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ing salvation, and never trust to any untried methods

of our own.

138. Noah was to make a window, a door, and various stories in the ark, ver. 16.-We should study to promote the comfort and convenience of ourselves and others.

139. The roof of the ark, that it might shed off the rain, was to slope from the breadth of a cubit at the top, ver. 16.-We should always endeavour to suit the means we adopt, to the end which we have in view.

140. God was, with the exception of Noah, to destroy all flesh, ver. 17.-That no sinner shall ever escape the just judgment of God.

141. Every living thing which was upon the earth was, for the sin of man, to be drowned, ver. 17.-That sin is in itself, and in the sight of God, exceedingly sinful.

142. Noah was to be saved in the ark, ver. 18.That God will provide or direct to means, for the safety of every one of his people.

143. Noah's family was also to be saved in the ark, ver. 18.-We should seek to be included in, or connected with, pious and godly families.

144. Noah's family were themselves to seek refuge in the ark, ver. 18.-We are not to trust for salvation in our relationship or connexion with others, but must each "work out his own salvation," by the diligent use of those means which God has appointed.

145. Noah was to bring his family into the ark with him, ver. 18.-Parents should use every means in their power for the spiritual safety and welfare of their children.

146. Noah was to preserve two of each kind of beasts with him in the ark, ver. 19, 20.-We are not to seek or expect miracles for the fulfilment of God's designs, when ordinary means, fitted for the purpose, are within our reach.


147. Noah was to provide food to take into the ark, ver. 21. We should always, depending upon the divine blessing, be prudent and wise in providing for our future wants.

148. Noah was to provide food for all those who were with him, ver. 21.-That parents, and heads of families, should be industrious and diligent in providing for the temporal, as well as spiritual, wants of all their dependants.

149. Noah did as God commanded him, ver. 22.We should diligently, and faithfully, and constantly, obey God in all that he requires from us.

150. Noah did according to all that he was commanded, ver. 21.-We must, upon no account, omit any part of our duty.


The Entrance of Noah's Family into the Ark.
Gen. vii. 1-12.

1. And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou, and all thy (1) house, into the ark: for thee have I (2) seen (3) righteous before me in this (4) generation.

1. Family.-2. Taken notice of, as being.-3. Just and holy.-4. Time of general wickedness.

1. To whom did God speak? What did the Lord say to Noah? Who were to come into the ark? Into what were they to come? Why were Noah and his family to come into the ark? What had God seen? Whom had God seen righteous? Before whom was Noah righteous? In what was Noah righteous before God?

2. Of every (1) clean beast thou shalt take to hee (2) by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean (3) by two, the male and his female.

1. Beast which may be offered in sacrifice.-2. Seven pairs-3. Thou shalt take one pair.

2. What was Noah to take? How many was he to take? Of what kind of beasts was Noah to take by

sevens? What kinds of each of the clean beasts was he to take by sevens? How many of each of the unclean beasts was he to take? What kinds of each of the unclean beasts was he to take?

3. Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female : tò (1) keep (2) seed alive upon the face of all the earth.

1. Preserve.-2. A stock for future propagation.

3. What is said of the fowls? How many of the fowls was he to take? What kinds of each of the fowls was he to take? Why was Noah to take these beasts and fowls into the ark? What was to be kept alive? Upon what?

4. For (1) yet seven days, and I will (2) cause (3) it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living (4) substance that I have made will I (5) destroy from off the face of the earth.

1. I have resolved to wait other.-2. Make.-3. The rain to come down-4. Creature.-5. Kill and remove.

4. What was God to cause? Who was to cause it to rain? When was God to cause it to rain? Upon what was God to cause it to rain? For how long was God to cause it to rain upon the earth? What was God to do by the rain? What was God to destroy? Who had made them? From what were they to be destroyed? From the face of what?

5. And Noah did (1) according unto all that the Lord (2) commanded him.

1. In the manner, and corresponding to.-2. Directed, or ordered.

5. What did Noah do? According to what? Who had commanded? Whom had God commanded? How much of what God commanded did Noah do?

6. And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters (1) was upon the earth.

1. Came down.

6. How old was Noah at the flood? When was Noah six hundred years old? Upon what was the


7. And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him into the ark, (1) because of the waters of the flood.

1. To be preserved from.

7. Who went into the ark? Who went in besides his wife and his sons? Into what did they go?

Why did they go into the ark? What waters? What did they do because of the waters?

8. Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth.

8. What kind of beasts went into the ark? What other kind of beasts besides clean beasts? What besides the beasts? What besides the beasts and fowls? Creepeth where?

9. There (1) went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah.

1. Came by the direction of God, of themselves, and entered by.

9. In what manner did the beasts go into the ark? Unto whom did the beasts go? Into what did the beasts go? What went into the ark unto Noah? What kinds of each beast went into the ark? Who had commanded? Whom had God commanded?

10. And it (1) came to pass, after seven days, that the waters of the flood (2) were upon the earth.

1. Happened as God had said.-2. Began to come down.

10. What came to pass? When did this come to pass? What happened after seven days? What waters? Where were the waters of the flood? Upon what? When were the waters of the flood upon the earth?

11. In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the (1) fountains of the (2) great deep (3) broken up, and the (4) windows of heaven were pened.

1. Collections of water in.-2. Bowels of the earth.-3 Miraculously forced open, to allow the waters in them to gush out.-4. Clouds.

11. In what year of Noah's life did the flood happen? In what month? On what day of the month? What were broken up ? What fountains? What deep? What happened to the fountains of the great deep? When were the fountains of the great deep broken up? What happened besides the breaking up of these fountains? What windows? What happened to the windows of heaven? What were opened? When were the windows of heaven opened?

12. And the rain (1) was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. 1. Continued to fall.

12. What was upon the earth? Upon what was the rain? For how long was the rain upon the earth? What happened for forty days and forty nights?


151. God called Noah and his family into the ark, ver. 1.-We should earnestly invite sinners to use the means appointed by God to flee from the wrath to


152. God saved Noah from the flood, because he was righteous, ver. 1.-Though salvation is altogether of grace, yet the measure of our happiness and reward hereafter, will exactly accord with the measure of our diligence and activity in the service of God while in this world.

153. Noah was righteous before God in that generation, ver. 1.-We ourselves should be holy and unblameable, however wicked others may be around us.

154. Noah was to take seven pairs of clean beasts, and only one pair of unclean, ver. 2.—We should be more careful in preserving and increasing those things which are useful and good, than in caring for those which are less valuable or hurtful.

155. The breed of animals was to be preserved by Noah in the ark, ver. 3.-We should be feilow-workers with God, in using the proper means which he has appointed for accomplishing his several purposes.

156. God gave the world a farther trial of seven days, ver. 4. We should not be inconsiderate nor hasty in punishing the guilty.

157. God for their sins, was to destroy all his creatures from the face of the earth, ver. 4.-We should always be afraid of, and watch against, every species

of sin.

158. Noah faithfully did as God directed him, ver. 5. We should obey God in all things.

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