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Like the parent eagles, when the storks first take out their young, they practise them to fly; they lead them to the marshes, also, to point out to their offspring frogs, serpents, and lizards, which are their proper food, making them to distinguish the toads, which they never eat. In return for all this parental care and kindness, the young ones, as they grow strong, and their parents become old and debilitated, display their filial kindness in feeding and supporting the parent birds. In the long flights which they take, in their periodical migrations, it is not uncommon to see the aged and weakly birds supported on the backs of the stronger; and, on their arrival at the place of their destination, these invalids are taken to the old nests, where they are fed and cherished by those young ones that were nurtured there the year before. These facts are stated on so respectable authority, that we have no hesitation in giving them insertion here.

The white stork frequents towns and cities, where it stalks unconcernedly about the streets, from which it removes all the noxious filth and offal, that it is able to feed upon, whilst it clears from the fields the serpents and other reptiles that it may find there. From these services, which are rendered to the community by the storks, they are religiously protected in Holland, where they are found in great num bers and very tame. The Mahometans hold

them in great veneration, and the Thessalonians anciently awarded the punishment of death to any person who killed one of these birds. The Ibis that was long worshipped in Egypt, appears to be a variety of the stork. Innumerable representations of this bird are found in all the hieroglyphics and other ancient monuments of that country. An awfully blind and degrading superstition thus paid divine homage to the dumb creature for the service that it rendered in assisting to clear away the putrid bodies that came in its way. From the mildness of the disposition of these birds they are easily tamed, and are frequently turned, in that state, in gardens, which they effectually clear of insects and reptiles. They have an air of great gravity, with a mournful visage; yet they have been known to join in the sports of children with considerable eclat, and with evident gratification.

Dr. Hermann tells us, that he saw a tame one in the garden, in which some children were playing at "hide and seek," running its turn with the children when it was touched, and distinguishing the child whose turn it was to pursue the rest, so as effectually to be on its guard. And, to show that they partake of the fallen as well as of the benevolent and pleasing traits of human nature, an anecdote is current in Hamburgh, of a farmer, in the vicinity of that city, who brought a wild stork into his farm yard to be the companion of a tame one that he

had long kept there. But the tame stork, so much for civilization, disdained to be associated with such a wild and untutored stork, and, therefore fell upon the poor stranger, and beat him so unmercifully, that with difficulty he escaped by flight.

The storks are remarkable for the exactness they observe in the time of their autumnal departure from Europe to milder climates. They are reported to assemble on a particular day, after which not one is left behind. Whilst, in this quarter of the globe, they are seldom seen further north than Sweden. In this country they are quite scarce; but in Holland they are so common that they build on the tops of the houses, where the inhabitants provide boxes for them, in which to place their nests. The Dutch are very careful of these that dwell upon their roof, as much so as of those who dwell under it, resenting any injury done the birds as an offence against themselves. In this part of the world storks generally build their nests upon the roofs of the houses; but in the East, where the roofs are all flat, and the inhabitants reside upon them, frequeutly, in the summer months, the storks choose the highest trees for their nests and habitations. The Psalmist notices their residing in the fir-trees in Palestine. Psalm civ. 17.

Storks are very frequently seen in Spain; and are still more numerous in many parts of

Asia. At Bagdad, hundred are found about the houses, walls, and trees; and, amongst the stately ruins of Persepolis, almost every column is surmounted by the nest of a stork. In the autumn they retire into Egypt and the marshes of Barbary, where they enjoy a second summer, and bring up a second brood. Their migration is in immense companies. Dr. Shaw says, that he saw three flocks of them pass over Mount Carmel, each half a mile in width; and the whole were three hours in going by. Another writer says, that they visit Egypt in such numbers that the fields and meadows are white with them. The natives hail their arrival with great pleasure, from the swarms of frogs and the numbers of serpents and lizards that they devour. In Palestine and other places they destroy innumerable rats and mice.

The external appearance of the stork differs little from that of the crane; being of the same form and size, though a little larger. The colour is different; that of the stork being white and brown, and the crane being ash and black. The voice of the crane is loud and piercing, whilst the stork is silent, producing no other noise than what it makes with its beak.


The crane lays two eggs; but the stork generally lays four. The stork is fond of residing in populous places; but the crane is fond of living at as great a distance as possible from human dwellings.



THOSE few pale autumn flowers,
How beautiful they are!

Than all that went before,

Than all the summer store,

How lovelier far!

And why?-They are the last!

The last!-the last!-the last!

Oh! by that little word,

How many thoughts are stirr'd,

That sister of the past!

Pale flowers! pale perishing flowers!
Ye are types of precious things;

Types of those bitter moments

That flit, like life's enjoyments,

On rapid, rapid wings.

Last hours with parting dear ones, (That time the fleetest spends,)

Last tears in silence shed,

Last words half uttered,

Last looks of dying friends.

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