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recapitulated the substance of his scattered opinions on this strange subject. His next works deserving notice are those published on occasion of the new star which shone out with great splendour in 1604, in the constellation Cassiopeia *. Immediately on its appearance, Kepler wrote a short account of it in German, marked with all the oddity which characterises most of his productions. We shall see enough of his astronomical calculations when we come to his book on Mars; the following passage will probably be found more amusing.


After comparing this star with that of 1572, and mentioning that many persons who had seen it maintained this to be the brighter of the two, since it was nearly twice the size of its nearest neighbour, Jupiter, he proceeds as follows: "Yonder one chose for its appearance a time no way remarkable, and came into the world quite unexpectedly, like an enemy storming a town, and breaking into the market-place before the citizens are aware of his approach; but ours has come exactly in the year of which astrologers have written so much about the fiery trigon that happens in it; just in the month in which (according to Cyprian) Mars comes up to a very perfect conjunction with the other two superior planets; just in the day when Mars has joined Jupiter, and just in the place where this conjunction has taken place. Therefore the apparition of this star is not like a secret hostile irruption, as was that one of 1572, but the spectacle of a public triumph, or the entry of a mighty potentate; when the couriers ride in some time before, to prepare his lodgings, and the crowd of young urchins begin to think the time over-long to wait: then roll in, one after another, the ammunition, and money, and baggage waggons, and presently the trampling of horse, and the rush of people from every side to the streets and windows; and when the crowd have gazed with their jaws all agape at the troops of knights; then at last, the trumpeters, and archers, and lackeys, so distinguish the person of the monarch, that there is no occasion to point him out, but every one cries out of his own accord- Here we have him!- What it may portend is hard to determine, and

*See Life of Galileo, p. 16.

The fiery trigon occurs about once in every 800 years, when Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars are in the three fiery signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius,

thus much only is certain, that it comes to tell mankind either nothing at all, or high and weighty news, quite beyond human sense and understanding. It will have an important influence on political and social relations; not indeed by its own nature, but, as it were, accidentally through the disposition of mankind. First, it portends to the booksellers great disturbances, and tolerable gains; for almost every Theologus, Philosophicus, Medicus, and Mathematicus, or whoever else, having no laborious occupation intrusted to him, seeks his pleasure in studiis, will make particular remarks upon it, and will wish to bring these remarks to the light. Just so will others, learned and unlearned, wish to know its meaning, and they will buy the authors who profess to tell them. I mention these things merely by way of example, because, although thus much can be easily predicted without great skill, yet may it happen just as easily, and in the same manner, that the vulgar, or whoever else is of easy faith, or it may be, crazy, may wish to exalt himself into a great prophet; or it may even happen that some powerful lord, who has good foundation and beginning of great dignities, will be cheered on by this phenomenon to venture on some new scheme, just as if God had set up this star in the darkness merely to enlighten them."


It would hardly be supposed, from the tenor of this last passage, that the writer of it was not a determined enemy to astrological predictions of every description. In 1602 he had published a disputation, not now easily met with, "On the Principles of Astrology," in which it seems that he treated the professed astrologers with great severity. essence of this book is probably contained in the second treatise on the new star, which he published in 1606*. In this volume he inveighs repeatedly against the vanity and worthlessness of ordinary astrology, declaring at the same time, that the professors of that art know that this judgment is pronounced by one well acquainted with its principles. "For if the vulgar are to pronounce who is the best astrologer, my reputation is known to be of the highest order; if they

The copy of this work in the British Museum is Kepler's presentation copy to our James I. On the blank leaf, opposite the title-page, is the following inscription, apparently in the author's handwriting" Regi philosophanti, philosophus serviens, Platoni Diogenes, Britannias tenenti, Pragæ stipem mendicans ab Alexandro, e dolio conduc. titio, hoc suum philosophema misit et commendavit."

prefer the judgment of the learned, they are already condemned. Whether they stand with me in the eyes of the populace, or I fall with them before the learned, in both cases I am in their ranks; I am on a level with them; I cannot be renounced."

The theory which Kepler proposed to substitute is intimated shortly in the following passage: "I maintain that the colours and aspects, and conjunctions of the planets, are impressed on the natures or faculties of sublunary things, and when they occur, that these are excited as well in forming as in moving the body over whose motion they preside. Now let no one conceive a prejudice that I am anxiously seeking to mend the deplorable and hopeless cause of astrology by far-fetched subtilties and miserable quibbling. I do not value it sufficiently, nor have I ever shunned having astrologers for my enemies. But a most unfailing experience (as far as can be hoped in natural phenomena) of the excitement of sublunary natures by the conjunctions and aspects of the planets, has instructed and compelled my unwilling belief."

After exhausting other topics suggested by this new star, he examines the different opinions on the cause of its appearance. Among others he mentions the Epicurean notion, that it was a fortuitous concourse of atoms, whose appearance in this form was merely one of the infinite number of ways in which, since the beginning of time, they have been combined. Having descanted for some time on this opinion, and declared himself altogether hostile to it, Kepler proceeds as follows:-"When I was a youth, with plenty of idle time on my hands, I was much taken with the vanity, of which some grown men are not ashamed, of making anagrams, by transposing the letters of my name, written in Greek, so as to make another sentence: out of Ιωάννης Κεπλῆρος I made Σειρήνων κάπηλος*; in Latin, out of Joannes Keplerus came Serpens in akuleot. But not being satisfied with the meaning of these words, and being unable to make another, I trusted the thing to chance, and taking out of a pack of playing cards as many as there were letters in the name, I wrote one upon each, and then began to shuffle them, and at each shuffle to read them in the order they came, to see if any meaning came of it. Now, may all the Epicurean gods and goddesses confound

*The tapster of the Sirens.
† A serpent in his sting.

this same chance, which, although I spent a good deal of time over it, never showed me anything like sense even from a distance*. So I gave up my cards to the Epicurean eternity, to be carried away into infinity, and, it is said, they are still flying about there, in the utmost confusion among the atoms, and have never yet come to any meaning. I will tell these disputants, my opponents, not my own opinion, but my wife's. Yesterday, when weary with writing, and my mind quite dusty with considering these atoms, I was called to supper, and a salad I had asked for was set before me. It seems then, said I aloud, that if pewter dishes, leaves of lettuce, grains of salt, drops of water, vinegar, and oil, and slices of egg, had been flying about in the air from all eternity, it might at last happen by chance that there would come a salad. Yes, says my wife, but not so nice and well dressed as this of mine is."


Kepler publishes his Supplement to Vitellion-Theory of Refraction.

DURING Several years Kepler remained, as he himself forcibly expressed it, begging his bread from the emperor at Prague, and the splendour of his nominal income served only to increase his irritation, at the real neglect under which he nevertheless persevered in his labours. His family was increasing, and he had little wherewith to support them beyond the uncertain proceeds of his writings and nativities. His salary was charged partly on the states of Silesia, partly on the imperial treasury; but it was in vain that repeated orders were procured for the payment of the The resources of arrears due to him. the empire were drained by the constant demands of an engrossing war, and Kepler had not sufficient influence to enforce his claims against those who thought even the smallest sum bestowed upon him ill spent, in fostering profitless speculations. In consequence of this niggardliness, Kepler was forced to postpone the publication of the Rudolphine Tables, which he was engaged in constructing from his own and Tycho Brahe's observations, and applied himself to other works of a less costly description. Among these may be men

*In one of his anonymous writings Kepler has anagrammatized his name, Joannes Keplerus, in a variety of other forms, probably selected from the luckiest of his shuffles :-" Kleopas Herennius, Helenor Kapuensis, Raspinus Enkeleo, Kanones Putriles."

tioned a "Treatise on Comets," written on occasion of one which appeared in 1607 in this he suggests that they are planets moving in straight lines. The book published in 1604, which he entitles"A Supplement to Vitellion," may be considered as containing the first reasonable and consistent theory of optics, especially in that branch of it usually termed dioptrics, which relates to the theory of vision through transparent substances. In it was first explained the true use of the different parts of the eye, to the knowledge of which Baptista Porta had already approached very nearly, though he stopped short of the accurate truth. Kepler remarked the identity of the mechanism in the eye with that beautiful invention of Porta's, the camera obscura; showing, that the light which falls from external objects on the eye is refracted through a transparent substance, called, from its form and composition, the crystalline lens, and makes a picture on the fine net-work of nerves, called the retina, which lies at the back of the eye. The manner in which the existence of this coloured picture on the retina causes to the individual the sensation of sight, belongs to a theory not purely physical; and beyond this point Kepler did not attempt to go.

The direction into which rays of light (as they are usually called) are bent or refracted in passing through the air and other transparent substances or mediums, is discussed in this treatise at great length. Tycho Brahe had been the first astronomer who recognized the necessity of making some allowance on this account in the observed heights of the stars. A long controversy arose on this subject between Tycho Brahe and Rothman, the astronomer at Hesse Cassel, a man of unquestionable talent, but of odd and eccentric habits. Neither was altogether in the right, although Tycho had the advantage in the argument. He failed however to establish the true law of refraction, and Kepler has devoted a chapter to an examination of the same question. It is marked by precisely the same qualities as those appearing so conspicuously in his astronomical writings-great ingenuity; wonderful perseverance; bad philosophy. That this may not be taken solely upon assertion, some samples of it are subjoined. The writings of the authors of this period are little read or known at the present day; and it is only by copious extracts that any accurate notion can be formed of the nature and value of their labours.

The following tedious specimen of Kepler's mode of examining physical phenomena is advisedly selected to contrast with his astronomical researches: though the luck and consequently the fame that attended his divination were widely different on the two occasions, the method pursued was the same. After commenting on the points of difference between Rothman and Tycho Brahe, Kepler proceeds to enumerate his own endeavours to discover the law of refraction.

"I did not leave untried whether, by assuming a horizontal refraction according to the density of the medium, the rest would correspond with the sines of the distances from the vertical direction, but calculation proved that it was not so: and indeed there was no occasion to have tried it, for thus the refractions would increase according to the same law in all mediums, which is contradicted by experiment.

"The same kind of objection may be brought against the cause of refraction alleged by Alhazen and Vitellion. They say that the light seeks to be compensated for the loss sustained at the oblique impact; so that in proportion as it is enfeebled by striking against the denser medium, in the same degree does it restore its energy by approaching the perpendicular, that it may strike the bottom of the denser medium with greater force; for those impacts are most forcible which are direct. And they add some subtle notions, I know not what, how the motion of obliquely incident light is compounded of a motion perpendicular and a motion parallel to the dense surface, and that this compound motion is not destroyed, but only retarded by meeting the denser medium.

"I tried another way of measuring the refraction, which should include thè density of the medium and the incidence:

[blocks in formation]

fracted into as much space as would be filled by the denser medium under the force of the rarer one.

"Let A be the place of the light, BC the surface of the denser medium, DE its bottom. Let A B, AG, A F be rays falling obliquely, which would arrive at D, I, H, if the medium were uniform. But because it is denser, suppose the bottom to be depressed to K L, determined by this that there is as much of the denser matter contained in the space DC as of the rarer in LC: and thus, on the sinking of the whole bottom DE, the points D, I, H, E will descend vertically to L, M, N, K. Join the points BL, GM, FN, cutting D E in O, P, Q; the refracted rays will be A BO, AGP, AFQ." This method is refuted by experiment; it gives the refractions near the perpendicular AC too great in respect of those near the horizon. Whoever has leisure may verify this, either by calculation or compasses. It may be added that the reasoning itself is not very sure-footed, and, whilst seeking to measure other things, scarcely takes in and comprehends itself." This reflection must not be mistaken for the dawn of suspicion that his examination of philosophical questions began not altogether at the right end: it is merely an acknowledgment that he had not yet contrived a theory with which he was quite satisfied before it was disproved by experiment.

After some experience of Kepler's miraculous good fortune in seizing truths across the wildest and most absurd theories, it is not easy to keep clear of the opposite feeling of surprise whenever any of his extravagancies fail to discover to him some beautiful law of nature. But we must follow him as he plunges deeper in this unsuccessful inquiry; and the reader must remember, in order fully to appreciate this method of philosophizing, that it is almost certain that Kepler laboured upon every one of the gratuitous suppositions that he makes, until positive experiment satisfied him of their incor


"I go on to other methods. Since density is clearly connected with the cause of the refractions, and refraction itself seems a kind of compression of light, as it were, towards the perpendicular, it occurred to me to examine whether there was the same proportion between the mediums in respect of density and the parts of the bottom illuminated by the light, when let into a vessel, first empty, and afterwards filled with water.


This mode branches out into many: for the proportion may be imagined, either in the straight lines, as if one should say that the line E Q, illuminated by refraction, is to EH illuminated directly, as the density of the one medium is to that of the other-Or another may suppose the proportion to be between FC and FH-Or it may be conceived to exist among surfaces, or so that some power of EQ should be to some power of E H in this proportion, or the circles or similar figures described on them. In this manner the proportion of EQ to EP would be double that of EH to EI-Or the proportion may be conceived existing among the solidities of the pyramidal frustums FHEC, FQEC-Or, since the proportion of the mediums involves a threefold consideration, since they have density in length, breadth, and thickness, I proceeded also to examine the cubic propor tions among the lines E Q, EH.

"I also considered other lines. From any of the points of refraction as G, let a perpendicular GY be dropped upon the bottom. It may become a question whether possibly the triangle I GY, that is, the base I Y, is divided by the refracted ray G P, in the proportion of the densities of the mediums.

"I have put all these methods here together, because the same remark disproves them all. For, in whatever manner, whether as line, plane, or pyramid, E Í observes a given proportion to EP, or the abbreviated line Ÿ I to YP, namely, the proportion of the mediums, it is sure that EI, the tangent of the distance of the point A from the vertex, will become infinite, and will, therefore make EP or YP, also infinite. Therefore, IGP, the angle of refraction, will be entirely lost; and, as it approaches the horizon, will gradually become less and less, which is contrary to experiment.

"I tried again whether the images are equally removed from their points of refraction, and whether the ratio of the densities measures the least distance. For instance, supposing E to be the image, C the surface of the water, K the bottom, and CE to CK in the proportion of the densities of the me diums. Now, let F, G, B, be three other points of refraction and images at S, T, V, and let C E be equal to F S, GT, and BV. But according to this rule an image E would still be somewhat raised in the perpendicular A K, which is contrary to experiment, not to mention other

contradictions. Thirdly, whether the proportion of the mediums holds between FH and FX, supposing H to be the place of the image? Not at all. For so, C E would be in the same proportion to C K, so that the height of the image would always be the same, which we have just refuted. Fourthly, whether the raising of the image at E is to the raising at H, as CE to FH? Not in the least; for so the images either would never begin to be raised, or, having once begun, would at last be infinitely raised, because FH at last becomes infinite. Fifthly, whether the images rise in proportion to the sines of the inclinations? Not at all; for so the proportion of ascent would be the same in all mediums. Sixthly, are then the images raised at first, and in perpendicular radiation, according to the proportion of the mediums, and do they subsequently rise more and more according to the sines of the inclinations? For so the proportion would be compound, and would become different in different mediums. There is nothing in it: for the calculation disagreed with experiment. And generally it is in vain to have regard to the image or the place of the image, for that very reason, that it is imaginary. For there is no connexion between the density of the medium or any real (quality or refraction of the light, and an accident of vision, by an error of which the image happens.


Up to this point, therefore, I had followed a nearly blind mode of inquiry, and had trusted to good fortune; but now I opened the other eye, and hit upon a sure method, for I pondered the fact, that the image of a thing seen under water approaches closely to the true ratio of the refraction, and almost measures it; that it is low if the thing is viewed directly from above; that by degrees it rises as the eye passes towards the horizon of the water. Yet, on the other hand, the reason alleged above, proves that the measure is not to be sought in the image, because the image is not a thing actually existing, but arises from a deception of vision which is purely accidental. By a comparison of these conflicting arguments, it occurred to me at length, to seek the causes themselves of the existence of the image under water, and in these causes the measure of the refractions. This opinion was strengthened in me by seeing that opticians had not rightly pointed out the cause of the image which appears both

in mirrors and in water. And this was the origin of that labour which I undertook in the third chapter. Nor, indeed, was that labour trifling, whilst hunting down false opinions of all sorts among the principles, in a matter rendered so intricate by the false traditions of optical writers; whilst striking out half a dozen different paths, and beginning anew the whole business. How often did it happen that a rash confidence made me look upon that which I sought with such ardour, as at length discovered!

"At length I cut this worse than Gordian knot of catoptrics by analogy alone, by considering what happens in mirrors, and what must happen analogically in water. In mirrors, the image appears at a distance from the real place of the object, not being itself material, but produced solely by reflection at the polished surface. Whence it followed in water also, that the images rise and approach the surface, not according to the law of the greater or less density in the water, as the view is less or more oblique, but solely because of the refraction of the ray of light passing from the object to the eye. On which assumption, it is plain that every attempt I had hitherto made to measure refractions by the image, and its elevation, must fall to the ground. And this became more evident when I discovered the true reason why the image is in the same perpendicular line with the object both in mirrors and in dense mediums. When I had succeeded thus far by analogy in this most difficult investigation, as to the place of the image, I began to follow out the analogy further, led on by the strong desire of measuring refraction. For I wished to get hold of some measure of some sort, no matter how blindly, having no fear but that so soon as the measure should be accurately known, the cause would plainly appear. I went to work as follows. In convex mirrors the image is diminished, and just so in rarer mediums; in denser mediums it is magnified, as in concave mirrors. In convex mirrors the central parts of the image approach, and recede in concave farther than towards the circumference; the same thing happens in different mediums, so that in water the bottom appears depressed, and the surrounding parts elevated. Hence it appears that a denser medium corresponds with a concave reflecting surface, and a rarer one with a convex one: it was clear, at the same time, that the plane surface of the

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