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Upon what had it not rained? What was wanting at that time? What was there not a man to do? What

was man to till?

6. But there went up a (1) mist from the (2) earth, and (3) watered the whole (4) face of the ground.

1. Vapour, or steam.-2. Surface of the ground.-3, Descended in dew upon.-4. Surface.

6. What went up? What what did the mist go up? What did the mist water? did the mist water?

is said of the mist? From What did the mist do? How much of the ground

7. And the Lord God (1) formed man of the (2) dust of the (3) ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a (4) living soul.

1. Made.-2. Clay.-3. Earth.-4. Living and reasonable being. 7. What was formed? Who formed man ? What did God do to man? Of what was man formed? Of what dust? What was done with the dust? What did God do when he had formed the body of man? Into what did God breathe?, Into whose nostrils? What did God breathe into man's nostrils? What did man become? What kind of a soul did man become? What became a living soul?

8. And the Lord God (1) planted a garden (2) eastward in Eden; and (3) there he put the man whom he had (4) formed.

1. Filled with shrubs and trees.-2. Towards the east.-3. In that garden. ---4. Made.

8. What did God do when he had formed man? What was planted? Who planted this garden? Where did God plant this garden? What did God do when he had planted this garden? Where did God put the man? What man was put into the garden?

9. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is (1) pleasant to (2) the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the (3) midst of the garden; and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 1. Agreeable and beautiful.---2. Look upon.---3. Middle.

9. What grew? Out of what did every tree grow? Who made every tree grow out of the ground? What trees grew out of the ground? Pleasant to what? Good for what? What was in the midst of the garden? Where stood the tree of life? Where was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

10. And a (1) river went out of Eden to (2) water the garden; and from (3) thence it was (4) parted, and became into four (5) heads.

1. Running water.---2. Give moisture to.---3. That place.---4, Divided. ---5. Branches.

10. What went out of Eden? Out of what did the river go? What did the river do? What did the river water? What was parted? What did the river become when it parted? Into how many heads?

[For ver. 11 to 14, see Bible.]


18. God finished his work, ver. 1.-We should persevere and finish every good work which we begin. 19. God rested from his work on the Sabbath, ver. 2. -We should rest from all our work on the Sabbath. 20. God blessed the Sabbath, ver. 3.-We should be thankful for the Sabbath, and consider it a great blessing.

21. God sanctified the Sabbath, ver. 3.-We should use the Sabbath in a holy manner, and for holy purposes.

22. This is the true history of the beginning of all things, ver. 4.-We should not believe any thing concerning the creation, which is contrary to this account of God himself.

23. Man was made by God, ver. 7.—We should worship and serve God only.

24. Man was formed of the dust, ver. 7.-We should be very humble, and always remember that we must

soon die.

25. Man, by the inspiration of God, became a living soul, ver. 7.—We should put more value on the soul, than on the body.

26. God planted a garden for man, ver, 8.—We may lawfully enjoy the innocent pleasures of this world, if we do so with moderation and thankfulness.

27. Adam dwelt where God placed him, ver. 8.We should be satisfied with the lot which God appoints us.


The Formation of Eve.-Gen. ii. 15-25.

15. And the Lord God took (1) the man, and put him into the garden of Eden, to (2) dress it, and to (3) keep it.

1. Adam.-2. Put it in order.-3. Keep it in order.

15. Who took the man? Whom did God take? What did God do to the man? Where did God put the man? Into what garden did God put him? For what purpose did God put the man into the garden of Eden? What was the man to do? What was he to dress and keep? Who was to dress and keep the garden? 16. And the Lord God (1) commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou (2) mayest (3) freely eat.

J. Gave orders to.-2. Art at liberty.-3. (To) eat with freedom.

16. Who commanded? Whom did God command? What did God command the man to do? Of what might he eat? Of what trees might the man eat? In what manner might he eat of the trees?

17. But of the tree of the knowlege of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for (1) in the day that thou eatest (2) thereof, thou shalt (3) surely die. 1. At the time.-2. Of that tree.-3. Most certainly.

17. Of what tree was he not to eat? What was he not to do to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? What was to happen if he did eat of the forbidden tree? Who was to die? When was he to die? For what was he to die?

18. And the Lord God said, It is not (1) good that the man should be (2) alone; I will make him an (3) help (4) meet for him.

1. Convenient.-2. By himself.-3. Assistant.-4. Suitable.

18. What did God say? What was not good for man? Who should not be alone? What did God say that man's being alone was? What did God say he would make for man? What kind of a help

was God to make? For whom was God to make this help?

19. And out of the ground the Lord God (1) formed every beast of the field, and every (2) foul of the air, and brought them unto Adam, to see what (3) he would call them; and (4) whatsoever Adam called (5) every living creature, that was the name (6) thereof.

1. Made.-2. Bird.-3, Names he would give.-4. That which.-5. Each.-6. Of it.

19. What was formed out of the ground? By whom was every beast formed? Qut of what were the beasts formed? What were formed by God, besides the beasts of the field? What did God do with them? To whom did God bring them? What did God bring to Adam? For what purpose did God bring the beasts to Adam? What did Adam do when the creaturės were brought to him? Who gave the animals names?

20. And Adam gave names to all (1) cattle, and to the (2) fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an (3) help (4) meet for him.

1. Beasts of pasture.-2. Birds.-3. Assistant.-4. Suitable.

20. What did Adam do? To what did Adam give names? Who gave names to all cattle and fowls? What was not found for Adam? For whom was there not a help meet found?

21. And the Lord God (1) caused a (2) deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept; and (3) he took one of (4) his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead (5) thereof.

1. Made.-2. Sound.-3. God.-4. The bones of Adam's side.-5. Of the rib.

21. What did God cause? What fell upon Adam ? Upon whom did the deep sleep fall? Who caused this deep sleep to fall upon Adam? What did Adam do? What did God do when Adam slept? What did God take? One of whose ribs? What did God do to the flesh of Adam's side What did he close up? Instead of what?

22. And the (1) rib which the Lord God had taken from (2) man, made he a woman, and brought her unto (3) the man.

Who took the

1. Bone and its flesh.-2. Adam's side.-3. Adam. 22. What did God do with the rib ? rib? From whom did God take the rib? What did God make? Of what did God make the woman? What did God do with the woman, when he had made

her ? To whom was the woman brought? Who brought her to the man?

23. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman; because she was taken out of man.

23. What did Adam say when the woman was brought to him? What was the woman? Of whose bone and flesh was she? What did Adam call her? Who called her Woman? Why did Adam call her woman? Out of whom was she taken? Who was taken out of man?

24. (1) Therefore shall a man (2) leave his father and his mother, and shall (3) cleave unto his wife; and they shall be (4) one flesh.

1. For this reason.---2. Go away from.---3. Live with.---4. United in


24. What was a man to do for his wife? Whom was he to leave? Who was to leave father and mother? Why was man to leave father and mother? Το whom was he to cleave? What were man and wife to be? Who were to be one flesh?

25. And they were both (1) naked, the man and his wife, and were not (2) ashamed.

1. Without clothes.---2. Conscious of any impropriety.

25. What were they both? Who were naked? What were they not? Of what were the man and his wife not ashamed?


28. Adam, in innocence, was to dress and keep the garden, ver. 15.-We should be industrious and diligent in some useful employment.

29. Adam was implicitly to obey God, ver. 16.-We should obey God in every thing.

30. Death was to be the consequence of one sin, ver. 17. We should never think lightly of the very least


31. God said that it was not good for man to be alone, ver. 18. We should make ourselves useful in society. 32. Adam reviewed the beasts, and gave them

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