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ly less interesting than the early sketch of Mr. Swartz's character, by Mr. Chambers; and, in some respects, remarkably coincident with that striking fragment.

ner of conducting public business, procured him the general esteem both of Europeans and Hindoos. Every one loved and respected him, from the king of Tanjore to the humblest native.

"I had spent three months at Tranquebar," writes "Nor was he less feared; for he reproved them, Mr. Cœmmerer, "when I mentioned to my bre- without respect to situation and rank, when their thren my wish to see the aged, and by me long conduct deserved animadversion; and he told all since esteemed missionary, Mr. Swartz, as well as persons without distinction what they ought to do, to visit Mr. Janicke, whom I had known at Halle. and what to avoid, to promote their temporal and My brethren acceding to my request, I set off on eternal welfare. The king frequently observed, the 30th of August, and met Mr. Swartz at Comba- that, in the world, much was effected by presents conum. Sincere esteem and reverence penetrated and gold, and that he himself had done much by my soul when I saw this worthy man, with his those means; but that with Padre Swartz they ansnow-white hair. Integrity and truth beamed in swered no purpose. This excellent man often told his eyes. He embraced me, and thanked God that me, that the favor of God, and communion with he had led me to this country. Mr. Janicke Christ, was of greater value to him than 'thousands received me with open arms. It was very affecting of gold and silver.' Certainly, by the goodness of to me to see him once again; for when he accepted God, he has been made a great blessing to this the call to India, and preached his farewell discourse country. What other men could not effect without a at Halle, where I was among his hearers, I certain-military force, he has done by the personal influence ly never imagined that we should meet and con- which he possessed over the people, and which arose verse again in so remote a country. For twelve exclusively from his integrity and sincere piety. days I had the satisfaction of being in his society, till he departed for Palamcotta.

"A few miles from Tanjore, two Brahmins enticed a child of rich parents, splendidly adorned with gold and precious stones, into their pagoda, where they put him to death. The government of Madras desired Mr. Swartz to investigate this horrid deed. He accordingly examined the murderers in the king's palace, and brought them to confess the crime. They were afterwards executed.

"Tanjore is a large fortified town, which underwent considerable repairs after its occupation by the English. Yet the streets remained dirty and disagreeable, and the place was very unhealthy during the rainy season. This induced Mr. Swartz to select a piece of ground of considerable dimensions, at the distance of about two miles, which he "While on a visit at Cumbagonam, Mr. Swartz cultivated and formed into a garden, where he conversed with a Brahmin who had considerable erected several houses and a small church. In the landed property, entreating him with much affecimmediate vicinity of this garden, the native Chris-tion to turn to the true God. A few weeks aftertians settled, and he lives amongst them like a wards, we heard that he had died, and that his wife father." Speaking of the splendor of the pagodas was burned alive with his corpse. Although this in this chief seat of idolatry, he adds, "Here we happens less frequently than formerly, yet, in many see how much superstition can effect. instances it takes place, and that from two motives: one is superstition; the poor widow believing that she shall attain to a higher degree of happiness after death: the other is the fear of being despised by her relations, in case she should not manifest an affection sufficiently strong, to devote herself to the funeral pile with her husband. When Mr. Swartz learns beforehand that such an inhuman sacrifice is about to take place, he exerts his utmost influence to prevent it; and in these endeavors he has often succeeded.

"My stay at Tanjore was to have been limited to the 25th of October, my presence being much wanted by the Tranquebar brethren; but dear Mr. Swartz wished for an extension of the time, being desirous that I should make considerable progress in the Malabar tongue; and it so happened that the rains this season were more violent than was ever recollected by the oldest inhabitants. I could not, in consequence, return, without endangering my life. Under these circumstances, my residence with that excellent man was delayed until the 14th of December.

"His garden is filled from morning till late in the evening with natives of every rank, who come to him to have their differences settled; but, rather than his missionary duties should be neglected, the most important cases are delayed.

"Both morning and evening he has a service, at which many of the Christians attend. A short hymn is first sung; after which he gives an exhortation on some passage of Scripture, and concludes with a prayer. Till this is over, every one, even the most respectable, is obliged to wait. The number of those who come to him to be instructed in Christianity is great. Every day individuals attend, requesting him soon to establish a Christian congregation in their part of the country.

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"Nothing can possibly afford me more lively satisfaction than the society of Mr. Swartz. His unfeigned piety, his real and conscientious attention to every branch of his duties, his sincerity,-in short, his whole demeanor filled me with reverence and admiration. He treated me like a brother, or rather like a tender parent, and instructed me in the most agreeable manner in the Malabar language. The same did Mr. Kohlhoff, who is meekness and humility itself. Many an evening passed away, as if it had been but a single moment, so exceedingly interesting proved the conversation of this truly venerable man, and his relations of the singular and merciful guidance of God, of which During my stay about thirty persons, who had he had experienced so many proofs throughout his been previously instructed, were baptized. He allife, but particularly during the dreadful wars in ways performs the service with such solemnity, that India. The account he gave of the many dangers all present are moved to tears. He has certainly to which his life had been exposed, and the won- received from God a most peculiar gift of teaching derful manner in which it was often preserved, his the truths of religion. Heathens of the highest tender and grateful affection towards God, his fer- rank, who never intend to become worshippers of vent prayers and thanksgivings, his gentle exhor- the true God, and disciples of Jesus Christ, hear tations constantly to live as in the presence of God, his instructions with pleasure. During an abode zealously to preach the gospel, and entirely to re- of more than forty years in this country, he has sign ourselves to God's kind providence all this acquired a profound knowledge of the customs, brought many a tear into my eyes, and I could not manners, and character of the people. He expressbut ardently wish that I might one day resemble es himself in the Tamul language as correctly as a Swartz. His disinterestedness, his honorable man-native. He can immediately reply to any question,

and refutes objections so well, that the people acknowledge, 'We can lay nothing to the charge of this priest.'

"The time having arrived for my return to .Tranquebar, it was not without the deepest regret that I parted from this excellent man. Besides making considerable progress in the Malabar language, I derived great benefit for my immortal soul. On my taking leave, he said, shaking hands with much warmth, 'O that we may meet again before the throne of God! I wish once more to see my friends on the coast, and to take my farewell of them.""

The journal of Swartz for this year contains a striking illustration of Mr. Cammerer's remark as to the respect in which he was held, both by the English government and the Rajah of Tanjore, and of his beneficial influence even in civil concerns, combined, as it ever was, with his unabated zeal and piety.

"When the present king," he observes, "ascended the throne, I was desired to form the outline of a plan for the better administration of justice and the laws. I did so; and it was transmitted to England and approved. This year the directors sent out orders to have my plan carried into execution: and the governor of Madras desired me to superintend it. This greatly increased my labors; but for the sake of the poor inhabitants, I could not refuse the office.

get them to show me their work, as a proof of their industry. Labor is constantly necessary for them, not only as an occupation, but to fix their minds on an object during the hours of solitude.

"The great wish of our hearts is, that those who have been instructed in our religion, may lead a life conformable to its holy precepts. Some, indeed, bring forth the fruits of faith; as for others, we labor with patience, in hope of seeing them turn to the Lord.

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"A short time since an old man was interred, whose life and death were a great consolation to us. He was a man of some property in land and cattle, and left the whole to his children, exhorting them in his last moments to follow his example, and become disciples of Jesus Christ. But, alas! they were far from being so inclined. His whole heart was fixed upon God, and he sought and found salvation, by repentance and faith in the great Redeemer, and by a steady course of consistent piety. He was indefatigable in prayer, never gave way to a spirit of discontent, but always enjoyed a happy frame of serenity and peace. Many heathens who knew him were wont to say, 'If there be not another sincere Christian among those who have been instructed, this good old man certainly is one.' In his last illness, he was visited by the catechists and ourselves. The day of his departure I said to him, My dear friend, it seems as if the Lord designed to call you away to-day.' 'Yes,' returned he; 'I am ready to go; and my soul exclaims, Come, Lord "As many of the natives daily come to me from Jesus! I am willing to follow thee! Shortly after, all parts of the country, I had the best opportunity one of the catechists asked him how he found himof declaring to them the counsel of God, for their self. Very well,' he replied, and expired. His salvation. Those who came at seven in the morn- death produced a general sensation. The children ing, attended our morning prayers. Others, who in the schools, who revered him as a father, followcalled at eight, heard the instructions given to the ed him, singing hymns, with a great concourse of candidates for baptism. Sometimes forty or fifty Christians, and heathens, and strewed his grave with persons are present, both of high and low All the brethren were convinced that his Frequently from fifteen to twenty Brahmins are sit- life was truly Christian, and his end happy. His ting by while I am catechising. I say to them, memory will be blessed." 'Sit down, and you will hear what doctrines we teach. I trust you will dedicate yourselves to the service of your Creator and Redeemer, and forsake your wretched idolatry!' They quietly sit down for an hour and hear every thing I have to say. Thirty years ago, they would have looked upon this as the greatest scandal. May God be merciful to them, and incline their hearts not only to hear, but to receive the truth in the love of it!

"My hope that this country will be brought to a saving knowledge of the gospel, daily gains strength; but whether I shall live to see the change the Lord only knows-nor, indeed, is it material. My chief care is to train up young people in the service of Christ. Mr. Janicke observed, 'I wish we had a few more young men like Sattianaden.' Yes, I replied the Lord of the harvest can call others. May He only grant us a single aim, and humble hearts! Then his blessing will not be wanting, but if we harbor sordid motives, we cannot expect it."

How admirable and instructive are such reflections; and what might not be expected from the united exertions and prayers of a few such laborers !

In another part of the journal for 1791, Swartz thus mentions one of the benevolent methods he adopted for supplying some of his native converts with the means of support.

"I sometimes employ poor widows in spinning. They bring the yarn to a Christian weaver, who makes good cloth for a trifling sum. Some widows bruise rice and sell it; others support themselves by selling fruit. When I visit these poor women on an afternoon, I first catechise them and then

Who can peruse the preceding brief narrative, and not feel that the subject of it was a genuine convert to the faith and hope of the gospel; and that, had there been no other evidence of his success, the labor of Swartz would not have been in vain!

In a letter to a friend, dated "Tanjore, January 24th, 1792," Swartz thus expresses his perception of advancing years, and his increasing anxiety for additional help.

"I am now in the 66th year of my age, and I cannot but bless God that I am still able to perform all my usual functions, both in the church and in the schools. Nature certainly begins to decay; but as long as God shall grant me any degree of strength, I will gladly spend it in laboring in his vineyard. The harvest is at present truly great, but the laborers are few: we therefore earnestly pray that the Lord would send laborers into his harvest; and we urgently entreat all our friends and patrons in Europe to do their utmost to send us out faithful assistants in this work. In the last year the increase of converts was considerable. Our three schools in this place go on well, and also that at Cumbagonam, and another at Paliamkodi. In the latter place, above sixty persons have been converted to Christianity."

On the 8th of March following he says, "Ten days ago, I returned from a journey to Trichinopoly. My excursion was very gratifying both in going and returning. I visited the little congregations from village to village, and was pleased with their open-hearted avowal of the truth. When I catechised, there were generally above a hundred

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heathens present who listened in silence. One of the newly-baptized Christians said, 'The whole land will yet turn to Christ.' I said, Amen!' For so it is written, that the kingdoms of this world shall finally be given to the Lord Christ. On my outward journey I took the northern side, on my return the southern, and declared the counsel of God to Christians and heathens with much emotion of heart. The three schools here, and that at Cumbagonam are continued. Our greatest anxiety is how to dispose of the children educated in the English schools, as most of them are orphans. They are not received into the army, unless they are content to rise no higher than sergeants! In writing departments so many applicants are to be found in Madras, that it is difficult to obtain situations. The war is now almost at an end, and the preliminaries of peace have been already acceded to by all parties."

The continued affection of Swartz for the widow and children of his friend, Colonel Wood, was in this year expressed in the following pious and interesting letter.

Tanjore, March 9th, 1792. "Your favor of January 13th, 1791, I have received. I am happy at the pleasing account of your better health. I am now in the 66th year of my age, and am so well that 1 can go through the duties of my office without much fatigue. However, I think now daily of my departure. My time is in the hand of God; but considering my age, my quitting this world cannot be far off.

"I adore the unspeakable mercy of God, who has dealt so very kindly by be in all respects. He has given me a knowledge of his unspeakably great love in Christ; he pardoneth my sins, heals my infirmities, and I hope that he will crown me with glory. Moreover, he has been pleased to make me an instrument of his grace to instruct others; some of whom we shall find in a blessed eternity, with whom I shall sing the praises of redeeming love.In short, if I complain, it must be of myself, and of my frequent acts of disobedience and ingratitude; but of my God and Redeemer I have no reason to complain.

"Dear madam, we have known one another in this pilgrimage. O that we may see one another in glory!

"Remember me to your dear children. Your eldest daughter is, I hope, 'a joyful mother of children.' Put her often in mind to bring them up in the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ; and not according to the fancies of the world. Your youngest -daughter, M., is now married likewise to a clergyman. May she also look out for the best part!But where is your second daughter, E? Is she still with you? Before this reaches you, I hope you have seen your dear son. May he imitate Cornelius, desirous of hearing and receiving the word of


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'Many of your clergymen make little of a Redeemer. They destroy the foundation of happiness and true holiness. What can they build? Paul was another master-builder, who knew of no other foundation than Jesus Christ.

"Mr. Breithaupt is a plain and serious Christian. Mr. Gericke and he live close together. Mr. F is dead. He seemed to be sorry for what he had done. His memory failed him; but he had no severe sickness. He supped heartily, and began to tremble, and died.

“God bless you, and your dear children."

This restriction is now happily removed. + The late Rev. and excellent Basil Woodd.

To the latter Swartz added: "As I wrote to-day some lines to your dear mamma, I thought it necessary to add a line or two to you, to indulge the pleasure of mind, which I find in talking of or to you.

"Your old friend is still alive, going about to preach the glad tidings concerning a Redeemer, who came to save that which was lost. As this blessed Jesus is called, with the greatest propriety, the 'Consolation of the nations,' I hope yon seek all true comfort in Him. By Him you shall be made wise; for He is the author of all wisdom. In and by Him you shall obtain a full and atoning righteousness, as he has fulfilled the law of God, and satisfied divine justice for us; in and by him we shall be truly sanctified, and restored to the image of God; because he has not only given us the best rules for holiness, but has set us an example of unspotted holiness, and, which is our greatest comfort, has purchased for us the grace of his Holy Spirit; nay, is now able to send this blessed Spirit into our hearts. In and by Jesus, we shall be delivered from all evil and calamity, and introduced into the presence of God. Should not such a Saviour be precious in our sight? St. Paul counted all things but loss in comparison with the excellency of the knowledge of his Saviour. Whatever worldly people say, they will one day or other be of Paul's opinion. "I pray to God to enable you to show by your conduct, before all the world, that Jesus is the highest object of your desires and wishes. Worldly riches and honors are not sinful in themselves; nay, ought to be used with thankfulness to God, but with a becoming care and vigilance, lest they become a snare to us."

The following is the first letter from Swartz, to his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Duffin, who had now returned to Europe. The unpleasant circumstances which he mentions in it, as resulting from the recent conversion of some native families, are more fully detailed in a subsequent letter,

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Tanjore, Sept. 17, 1792.. "As I hear that a Company's ship is to be despatched, I must write you a few lines.

"We are still in being. Mr. Kohlhoff is well, and Mr. Janicke arrived here from his long journey to Palamcotta a few days ago. I myself am so far well as to perform the duties of my office. If I live a few weeks longer, I shall finish my sixty-sixth year. How long has God showed mercy to me!Praise and honor be to his name! At last, when I survey all, I must confess, that all I have done needs pardon; which I hope to find, for the sake of my blessed Redeemer.

"The schools are kept up as before, here and at Cumbagonam. Some of the first scholars are now writers.

"Just about the time when you left us, we had a great deal of trouble. Many of the Collary fami lies were instructed and baptized, which displeased the heathens to such a degree, that they associated by two and three hundred, in order to attack the Christians. But by a kind Providence this storm is become, in a great degree, a calm.

"At Palamcotta, Mr. Janicke has instructed many; and he delights in the truly Christian conduct of many. He thinks that the country people are more open to conviction. The children in the country found it difficult to be instructed. I have therefore built a spacious house for them, and intend to keep a charity school. Next month we are resolved to begin. We shall first take fifteen or twenty, and keep them free in victuals and clothes. If God be with us, we hope to enlarge, and take in


"This country is still managed by the Company. | interest in Christ, to be an instrument in the salvaLast week a new treaty was offered to the Rajah's tion of others." approbation and signature. But the conditions were rather hard; so that he will not be able to comply with them.

After repeated inquiries the venerable Dr. Schultz, of Halle, succeeded, in the course of this year, in obtaining, in the Rev. C. W. Pezold, who had been

By this time I hope you are settled in London.educated at Wittemberg, one whom he could reI heartily wish that you may find your present situation beneficial to soul and body. May the Lord Jesus, who has bought and redeemed us, be our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. May we rejoice in him, and may that joy be our strength, by which we may overcome all temptations! For temptations, we, no doubt, shall meet every where. Let us be strong in the Lord, and watch and pray till we have finished our warfare. "All my friends wish you health and substantial happiness. I am, as long as I live,

Dear friends,

"Your affectionate friend and servant,


In the course of this year, Mr. John, one of the missionaries at Tranquebar, having occasion to obtain the advice of Swartz, requested the latter to meet him at Tripatore. “I reached that place," he says, "at seven, and at eight Mr. Swartz arrived, whom I had so earnestly desired to see. He was not able to quit his palanquin without difficulty; and I soon perceived that since I saw him at Tanjore a year and a half ago, his energy and strength had become much impaired. It went to my very heart, as I reflected with sorrow, that we were not likely to retain this dear brother long amongst us. He himself observed; 'I am getting nearer the grave: travelling no longer does for me; my heavenly Father will not, I trust, permit me to lie long sick and incapable of work; but take me soon to himself-if it be his will.' He complained of a severe cold that -affected his teeth; the loss of which would much grieve him, as it would hinder his speaking

"Our Christians assembled, and Mr. Swartz recapitulated to them his sermon of last Sunday. Till midnight I poured out my heart into the bosom of this faithful and experienced brother, and was through him not a little refreshed."

The progress of religion at Palamcotta, under the zealous ministry of Janicke and Sattianaden was particularly gratifying, to the venerable missionary at Tanjore. "The native preacher," Mr. Janicke informed him, " returned lately from an excursion, after an absence of thirty-five days. Every morning he went to some village in the neighborhood. He cannot sufficiently describe the desire expressed by the people; wherever he went, they begged him to read and preach to them. He was full of joy, and would gladly have returned to them again, but I rather preferred his holding the preparation at Padunadapooram. I believe we shall have a great harvest in the West."

"I always thought," replied Swartz " "and I wrote to you to say so, that a large congregation would be collected at Palamcotta. This my hope now begins to be fulfilled. O may the Lord of the harvest give faithful laborers! But I hope and pray that God will protect this work from the race of those that deny the Godhead of Christ, and his atoning sacrifice.

"Since January I have had from twenty to thirty persons constantly under preparation; and I have labored on them with all my might, morning, afternoon, and evening, until almost ten o'clock at night. I recapitulate and apply the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith, lead them to childlike communion with God in prayer, and while so engaged, almost forget my age and infirmities. I esteem it the greatest of blessings, next to my own

commend to the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, for the arduous work of a missionary. In the month of October, Mr. Pezold arrived in England, and, previously to his departure for India, a charge was delivered to him, at the request of the Society, by the late Rev. Dr. Glasse, in the course of which he thus refers to him, whom he justly styled "the admirable Mr. Swartz," as "an example of all that is great and good and imitable in the character of a Christian missionary; one that has hazarded his life for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; one that has been enabled not only to conciliate the affections of the ignorant and unlearned, but to overcome the deep-rooted prejudices of such as had been long habituated to a most unreasonable system of theology, and which, to the utter astonishment of those who are blessed with superior light, they hold, amidst all its absurdities, (I had almost said amidst all its abominations,) in the highest veneration and esteem. Many of these has the indefatigable Mr. Swartz converted to the pure and apostolical faith, by a conciliatory behavior, peculiarly suited to his situation; a behavior which, whilst it has endeared him to the common orders of men, has procured him admission even before the throne of the proudest monarch of the east; there do we find this worthy servant of God, pleading the cause of Christianity, and interceding for the protection of his mission, and doing it without offence: there do we find him, renouncing every personal consideration, regardless of every personal advantage, and, in the true spirit of the divine lawgiver, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God,' than to enjoy any pleasures or distinctions which this world could afford him; 'esteeming the reproach of Christ,' and the advancement of a despised religion, 'greater riches' than Indian treasures; because, with Moses, 'he had respect' to a future and eternal 'recompence of reward.' In a word, we find him in every place, and on every occasion, conducting himself as one who had determined to know and to regard nothing but the interest of a crucified Saviour, and the propagation of his gospel."

While the character of Swartz was thus deservedly eulogised, an equally just tribute of approbation was paid to his valuable fellow-laborers, and particularly to Mr. Gericke, with whom it was intended that Mr. Pezold should be immediately associated at Madras, as a most devoted and zealous missionary, who merited every testimony of respect from the Society with which he was connected.*


A. D. 1792 TO A. D. 1793. Harsh treatment of Serfojee and the widows of Tuljajee, by Ameer

Sing-Letter from Serfojee to Mr. Swartz-He transmits their complaints to the Governor of Madras-The widows and Serfojee, accompanied by Mr. Swartz, are removed to that Presidency-Proceedings commenced for a renewed investigation of Serfojee's adoption-Administration of Tanjore revenue restored to Ameer Sing Swartz visits Mr. Gericke at Vepery-Their mutual testimony-Account of the Collaries-Mr. Janicke and Sattianaden at Palamcotta-Letters to friends-Character of Serfojee-Swartz's and Gericke's endeavors to instruct him-Mr. Pezold's account of Swartz Mr. Rottler's-Swartz at Negapatam-Letter to Serfojea -Death and Character of Mr. Chambers-Letter of Swartz to his widow-His return to Tanjore-Letter to Dr. Schultz

THOUGH the adopted son of the late Rajah of Tanjore had been rescued from the control of his suc

cessor, as already related, in the year 1790, the jealousy and animosity of Ameer Sing towards Serfojee, and the widows of his late brother, continued unabated, and had proceeded to so great a length during the two following years, that in November, 1792, it became absolutely necessary for the English government again to interfere for their protection.

It appears that the son-in-law of Ameer Sing, the husband of his only child, had recently died, without offspring. In the agony of his grief, as it may be charitably concluded, for a loss which deprived him of the hope of posterity, the Rajah strangely imputed this unhappy event to enchantmeats practised by the Baie Sahebs, (widows of Tuljajee,) by means of a Pusary. He even accused them of plotting, by the same abominable arts, against his own life; and, after condemning the Pusary to be hanged, for the alleged witchcraft, he caused a proclamation to be publicly read under the windows of the Baie Sahebs' residence, accusing them of instigating the wretched man to this atrocious crime.

While the Rajah thus unjustly accused the widows of his late brother, he himself was guilty of something more palpably injurious, by causing a quantity of chillies, (long pepper,) and other ingredients, to be burnt under the windows of Serfojee's apartments; by which he and his attendants were nearly suffocated.

The following translation of a letter from Serfojee to his venerable friend and guardian, describes, with great simplicity, and with every appearance of truth, other instances of persecution and annoyance which he was then enduring. It will be read with some interest, as the production of a Hindoo prince, whose history is so intimately connected with that of Swartz.

"I will not," he writes, "again explain the various vexations which I have hitherto suffered from Ameer Sing, Maha Rajah, because you know them, and have mentioned them to government.

In transmitting the preceding letter to Sir Charles Oakley, who had succeeded to the presidency at Madras, Mr. Swartz, after confirming the complaints of Serfojee from his own knowledge, and particularly noticing the confinement of a Lrahmin in his service, informed he governor, that on hearing of the latter circumstance he wrote to the Rajah, requesting to know whether this had been done by his order, and reminding him, that it was altogether contrary to the will of the honorable Board, and to the decree of the Court of Directors of May 6, 1791.

The animosity," he added, "is rather too great; so that if some effectual means are not used, none knows what may happen."

In another letter to Sir Charles Oakley, he observed, that the Rajah was in so dreadful an agitation, "that it would not be surprising if he should fall into a state of sickness, which he without doubt would ascribe to witchcraft."

"That Serfojee, and the ladies," he continued, "are in danger, is very obvious and acknowledged by all. They have desired me to acquaint Lord Cornwallis with all this shameful work."

The general impression which the extraordinary conduct of the Rajah, thus detailed, produced both at Tanjore and Madras, was that he was disordered in his intellects, and he was informed by the government that he would not be entrusted with the management of his country, until his mind should be more composed. In fact, it was found necessary, for this and other reasons, to retain the administration of the revenue for a few months longer. It is remarkable, that, in consequence of the Rajah's former ill-treatment of Serfojee, government had been induced to consult Mr. Swartz as to the expediency of removing both him and the widow queens to Madras, and of declaring Serfojee presumptive heir to the musnud. Before, however, the despatch containing that proposition could have reached Tanjore, Mr. Swartz's letter to Sir Charles Oakley, communicating the Rajah's outrageous behavior, arrived; and left no doubt as to the necessity of removing Serfojee immediately from his perilous situation. Orders were accordingly transmitted to Tanjore, that Serfojee and the Baie Sahebs should be rescued from the vexatious interference of Ameer Sing; and that they and such "I will only mention one of the last grievances members of their family as were willing to accomcaused by Ameer Sing. Sultshana Baie Saheb be-pany them should be invited to Madras, where they haved to me as a mother from my infancy. Upon her recent death, I wished to honor her by performing the funeral rites. But as the governor and council determined that Ameer Sing should fulfil that duty, I was quiet. As he insisted upon it, he should have performed it; but instead of this he sent a hired man, and he himself went out of the fort as soon as the corpse was carried away; which disrespect to my mother grieved me very much.

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Though the governor has often admonished Ameer Sing to behave friendly to me, he has disregarded all exhortations.

That I still live, I owe to the kindness of government.

would live unmolested, and the education of Ser-. fojee, which had hitherto been much impeded, might be duly attended to.

On the 21st of November, this plan, so contrary in some respects to the usual habits of Hindoo females, was carried into effect. A detachment of the Company's troops, under the superintendence of Mr. Swartz, accomplished the removal of Serfojee, and the widows, from the palace of the late "He continues to torment us. My teachers he Rajah, without occasioning the least disturbance. prevents from coming to me. My servants he con- They soon afterwards left Tanjore, and on the 10th fines; so that hardly any one will stay with me. of January, 1793, the whole party, accompanied by When a merchant comes to sell cloth to me, the their faithful friend and protector, safely reached merchant and his cloth are detained. I would the presidency. Ameer Sing, dreading the exmention many things more: but why should I posure of his folly, used his utmost endeavors to trouble you with all my griefs? I entreat you to prevail upon them to remain; but they could not send this my letter to the honorable Board, and to be persuaded to forego their intention. In addition beseech them either to call me to Madras, which I to the immediate object of their personal safety and heartily wish, or to put a guard of Europeans near comfort, they had resolved to take this opportunity the gate, to protect me and my two mothers; or to of stating their conviction of the validity of Sergive me a room out of the fort, in your garden. fojee's adoption, and of obtaining such a full inves"I entreat you to lay my grief before the honor-tigation of his claims as might lead to the deposiable Board. Now they can help me; and I trust that they will protect me."

• Magician.

tion of Ameer Sing, and the elevation of Serf jee to the throne.

The proceedings, which at length issued in the accomplishment of these important events, appear to have commenced by communications on the part

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