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became arrogant and domineering, and declined to be interfered with. Even to the queen he was at times most offensive, and spoke to her and of her in a tone which would have cost another man his head. One day he was at a meeting of the Council, when a discussion arose about the best person to settle the affairs of Ireland. The queen gave her vote for Sir W. Knollys, Essex voted for Sir G. Carew. Hating dictation as much as her favourite, Elizabeth instructed Sir Robert Cecil to appoint Knollys, when Essex, forgetful alike of his duty as a subject and his manners as a gentleman, shrugged his shoulders, and contemptuously turned his back on his sovereign. Such conduct the queen could not overlook. She rose, walked up to Essex, and soundly boxed his ears, bidding him immediately to retire. Blind with rage, Essex laid his hand on his sword, and with an oath cried out he would not have pardoned Henry VIII. so gross an affront. Then without another word he passed through the door, and quitted the Court. It took months before the apology which he tendered was accepted; and it is doubtful whether the queen ever again entertained for him the same friendly feeling as before this quarrel. Many attribute to the insult which he had on that day offered to his sovereign the ruin which subsequently overtook him.

2. Translate into English:

(a) Die städtische Schuldentilgungs-Commission macht bekannt, daß die mit der Herabsehung des Zinsfußes einverstandenen Obligationen-Besizer ihre neuen dreiprocentigen Obligationen jezt gegen die alten einlösen können; den übrigen wird hierdurch das Capital zur sofortigen Nückzahlung gekündigt.

(b) Troß des täglich zunehmenden Verlangens nach Urbarmachung, und troß der vielfachen Verwüstungen durch Wetter, Brand und Holzdieberei, find die Waldungen des deutschen Reiches noch immer so beträchtlich, daß sie mehr als ein Viertel der Gesammt-Oberfläche des Landes ausmachen.

(c) Beim Abladen eines Fuders Kohlen am Kellergewölbe des Stadtgerichts entdeckte gestern der zufällig herbeigetretene Pedell ein verdächtig aussehendes Päckchen, das sich als ein Schlauch voll Sprengstoff erwies.

(d) Durch falsche Weichenstellung entgleiste vorgestern ein Laftzug beim Passiren eines Kreuzweges, und stürzte nach Durchbrechung der Rampe die steile Böschung hinunter.

(e) In einem landwirthschaftlichen Blatte Baierns räth ein erfahrener Hopfenbauer zur Anlage von Drahtgittern anstatt der hölzernen Stangen, woran man gewöhnlich die Hopfen emporranken läßt; auch erklärt er die Hopfen für viel zweckdienlicher als Strohhalmen zur Zusammenbindung der Getreide-Garben.

(f) Ein einfältiger Gerichtsvollzieher pfändete bei einem Conditor vier Fuder Eis; als man aber zum Verkauf des mit Beschlag belegten Objektes schreiten wollte, fanden die Gläubiger sich dennoch geprellt, weil dasselbe unterdessen aufgehört hatte, zu eristiren.

3. Distinguish between fertig and bereit. tives can be followed by zu, which by mit?

Which of these two adjecGive examples.

4. What is the German for :-We have made fun of him-She is not yet out of her teens-The schoolboys dispersed helter-skelter-You have missed the mark-He will fail at his examination ?

5. What is the force of the syllable After in Afterliebe, Afterweisheit, &c.? What that of Erz in Erzschelm, Erzfeger? What that of Haupt in Haupterbe, Hauptriegel?

6. Subject for a German essay: Beschreibung eines Schüßenfestes.

Translate into English :


Indem Ferdinand alles that, seine misslichen Umstände zu verbessern, unterliess Friedrich nichts, seine gute Sache zu verschlimmern. Durch ein anstössiges enges Bündniss mit dem Fürsten von Siebenbürgen, dem offenbaren Alliirten der Pforte, ärgerte er die schwachen Gemüther, und das allgemeine Gerücht klagte ihn an, dass er auf Unkosten der Christenheit seine eigene Vergrösserung suche, dass er die Türken gegen Deutschland bewaffnet habe. Sein unbesonnener Eifer für die reformierte Religion brachte die Lutheraner in Böhmen, sein Angriff auf die Bilder die Papisten dieses Königreichs gegen ihn auf. Neue druckende Auflagen entzogen ihm die Liebe des Volks. Die fehlgeschlagene Erwartung der böhmischen Grossen erkältete ihren Eifer, das Ausbleiben fremden Beistandes stimmte ihre Zuversicht herab. Anstatt sich mit unermüdetem Eifer der Reichsverwaltung zu widmen, verschwendete Friedrich seine Zeit in Ergötzlichkeiten, anstatt durch eine weise Sparsamkeit seinen Schatz zu vergrössern, zerstreute er in unnützem theatralischem Prunk und übel angewandter Freigebigkeit die Einkünfte seiner Länder. Mit sorglosem Leichtsinn bespiegelte er sich in seiner neuen Würde, und über dem unzeitigen Bestreben, seiner Krone froh zu werden, vergass er die dringendere Sorge, sie auf seinem Haupte zu befestigen.

Translate into German :

In reference to all questions in respect of my conduct, it is for you to decide. If your decision shall be adverse, I shall submit to it without a murmur. That decision, if it be adverse, will probably deprive me of some things which may be thought enviable; of some things which few persons who had so little pretension to them from their fortune and social position have attained to in our time. But my estimate of happiness does not agree with those who place it on such objects. I can truly say I never sought for those things by any crooked course-that I found them only because they lay in the way of duty, and honour, and virtue—that I never solicited them, and that I can relinquish them without a pang.






1. A dyne being defined as the force which, acting on one gram for one second, produces a velocity of one centimeter per second, calculate the number of dynes in the weight of a gram, assuming the acceleration of gravity to be 32.2 feet per second, and the length of a metre to be 39.37079 inches.

2. Find the maximum range of a projectile on a horizontal plane, the velocity of projection being given.

3. An open cylindrical vessel, whose length is a, is inverted and immersed in water till half of it is below the surface; assuming the height, h, of the water-barometer, find the quadratic equation which determines the height of the surface of water within the cylinder.

4. Two bodies of given size, and given specific gravities, are connected by a string passing over a pulley, and rest completely immersed in water; find the condition of equilibrium.

5. Explain the phenomenon of "aberration," stating clearly its cause; and prove that the angle of aberration = k × sin Earth's way, determining the numerical value of k in seconds.

6. Define the principal focus of a lens, and establish the formula which determines the position of the principal focus of a double convex lens.


7. Investigate circumstances of place and time for which the ecliptic is-(a) coincident with, (b) perpendicular to, the horizon.

8. What are the three principal adjustments of the transit instrument ? How is a deviation of line of collimation from the meridian detected?

9. If the Sun have a given altitude at a certain place on a given day, and bear at the same time due East, how may the latitude be determined?

10. A weight is placed on a rough inclined plane, the coefficient of friction of which is 24, and the gradient 5 in 13. Find the least force which will (a) support the weight, (b) move it up the plane.

11. The outer radius of a spherical shell of lead (specific gravity 11.54) is foot; what is the greatest value of the inner which will allow the shell to float in water.

12. Explain the construction of the simple microscope, and show how to determine its magnifying power.


13. Determine at what portion of the Earth's surface a given lunar eclipse is visible.

14. Find when the equation of time caused by the obliquity of the ecliptic is a maximum.

15. A spherical shell is completely filled with water and rotates with uniform angular velocity round a vertical axis through its centre: find the surfaces of equal pressure.

16. Find the condition for the achromatic combination of two thin lenses in contact.

17. Two equal spheres moving in opposite directions, with velocities w and v, respectively, impinge directly on each other. If the coefficient of elasticity be, find the distance between their centres 4 seconds after the impact.

18. Two weights are connected by a string passing over a pulley situated at the common vertex of two rough inclined planes of given inclinations. If the system be in motion, find the tension of the string, the planes being equally rough.



1. A homogeneous triangular prism floats in a liquid, one angle only being immersed; derive the equation which determines the positions of equilibrium.

2. Explain the method of determining the uncorrected errors in level, collimation, and deviation of a transit instrument; and investigate the form of correction to be applied in consequence of these errors to the observed time of transit of a star.

3. A particle acted on by a constant force of given direction is projected with a given velocity, and in a given direction, in a medium resisting with a force proportional to the square of the velocity; determine the motion.

4. Define the momental ellipse of a lamina, and show that in the case of a triangle this is the ellipse which touches at the middle points of the sides.

5. Find, by Newton's method, the law of force under which a body will describe a semicircle, the centre of force being infinitely distant.

6. Prove that the only curve which reflects rays of light proceeding from a point accurately to a point is the conic section.


7. A closed cylinder of height H contains water up to height h. If the cylinder be made to revolve round its axis, show that the greatest angular velocity for which the bottom will remain completely covered with water is given by w2



or w2 =

(H− h) k2'

according as hor>

H 2

8. A tetrahedron is formed by three equal beams, the upper ends of which are jointed together in a point P, their lower ends forming an equilateral triangle on a smooth horizontal plane, the side of which is equal to the length of one of the beams. If now a weight W be placed at the vertex P, and the feet of the beams be tied with strings, find the tension on one of the strings, the weight of the beams being supposed negligible in comparison with W.

9. A planet moving round the Sun in an ellipse receives at a point of its orbit a sudden velocity in the direction of the normal outwards, the effect of which is to transform the orbit into a parabola. Show—(a) that the velocity required is independent of the point of the orbit where it is given; (b) that if it be given at the end of the minor axis, the new direction of perihelion will make with the old an angle = sin ̄1e.

10. Assuming as fundamental units the centimeter gramme second, express the atmospheric pressure, assumed to be 14.7 lbs. on square inch in dynes per square centimeter. One inch = 2.54 centimeters and 1000 grammes = 2.2 lbs.

II. Find the time occupied by the Sun in rising at a given place on a given day.

12. A sphere lies at the bottom of a basin of water. An opaque circular float on the surface of the water has its centre vertically over the centre of the sphere. Given all particulars, find the radius of the smallest float, which will render the sphere invisible to anyone looking into the



13. A conical wine-glass is filled with water and placed in an inverted position on a table; if the whole pressure of the water on the glass be double its resultant pressure, find the vertical angle of the cone.

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