Sirrah, what's thy name? Peter. Peter, forsooth. Sal. Peter! what more? Peter. Thump. Sal. Thump! then see thou thump thy master well. Arm. Masters, I am come hither, as it were, upon my man's instigation, to prove him a knave, and myself an honest man: and touching the duke of YorkI will take my death, I never meant him any ill, nor the king, nor the queen; And therefore, Peter, have at thee with a downright blow, as Bevis of Southampton fell upon Ascapart. 384 York. Dispatch:-this knave's tongue begins to double. Sound trumpets, alarum to the combatants. [They fight, and PETER strikes him down. Arm. Hold, Peter, hold! I confess, I confess trea son. [Dies. York. Take away his weapon :-Fellow, thank God, and the good wine in thy master's way. 390 Peter. O God! have I overcome mine enemy in this presence? O Peter, thou hast prevailed in right! K. Henry. Go, take hence that traitor from our sight; For, by his death, we do perceive his guilt: And God, in justice, hath reveal'd to us The truth and innocence of this poor fellow, Which he had thought to have murder'd wrongfully [Exeunt. SCENE SCENE IV. The Street. Enter Duke HUMPHREY, and his Men, in Mourning Cloaks. Glo. Thus, sometimes, hath the brightest day a cloud; And, after summer, evermore succeeds Barren winter, with his wrathful nipping cold : Serv. Ten, my lord. Glo. Ten is the hour that was appointed me, 400 410 With envious looks still laughing at thy shame ; Enter the Dutchess in a white Sheet, her Feet bare, and a Taper burning in her Hand, with Sir JOHN STANLEY, a Sheriff, and Officers. Serv. So please your grace, we'll take her from the sheriff. Glo. No, stir not for your lives; let her pass by. Elean. Come you, my lord, to see my open shame? Now thou dost penance too. Look, how they gaze! See, how the giddy multitude do point, 420 And nod their heads, and throw their eyes on thee! Ah, Humphrey, can I bear this shameful yoke ? But be thou mild, and blush not at my shame; 440 For For Suffolk-he that can do all in all With her, that hateth thee, and hates us all 450 And York, and impious Beaufort, that false priest, And, fly thou how thou canst, they'll tangle thee: Glo. Ah, Nell, forbear; thou aimest all awry; And had I twenty times so many foes, And each of them had twenty times their power, 460 Enter a Herald. Her. I summon your grace to his majesty's parlia. ment, holden at Bury the first of this next month. Glo. And my consent ne'er ask'd herein before! 471 This is close dealing.-Well, I will be there. [Exit Herald. My Nell, I take my leave:-and, master sheriff, stays: Eij And And Sir John Stanley is appointed now To take her with him to the Isle of Man. Glo. Must you, Sir John, protect my lady here? Stan. So am I given in charge, may't please your grace. Glo. Entreat her not the worse, in that I pray 480 You use her well: the world may laugh again; And I may live to do you kindness, if You do it her. And so, Sir John, farewel. Elean. What gone, my lord; and bid me not farewel? Glo. Witness my tears, I cannot stay to speak. [Exit GLOSTER. Elean. Art thou gone too? All comfort go with thee! For none abides with me: my joy is-death; 490 Stan. Why, madam, that is to the Isle of Man ; There to be us'd according to your state. Elean. That's bad enough, for I am but reproach: And shall I then be us'd reproachfully? Stan. Like to a dutchess, and duke Humphrey's lady, According to that state you shall be us'd. Elean. Sheriff, farewel, and better than I fare; Although thou hast been conduct of my shame. 500 Sher. It is my office; and, madam, pardon me. Elean. Ay, ay, farewel; thy office is discharg’d.— Come, |