The Fifth Number is HAMLET, beautifully embellished. 'The Sixth Number is ROMEO and JULIET, ditto. The Seventh Number is the MERCHANT of VENICE, ditto. The Tenth Number is MIDSUMMER-NIGHT's DREAM, ditto. The Thirteenth Number is LOVE's LABOUR's LOST, ditto. The Eighteenth Number is the COMEDY of ERRORS, ditto. The Twenty-First Number is KING HENRY IV.Part I. ditto. The Twenty-Fifth No. is ALL's WELL THAT ENDS WELL, do. The Twenty-Sixth Number is KING HENRY VI. Part I. ditto. The Twenty-Seventh Number is KING HENRY VI. Part II. do. TH HIS Work is intended to fupercede the neceffity for any other Edition whatever, as it will be calculated to gratify every clafs of Readers. The Publisher intends that it shall not only be the most perfect and beautiful Work that Britain ever produced, but also, the cheapest; he humbly hopes for public Patronage, in proportion to the merits of the undertaking, and he respectfully folicits particular attention to the following circumstances. The Plan is to print each Play, fingly, and entire, from the laft revifions of Dr. SAMUEL JOHNSON, and GEORGE STEEVENS, Efq. &c. with their Characters of the Play, and the Origin of the Fable, as an introductory Preface to each Play. The Plays to be printed by Meff. FRYS and COUCHMAN, on two forts of paper; the best of which will be superfine writing-poft quality, on a new Bourgeois Letter, caft and delicately dreffed on purpose. Embellishments for this fort will confift of a characteristic Print, reprefenting a fpirited likeness of fome favourite Performer, befides an original Vignette Scene Print, defigned and engraved by the most eminent Artists in London and Paris. The Plays thus embellished and executed, will be fold at one filling, and fixpence each. |