Imágenes de páginas

strain of the preacher's messages
421. Not enough to touch the
sensibilities merely 423. The ser-
mon has fallen from the respect
paid to it by our fathers-The
pulpit the preacher's throne 424.
Profit and Honor, by Mrs. Copley,
noticed 235.

Protestant Memorial, by T. Horne,
noticed 234.

Psalms III Notes on the Septua-
gint Version of, by Prof. J. W.
Gibbs, notice (1) Deviations from
the Hebrew text, with their rea-
sons; (2) Peculiarities of Greek
usage and construction; (3) Re-
fer to analagous usages and con-
structions in the New Testament
Psalm I., 441. Psalm II, 444.
Punchard, George, View of Con-
gregationalism by, noticed 235.

Reformation, Burnet's History of the
English, noticed 231.
Reformation, The Necessity of the,
by John Calvin, noticed 472.
Religion of Experience and that of
Imitation, by Rev. George B.
Cheever 92. Religion of imita-
tion, churchianity; religion of
experience, christianity 93. Reli-
gious characteristic of this age
rather that of imitation than of
experience 94. Causes of this-
want of the habit of living in and
upon God's word 97. A new
baptism from heaven needed 98.
Power of God's word to be real-
ized 99. Second cause, preva-
lence of low and indistinct views
of divine Inspiration 100. Con-
sequence, false philosophy inter-
meddling with the scriptures 101.
Third cause, desertion of the
Bible as the only rule of faith and
practice 102. Fourth cause, de-
ference to human authority 103.
Advance in theology only by ex-
perience 106. Right of private
judgment to be maintained 108.
Fifth cause, prevalence of a phi-
losophical system unfavorable to
faith 108. Theology always in-
fluenced by the speculative phi-

losophy of the age 110. Sixth
cause, neglect of the doctrine of
justification by faith 113. Luther
strongly affected by it 115. Royal
road to heaven 116. Missionary
spirit the foundation of individual
power 118. Self-culture and self-
discipline important 120. Youth
a germinating period 121.
Review of Haight's Guide and Mc-
Ilvaine's Solemn Responsibility of
Ministers, by Rev. J. W. McLane,


Review of Bore's Travels in Turkey
and Persia, by Rev. H. A. Homes


Review of Gresley's Treatise on
Preaching 408.

Robbins, Rev. R. D. C. Language
of Ancient Egypt 137.


Sacraments, The Christian, by Rev.
Enoch Pond, D. D. 369. Šignifi-


cation of the term sacrament 370.
How used by Tertullian 371.
Distinguishing marks of a sacra-
ment 372. The number of the
sacraments 373. The five addi-
tional sacraments of the Romish
church, confirmation, ordination,
auricular confession 374.
treme unction, marriage 375.
Baptism and the Lord's Supper
alone entitled to be called Chris-
tian sacraments. Nature, import
and meaning of the Sacraments
376. Regeneration not effected
in baptism, proofs 378. Is the
sacrament of the Lord's Supper a
proper sacrifice? 380. Objections
to the theory of the literal change
of the bread and wine 381. Ob-
jections against con-substantiation
382. Nearly all protestants agree
that the sacraments are signs or
symbols 384. Christ's presence
is of a spiritual nature 386. Effi-
cacy of the sacraments 387. Te
sacraments for Christians only
388. Benefits of the sacraments
389. The great benefit the pres-
ence of Christ 391.

Santa Fé Expedition, Narrative of,

by George Wilkins Kendall, no-
ticed 469.
Scotland, History of the Church of,
by Rev. W. M. Hetherington, no-
ticed 460.

Sherman, Henry.


History of the U. S. America, by,
noticed 234.
Slavery, Biblical Argument on, by
Rev. William C. Wisner-T. D.
Wells," Bible against Slavery"
302. Plan of the present Article
-What is Slavery? 303. Slavery
existed among the Hebrews in
Old Testament times 304. Maid-
servants held as property 305.
Their mistresses claimed their
children as their own-Testimo-
ny of Josephus 306. Servants
bought with money 307. Mean-
ing of the word to buy 308. Mr.
Wells s definition of bought ser-
vants 313. Objections to it 316.
Case of Joseph 319. Distinction
in the Bible between bought and
hired servants; the former slaves
321. Hebrews commanded to free
their servants every fiftieth year-
Language of Paul in Galatians 4.
1 324. Existence of slavery un-
der the old dispensation no apol-
ogy for slave-holding at the pres-
ent day 326. The Old Testament
does not uphold nor sustain a
system of slavery-proofs 327.
S. Q. Case of the Canaanites-
Saul and the Amalekites 329.
Examination of Genesis 9. 24, 25
-A prophetic curse 331. This
curse confined to Canaan 332. No
right to enslave a fellow man
without a special warrant from
the Almighty 334. God did all
he could consistently in that dark
age to meliorate the condition of
the slave 336. Condition of slaves
in the East mild 337.
Smith, Hugh, D. D., Heart delin-
eated, etc., noticed 463.
Smith, George Sydney, D. D., Trac-
tarian and Evangelical Systems,
noticed 471.

Spring, Gardiner, D. D., The
Church in the Wilderness, and

other Fragments from the Study
of a Pastor, noticed 465.
Spring, Gardiner, D. D., Disserta-
tion on the Rule of Faith, noticed

Stowe, Prof. C. E., D. D. Writings
of Martin Luther 241.
Student, The Young, or Ralph and
Victor, by Madame Guizot. From
the French by Samuel Jackson,
noticed 465.

Summerfield, Rev. John, Memoirs of
the Life and Ministry of, by John
Holland, noticed 469


Tractarian and Evangelical Sys-

tems, by George Sydney Smith,
D D., noticed 471.
Training of the Will, by Rev. Phar-
cellus Church 839.

Travels in Turkey and Persia,
Boré's, reviewed by Rev. H. A.
Homes. M. Boré's education and
purpose 28. His studies at Con-
stantinople 29. His journey-
Designs of the Romanists on the
Armenians 30. Plan for convert-
ing them to the Romish faith 31.
State of the Nestorian church 33.
False charges against American
missionaries 34. Who are trying
to gain the Nestorians by means
of money 37. Grounds of com-
plaint by M. Boré against the
Oriental churches 38. Celibacy
of the clergy 40. M. Boré's views
on the national origin of the Nes-
torians 41. Facts confirming those
views 42. The Nestorians still
retain the name of Chaldean 43.
Still living in the proper country
of the Chaldeans 44. Their lan-
guage also claims to be Chaldean
45. Their physiognomy Chal-
dean 47. M. Boré's melancholy
lucubrations 50. Strong preju-
dices against gospel truth 54.
Romish schemes for seizing on
the Oriental churches 56. The
Lazarists 58. Love of French
glory 63.

Trial of the Pope of Rome, noticed


Uncle Bernaby, noticed 235.


View of Congregationalism, noticed


Voice of the Church one, D'Au-
bigné`s, noticed 230.


Westminster Assembly, History of
the, by Rev. W. A. Hetherington,
noticed 469.

Will, Training of, by Rev. Pharcel-
lus Church 339. What has
brought Metaphysical Science
into disrepute 340. Relation of
the will to the other faculties
341. Related to them as the
cause of their activity-Psycho-
logical reduced to sensations and
volitions 342. The heart a foun-
dation for the sensations of feeling
343. Apart from volitions in the
mind, nothing remains but simple
sensations 344. The will is re-
lated as cause to whatever is
blame or praiseworthy in the
other faculties 346. Related to
our other faculties as the basis of
their union in an individual con-
scious agency 348. Related as
the governing power 349. The
will has no power to alter the
character of our simple sensations
350. The exercises of intellect
contain in themselves no right of
control over the will 351. The
object of the will's training 252.
Our wills educated to velocity
but not to fixedness 353, Gen-

eral mistake as to what constitutes
a good education 354. Submis-
sion an important element in the
will's training 355. The manner
of the will's training-It requires
power by exercise 358. By keep-
ing in view our duties and the
motives to their performance 359.
A sense of dependence on God
360. The spirit's indwelling the
sole basis of continued right action
in the will-Much to be gained
by passing from names to things
361. Strictly speaking but two
departments of mental phenom-
ena sensations and volitions
362. Objective sensations and
sensations of spontaniety 363.
Many theological errors founded
in a false anthropology 364 Does
not the doctrine of necessity, as
applied to the will, merge it in
the sensations? 365. The doc-
trine of necessity a virtual reduc-
tion of the moral, to a level with
the physical government 367.
The true philosophy of mental
and moral discipline 368. Con-
trast between a well-disciplined
and a neglected will 369.
Wisner, Rev. William C. Biblical
Argument on Slavery 302.
Woman's Worth; or Hints to raise
the female character, with a notice,
by Emily Marshall, noticed 467.
Women, The Wrongs of, by Char-
lotte Elizabeth, noticed 466.
Woods, Rev. Leonard, D. D. Divine
Agency aud Government together
with Human Agency and Gov-
ernment, 23.

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