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The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.-
Gen. xix. 15-29.

15. And when the (1) morning arose, then the angels (2) hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters which are (3) here; lest thou be (4) consumed in the (5) iniquity of the city.

1. Day light appeared, and the sun.-2. Urged Lot to make haste.-3. In the house with thee.-4. Burnt up.-5. Punishment.

15. What arose? What happened when the morning arose? What did the angels do? Whom did the angels hasten? What did the angels say to Lot? What was Lot to do? Whom was Lot to take? Whom was he to take besides his wife? Why was he to take only his wife and two daughters? Who were there? What was to happen to Lot if he did not flee with those who were there? Who would be consumed? In what would he be consumed?

16. And while (1) he (2) lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughters; the Lord being merciful unto (3) him: and they brought him (4) forth, and set him (5) without the city.

1. Lot.-2. Still remained unwilling to leave his goods.-3. Lot, notwithstanding of this worldly mindedness.-4. Out of his house into the streets.-5. On the outside of.

16. What did Lot do? Who lingered? What did the angels do when Lot lingered? Upon whose hand did they lay hold? Why did they lay hold of their hands? To whom was the Lord merciful? Who was merciful to him? What did they do with Lot? Who brought him forth? Out of what did they bring him forth? Where did the angels set Lot? Without what? Who were set without the city?

17. And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth (1) abroad, that he said, (2) Escape for thy life; (3) look not behind thee, neither (4) stay thou in (5) all the plain: (6) escape to the mountain, lest thou be (7) consumed.

1. Out of Sodom into the open country.-2. Flee away.-3. Do not turn round to look at the city.-4. Remain.-5. Any part of.-6. Make haste for safety.-7. Burnt to death.

17. Who were brought forth abroad? Who brought

them forth? What happened when they were brought forth abroad? What was Lot to do? For what was he to escape? What were they not to do? Who were not to look behind them? Where were they not to stay? Whither were they to escape? Who were to escape to the mountain? What would happen if they did not escape?

18, And Lot said unto them, Oh! not so, my Lord.

18. Who spake unto them? Unto whom did Lot speak? What did Lot say to the angels? What was not to be so? What did Lot call the angel?

19. Behold, now, thy servant hath found (1) grace (2) in thy sight, and thou hast (3) magnified thy mercy, which thou hast (4) shewed unto me in (5) saving my life; and I cannot (6) escape to the mountain, lest some (7) evil (8) take me, and I die.

1. Favour.-2. From thee.-3. Made thy mercy to me very great and conspicuous.-4. Made to appear.-5. Preserving -6. Get in safety.7. Unseen danger.-8. Happen to.

19. What had Lot found? Who had found favour? With whom had Lot found favour? What did Lot call himself? What had the angel done? Magnified what? Who had magnified his mercy? What mercy had the angel magnified? Unto whom had this mercy been shown? What had been saved? What could Lot not do? Escape to what place? Why could he not escape to the mountain? What might befal him? When would evil befal him? What would happen if the evil befel him?

20. Behold now, this city is near to flee unto, and it is a little one: oh! let me (1) escape (2) thither, (is it not a little one?) and my (3) soul shall live.

1. Get safely.-2. Into it.-3. Mind shall be at ease.

20. What was near? What did Lot wish to do? Flee into what? What kind of city was this? What was little? What did Lot request permission to do? Who was to escape thither? What was a little one? What would happen if he escaped thither? What would live? Whose soul would live?

21. And (1) he said unto (2) him, See, I have (3) accepted thee concerning this (4) thing also, that I will not (5) overthrow this city, for the which thou hast spoken,

1. The angel.-2. Lot.-3. Answered thy prayer.-4. Particular request.-5. Destroy.

21. Who spoke to Lot? What did the angel say to Lot? Who was accepted? Who had accepted him? Concerning what was Lot accepted? What was the angel not to do? Overthrow what? What city? What had Lot done for the city? Who had spoken for the city? What was to be done to the city because Lot had spoken for it? Who was not to overthrow it?

22. (1) Haste thee, (2) escape (3) thither: for I cannot do any thing till thou be (4) come thither: (5) therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.

1. Make haste.-2. Get safely.-3. Into it.-4. Got safely there.-5. For this reason it was, that.

22. What was Lot commanded to do? Whither was Lot to escape? What was Lot to do in making his escape? Who was to make haste? Why was he to make haste? What could the angel not do? Till when could the angel do nothing? Till who was come thither? Till he had come to what place? What was that city called? Why was the city called Zoar?

23. The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar.

23. What was risen? Upon what was the sun risen? When was the sun risen upon the earth? Who entered? Into what did Lot enter? What had taken place when Lot entered into Zoar?

24. Then the Lord (1) rained upon Sodom, and upon Gomorrah, brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.

1. Poured down, or made to fall.

24. What did the Lord do to Sodom and Gomorrah? What was rained down? Upon whom was brimstone and fire rained down? From whom did brimstone and fire come? stone and fire come?

Out of what did the brim

25. And (1) he (2) overthrew those cities and all the (3) plain, and all the (4) inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. 1. God.-2. Completely destroyed.-3. Flat country on which they stood.-4. People that dwelt in.

25. What were overthrown? Who overthrew these cities? What was done to the cities? What were de

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stroyed besides the cities? All what? What was done to all the plain? What were destroyed, besides the cities and the plain? What inhabitants? What was done to the inhabitants? What else was destroyed? That grew where? What was done to that which grew upon the ground?

26. But (1) his wife (2) looked back (3) from behind him, and she (4) became (5) a pillar of salt.

1. Lot's.-2. Turned round, and looked wishfully back towards Sodom.-3. As she followed.-4. Was turned into.-5. An abiding monument of God's displeasure.

26. What did Lot's wife do? Who looked back? When did she look back? From whence did she look back? From behind whom? At what did she look back? What did she become? Who became a pillar of salt? Why did Lot's wife become a pillar of salt? 27. And Abraham (1) got up early in the morning to the (2) place where he (3) stood before the Lord.

1. Arose, and went.-2. Particular spot.-3. Had the night before conversed with.

27. Who got up early in the morning? What did Abraham do? When did Abraham get up? To what place did Abraham go? Where who stood? Before whom did he stand? When did Abraham go there?

28. And he looked (1) toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the smoke of the (2) country (3) went up as the smoke of a furnace.

1. In the direction of.-2. Cities, and the whole plain, on which God had rained down fire and brimstone.-3. Arose high into the air.

28. Who looked? Toward what did Abraham look? To what did Abraham look besides Sodom and Gomorrah? To all what land? What did Abraham see when he looked? What smoke? What is said of the smoke of the country? Like what did the smoke go up? What went up like the smoke of a furnace?

29. And it came to pass, when God (1) destroyed the cities of the plain, that God (2) remembered Abraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the (3) overthrow, when he (4) overthrew the cities in the which Lot dwelt.

1. Burnt up and overthrew.-2. Did not forget.-3. Terrible destruction.-4. Burnt up and destroyed.

29. What did God remember? Who remembered Abraham? When did God remember Abraham ? What had God destroyed? What had God done to the cities of the plain? What did God do when he remembered Abraham? Whom did he send? Who sent Lot? Out of what did God send Lot? When did God send Lot out of the midst of the overthrow? Who overthrew the cities? What cities? Who dwelt in

the cities? Where did Lot dwell?

30. And Lot (1) went up out of Zoar, and (2) dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with him; for he (3) feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave, he and his two daughters.

1. Left.-2. Went and lived.-3. Was afraid.

30. Who went out of Zoar? Out of what did Lot go? What did Lot do? Where did Lot dwell when he went out of Zoar? Who dwelt in the mountain? Whose daughters? How many daughters? Who accompanied Lot to the mountain? Why did Lot and his daughters go to the mountain? Where did they fear to dwell? Who feared to dwell in Zoar? In what did Lot dwell in the mountain? Who dwelt with Lot in the cave?

[For ver. 31 to 38, see Bible.]

490. The angels hastened Lot, ver. 15.—We should encourage, and hasten, and help sinners to forsake sin and sinful company.

491. Lot was to take those only who were there, and who would come, ver. 15.-We should make sure of the salvation of a few, rather than by attempting too much, risk the salvation of all.

492. The angels urged Lot to flee, lest he should be consumed, ver. 15.-Though salvation is altogether from God, it is promised to us only in the use of appointed means.

493. Lot was in danger of being consumed in the iniquity of the city, ver. 15.-It is exceedingly dan

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