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had wrought up the raw materials, which he had gathered from books, with such ex'quisite skill and felicity,' that he had added a hundred-fold to their original value, and justly made them his own.





T is not long since à gentleman was traveling in one of the counties of Virginia, and, ăbout the close of the day, stopped at a public house, to obtain refreshment and spend the night. He had been there but a short time, before an old man alighted from his gig, with the apparent intention of becoming his fellow-guest at the same house.



2. As the old man drove up, he observed that both of the shafts of his gig were broken, and that they were held together by withes formed from the bark of a hickory sapling. Our traveler observed further, that he was plainly clad, that his knee-buckles were loosened, and that something like negligence pervaded his dress. Conceiving him to be one of the honest yeomanry' of our land, the courtesies of strangers passed between them, and they entered the tavern.


3. It was about the same time, that an addition of three or four young gentlemen was made to their number-most, if not all of them, of the legal profession. As soon as they became comfortably accommodated, the conversation was turned by one of the latter upon a display of eloquence' which he had that day heard at the bar. It was replied by the other, that he had witnessed, the same day, a degree of eloquence no doubt equal, but that it was from the pulpit.

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4. Something like a sarcastic' rejoinder' was made to the eloquence of the pulpit; and a warm and able altercation3 ensued, in which the merits of the Christian religion became the subject of discussion.* From six o'clock until eleven, the young champions' wielded the sword of argument, adducing, with ingenuity and ability, every thing that could be said, pro and con."

5. During this protracted' period, the old gentleman listened with all the meekness and modesty of a child, as if he was adding new information to the stōres of his own mind; or, perhaps, he was observing, with philosophic eye, the faculties of the youthful mind, and how energies are evolved by repeated action; or, perhaps, with patriotic emotion, he was reflecting upon the future destinies of his country, and on the rising generation on whom these future destinies must devolve; or, mēst probably, with a sentiment of moral and religious feeling, he was collecting an argument, which (characteristic of himself) no art would be "able to elude, and no force to resist." Our traveler remained a spectator, and took no part in what was said.

6. At last, one of the young men, remarking that it was impossible to combat with long and established prejudices,' wheeled around, and with some familiarity exclaimed, “Well, my old gentleman, what think you of these things?" If, said the traveler, a streak of vivid lightning had at that moment crossed the room, their amazement could not have been greater than it was with what followed.

7. The most eloquent and unanswerable appeal was made by the old gentleman, for nearly an hour, that he ever heard or read. So perfect was his recollection, that every argument urged against the Christian religion was met in the order in which it was advanced.

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8. Hume's sophistry on the subject of miracles' was, if possible, more perfectly answered than it had already been by Campbell. And in the whole lecture there was so much simplicity and force, pathos and energy, that not another word was uttered. An attempt to describe it, said the traveler, would be an attempt to paint the sunbeams.

9. It was now matter of curiosity and inqui'ry, who the old gentleman was. The traveler concluded that it was the preacher from whom the pulpit eloquence was heard; but no—it was the CHIEF-JUSTICE OF THE UNITED STATES.


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EAVEN lies about us in our infancy," says Wordsworth.* And who of us, that is not too good to be conscious of his own vices, has not felt rebuked and humbled under the clear and open countenance of a child?—who that has not felt his impurities foul upon him in the presence of a sinlèss child?

2. These feelings make the best lesson that can be taught a man; and tell him in a way, which all else he has read or heard never could, how paltry is all the show of intellect compared with a pure and good heart. He that will humble himself and go to a child for instruction, will come away a wiser man.

3. If children can make us viser, they surely can make us better. There is no one more to be envied than a good-natured man watching the workings of children's minds, or overlooking


Hume, David Hume, a distinguished historian and philosopher of Great Britain, was born at Edinburgh, Scotland, April 26th, 1711. Though a confirmed skeptic, his private character was excellent, and his death, which occurred in August, 1776, peaceful.

2 Soph' ist ry, false reasoning.

Mir' a cles, wonders or wonderful things; events or acts beyond, or contrary to, the laws of nature.

1 William Wordsworth, (wêrdz'worth), the distinguished English poet, born April 7th, 1770, and died April 23d, 1850.

their play. Their eagerness, curious about every thing, making out by a quick imagination' what they see but a part of their fanciful combinations and magic' inventions, creating out of ordinary circumstances and the common things which surround them strange events and little ideal' worlds, and these all working in mystery to form matured thought, are study enough for the most acute* minds, and should teach us, also, not too officiously to regulate what we so little understand.



4. The still musing and deep abstraction, in which they sometimes sit, affect us as a playful mockery of older heads, These little philosophers have no foolish system, with all its pride and jargon,' confusing their brains. Theirs is the natural movement of the soul, intense with new life and busy after truth, working to some purpose, though without a noise.

5. When children are lying about seemingly idle and dull, we, who have become case-hardened by time and satiety,* forgět that they are all sensation, that their outstretched bodies are drinking in from the common sun and air, that every sound is taken note of by the ear, that every floating shadow and passing form come and touch at the sleepy eye, and that the little circumstances and the material world about them make their best school, and will be the instructors and formers of their characters for life.

6. And it is delightful to look on and see how busily the whole acts, with its countlèss parts fitted to each other, and moving in harmony." There are none of us who have stolen softly behind a child when laboring in a sunny corner digging

1 Im ǎg`i na' tion, the image-making power; the power to create or form again an object of sense before noticed or seen.

2 Mǎgic, pertaining to the hid den wisdom supposed to be possessed by the Magi, or "wise men from the East" who brought gifts to the infant Jesus; seemingly requiring more than human power.

5 Ab strǎc' tion, deep thought, causing disregard or forgetfulness of things around us; absence of mind.

"Phi los'ō pher, one who searches into the reasons of things; a wise person


Jargon, (jår'gon), senseless noise; confused talk.

Sa tie ty, excess of gratification, which excites loathing; fullness beyond desire.

3 I de' al, living only in fancy or imagination; imaginary. 'Har mo ny, agreement; just • A cute, sharp at the end; keen; adaptation of parts where all fit shrewd.


a liliputian' well, or fencing in a six-inch barn-yard, and listened to his soliloquies' and his dialogues with some imaginary being, without our hearts being touched by it. Nor have we observed the flush which crossed his face when finding himself betrayed, without seeing in it the delicacy and propriety of the after man.

7. A man may have many vices upon him, and have walked long in a bad course, yet if he has a love of children, and can take pleasure in their talk and play, there is something still left in him to act upon-something which can love simplicity and truth.

8. I have seen one, in whom some low vice had become a habit, make himself the plaything of a set of riotous children with as much delight in his countenance as if nothing but goodnèss had ever been expressed in it; and have felt as much of kindness and sympathy toward him as I have of revolting toward another, who has gone through life with all due propriety, with a cold and supercilious bearing toward children, which makes them shrinking and still.


9. I have known one like the latter attempt, with uncouth condescension, to court an open-hearted child, who would draw back with an instinctive aversion; and I have felt as if there were a curse upon him. Better to be driven out from among men than to be disliked by children. R. H. DANA.




ONG had elapsed since I gazed on the scene,



Which my fancy still rōbed in its freshness of green--
The spot where, a school-boy, all thoughtless, I stray'd,
By the side of the stream, in the gloom of the shade.

'Lil'i pu'tian, diminutive; small. DEAN SWIFT wrote a work called "Gulliver's Travels," with the design of bringing into ridicule the extravagant stories of travelers, in which he describes the island of Liliput, whose inhabitants were only a few inches high. Hence the word Liliputian.

Sol lil' o quy, a talking to one's self, when alone or in company.

Sym' pa thy, kindness of feeling toward sufferers; fellow-feeling. * Sū`per cil' í oŭs, everbearing; haughty; proud.


'E lapsed, slided. slipped, or glid. ed by; passed away silently.


Făn' cy, a picture of any thing formed in the mind; that power by which the mind forms an image of picture of something.

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