To Roger, earl of March; who was the son Succeed before the younger, I am king. 260 War. What plain proceeding is more plain than this? Henry doth claim the crown from John of Gaunt, With honour of his birth-right to the crown. 270 Both. Long live our sovereign Richard, England's king! York. We thank you, lords. But I am not your king 'Till I be crown'd; and that my sword be stain'd Do you, as I do, in these dangerous days, 280 'Tis that they seek; and they, in seeking that, Shall find their deaths, if York can prophesy. Sal. My lord, break we off; we know your mind at full. War. My heart assures me, that the earl of War wick Shall one day make the duke of York a king. 290 [Exeunt. SCENE III. A Hall of Justice. Sound Trumpets. Enter King HENRY, Queen MARGARET, GLOSTER, YORK, SUFFOLK, and SALISBURY; the Dutchess, Mother JOURDAIN, SOUTHWEL, HUME, and BOLINGBROKE, under Guard. K. Henry. Stand forth, dame Eleanor Cobham, In sight of God, and us, your guilt is great; [To the other Prisoners, From thence, unto the place of execution: And And you three shall be strangled on the gallows.—— You, madam, for you are more nobly born, 301 Elean. Welcome is banishment, welcome were my death. Glo. Eleanor, the law, thou seest, hath judged thee; I cannot justify whom the law condemns. 310 [Exeunt ELEANOR, and the others, guarded. Give up thy staff; Henry will to himself Q. Mar. I see no reason, why a king of years 320 As As e'er thy father Henry made it mine; And even as willingly at thy feet I leave it, Farewel, good king: When I am dead and gone, 330 [Exit GLOSTER. Q. Mar. Why, now is Henry king, and Margaret queen; And Humphrey, duke of Gloster, scarce himself, This staff of honour raught-There let it stand, Suf. Thus droops this lofty pine, and hangs his sprays; 340 Thus Eleanor's pride dies in her youngest days. Q. Mar. Ay, good my lord; for purposely there. fore Left I the court, to see this quarrel try'd. K. Henry. O' God's name, see the lists and all things fit; Here let them end it, and God defend the right! York. I never saw a fellow worse bested, Or more afraid to fight, than is the appellant, The servant of this armourer, my lords, 350 Enter Enter at one Door the Armourer and his Neighbours, drinking to him so much that he is drunk; and he enters with a Drum before him, and his Staff with a SandBag fastened to it; and at the other Door enters his Man, with a Drum and Sand-Bag, and Prentices drinking to him. 1 Neigh. Here, neighbour Horner, I drink to you in a cup of sack; And fear not, neighbour, you shall do well enough. 2 Neigh. And here, neighbour, here's a cup of charneco. 3 Neigh. And here's a pot of good double beer, neighbour drink, and fear not your man. Arm. Let it come, i'faith, and I'll pledge you all; And a fig for Peter! 1 Pren. Here, Peter, I drink to thee; and be not afraid. 361 2 Pren. Be merry, Peter, and fear not thy master: fight for credit of the prentices. I Peter. I thank you all drink, and : pray for me, pray you; for, I think, I have taken my last draught in this world. Here, Robin, an if I die, I give thee my apron ;—and Will, thou shalt have my hammer: -and here, Tom, take all the money that I have.O Lord, bless me, I pray God! for I am never able to deal with my master, he hath learnt so much fence already. 371 Sal. Come, leave your drinking, and fall to biows. Sirrah, |