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that one, when put into the water, sinks to the bottom, and that the other stays to swim at the top; and the matter being the same, and the two bodies differing in nothing but in figure, they affirm that with all perspicuity they have demonstrated and sensibly manífested what they undertook. Nevertheless I believe, and think I can prove that this very experiment proves nothing against my theory. And first it is false that the ball sinks, and the board not; for the board will sink too, if you do to both the figures as the words of our question require; that is, if you put them both in the water; for to be in the water implies to be placed in the water, and by Aristotle's own definition of place, to be placed imports to be environed by the surface of the ambient body; but when my antagonists shew the floating board of ebony, they put it not into the water, but upon the water; where, being detained by a certain impediment (of which more anon) it is surrounded, partly with water, partly with air, which is contrary to our agreement, for that was that the bodies should be in the water, and not part in the water, part in the air. I will not omit another reason, founded also upon experience, and, if I deceive not myself, conclusive against the notion that figure, and the resistance of the water to penetration have anything to do with the buoy ancy of bodies. Choose a piece of wood or other matter, as for instance walnutwood, of which a ball rises from the bottom of the water to the surface more slowly than a ball of ebony of the same size sinks, so that clearly the ball of ebony divides the water more readily in sinking than does the walnut in rising, Then take a board of walnut-tree equal to and like the floating ebony one of my antagonists; and if it be true that this latter floats by reason of the figure being unable to penetrate the water, the other of walnut-tree, without all question, if thrust to the bottom ought to stay there, as having the same impeding figure, and being less apt to overcome the said resistance of the water. But if we find by experience that not only the thin board, but every other figure of the same walnut-tree will return to float, as unquestionably we shall, then I must desire my opponents to forbear to attribute the floating of the ebony to the figure of the board, since the resistance of the water is the same in rising as in sinking, and the force of ascension of

the walnut-tree is less than the ebony's force for going to the bottom."

"Now, let us return to the thin plate of gold or silver, or the thin board of ebony, and let us lay it lightly upon the water, so that it may stay there without sinking, and carefully observe the effect. It will appear clearly that the plates are a considerable matter lower than the surface of the water which rises up, and makes a kind of rampart round them on every side, in the manner shewn in the annexed figure, in which BDLF repre

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sents the surface of the water,__and AEIO the surface of the plate. But if it have already penetrated and overcome the continuity of the water, and is of its own nature heavier than the water, why does it not continue to sink, but stop and suspend itself in that little dimple that its weight has made in the water? My answer is, because in sinking till its surface is below the water which rises up in a bank round it, it draws after and carries along with it the air above it, so that that which in this case descends and is placed in the water, is not only the board of ebony or plate of iron, but a compound of ebony and air, from which composition results a solid no longer specifically heavier than the water, as was the ebony or gold alone. But, Gentlemen, we want the same matter; you are to alter nothing but the shape, and therefore have the goodness to remove this air, which may be done simply by washing the upper surface of the board, for the water having once got between the board and air will run together, and the ebony will go to the bottom; and if it does not, you have won the day. But methinks I hear some of my antagonists cunningly opposing this, and telling me that they will not on any account allow their board to be wetted, because the weight of the water so added, by making it heavier than it was before, draws it to the bottom, and that the addition of new weight is contrary to our agreement, which was that the matter should be the same."

"To this I answer first, that nobody can suppose bodies to be put into the water without their being wet, nor do I

wish to do more to the board than you may do to the ball. Moreover, it is not true that the board sinks on account of the weight of the water added in the washing; for I will put ten or twenty drops on the floating board, and so long as they stand separate it shall not sink; but if the board be taken out, and all that water wiped off, and the whole surface bathed with one single drop, and put it again upon the water, there is no question but it will sink, the other water running to cover it, being no longer hindered by the air. In the next place it is altogether false that water can in any way increase the weight of bodies immersed in it, for water has no weight in water, since it does not sink. Now, just as he who should say that brass by its own nature sinks, but that when formed into the shape of a kettle, it acquires from that figure a virtue of lying in the water without sinking, would say what is false, because that is not purely brass which then is put into the water, but a compound of brass and air; so is it neither more nor less false, that a thin plate of brass or ebony swims by virtue of its dilated and broad figure. Also I cannot omit to tell my opponents, that this conceit of refusing to bathe the surface of the board, might beget an opinion in a third person of a poverty of arguments on their side, especially as the conversation began about flakes of ice, in which it would be simple to require that the surfaces should be kept dry; not to mention that such pieces of ice, whether wet or dry, always float, and as my antagonists say, because of their shape."

"Some may wonder that I affirm this power to be in the air of keeping the plate of brass or silver above water, as if in a certain sense I would attribute to the air a kind of magnetic virtue for sustaining heavy bodies with which it is in contact. To satisfy all these doubts, I have contrived the following experiment to demonstrate how truly the air does support these solids; for I have found, when one of these bodies which floats when placed lightly on the water, is thoroughly bathed and sunk to the bottom, that by carrying down to it a little air without otherwise touching it in the least, I am able to raise and carry it back to the top, where it floats as before. To this effect I take a ball of wax, and with a little lead make it just heavy enough to sink very slowly to the bottom, taking care that its surface be

quite smooth and even. This, if put gently into the water, submerges almost entirely, there remaining visible only a little of the very top, which, so long as it is joined to the air, keeps the ball afloat; but if we take away the contact of the air by wetting this top, the ball sinks to the bottom, and remains there. Now to make it return to the surface by virtue of the air which before sustained it, thrust into the water a glass, with the mouth downwards, which will carry with it the air it contains; and move this down towards the ball, until you see by the transparency of the glass that the air has reached the top of it; then gently draw the glass upwards, and you will see the ball rise, and afterwards stay on the top of the water, if you carefully part the glass and water without too much disturbing it*. There is therefore a certain affinity between the air and other bodies, which holds them united, so that they separate not without a kind of violence, just as between water and other bodies; for in drawing them wholly out of the water, we see the water follow them, and rise sensibly above the level before it quits them." Having established this principle by this exceedingly ingenious and convincing experiment, Galileo proceeds to shew from it what must be the dimensions of a plate of any substance which will float as the wax does, assuming in each case that we know the greatest height at which the rampart of water will stand round it. In like manner he shows that a pyramidal or conical figure may be made of any substance, such that by help of the air, it shall rest upon the water without wetting more than its base; and that we may so form a cone of any substance that it shall float if placed gently on the surface, with its point downwards, whereas no care or pains will enable it to float with its base downwards, owing to the different proportions of air which in the two positions remain connected with it. With this parting blow at his antagonist's theory we close our extracts from this admirable essay.

The first elements of the theory of running waters were reserved for Castelli, an intimate friend and pupil of Galileo. On the present occasion, Castelli appeared as the ostensible author of a de

In making this very beautiful experiment, it is best to keep the glass a few seconds in the water, to give time for the surface of the ball to dry. It will also succeed with a light needle, if carefully conducted.

fence against the attacks made by Vincenzio di Grazia and by Lodovico delle Columbe (the author of the crystalline composition of the moon) on the obnoxious theory. After destroying all the objections which they produced, the writer tauntingly bids them remember, that he was merely Galileo's pupil, and consider how much more effectually Galileo himself would have confuted them, had he thought it worth while. It was not known till several years after his death, that this Essay was in fact written by Galileo himself.*

These compositions merely occupied the leisure time which he could withhold from the controversy on the solar spots to which we have already alluded. A German Jesuit named Christopher Scheiner, who was professor of mathematics at Ingolstadt, in imitation of Galileo had commenced a series of observations on them, but adopted the theory which, as we have seen, Galileo had examined and rejected, that these spots are planets circulating at some distance from the body of the sun. The same opinion had been taken up by a French astronomer, who in honour of the reigning family called them Borbonian stars. Scheiner promulgated his notions in three letters, addressed to their common friend Welser, under the quaint signature of" Apelles latens post tabulam." Galileo replied to Scheiner's letters by three others, also addressed to Welser, and although the dispute was carried on amid mutual professions of respect and esteem, it laid the foundation of the total estrangement which afterwards took place between the two authors. Galileo's part of this controversy was published at Rome by the Lyncean Academy in 1613. To the last of his letters, written in December, 1612, is annexed a table of the expected positions of Jupiter's satellites during the months of March and April of the following year, which, imperfect as it necessarily was, cannot be looked upon without the greatest interest.

In the same letter it is mentioned that Saturn presented a novel appearance, which, for an instant, almost induced Galileo to mistrust the accuracy of his earlier observations. The lateral appendages of this planet had disappeared, and the accompanying extract will show the uneasiness which Galileo could not conceal at the sight of this phenome

Nelli. Saggio di Stor. Liter. Fiorent.

non, although it is admirable to see the contempt with which, even in that trying moment, he expresses his consciousness that his adversaries were unworthy of the triumph they appeared on the point of celebrating." Looking on Saturn within these few days, I found it solitary, without the assistance of its accustomed stars, and in short, perfectly round and defined like Jupiter, and such it still remains. Now what can be said of so strange a metamorphosis? are perhaps the two smaller stars consumed, like the spots on the sun? have they suddenly vanished and fled? or has Saturn devoured his own children? or was the appearance indeed fraud and illusion, with which the glasses have for so long a time mocked me, and so many others who have often observed with me. Now perhaps the time is come to revive the withering hopes of those, who, guided by more profound contemplations, have fathomed all the fallacies of the new observations and recognised their impossibility! I cannot resolve what to say in a chance so strange, so new, and so unexpected; the shortness of the time, the unexampled occurrence, the weakness of my intellect, and the terror of being mistaken, have greatly confounded me." These first expressions of alarm are not to be wondered at; however, he soon recovered courage, and ventured to foretel the periods at which the lateral stars would again show themselves, protesting at the same time, that he was in no respect to be understood as classing this prediction among the results which depend on certain principles and sound conclusions, but merely on some conjectures which appeared to him probable. From one of the Dialogues on the System, we learn that this conjecture was, that Saturn might revolve upon his axis, but the period which he assumed is very different from the true one, as might be expected from its being intended to account for a phenomenon of which Galileo had not rightly apprehended the character.

He closed this letter with renewed professions of courtesy and friendship towards Apelles, enjoining Welser not to communicate it without adding his excuses, if he should be thought to dissent too violently from his antagonist's ideas, declaring that his only object was the discovery of truth, and that he had freely exposed his own opinion, which he was still ready to change, so soon as his errors should be made manifest to him;

and that he would consider himself under special obligation to any one who would be kind enough to discover and correct them. These letters were written from the villa of his friend Salviati at Selve near Florence, where he passed great part of his time, particularly during his frequent indispositions, conceiving that the air of Florence was prejudicial to him. Cesi was very anxious for their appearance, since they were (in his own words) so hard a morsel for the teeth of the Peripatetics, and he exhorted Galileo, in the name of the society, "to continue to give them, and the nameless Jesuit, something to gnaw."

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THE uncompromising boldness with which Galileo published and supported his opinions, with little regard to the power and authority of those who advocated the contrary doctrines, had raised against him a host of enemies, who each had objections to him peculiar to themselves, but who now began to perceive the policy of uniting their strength in the common cause, to crush if possible so dangerous an innovator. All the professors of the old opinions, who suddenly found the knowledge on which their reputation was founded struck from under them, and who could not reconcile themselves to their new situation of learners, were united against him; and to this powerful cabal was now added the still greater influence of the jesuits and pseudo-theological party, who fancied they saw in the spirit of Galileo's writings the same inquisitive temper which they had already found so inconvenient in Luther and his adherents. The alarm became greater every day, inasmuch as Galileo had succeeded in training round him a numerous band of followers who all appeared imbued with the same dangerous spirit of innovation, and his favourite scholars were successful candidates for professorships in many of the most celebrated universities of Italy.

At the close of 1613, Galileo addressed a letter to his pupil, the Abbé Castelli, in which he endeavoured to shew that there is as much difficulty in reconciling the Ptolemaic as the Copernican system of the world with the astronomical ex

pressions contained in the Scriptures, and asserted, that the object of the Scrip tures not being to teach astronomy, such expressions are there used as would be intelligible and conformable to the vulgar belief, without regard to the true structure of the universe; which argument he afterwards amplified in a letter addressed to Christina, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, the mother of his patron Cosmo. He discourses on this subject with the moderation and good sense which so peculiarly characterized him. "I am," says he, "inclined to believe, that the intention of the sacred Scriptures is to give to mankind the information necessary for their salvation, and which, surpassing all human knowledge, can by no other means be accredited than by the mouth of the Holy Spirit. But I do not hold it necessary to believe, that the same God who has endowed us with senses, with speech, and intellect, intended that we should neglect the use of these, and seek by other means for knowledge which they are sufficient to procure us; especially in a science like astronomy, of which so little notice is taken in the Scriptures, that none of the planets, except the sun and moon, and, once or twice only, Venus under the name of Lucifer, are so much as named there. This therefore being granted, methinks that in the discussion of natural problems we ought not to begin at the authority of texts of Scripture, but at sensible experiments and necessary demonstrations: for, from the divine word, the sacred Scripture and nature did both alike proceed, and I conceive that, concerning natural effects, that which either sensible experience sets before our eyes, or necessary demonstrations do prove unto us, ought not upon any account to be called into question, much less condemned, upon the testimony of Scriptural texts, which may under their words couch senses seemingly contrary thereto.


Again, to command the very professors of astronomy that they of themselves see to the confuting of their own observations and demonstrations, is to enjoin a thing beyond all possibility of doing; for it is not only to command them not to see that which they do see, and not to understand that which they do understand, but it is to order them to seek for and to find the contrary of that which they happen to meet with. I would entreat these wise and prudent fathers, that they would with all diligence consi

der the difference that is between opinionative and demonstrative doctrines: to the end that well weighing in their minds with what force necessary inferences urge us, they might the better assure them selves that it is not in the power of the professors of demonstrative sciences to change their opinions at pleasure, and adopt first one side and then another; and that there is a great difference be tween commanding a mathematician or a philosopher, and the disposing of a lawyer or a merchant; and that the demonstrated conclusions touching the things of nature and of the heavens cannot be changed with the same facility as the opinions are touching what is lawful or not in a contract, bargain, or bill of exchange. Therefore, first let these men apply themselves to examine the arguments of Copernicus and others, and leave the condemning of them as erroneous and heretical to whom it belongeth; yet let them not hope to find such rash and precipitous determinations in the wary and holy fathers, or in the absolute wisdom of him who cannot err, as those into which they suffer themselves to be hurried by some particular affection or interest of their own. In these and such other positions, which are not directly articles of faith, certainly no man doubts but His Holiness hath always an absolute power of admitting or condemning them, but it is not in the power of any creature to make them to be true or false, otherwise than of their own nature, and in fact they are." We have been more particular in extracting these passages, because it has been advanced by a writer of high reputation, that the treatment which Galileo subsequently experienced was solely in consequence of his persisting in the endeavour to prove that the Scrip tures were reconcileable with the Copernican theory*, whereas we see here distinctly that, for the reasons we have briefly stated, he regarded this as a matter altogether indifferent and beside the question.

Galileo had not entered upon this discussion till driven to it by a most indecent attack, made on him from the

* Ce philosophe (Galilée) ne fut point perseenté

comme bon astronome, mais comme mauvais théologien. C'est son entêtement à vouloir concilier la Bible avec Copernic qui lui donna des juges. Mais vingt auteurs, surtout parmi les protestans, ont écrit que Galilée fut persecuté et imprisonné pour avoir Sontenu que la terre tourne autour du soleil, que ce système a été condanné par l'inquisition comme fanx, erroné et contraire à la Bible, &c.-Bergier, Ency clopédie Methodique, Paris, 1790, Art, SCIENCES HUMAINES.

pulpit, by a Dominican friar named Caccini, who thought it not unbecoming his habit or religion to play upon the words of a Scriptural text for the purpose of attacking Galileo and his partisans with more personality*. Galileo complained formally of Caccini's conduct to Luigi Maraffi the general of the Dominicans, who apologised amply to him, adding that he himself was to be pitied for finding himself implicated in all the brutal conduct of thirty or forty thousand monks.

In the mean time, the inquisitors at Rome had taken the alarm, and were already, in 1615, busily employed in collecting evidence against Galileo. Lorini, a brother Dominican of Caccini, had given them notice of the letter to Castelli of which we have spoken, and the utmost address was employed to get the original into their hands, which attempt however was frustrated, as Castelli had returned it to the writer. Caccini was sent for to Rome, settled there with the title of Master of the Convent of St. Mary of Minerva, and employed to put the depositions against Galileo into order. Galileo was not at this time fully aware of the machinations against him, but suspecting something of their nature, he solicited and obtained permission from Cosmo, towards the end of 1615, to make a journey to Rome, for the purpose of more directly confronting his enemies in that city. There was a rumour at the time that this visit was not voluntary, but that Galileo had been cited to appear at Rome. A contemporary declares that he heard this from Galileo himself: at any rate, in a letter which Galileo shortly afterwards wrote to Picchena, the Grand Duke's secretary, he expresses himself well satisfied with the results of this step, whether forced or not, and Querenghi thus describes to the Cardinal d'Este the public effect of his appearance: "Your Eminence would be delighted with Galileo if you heard him holding forth, as he often does, in the midst of fifteen or twenty, all violently attacking him, sometimes in one house, sometimes in another. But he is armed after such fashion that he laughs all of them to scorn-and even if the novelty of his opinions prevents entire persuasion, at least he convicts of emptiness most of the arguments with which his adversaries endeavour to overwhelm him. He was particularly admi

*Viri Galilæi, quid statis adspicientes in cœlum. Acts I. II.

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