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159. Noah took all his family with him into the ark, ver. 7.—We should use every endeavour to secure the welfare and salvation of our relations and friends.

160. Noah and his family sought refuge in the ark from a flood, of which there was no appearance, ver. 7.-We should believe the warnings of God, and timeously flee from the wrath to come.

161. The beasts, at God's direction, went of themselves into the ark, ver. 9.-The instincts, habits, and conduct of the lower animals, are all under the immediate power and management of God.

162. After seven days the flood came, ver. 10.Though God may delay punishment long, yet he will send it at last.

163. The fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened, ver. 11. —All nature is constantly employed in working out the will of God for the good of his people, and the destruction of his enemies.

164. The rain continued for forty days and forty nights, ver. 12.-God will begin and finish all that he has threatened.


The Destruction of the World by the Flood.
Gen. vii. 13-24.

13. In the (1) self-same day (2) entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, unto the ark:

1. Very.-2. Went,

13. On what day? What happened on the self same day? Who entered? Who were the sons of Noah? Whose sons where Shem, Ham, and Japheth? Who went in besides Noah and his sons? Whose wives

went in? With whom did the wives go in? Into what

did they all go?

14. (1) They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every (2) sort, 1. Noah and his family.-2. Different kind.

14. What went into the ark besides Noah's family? Every what? What cattle? What creeping thing? That creepeth where? What fowls? What birds?

15. And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, (1) wherein is the breath of life.

1. In which.

15. What did all the beasts and birds do? Unto whom did they go? Into what did they go? In what numbers did they go? Two and two of what? Wherein is what?

16. And (1) they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded (2) him: and the Lord (3) shut him in.

1. All the birds and beasts.--2. Noah.-3. Closed the door of the ark, to keep.

16. They that did what? What were they who went into the ark? What were male and female? Male and female of what? Who had commanded? Whom had God commanded? What did God do when they were all in the ark? Who shut him in? Into what did the Lord shut him?

17. And the (1) flood was forty days (2) upon the earth; and the waters (3) increased, and (4) bare up the ark, and (5) it was lifted up above the earth.

1. Torrent of rain.-2. Constantly pouring down upon.-3. Became deeper.-4. Made the ark float upon its surface.-5. The ark.

17. What is said of the flood? Upon what was the flood? What was upon the earth? For how long was the flood upon the earth? What is said of the waters? What increased? What did the waters do when they increased? What was borne up? What bore up the ark? What was lifted up? From what was the ark lifted up? What lifted up the ark above the earth?

18. And the waters (1) prevailed, and were increased (2) greatly upon the earth; and the ark (3) went upon the (4) face of the waters.

1. Overcame every obstruction.-2. To a great degree.-3. Floated.4. Surface.

18. What is said of the waters? What prevailed? What were increased? How much were the waters increased? Upon what were the waters increased? What were increased greatly upon the earth? Where did the ark go? The face of what? What went upon the face of the waters?

19. And the waters prevailed (1) exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high (2) hills that were under (3) the whole (4) heaven were (5) covered.

1. To an extraordinary degree.-2. Rocks and mountains.-3. Every part of.-4. The sky.-5. Under the water.

19. What prevailed exceedingly? Upon what did the walers prevail? How much did the waters prevail? What is said of the high hills? What were covered? What hills were covered? Under what? What happened to the high hills? With what were they covered?

20. (1) Fifteen cubits (2) upwards did the waters (3) prevail; and the mountains were (4) covered.

1. About twenty-four feet.-2. Above the highest hills.-3. Rise.4. All overflowed with water.

20. How high above the hills did the waters prevail? What prevailed? What were covered? With what were the mountains covered?

21. And (1) all flesh (2) died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and of every man:

1. Every living creature.-2. Was drowned.

21. What happened to all flesh? What died? How many died? That moved where? What happened to the fowls? What died besides the fowls? What died besides the fowls, the cattle, and the beasts? That creepeth where? What is said of every man? How many men died?

22. All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was (1) in the dry land, died.

1. Not in, and belonging to, the waters and the seas.

22. What was in the nostrils? Where is the breath of life? What happened to those in whose nostrils was the breath of life? What is said of the dry land?

What happened to all that was on the dry land? Who died?

23. And every living (1) substance was (2) destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowls of the (3) heaven; and they were (4) destroyed from the earth: and Noah only (5) remained alive, and (6) they that were with him in

the ark.

1. Creature.-2. Drowned.-3. Air.-4. Killed and removed.-5. Was preserved.-6. His family and the lower animals,

23. What was destroyed? What substance? How many of these living substances were destroyed? That were where? The face of what? What were the living substances which were upon the face of the ground? What besides man? What besides man and cattle? What things? What fowls? What happened to all these? From what were they destroyed? What is said of Noah? Who only remained alive? Who remained alive besides Noah? Where were they? With whom were they in the ark?

24. And the waters (1) prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. I. Continued without diminishing.

24. What prevailed? Upon what did the waters prevail? For how long did the waters prevail upon the earth? What happened during a hundred and fifty days?


165. Noah's family went all into the ark together, ver. 13.-Families should delight in walking together in the worship, the service, and the commandments of God.

166. All went into the ark on the self-same day with Noah, ver. 13.-We should never delay, in taking the advice and following the example of godly people.

167. Not one of the different kinds of beasts were left out of the ark, ver. 15.-No one shall be lost whom God has determined to save.

168. God shut Noah up in the ark, ver. 16.-Those

circumstances in providence which God's people often consider painful and severe, will at last be found to be acts of pure mercy and goodness on the part of God.

169. The waters which destroyed the world, bare up the ark, ver. 17.-God can make the very things which he employs for the punishment of the wicked, the means of his people's safety.

170. As the waters increased. the ark rose from the earth, ver. 18.-The greater our afflictions are upon earth the more should our hearts be lifted above it and placed on the things of heaven.

171. The ark went upon the face of the waters, ver. 18. No extent of affliction can ever reach or hurt those who are cared for and protected by God.

172. All the high hills were covered with the flood, ver. 19. There is no hope of the impenitent sinner ever escaping from the just indignation of God.

173. Noah, and they only who were in the ark, remained alive, ver. 23.-There is no safety for sinners, but in the way pointed out to them by God.

174. God allowed the waters to prevail for upwards of five months, ver. 24.-We should not hastily but carefully to consider, remember, and improve God's judg ments upon others.


The Abating of the Waters of the Flood.-Gen.

viii. 1-12.

1. And God (1) remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to (2) pass over the (3) earth, and the waters (4) assuaged.

1. Did not forget, but recollected.-2. Blow.-3. Surface of the water that was covering the world.-4. Began to grow less.

1. What did God do? Who remembered Noah? Whom did God remember? What did God remember

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