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882. God was to give Isaac and his seed all the promised land, ver. 3.-We should seek an interest in "the rest that remaineth for the people of God," and should live in the hope of enjoying it.

833. God was to perform the oath which he sware to Abraham, ver. 3.-We should implicitly rest in, and rely upon, the promises of God.

834. God was to multiply his seed as the stars of heaven, ver. 4.-Children are intended by God as a blessing; and parents should train them in such a manner as to make them such.

835. In Isaac's seed all the nations of the earth were to be blessed, ver. 4.-We should endeavour to be ourselves, and to make our children helps and blessings to others..

836. Isaac was blessed because of Abraham's obedience, ver. 5.-We should be grateful to God for pious parents, and should ourselves be pious for the sake of our children and our friends.

837. Abraham obeyed God's voice, ver. 5.—We should obey God in all that he commands us.

838. The men of Gerar asked Isaac of his wife, ver. 7. We should never thoughtlessly or mischievously alarm, or give cause of fear, to others.

839. Isaac from fear told a lie, ver. 7.—We should never allow alarm, or fear of misfortune, to hurry us into sin.

840. Isaac feared to tell the truth, ver. 7.—We should never be afraid, when called upon in duty to speak and to maintain the truth.

841. Isaac was afraid they would kill him, ver. 7.We should be more afraid of committing sin, than of losing our lives.

842. Isaac was there a long time, and unmolested, ver. S.-We should never be rash, or uncharitable in our opinions of strangers.

843. Isaac was sporting with Rebekah, ver. 8.-Innocent merriment in the pious, and even in the aged,

is not unlawful, and is often desirable, useful, and amiable.

844. The king reproved Isaac for his falsehood, ver. 9.-We should, on every fitting occasion, prudently reprove the faults of inferiors or friends.

945. Isaac endeavoured to excuse himself, ver. 9.We should confess and forsake sin, but should never attempt to excuse it.

346. Isaac's falsehood exposed others to sin, ver. 10. -We should beware of the first sin, lest it lead ourselves and others to the commission of many.

847. Abimelech gave charge to his people concerning Isaac, ver. 11.-We should not only avoid sin ourselves, but we should also endeavour to prevent it in those who are under us.

948. Abimelech's people were not to touch Isaac or his wife under the pain of death, ver. 11.-We should do our utmost to protect strangers.


Strife with the Philistines about Wells.
Gen. xxvi. 12-22.

12. Then Isaac (1) sowed in that land, and (2) received in the same year an hundred (3) fold; and the Lord (4) blessed him.

1. Cultivated the ground, and sowed corn and other seeds.-2. Got.3. Times the quantity that he sowed.-4. Made him rich and prosperous.

12. What did Isaac do? Who sowed? Where did Isaac sow? What did Isaac receive in that land when he sowed? When did Isaac receive an hundred-fold? What did the Lord do to Isaac? Who was blessed? By whom was Isaac blessed?

13. And (1) the man (2) waxed great, and (3) went forward, and grew, until he became very (4) great:

1. Isaac.-2. Became rich.-3. Continued increasing.-4. Rich and powerful.

13. What is here said of Isaac? What did he wax? Who waxed great? What did Isaac become?

What did Isaac do till he became very great? How great did Isaac become?

14. For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and great (1) store of servants: and the Philistines (2) envied him.

1. Numbers,-2. Were grieved at his prosperity, and wished to be like. 14. What had Isaac? Of what had sion? Of what had Isaac great store? of the Philistines? Who envied Isaac? Philistines envy Isaac?

Isaac posses-
What is said
Why did the

15. For all the wells which his father's servants had digged (1) in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had (2) stopped them, and filled them with earth.

1. During the life-time.-2. Destroyed.

15. What had been done in the days of Abraham ? Who had digged these wells? Whose servants? What had Isaac's father's servants done? When had they digged these wells? What had the Philistines done to these wells? Who had stopped them? What had they stopped? What had they done to the wells besides stopping them? What had they filled? With what had they filled the wells?

16. And Abimelech said unto Isaac, Go from (1) us; for thou art much (2) mightier than we.

1. Our place and country.-2. More rich and powerful.

16. Who spake unto Isaac? What did Abimelech request Isaac to do? Who was to go from them ? Why did Abimelech wish Isaac to go from them? What was Isaac? Who was nighty? How mighty was Isaac? Than whom was Isaac mightier?

17. And Isaac (1) departed thence, and (2) pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar, and dwelt there.

4. Went away from that place.-2. Set up.

17. What did Isaac do? Who departed? From whence did Isaac depart? What did Isaac do when he departed thence? What did he pitch? Where did Isaac pitch his tent? In what valley? What did Isaac do in the valley of Gerar? What did Isaac do when he had pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar?

18. And Isaac digged again the wells of water, which they had digged in the days of Abraham his father; for the Philistines had (1) stopped

them after the death of Abraham: and he (2) called their names after the names by which his father had called them.

1. Filled them with earth.-2. Gave them the same.

18. What did Isaac dig? What wells did Isaac dig? When had these wells been dug? Whose father? What had the Philistines done? What had the Philistines stopped? When did the Philistines stop these wells? After whose death? What was done after Abraham's death? What did Isaac call the wells? After what names did Isaac call the wells? Who had given them names before this?

19. And Isaac's servants digged in the (1) valley, and found there a well (2) of springing water.

1. Low place between the hills.-2. Supplied by a spring of water from below constantly running into it.

19. What did Isaac's servants do? Where did they dig? Who dug in the valley? What did they find? Who found the well? When did Isaac's servants find this well? What kind of a well was this?

20. And the herdmen of Gerar (1) did strive with Isaac's herdmen, saying, The water is ours: and he called the name of the well (2) Esek; because they (1) strove with him.

1. Disputed.-2. Contention.

20. What did the herdmen of Gerar do? With whom did they strive? Who strove with Isaac's herdmen? What did the herdmen of Gerar say? What was theirs? Who said that the water was theirs? What did Isaac call this well? Why did Isaac call this well Esek?

21. And they digged another well, and (1) strove for that also: and he called the name of it (2) Sitnah.

1. Disputed.-2. Hatred.

21. What did Isaac's servants do again? What did they dig? Who dug another well? What did the herdmen of Gerar do? For what did the herdmen of Gerar again strive? What did Isaac call this second well?

22. And he (1) removed from (2) thence, and digged another well; and for that they (3) strove not: and he called the name of it (4) Rehoboth; and he said, For now the Lord hath made room for us, and we shall be (5) fruitful in the land.

1. Went away with all that he had.-2. That place.-3. Did not dispute.-4. Room.-5. Prosperous.

22. What did Isaac do after they had striven with him for the second well? Who removed? From whence did he remove? What did he do when he had removed thence? What did he dig? What did the herdmen of Gerar not do? What did Isaac call this third well? What did Isaac say when he called this well Rehoboth? What had the Lord done? Who had made room? For whom had the Lord made room? What did Isaac say they would be? Who would be fruitful? Why would they be fruitful? Where would they be fruitful?


849. Isaac sowed in the land to which God had sent him, ver. 12.-We should be diligent in our business, and in providing for ourselves the means of support.

850. Isaac from sowing received an hundred fold, ver. 12.-God will bless the labours of his people to such an extent as he sees to be best for them.

851. God blessed Isaac, ver. 12.-We should put more value on God's blessing, than on the world's prosperity.

852. Isaac waxed great and went forward, ver. 13. -We should steadily go forward in the line of our duty, in the fear, for the glory, and under the guidance and protection of God.

853. The Philistines envied Isaac for his riches, ver. 14. We should never envy others, nor grieve at their prosperity.

854. The Philistines destroyed Isaac's wells, ver. 15. We should never wantonly nor maliciously injure our neighbours,

855. The Philistines maliciously filled up the walls with earth, ver. 15.-Envy will sometimes prompt the the wicked to be at more pains in doing an injury, than benevolence will the Christian in doing good.

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