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tible substance may have been thrown into the water; and even the collected mud at the sides of the hole is pulverised with heat, as at the mouth of a furnace.

Were this gas suitably confined and directed, I have no doubt it might be used to some valuable purpose, either to drive a steam engine or illumine a city; but no use is made of it, nor does the owner of the land seem to regard it with interest, or as any curiosity.

Whence this gas issues, or what produces it, I leave to the conjectures and experiments of the learned, being confident that it is the most singular and curious phenomenon I have ever seen.

Colonization Society.-The American Colonization Society is now supported with very great liberality in many parts of A letter has been received the south. from Natches, from which the following is an extract: "We have raised funds for the transportation of the free blacks residing among us to Liberia. One gentleman has raised on bis subscription paper, upwards of six thousand dollars, in less than a fortnight." Among the donations acknowledged in the last number of the African Repository, we also notice two of $500 each, from two gentlemen in Augusta, Georgia.

North Western Expedition-Dr. Houghton, of Fredonia, (Chau. Co.) who last season accompanied an expedition through Lake Superior, and to the sources of the Mississippi river, in the capacity of U. S. surgeon and naturalist, again left that place on the 2d ult. to join a second expedition under the immediate direction of H. R. Schoolcraft, U. S. Indian Agent, at the Sault Ste. Marie. It is contemplated to visit the sources of Nelson's and M'Kenzie's river, and the Rainy Lakes; the Lake of the Woods, and Lake Winnepeg will probably be visited in the outward route, after which the expedition will visit Red River, Red Lake, and Otter Tail Lake, and by the river des Cor: beau the Mississippi will be entered and descended as far as the falls of St. Anthony. The primary object of fitting out this expedition, upon the part of our government, is to check, if possible, the state of open hostility now existing among the north-western tribes of Indians. We understand that the expedition of last year effected that object in a considerable degree among those bands which were visit. ed, and we trust that of this year will not effect less.

Connecticut State Prison.-The Connecticut State Prison, during the past year, has yielded to the state, after pay ing every expense incurred for the support and management of the establish ment, $8,713 52; of which the sum of

$6,500 has been paid into the state treasury. The whole number of prisoners on the first day of April, 1832, was 192, of whom 18 were females. The prisoners in general are robust and healthy; two deaths only have occurred during the past year.

Cod Fishery-The Barnstable Journal that district for the year 1831, from which gives a statement of the Cod Fishery in it appears that licenses were granted to These vessels were manned by about 1500 188 vessels, averaging 58 tons each. men and boys, averaging eight persons to each. The gross proceeds from the fishe ry is estimated at $319,060; averaging about $120 a share to those employed, after deducting the proportion of the owners of the vessels and incidental expenses.

well, missionary to the Ojibeway Indians, Ojibeway Language.-Rev. Mr. Bouthas the following remark:

less difficult of acquisition than I ima"The language is more flexible and gined, considering the length of many of wa-biz-ze-win-nun. There are often thirits words; e. g. (sins), mut-che-izh-zhety letters in a word. I have written out

more than two thousand forms of one

verb, and suppose I have not found all yet, viz. the verb to hear. There is one form when connected with an animate object, and another of inanimate; one for affirmation, and another for negation; causation animate, and causation indefinite: reciprocal and reflex," &c.

Death from Charcoal.-Yesterday forenoon, Mr. George W. Coombs was at work in the well of Mr. Wm. T. Spear, Prince street, about 35 feet from the surhim, both in the employ of Mr. Isaac face, and Mr. Wm. Elin about eight below Scott, laying lead pipe, and using a furnace with charcoal, for soldering. Coombs complained of faintness, and Elm went up he was likewise taken faint, yet succeeded to assist him; but in passing the furnace in reaching the top, and calling assistance. Before it arrived, however, Mr. C. had fallen to the bottom. He was drawn up, and two physicians attended immediately, but life was extinct. Mr. Coombs was about 25 years of age, and has left a wife and child. It was the opinion of the phy: sicians, that the fumes of the charcoal

caused his death.

Brown University.-The Hon. Nicholas Brown, of Providence, with great liberality, has resolved to erect at his own expense, another college edifice of brick, to Hall, Lecture Rooms, &c., as we learn embrace a Chapel, Library, Philosophical from the Rhode Island papers. It is to be three stories high, and a basement 86 feet long, and 42 wide. It will be placed in the front yard of the College, on the south side. A subscription has also been com

menced, for raising twenty-five thousand dollars to constitute a permanent fundthe proceeds to be annually appropriated to the purchase of books for the library, and of philosophical and chemical apparatus. To this fund, Mr. Brown has subscribed ten thousand dollars. Another gentleman of Providence, has subscribed one thousand dollars.

The Woodbury, N. J. Herald states, that a bear, which weighed, when dressed, about two hundred pounds, was killed near Little Ease, in that county, Gloucester, a few days since. He was seen to visit a flock of sheep, one of which he killed, and earried to the swamp. A company of sportsmen, with dogs, got upon the track, and after a number of shots, succeeded in bringing the offender down.

The large balloon which Mr. Durant has been constructing for an aerial experiment, was destroyed by spontaneous combustion, at Jersey City, between the hours of 8 P. M. on Saturday, and 5 A. M. on Sunday. On Saturday, 9 A. M. it was dipped in varnish, and suspended in the air to dry till 8 P. M. when it was removed to a room, where it lay on four chairs, covering a surface of 14 or 15 square feet. The following morning it was almost entirely reduced to a cinder.

By the Poughkeepsie Telegraph, we learn that a piece of land, embracing an area of an acre and a half, on the eastern

shore, in Dutchess county, three miles above Newburg, has sunk one hundred feet, so that the tops of the highest trees growing upon it, are scarcely level with the surrounding surface.

Foreign Plants.-Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, as a mark of his regard for his native land, has sent from England to Mr. Winship of Brighton, a collection of scarce and valuable plants, including several hundred of the choicest productions of English gardens. We understand they have been received in good order, and they will make a valuable addition to the choice collection of plants, with which Mr. Winship's gardens were already stored.

Gambling. It appears from an official document, that the enormous sum of ninety thousand dollars was received during the last year by the city of New Orleans, from the single source of licenses to gambling houses kept open within its limits.

Removal of a Block of Buildings.—In widening a street in New York, it was deemed necessary to remove or demolish a large block of seven brick buildings. Mr. Simeon Brown, a civil engineer, undertook to remove them, and performed the extraordinary feat last Tuesday in three hours. The whole mass of buildings, 192 feet long, was removed back upon horizontal ways, a distance of seven feet by screws, without the least injury.

Religious Intelligence.

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, commenced its annual Sessions in the first Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, on Thursday, the 17th of May ult., at eleven o'clock A. M.; and was opened with a sermon by the Rev. Nathan S. S. Beman, D. D., the moderator of the last year, from Acts xix. 20. After the roll was made out according to a standing order, two candidates for the Moderator's chair were put in nomination-the Rev. Drs. James Hoge, and Gardiner Spring. At the pressing and repeated request of Dr. Spring, his name was withdrawn from the nonomination. Several other nominations were then made, all of which, at the request of the parties,

were eventually withdrawn, and the election of Dr. Hoge was unanimous. The Rev. Philip Hay was chosen temporary clerk. On the second day of the Sessions, the' Assembly, at the close of the morning Session, adjourned to meet in the afternoon of that day, in the seventh Presbyterian Church: and in this church, as more retired and free from the noise of the street than the first Church, the remaining Sessions were held. There were present in the Assembly this year, about 320 members, including delegates from corresponding bodies.

The first interesting question which came before the Assembly, was that which related to the division of the Presbytery of Philadel

phia, on the principle of what has been called elective affinity, or the choice and personal attachment of its members. This subject was ardently discussed for a whole week: first by the complainants against the Synod that had refused to form such a Presbytery, then by the representatives of the Synod in reply, and finally by the members of the Assembly. The complaint against the Synod was eventually sustained, and the petition for the erection of the new Presbytery, on the principle of elective affinity, was granted. The vote was taken by yeas and nays, which were at first recorded, but in the last afternoon of the Sessions, were, by a unanimous vote of the house, expunged from the minutes. The yeas were 166, the nays 87. The Synod of Philadelphia was, as a party, not permitted to vote: but had the votes of its members been taken, there would still have remained a majority of more than forty, in favour of the decision which was made. After this decision, many questions of considerable importance were disposod of, without any unusual warmth or earnestness of debate, till a motion was made to appoint a committee to draught a pastoral letter to the ministers and churches under the care of the Assembly, relative to the state of religion, with special reference to the subject of revivals. The appointment of such a committee was vigorously and earnest ly opposed on one side, and pleaded for on the other, and was at length decided in favour of a committee, by one of the closest votes we have ever witnessed. On taking the yeas and nays, it appeared that the yeas were 126, and the nays 122. Yet when the letter was brought in and read, it was adopted, with all but a perfect unanimity. We believe there was but a single dissenting voice. One half of the day, which had been exclusively set apart for devotional

exercises, was this year, on a motion to that effect, appropriated to common business transactions. The Missionary and Education Boards of the Assembly, were reappointed without any opposition; and other important decisions were made agreeably to the wishes of those who have been denominated Old Schoolmen, with but little resistance. On the last day of the Sessions, there was the appearance of as much mutual concession and fraternal feeling, as we ever remember to have seen in any General Assembly of former years.

Our present purpose is merely to state some leading facts. Our opinions on the several measures adopted, and the aspect which the whole proceedings of the last Assembly bear on the state and prospects of our church, we withhold for the present. Whether we shall withhold them ultimately or not, is yet a matter of deliberation. We should strongly incline to leave every thing as the Assembly left it, did we not see that some of the journals that have heretofore opposed the views which we enter tain, are already taking, or rather keeping up, a controversial character, and are endeavouring to represent those with whom we have thought and acted, as having re ceived discomfiture and rebuke, by the general doings of the last Assembly. If spared to the coming month, we shall then be better able than at present, to make up our mind as to the course which a regard to our duty as a Christian Advocate, and a friend to the Presbyterian Church, may call us to pursue.

We add the Narrative on the State of Religion, which ought to be read in connexion with the pastoral letter, in order to obtain a full view of the Assembly's esti mate of the state of religion in the churches under their care.


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Narrative of the State of Religion, within the bounds of the Presbyterian Church, in the United States of America, and corresponding Churches. May, 1832.

In reviewing the events of the past year, as detailed in the reports of the Presbyteries, we cannot fail to notice manifest interpositions of divine mercy. At the rising of the last Assembly, painful apprehensions were felt, by those who love our Zion, that times of darkness and trial were approaching. The political contentions which agitated the public mind, and the lamented controversies among ourselves, seemed to present formidable barriers against the progress of the Redeemer's cause. A dark cloud obscured the future, and we could not but justly fear the frowns of divine pleasure. An unhallowed spirit of party, so far destroyed the harmony and Christian affection, among some of our members, as to excite exultation in the ranks of the enemies of the gospel, and to clothe our church in mourning.

But amid the darkness caused by these discouragements, when confidence in man had failed, and we hardly dared to hope for help from God, the Lord himself has appeared to build up Zion, in troublous times: He has stretched out his own right arm, to accomplish the purposes of his mercy, and the mountains have flowed down at his presence. So signal have been the displays of unmerited mercy, that this year, which began in gloom and discouragement, has been gloriously dis tinguished, by the manifested presence of the Holy Spirit, and the signal triumphs of the gospel. In the midst of deserved wrath, God has remembered mercy. Instead of inflicting upon us those spiritual judgments, which our criminal ingratitude and abuse of mercy deserved, the Great Head of the Church has displayed the riches of his grace, in order that his overpowering goodness may lead us to repent


And it seems a remarkable circumstance, designed to bring our whole church in the dust before God, and to banish for ever the baleful spirit of sectional jealousy from our councils, that the showers of blessing have descended upon all portions of our wide extended bounds, and crowned the labours of our ministry generally, with precious tokens of divine approbation. It is thus worthy of special commemoration; that while our prospects at the beginning of the past year were darkened by uncommon discouragements, while the obstacles, to the progress of a work of grace, were never more formidable, and while our sins seemed to call for the visitations of wrath, we are called upon to record more of the loving kindness of the Lord towards our churches generally, and

more of the triumphs of grace over the powers of sin, than in any other year of our history.

In giving to our churches a brief narrative of the progress of religion within our bounds, since the last meeting of the Assembly, it is rendered less important to enter into particular details, by the fact, that most of this information has already been diffused, through the numerous channels, by which religious intelligence is so generally disseminated. All that can be expected, from this body, is a condensed view of the general results of the blessed revivals, which so many of the churches have enjoyed.


It is our delightful privilege to report, that sixty-eight Presbyteries have been blessed with the special influences of the Holy Spirit, reviving the churches, and bringing perishing sinners to the saving knowledge of the truth. In these highly favoured Presbyteries, about seven hundred congregations are reported as having been thus visited in rich mercy. many of these places, thus refreshed by the showers of divine grace, the displays of the power of the gospel have been glorious, almost beyond example. Several Presbyteries have had their whole territory pervaded by an heavenly influence, and every congregation has become a harvestfield for the ingathering of souls, to the fold of the good Shepherd. The following list includes those Presbyteries, which have been distinguished by a mighty prevalence of the work of God, viz.

[blocks in formation]

These bodies send us the animating message, that all, or nearly all their churches, have enjoyed a precious season of revival. "Never," says the report from West Hanover, "have we had the privilege of recording so many signal triumphs of Almighty grace." "The angel having the everlasting gospel in his hand, has passed through our borders, and has brought salvation to almost every house." "So powerful and extensive has been the divine influence among us, that one district is known, where not one adult could be found, unconcerned, upon the subject of religion." "On some occasions, a whole

congregation, without one exception, have been prostrate before God, anxiously inquiring for salvation." "Eighteen of our congregations have been revived, and in one of them 300 hopeful conversions have taken place." "Every church within our bounds," says the report from Niagara, "has shared in the ascension gift, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit."

The following Presbyteries report a very interesting work of grace, within their respective bounds, extending, however, only to a part of their congregations. Cincinnati, Athens,


New York,
New York, 3d,
Long Island,

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St. Louis,
St. Charles,
Charleston Union,

North Alabama,



South Alabama.

Thus the voice of praise and thanksgiving is heard from our most distant borders. A harmonious testimony comes from the north and the south, the east and the west, proclaiming that the past has been a year of the right hand of the Most High.

In the details of these numerous revivals, we cannot fail to notice some circumstances, which distinguish the present age, and manifestly deserve particular attention. One of these is the general extension of this work of grace. Formerly, it was a prevalent opinion, that some places and some communities were so entirely occupied and strongly fortified by the enemy, that no rational hopes could be cherished, that they would ever rejoice in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. So that, in reference to the existence of a work of grace in such localities, we have been ready to say, if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might such a thing be! But these conclusions of unbelief have been put to shame, by the easy conquests which divine love has recently achieved, in the very strong holds of proud infidelity, over the congregated forces of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Some sterile regions, where scarcely a plant of righteousness was ever seen, have become like the garden of the Lord. And in some communities, heretofore distin

guished by the triumphant dominion of worldliness and impiety, the transformation produced by the influence of the gospel, is so great, as to force all men to exclaim, "What hath God wrought!"

It is another distinguishing characteristick of the recent revivals, that so many of the subjects of renewing grace have been found in those classes of society, in which instances of conversion have usual ly been of very rare occurrence. We have been aceustomed to consider men of wealth and political eminence, whose characters were already formed under an unholy influence, as far removed from all probability of conversion, and almost beyond the reach of the means of grace. But we have lately been most impressively taught, not thus to limit the Holy One of Israel. In many places, the most numerous instances of conversion have been found among the most active and influential members of society. And in several instances, the leading persons in the community, consisting of professional men, men of wealth, talents, and high political standing, have been subdued to the obedience of faith, and led willingly to renounce forever all glory, excepting that which is found in the cross of Christ.

One more distinctive trait in the work of grace, with which our churches have been so extensively blessed, is found in the resistless energy which has accompanied it. Several of our reports recount such triumphs of grace, over all opposition, as have rarely been witnessed. So overpow ering have been the manifestations of the divine presence in some places, that hardly a single adult, in a whole community, remained unaffected. Large congregations have been brought by the mighty power of God, anxiously to inquire with one united voice, what must we do to be saved? Often, and in places far distant from each other, has the thrilling spectacle been presented, before angels and men, of the wealthy and the learned, the eminent and high-minded, falling pros trate at the footstool of mercy and prayer. The barriers of pride, the fortresses of false religion, and the strong holds of infidelity and licentiousness, have been utterly demolished, by the manifested presence of the Holy One. Bitter party contentions have been forgotten, and deadly foes have come hand in hand, bathed in tears of contrition, to the Saviour's feet.

We cannot omit to mention the extraordinary extension of this gracious influence. From the shores of the northern lakes to the plains of Florida; from the Atlantic border, to the banks of Missouri, we hear one united testimony, that the Lord hath appeared to build up Zion. In the crowded city, and the forest wild-in the halls of legislation, and the cottages

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