Imágenes de páginas

6. Sheddeth what? Man's what? What is to be done to him who sheddeth man's blood? What would be shed? By whom would his blood be shed? Whose blood was to be shed by man? Why was the shedding of man's blood to be so punished? In what was man made? In whose image? Who was made in the image of God? Who made man in the image of God? 7. And you, be ye (1) fruitful and (2) multiply; bring forth (3) abundantly in the earth, and (2) multiply (4) therein.

1. The fathers and mothers of numerous children.-2. Become many. -3. In great numbers.--4. In it.


7. What were Noah and his family to be? were to be fruitful? Who said they were to be fruitful? What were they to do? Who were to multiply? What were they to do, besides multiplying? In what manner were they to multiply and bring forth? What were they to do abundantly? In what were they to bring forth abundantly? In what were they to multiply.

8. And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying,

8. Who spake? To whom did God speak? To whom did God speak, besides unto Noah? To whose sons? With whom? Who were with Noah?

9. And I, (1) behold I, (2) establish my (3) covenant with you, and with your (4) seed after you;

1. Take notice.-2. Make, and firmly settle.-3. Solemn agreement.4. Children to all future generations.

9. What did God establish? With whom did God establish his covenant? Who established his covenant with them? With whom, besides them, did God establish his covenant? With whose seed? What seed?

10. And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of the ark to every beast of the earth.

10. With whom, besides Noah's family and their seed, was God to establish his covenant? With every what? That were with whom? From all that go out of what? What was God to do to all that went out of the ark? To what beasts?

11. And I will (1) establish my (2) covenant with you: neither shall all (3) flesh be (4) cut off any more by the waters of a flood: neither shall there any more be a flood to (5) destroy the earth.

1. Firmly settle and ratify,-2. Solemn agreement.-3. Men and beasts.-4. Killed, and removed from the earth.-5. Ruin, and lay waste.

11. What was God to do to his covenant? With whom was he to establish it? Who was to establish his covenant with them? What were not to be cut off any more? What was not to be done to all flesh any more? By what were all flesh not to be any more cut off? By what waters? What was there not again to be? What was not to be destroyed? By what was the earth no more to be destroyed?


206. God blessed Noah and his sons, ver. 1.-We should earnestly desire the blessing of God upon ourselves and our families.

207. God gave them commandment to multiply and replenish the earth, ver. 1.-We should do every thing in our power to promote the happiness and the prosperity of general society.

208. The beasts were delivered into the hands of man, ver. 2.-We should not abuse the power which God has given us over the lower animals.

209. It was God who gave the animals to man for food, ver. 3.-All animals, fit for food and man's use, may lawfully be killed.

210. Flesh was not to be eaten with the blood, ver. 4. We should use God's bounties in the manner required, and according to the restrictions with which they are given.

211. God was to require the life of man at the hand of every beast, ver. 5.-Every animal, which is hostile or hurtful to man, may lawfully be killed.

212. The life of man was to be required of every man's brother, ver. 5.-We should not only ourselves

abstain from violence, but should endeavour also to prevent it in others.

213. Man's blood was not to be shed, ver. 6.—We should abstain from every act that may tend to shorten, or to embitter human life.

214. Those who shed man's blood, were to have their blood shed, ver. 6.-All murderers should be put to death.

215. Man was made after God's image, ver. 6.We should preserve, cherish, love, honour, and benefit our fellow men, in preference to the lower animals.

216. They were to be fruitful and to multiply, ver. 7.-We should, individually, live and act for the benefit of society, as well as for ourselves.

217. God established his covenant with Noah, ver. 9. -We should highly prize, and carefully keep, all the terms of God's covenant.

218. God established his covenant with Noah's seed, as well as with himself, ver. 9.—The children of God's people partake of, and have a right to, all the outward privileges of their parents.

219. God extended the benefits of Noah's covenant to the beasts, ver. 10.-The lower animals generally suffer on account of the wickedness, and always benefit by the holiness, of man.

220. There was to be no more a flood, ver. 11.-We should not make God's mercy, or promise of security an occasion to commit, or to continue, in sin.


The Rainbow made a Sign of the Covenant.
Gen. ix. 12-29.

12. And God said, This is the (1) token of the (2) covenant which I make between me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for (3) perpetual generations :

1. Mark, or sign.-2. Agreement.-3. All mankind that shall ever live in the world.

12. What did God say? What was this? Token of what? What covenant? Who made that covenant? Between whom was that covenant made? What was made between God and them? Who, besides Noah and his family, were parties with God in that covenant? For how long was that covenant made? What was made for perpetual generations?

13. I do (1) set my (2) bow in the (3) cloud, and (4) it shall be for a (5) token of (6) a covenant between me and the (7) earth.

1. Put.-2. Rainbow.-3. Rain drops, which fall to the earth from the clouds.-4. This rainbow.-5. Mark, or sign.-6. An agreement having been entered into.-7. Whole world.

13. What was set? Whose bow? Where was the bow set? Who set the bow in the cloud? What was the bow to be? What was to be for a token? Of what was the bow to be a token? Between whom was this covenant made? What was made between God and the earth? What was made the token of God's covenant with Noah and the earth?

14. And it shall (1) come to pass, when I bring (2) a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:

1. Happen.-2. Rain by a cloud.

14. What was to come to pass? When what was brought over the earth? Who was to bring the cloud over the earth? What was to be seen when God brought a cloud over the earth? Where was the bow to be seen? When was the bow to be seen? What was to be seen in the cloud?

15. And I will (1) remember my (2) covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the (3) waters shall no more become a flood to (4) destroy all flesh.

1. Not forget.-2. Agreement -3. Rain, and fountains of the great deep.-4. Overwhelm, and drown.

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15. What was God to remember? nant? Who was to remember his covenant? What covenant was God to remember? Between whom was this covenant? What was no more to become a flood? What where the waters no more to become?

What were the waters no more to destroy? What were no more to destroy all flesh?

16. And the bow shall be (1) in the (2) cloud; and I will (3) look upon it that I may (4) remember the (5) everlasting (6) covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.

1. Reflected from.-2. Rain-drops of the cloud.-3. Take notice of.4. Not forget.-5. Never ending.-6. Agreement.

16. What was to be in the cloud? Where was the bow to be? Who was to look upon it? Upon what was God to look? Why was God to look upon the cloud? What was God to remember? What kind of a covenant was this? Between whom was this everlasting covenant? Between God and whom?

17. And God said unto Noah, This is the (1) token of the (2) covenant which I have (3) established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.

1. Sign, or mark or remembrancer.-2. Solemn agreement.-3. Made and firmly settled.

17. What did God say unto Noah? This was the token of what? Of what covenant was this the token? Who established that covenant? Between whom had God established that covenant? All flesh where?

18. And the sons of Noah, that went (1) forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan.

1. Out.

18. How many sons had Noah? From what did Noah's sons go? With whom did they go forth of the ark? Who were Noah's sons? What was Ham? Whose father was Ham?

19. These are the three sons of Noah; and (1) of them was (2) the whole earth (3) overspread.

1. By their children and descendants.-2. Every part of the.-3. Filled with people.

19. Who were these three? Whose sons were they? What did they do to the whole earth? What was overspread? How much of the earth was overspread of them? Of whom was the whole earth overspread?

20. And Noah (1) began to be (2) an husbandman, and he (3) planted a (4) vineyard;

1. For the first time laboured as.-2. A tiller of the ground.-3. Selected and prepared a piece of ground for.-4. Place where he might rear vines and grapes.

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