecurity while we fleep, our king is watchful for our fafety.


PARIS. We shall foon ftrike a fignal blow. We have feventeen flat-bottomed boats at Havre. The people are in excellent fpirits, and our minifters make no difficulty in railing the fupplies.

We are all undone; the people are difcontented to the last degree; the miniiters are obliged to have recourse to the moft rigorous methods to raise the expences of the war.

Our diftreffes are great; but Madam Pompadour continues to fupply our king, who is now growing old, with a

fresh lady every night. His health, thank Heaven, is ftill pretty well; nor is he in the leaft unfit, as was reported, for any kind of royal exercitation. He was lo frighted at the affair of Damien, that his phyficians were apprehenfive left his reafon fhould fuffer, but that wretch's tortures foon compofed the kingly terrors of his breaft.

ENGLAND. Wanted an ufher to an academy. N. B. He must be able to read, dress hair, and muft have had the fmall-pox.

DUBLIN. We hear that there is a benevolent fubfcription on foot among the nobility and gentry of this kingdom, who are great patrons of merit, in order to aflift Black and All Black, in his conteft with the Padderon mare.

We hear from Germany that Prince Ferdinand has gained a compleat victory, and taken twelve kettle drums, five ftandards, and four waggons of ammunition prifoners of war.

EDINBURGH. We are pofitive when we fay that Saunders M'Gregor, who was lately executed for horse-stealing, is not a Scotchman, but born in Carrickfergus. Farewell.



WHETHER fporting on the crowd, and all the anxiety of being

flowery banks of the river Irtis, or scaling the steepy mountains of Douchenour: whether traverfing the black defarts of Kobi, or giving leffons of politeness to the favage inhabitants of Europe. In whatever country, whatever climate, and whatever circumftan es, all hail! May Ten, the univerfal foul, take you under his protection, and infpire you with a fuperior portion of himfelf.

How long, my friend, fhall an enthufiafm for knowledge continue to obstruct your happinels, and tear you from all the connections that make life pleafing? How long will you continue to rove from climate to climate, circled by thoufands, and yet without a friend, feeling all the inconveniencies of a


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I know you reply, that the refined pleafure of growing every day wifer, is a fufficient recompence for every inconvenience. I know you will talk of the vulgar fatisfaction of foliciting happiness from fenfual enjoyment only; and probably enlarge upon the exquifite raptures of fentimental blifs. Yet, believe me, friend, you are deccined; all our pleafures, though feemingly never fo remote from fenfe, derive their origin from fome one of the fenfes. The most exquisite demonftration in mathematics, or the moft pleafing difquifition in metaphyfics, if it does not ultimately tend to increafe fome fenfual fatisfaction, is delightful only to fools, or to men who have by long habit contracted a falfe idea of

pleature ;

pleafure; and he who feparates fenfual and fentimental, enjoyments, feeking happiness from mind alone, is in fact as wretched as the naked inhabitant of the foreft, who places all happiness in the firft, regardless of the latter. There are two extremes in this refpect; the favage who fwallows down the draught of pleasure without staying to reflect on his happiness, and the fage who paffeth the cup while he reflects on the conveniencies of drinking.

It is with an heart full of forrow, my dear Altangi, that I must inform you that what the world calls happinefs muft now be yours no longer. Our great emperor's difpleafure at your leaving China, contriry to, the rules of our government, and the immemorial custom of the empire, has produced the mo terrible effects. Your wife, daughter, and the rest of your family, have been feized by his order, and appropriated to his ufe; all except your fon are now the peculiar property of him who poffeffes

all; him I have hidden from the officers employed for this purpose; and even at the hazard of my life I have concealed him. The youth feems obftinately bent on finding you out, wherever you are; he is determined to face every danger that oppofes his purfuit. Though yet but fifteen, all his father's virtues and obftinacy sparkle in his eyes, and mark him as one deftined to no mediocrity of fortune.

You fee, my deareft friend, what imprudence has brought thee to; from opulence, a tender family, furrounding friends, and your mafter's esteem, it has reduced thee to want, perfecution; and ftill worse, to our mighty monarch's difpleasure. Want of prudence is too frequently the want of virtue; nor is there on earth a more powerful advocate for vice than poverty. As I shall endeavour to guard thee from the one, fo guard thyfelf from the other; and still think of me with affection and esteem. Farewell.



The Editor thinks proper to acquaint the reader that the greatest part of the following letter feems to him to be little more than a rhapsody of fentences borrowed from Confucius, the Chinese philofopher.

A Wife, a daughter carried into cap

tivity to expiate my offence, a fon fcarce yet arrived at maturity, refolving to encounter every danger in the pious purfuit of one who has undone him, thefe indeed are circumftances of diftiefs, though my tears were more precious than the gem of Golconda, yet would they fall upon fuch an occafion.

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But I fubmit to the ftroke of Heaven, I hold the volume of Confucius in my hand, and as I read grow humble, and patient, and wife. We fhould feel torrow, fays he, but not fink under it's oppreffion: the heart of a wife man hould refemble a mirrour, which reflects every object without being fullied by any. The wheel of fortune • turns inceffantly round, and who can fay within himself, I fall to day be uppermost. We fhould hold the iminutabie mean that lies between in fenfibility and anguifh; our attempts fhould be not to extinguish nature, but to re

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'prefs it; not to stand unmoved at diftrefs, but endeavour to turn every dif after to our own advantage. Our greatest glory is, not in never falling, but in rifing every time we fall.' I fanc myself at prefent, O thou reverend diiciple of 'ao, more than a match for all that can happen: the chief bufinefs of my life has been to procure wifdom, and the chief object of that wifdom was to be happy. My attendance on your lectures, my conferences with the miffionaries of Europe, and all my fubfequent adventures upon quitting China, were calculated to encrcale the sphere of my happiness, not my curiofi ty. Let European travellers crofs as and defarts merely to measure the bght of a a mountain, to delcribe the catara& of a river, or tell the commodities which every country may produce; merchants or geographers, perhaps, may find profit by fuch difcoveries, but what advantage can accrue to a philofopher from fuch


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