Imágenes de páginas

Question 83. Velocity of projection=x32x and in the triangle B DC we have the two sides

120-1930 feet.

Height attained=

=57900 feet.

19302 2×3215 Question 84. In the triangle A B C, we have given the side A B, and the angles at A and B, 76° and 96° respectively. Also the angle A C B, =180°-(76°+96°)=8°; and since the sides of a triangle are in the ratio of the sines of their opposite angles, we have,

As Sin. A CB: AB:: sin. B A C B C.
Or, Sin. 8° 3600 :: sin. 76° : 25098 7=B C.
Again, in the triangle B C D we have the side
B C, the angles at B and C, 57° 30′ and 45° 10'
respectively; and the angle B D C 180°-(45°
10'+57° 30')=77° 20′.
.. As Sin. B D C
Or, as Sin. 77° 20′
18243 B D.

BC:: sin. B C D B D.
25098-7: sin. 45° 10' :

Now, in the triangle A B C we have the two sides A B and B C, and the included angle ABC;

BC, BD, and the included angle D B C; and the area of a triangle is equal to the rectangle of two of its sides by half the sine of the included angle. .. Area of triangle A B C=3600 x 25098-7x sin. 96°-449-3017 acres.

.. Area of triangle B D C=25098-7 × 18243-x} sin. 57° 30′-1930-8407 acres.

... Area of A B D C-449-3017+1930-8407= 2380-1424 acres. J. S., Dublin.


Junior Division.

Exercise XIX., Vol. IV., p. 398.

Senior Division.

1. Give in your own words a short account of the origin of the English language, distinguishing the periods of the Anglo-Saxon, old, middle, and modern English.

2. Give six examples each of words of Saxon, Latin, Greek, and French origin.

MODEL EXERCISE, No. XVIII.-Vide Vol. IV. p. 359.

[blocks in formation]

MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT SOCIETIES. voured to give the information which has been sought, but we fear it has been done in a somewhat unsatisfactory mauner, on account of the great demand of other duties upon our time.

EXERCISES FOR THE MEETINGS OF Summer with its alluring invitations to rural walks and open-air exercises is gone, and winter with its long nights and in-door occupations is before us. This fact has already had its influence upon the promoters of various public movements, It must be mainly through the press that we who are now busily engaged in preparing for manifest our interest in these societies, and this their" winter campaigns," and we trust that it is we have not failed constantly to do since the thus with the officers and committees of those establishment of our magazine. The " Reports" societies which are established for promoting the which, month after month, have appeared in our intellectual advancement and mutual improve- pages, have been given not as so much mere ment of their members. If the work of prepara-intelligence," but as containing many valuable tion has not been commenced by them it ought not to be delayed a moment longer, for much of the success of their societies will depend upon the timely and prudent arrangements made for conducting them. But some, we know, are busy with their on-looking projects, for we have received numerous letters from different parts of the country soliciting our advice on various subjects connected with these invaluable associations of young men. In every instance we have endea

hints and suggestive examples. We may also here especially refer to the pamphlet which we have recently brought out, containing " an Essay on Mutual Instruction and Debating Societies, an Article on the Laws of Debate, a Model Code of Laws for a Literary Society, and a List of upwards of Two Hundred Questions suitable for Discussion."* We commend this little trac

* Houlston and Stoneman. 32 pp., Svo., 3d.

tate to the attention of all members of literary societies, and hope that it will be found to supply them with instructive subjects of discussion, and valuable hints for making their discussions really profitable.

We find that there is a want felt in many societies for some exercises additional to discussions, in order to secure more variety and greater interest in their meetings; and we would briefly refer to a few such exercises for the guidance of our friends.

First. There is an order of discussion adopted in some societies, in which one of the members reads an essay on some given subject, and the sentiments thus advanced are made the subject of the subsequent debate. We must, however, confess that we do not greatly admire this plan, as it is apt to engender personalities, and it frequently depends upon the first speaker whether or not a subject be fully and fairly considered.

Secondly. Many societies occasionally have what may be termed a miscellaneous essay night, when a number of the members previously engaged, read short original essays on any subject not prohibited by the laws, or uncongenial with the feelings of the members. The composition and reading of these essays may be subjected to kindly criticism, but the sentiments are not to be canvassed. This is a useful exercise for bringing out junior or diffident members, and is generally interesting to others. The experienced may counsel, all may learn.

Thirdly. There are what, for want of a better title, we may designate sectional-essayic meetings. The plan on which these meetings are conducted is not much known, though very simple, and capable of general adoption. A subject being fixed upon for a given evening, it is divided into three or four sections, and these sections allotted to as many members, whose duty it is to read short essays upon them at the meeting. In this way many scientific, historical, and biographical subjects may be taken up with much interest. Suppose, for instance, one evening be devoted to Geography, for the purpose of stimulating the members to study it for themselves; one of the members might introduce the subject by giving a brief history of the science, in which he would

present a summary of the crude notions of our ancestors, &c.; another member might speak of mathematical geography and some of its wonders; another might treat of physical geography, and another of political geography and its great outlines. This would not merely be an improving exercise to the four essayists,but if rightly managed it would be found interesting and profitable to all present. But historical and biographical subjects will prove best suited to this kind of treatment. The history of great movements, their causes and effects, may thus be taken up, while the lives, characters, and works of our poets, and other "men of mark," will present never-failing subjects for thoughtful reading, careful discrimination, and stirring appeal. We think very highly of this as an exercise worthy of occasionally occupy ing the attention of the members of our Mutual Improvement Societies.

The last societarian exercise to which we

would now refer is the delivery of private lectures by the most experienced and intelligent members. This practice we consider may with advantage be greatly extended. The sources of knowledge are now so manifold, and the means of illustrating lectures so numerous, that no one with ordinary acquirements need shrink from the preparation and delivery of a lecture to his fellow-members and friends. Let such a one first make himself master of a subject by attentive reading and close thinking, and he may with confidence, though in a modest, unassuming manner, present the results to others. We would direct the attention of gentlemen who purpose carrying out this hint, to the excellent diagrams prepared for lecturers by the "Working Men's Educational Union." They have already published sets illustrative of the solar system, the nebulæ, the telescope, the microscope, human physiology, the mechanical powers, locomotion, Eastern habitations, Oriental customs, Nineveh, Assyria, Australia, &c. Descriptive catalogues may be had on application.

We must not for the present pursue this subject any further, but commend the suggestions we have offered to the test of experience, and express our hope that they may be the means of promoting in some degree the prosperity of those societies in which we feel so deep and lively an interest.


Southampton Mutual Improvement Society. The half-yearly meeting of the members of this society was recently held at the National Schoolroom, St. Michael's square, when a most encouraging report was read by the corresponding secretary, showing that the sphere of usefulness of the institution had continued to increase, and that the number of members was much greater than at the previous meeting. Classes for the study of music, elocution, &c., had been successfully conducted, and notwithstanding many heavy expenses incurred in the improvement of the library, the committee had been enabled to discharge the whole of their liabilities, the income during the six months being £27 6s. 24d., and the expenditure £27 6s. 2d., a considerable amount of collectable arrears due from the members being also forthcoming to meet future contingencies. The report was received and adopted, and thanks voted to

the outgoing officers for the manner in which they had performed their duties. The officers and committee for the ensuing half-year were then elected-President, W. Martin; vice-president, M. Collins; financial secretary, C. Dashper; corresponding ditto, R. Tuckerman.

Bideford Mutual Improvement Society.-The annual summer soirée of the members of this society took place on the far-famed Northam Burrows, on Wednesday, July 26th. This extensive plain of 1000 acres, situated about three miles from Bideford, is the resort of all classes in the summer months, who visit it on account of its beautiful promenade of sand, two miles in length, and the advantages it offers for sea-bathing. A good tea having been partaken, the members enjoyed themselves in various ways, and at dusk assembled in the room provided for the occasion, when, after suitable refreshment, the chair was taken by Mr. W. H. Major. Mr. Berry, in a very

practical and suggestive speech, pointed out the advantages of such societies. He was succeeded by Mr. Veysey, who, in a most interesting address on" Earnestness," urged the members to renewed exertion. He reminded them that he who looked upon the society as of secondary importance was an unworthy member, and ought not to continue as such. He had never done so; and he could say that, during the last seven years of his prominent public life, he had received untold benefit from the society. He concluded by exhorting the members not to be discouraged by difficulty, but to make their watchword, "Onward, ever on!" The members returned to their homes shortly after 11 o'clock, p.m. We are sorry to state that business arrangements necessitate Mr. Veysey's removal from Bideford. That removal will be felt to be a severe loss, by this society, of which he has ever been a firm, active, and influential member. His name will ever be gratefully remembered by his co-members, and by his fellow-townsmen generally. In a town like Bideford, which is ever sending forth young men into the world, the importance of the Mutual Improvement Society can scarcely be overrated. Young men have gone forth from Bideford to Australia, South Africa, India, the Brazils, United States, and the Canadas, as well as to nearly every town of importance in England, and a great many have been members of this society. May it long be, as it has been in days that have gone, a blessing to society, and an ornament to the town.-F. S., Hon. Sec.

Northern Literary and Discussion Society.On Friday evening, the 28th July, several of the members of this society assembled in Simpson's Temperance Hotel, to present to Mr. Robert H. N. Cooke (a member of the council), previous to his leaving Newcastle for London, a handsome massive silver pencil-case, accompanied by a neat and appropriate aldress. The latter was signed by as many of the members as could be communicated with in the short lapse of time between the announcement of Mr. Cooke's departure and the presentation. The early part of the evening was occupied by a short and animated debate on the Sunday closing of public-houses; Mr. T. J. Bell acting as chairman. This being concluded, Mr. J. D Cariss, secretary, was elected to preside over the presentation, with Mr. T. J. Bell as his vice-chairinan. After a few appropriate remarks from the latter gentleman, Mr. Cariss, on behalf of the members, in a brilliant and highly eulogistic oration, presented the testimonial. Messrs. Dempsey and Young spoke shortly reiterating the sentiments contained in the address and in the remarks of the chairman. After which Mr. Kenney, in an eloquent and affecting speech, after adverting to the loss they were about to sustain, and to Mr. Cooke's past exertions for the welfare of the society, proposed that he be enrolled ou the list of honorary members of the society; adding, that though second on the list, he could confidently predict that Mr. Cooke would be worthy of that high position. Mr. F. Carr, in a very brief but appropriate manner, seconded the proposition, which was carried nem. diss Mr. Cook respon led in very feeling terms, declining to consider the testimonial a reward of merit, but

* Our talented townsman, George Crawshay, Esq., being the first.

receiving it with much gratification as an expression of esteem and friendship. The remainder of the evening was spent in a most harmonious manner.

Reading Young Men's Mutual Improvement Society.-This society commemorated the second year of its existence by a social tea-meeting on Monday, July 17th, in the Auction Rooms, St. Mary's Butts, on which occasion upwards of a hundred sat down to partake of "the cup which cheers but not inebriates." Soon after six the chair was taken by Mr. W. H. Lance, who, after giving a few introductory remarks, called upon the members who had previously volunteered to entertain their friends, for recitations. Amongst others particularly deserving of note were "The Conscience Stricken" (Hudson), and "The Captive" (Lewis) which were admirably given by Mr. Edwd. Gladden; also " Perhasscus" (Willis), and "Dream of Darkness" (Byron), were recited with good effect by Mr. E. House. Mr. Tyrrell's concerted piece, "The Most Miserable Man upon Earth," was also deserving of notice. The recitations were interspersed with singing and numer ous evolutions upon the sax-horns, which kept up the conviviality of the meeting until 10 o'clock, when the assembly dispersed with an apparent good flow of spirits.-H. M., Hon. Sec.

East Retford Mutual Improvement Society. -The Early Closing Movement has lately been extended in this town, and its first-fruits is the formation of a Mutual Improvement Society. On the 28th June, the writer, in conjunction with two of his friends who thought the time favourable for the formation of a society, called a meeting of the young men for the purpose of organiz ing one, at which eleven young men attended. and enrolled their names as members, and pledged themselves to use their best endeavours in advancing its interests. The result of our labour has been very satisfactory. The society now numbers 30 members, amongst whom are several of the leading men of the borough, including the vicar (who kindly accepted the presidency), which will give the society a local standing we could not otherwise have obtained. The code of model rules in the British Controversialist of February, 1851, were adopted, with a few slight alterations. On July 25th, the president delivered to the members an inaugural address, in which he dwelt at a considerable length on the advantages that would accrue from the society. It is established on a wide and liberal basis, entirely unsectarian. Although the vicar is the president, there are several leading Dissenters in the society. The following are elected office-bearers:-President, The Rev. A. Brook; vice-president, Mr. John Plant; treasurer, Mr. John White; secretary, Mr. J. Tiney; committee-the Rev. C. Hodge, Mr. G. Golland, Mr. Wager, Mr. W. Hutchinson, Mr. John Clark, and Mr. H. Hall; five to form a quorum. The ordinary meetings are held weekly, on Tuesday evenings. I have mentioned your valuable periodical to the members, and shall not cease drawing their attention to it, knowing that they will be able to acquire a vast amount of valuable information and mental culture from its pages.-J. T., Sec.

Warwick and Leamington Church Schoolmasters' Association.-This society was formed in May, 1848, under the patronage of the bishop of the diocese; and the sixth annual meeting

was recently held at the National School, Lea- | Cameron, G. Staunton, &c. The chairman then mington, on which occasion a sermon was preached at the parish church, Leamington, by the Rev. J. Boudier, M.A., Vicar of St. Mary's, Warwick. After service, the members of the society, together with a number of the clergy of the district, adjourned to the Crown hotel, and dined together, to the number of about fifty. When the cloth was withdrawn, the usual toasts of the day were proposed by the chairman, the Rev. Canon Pelkington, Rector of Stockton, and the meeting was addressed by the Revs. Canon Hillyard, D.

delivered the prizes to the successful candidates
in the essays written during the past year-Dr.
Hook's "Church Dictionary" being awarded to
Mr. W. G. Fretton, schoolmaster, of Southam
(who obtained the first prize for a catechetical
lecture last year), for the best essay on the "Em-
ployment of Schoolmasters' Leisure Hours ;" and
Dr. Nixon's "Lectures on the Catechism" to Mr.
J. E. Baker, schoolmaster, of Snisterfield, for the
best catechetical lecture on the "Duty towards our
neighbours." The meeting soon after separated.




Alpine Lyrics, 6s.
Arnold's (Rev. T. K.) Second German Book, 6s.6d.
Bamford's (S.) Dialect of South Lancashire, 2nd
ed., 3s. 6d.

Barnard's (Dr.) School Architecture, 12s.
Bean's (C.) Introductory School Atlas, 5s.
Blaine's Outlines of Veterinary Art, 6th ed., by
Mayhew, 24s.

Bloomfield's Greek Testament, with English
Notes, 7th ed., 7s. 6d.

Bohn's Brit. Class., " De Foe's Works, vol. 2,"
3s. 6d.

Class. Lib., "Strabo, Geography of, trans., vol. 1," 5s.

Illust. Lib., "Nicolini's History of the Jesuits," 5s.

Scientific Lib., "Ennemoser's History of Magic, vol. 2," 5s.

Stand. Lib.," Kelly's History of Russia,"

3s. 6d.
Brewer's (Rev. Dr.) Sound and its Phenomena,
3s. 6d.

Brookes's General Gazetteer, revised by Findlay,
n. ed., 15s.
Bunsen's (D.D., &c.) Christianity and Mankind:
Beginnings and Prospects, 7 vols., £5 5s.:-
Analecta Ante-Nicæna, 3 vols., 42s.; Hippoly-
tus and his Age, 2nd ed., 2 vols., 30s.; Philoso-
phy of Universal History applied to Language,
&c., 2 vols. 33s.

Chambers's Edu. Course, "Key to Advanced
Latin Exercises," 28.

"Dictionary of Ger

man Synonyms," 2s. 6d.
Repository of Tracts, vol. 11, 1s.
Clarke (A. W., M.D.) on Diseases of the Lungs,
7s. 6d.

Collins's Series, Taylor's Indications of the
Creator, &c., 2s.

Cricket Field (The); or, History and Science of
Cricket, 2nd ed, 5s.

Crowe's (E. E.) Reigns of Louis XVIII. and
Charles X., 2 vols, 28s.

De Gurowski's (A.) Russia and its People, 3s. 6d.
Dockray's (B.) Egeria, Part II., 2nd ed., 4s.
Eastern War, a Poem, Part I., 1s.
Elementary Guide to Etymology of the English
Language, 4d.

Ency. Met.," History of Ottoman Empire, 2nd
ed.," 7s. 6d.

English Cyclopædia, Geography, vol. 2, 10s.;
Natural History, vol. 2, 10s.

Farming Tour; or, Handbook for Farming of
Lincolnshire, Is.

Foote's (A. H.) Africa and the American Flag,
10s. 6d.

Gleig's School Series, "Electricity, by Thomas
Tate, F.R.A.S.," 1s.

Golovin's Nations of Russia and Turkey, and
their Destiny, Part II., 5s.

Gover's Atlas of Universal Historical Geography,

12s. 6d.

Graham's (Rev. W.) The Jordan and the Rhine,

10s. 6d.

Guide to Government Situations, 10th ed., 2s. Hallam's Constitutional History of England, 7th ed., 3 vols., 30s.

Harris's Questions on Arithmetic, 2nd ed.,
2s. 6d.

Hastings on Special Treatment of Pulmonary
Consumption, 5s.

Holthouse's (C.) Six Lectures on Strabismus,


Home Principles in Boyhood, 1s. 6d.
Henk's (J. B.) Field Book for Railroad Engineers
10s. 6d.

Hume and Smollett's England, Continuation by
Hughes, vol. 4, 4s.

Hunt's Researches on Light in its Chemical Re-
lations, 2nd ed., 10s. 6d.

Jones's Science of Bookkeeping, 2 parts in 1, 10th ed., 12s.

Kelly's Handbook of Homœopathic Practice, 2nd
ed., 2s.

King s (A. J.) How to Learn Latin, 4s.
Knighton's (W.) European Turkey, 1s. 6d.
Krause's Lectures, edit. by Stanford, vol. 1, 5s.
Krasinski's (V.) Russia and Europe, 1s.
Lamartine's History of Constituent Assembly,
vol. 2, 6s.

Lectures before Young Men's Christian Associa-
tion, 1853-4, 2nd ed., 4s.
Lee's (E.) Nice and its Climate, 5s.
Notes on Spain, 4s. 6d.

(F. G.) Poems, 2nd ed., enlarged, 3s. 6d. Library (The) of Anecdote, Is.

Locke's Legal Guide for Sailors and Merchants during War, 9s 6d.

Macintosh's (Major-Gen.) Military Tour in European Turkey, 21s.

Mant's (Rev. F. W.) Midshipman, n. ed., ls.
Mason's (F.) Treatise on Dancing and Exercises,
3s. 6d.

Müller on Learning the Languages of the Seat of
War, 5s.

Mimpriss's (R.) Class Papers for Home Study,
1s. 6d.

Molyneux's (W.) Osman; or, the Eastern War,
Canto I., ls.

Of the Plurality of Worlds: An Essay, 2nd ed., 6s.
Overman (F.) On Manufacture of Iron, 3rd ed., 21s.
On Metallurgy, 2nd ed., 28s.
Pardoe's (Miss) City of the Sultan, 4th ed., 1s. 6d.
Pearce On Diseases Incidental to Sedentary Life,
3s. 6d.

Perrin's (J.) French Fables, n. ed., 2s.

Pinches's (C. H.) Practical Elocutionist, 4s.
Pocket Dictionary of the French and English
Languages, 1s. 6d.

Rivero and Von Tschudi's Peruvian Antiquities,
by Hawks, 10s. 6d.

Russia. the Land of the Czar, 1s.

Ryder's Four Years' Service in India, 2s. 6d.
Scott's First Books in Science," Peakes's Che-
mistry," n. ed., 2s.

Shakespeare's Scholar, by R. G. White, 15s.
Versification, by W. S. Walker, 6s.
Smart's (Walker's) Pronouncing English Diction-
ary, n. ed., 6s.
Small Books on Great Subjects, "Sketches of
Geology," 2nd ed., 3s. 6d.

Sparrow's (W. C.) What Shall I Teach Next?
2s. 6d.

Stowe's (H. B.) Sunny Memories, with illust., 1s. 6d., 2s., 12s.

Strachan's Antiquity of Mosaic Narrative Ex-
amined, &c., ls. 6d.

Strickland's Lives of the Queens, Index to, 2s. 6d. ;
Vol. 8, n. ed., 7s. 6d.

Tate's Philosophy of Education, 6s. 6d.
Thomson's (S.) Wanderings Among the Wild
Flowers, 5s.

Thomas's Farm Implements, and Principles of
Construction, 6s. 6d.

Tomlinson's Encyclopædia of Useful Arts, vol. 2,
24s.; 2 vols., 45s.

Traveller's Lib., "M'Culloch's Russia and Tur-
key," 1s.; "Schamyl, and Russia and Tur-
key," 2s. 6d.; "Laing's Notes of a Traveller,"
1st series, 2 parts, ls. each; 1 vol., 2s. 6d.
Waring's (E. J.) Manual of Practical Therapeu-
tics, 12s. 6d.

Waugh's (J. H. W.) Mathematical Essays, 6s.
Weale's Classical Series, "Young's New Latin
Delectus." ls.

Historical Series, "Charles Martel and
Abderhaman," ls.

Werner's Practical Instructions in French, First
Course, 4s.

Wilkin's (Rev. H. M.) Notes for Latin Lyrics, 2nd
ed., 4s. 6d.

Wilson's Anatomist's Vade-Mecum, 6th ed., 12s.6d.
Winslow's (Dr.) Lettsomian Lectures on Insanity,


Woodward On Recent and Fossil Shells, Part
II., plates, 2s.


Literary Pensions of the Year.-The £1200 | in consideration of the many valuable contribuannually appropriated for literary pensions has tions made by her late husband to the historical been allotted this year as follows:-£50 a-year to and antiquarian literature of this country, and the Mrs. Glen (widow of the late Dr. Glen, missionary limited circumstances in which his family were to the East for nearly 30 years), in consideration left at his death; £80 a-year to the daughters of of Dr. Glen's services to biblical literature by his the late Dr. M'Gillivray, in consideration of their translation of the Old Testament into Persian, and late father's contributions to the service of natural the distressed condition in which his widow is history, and the destitute condition in which his placed by his decease: £100 a-year to Sir Francis family are placed at his decease; £50 a-year to Bond Head, in consideration of the contributions Mrs. Hogg, the widow of the Ettrick Shepherd, he has made to the literature of this country; £100 in consideration of her late husband's poetical a-year to Mrs. Moir (widow of the late Mr. David talent; £100 a-year to the sister and two daughMoir, surgeon), in consideration of her late hus-ters of the late Mr James Simpson, in consideraband's literary and scientific works, in connection tion of his eminent services in the cause of educawith his profession, his poetical talents, and the tion, and the distressed circumstances in which, destitute condition of his widow and eight chil- owing to the expenditure of his own means in the dren; £80 a-year to the Rev. William Hickey, in furtherance of this object, his family are left at his consideration of the service which his writings, decease; £40 a-year to the daughters of the late published under the signature of" Martin Doyle," Mr. James Kenney, in consideration of his rary have rendered to the cause of agricultural and talent; £100 a-year to Mr. Alaric Alexander social improvement among the people of Ireland; Watts, in consideration of his services to literature £100 a-year to Mrs. Lang, in consideration of the aud to art; £100 a-year to the daughters of the eminent services rendered for a period of upwards late Mr. Joseph Tucker, in consideration of their of 50 years by the late Mr. Oliver Lang, master- late father's services as surveyor of the navy for shipwright at the Woolwich Dockyard, of his eighteen years, and the distressed condition to numerous valuable inventions and improvements which they are reduced; £100 a-year to Dr. for the advancement of naval architecture, and Hincks, in consideration of the eminent services the straitened circumstances in which Mrs. Lang he has rendered to history and literature by his is placed; £50 a-year to the widow and daughter antiquarian researches, and especially in con of the late Mr. Joseph Train, in consideration of nection with the Assyrian and other Eastern lanhis personal services to literature, and the valu- guages; and £50 a-year to Mrs. Lee, widow of able aid derived by the late Sir Walter Scott from Mr. Bowditch, the celebrated African traveller, Mr. Train's antiquarian and literary researches, in consideration of her contributions to literature, prosecuted under Sir Walter's directions; £100 and the straitened circumstances to which she is a-year to the widow of the late Sir Harris Nicolas, now reduced.

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