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dread of a future state of existence. This alarm, in whatever cause it originated, imbittered his comforts, and destroyed his pleasures. It is certain that he received a number of anonymous letters, loading him with opprobrious names, and threatening him with severe and speedy vengeance: he believed that these letters came from the ecclesiastics in his neighbourhood; some of whom, he thought, might easily be induced to attempt his life, under the hope that they were performing an acceptable service to their Maker in delivering the world from a man whose time was occupied, and whose abilities were exerted, in dishonouring the objects of their worship. It is not impossible, however, that Voltaire might avow this to be the cause of his perpetual solicitude, while the real foundation of his anxiety might be concealed.

The tender, gentle, and affectionate friendship which subsisted between this philosopher and Renée de Varicourt, (Belle et Bonne, Jis pourtrayed in the most pleasing colours, the amiable assiduity of a beautiful young woman of sixteen, and the parental kindness and gratitude of an infirm old man of fourscore, are finely contrasted. In her presence, Voltaire knew no uneasy passions, and seemed to be relieved from his sense of growing infirmity and actual pain. She was his guardian angel, he her tutelary divinity.-Coffee, which exhilarates without intoxicating the spirits, was his usual beverage; and this she constantly administered.-" Woman," he would often say on these occasions, "is the most valuable and enchanting present that man has received from the hands of nature. In our youth she contributes to our most exquisite pleasures; and in old age she is essential to our comfort, and our health."-When, in paying her morning compliments, Mademoiselle de V. would salute him, he expressed his wonder that she could place her rosy countenance against his pallid and shrivelled skin, or, as he termed it, against a death's head; .and sometimes he would exclaim, "this is life and death embracing each other." In no period, and in no connection of life, does Voltaire appear so blameless and so amiable, as in his attachment and kindness to this adopted child. His age, if not her tender youth, removes all idea of impure affection; and we observe in their intimacy nothing but mutual gratitude and good opinion, softened and increased by the difference of sex.

We have now made a sufficient selection of interesting passages from this part of the work: but we cannot conclude the article, without acknowleging that we have derived great, though not unmixed, pleasure from the perusal of the volume. Voltaire must always be considered as a man of various and original genius, and, as such, entitled to the high admiration

of mankind: but his profaneness, and his indecent sarcasms on religion, have drawn on him severe and merited reprehension. As we disapprove the use of such weapons in the hands of Voltaire, so we cannot pass without censure the many expressions of regard and approbation bestowed, by his biographer, on his attempts to undermine the religion of Europe. The abilities of this writer are so respectable, as exhi bited in the work before us, that we regret,-what appears to be his pride and his boast,—the necessity of classing him among the infidel philosophes.

ART. XII. Voyage de deux François, &c. i. e. Travels of two Frenchmen through Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, and Poland, in 1790-1792. 8vo., Five Vols. Paris.

AMONG the miscellaneous writers whom France has pro

duced since the revolution in that country, few are conspicuous for solidity of reasoning, for accuracy of information, or for excellency of composition. Yet the talent of amusing, which the French authors are universally allowed to possess in a peculiar degree, continues to operate as a powerful attraction, even in their latest literary performances. Wherever the subject offers variety, the quick discernment of a Frenchman is sure of selecting what is of general interest.-These observations we have found confirmed by the publication before us. Though intended for the use of travellers rather than for the entertainment of general readers, the latter will be pleased with the perusal of a considerable part of it, especially the third and fourth volumes. The materials contained in the work were collected by two persons, travelling together: but only one of them drew up the account which is the subject of this article, and we understand that he is M. DE BEAUJOLIN. Most of the courts which the travellers visited are particu larly described. That of Saxony is pourtrayed in the following manner:

The court of Dresden was formerly very brilliant; carousals, tournaments, and feasts of every sort succeeded each other with little interruption; now every thing is changed. Several motives have concurred to make the reigning Elector pursue a line of conduct entirely opposite to that of his predecessors. Saxony having been exhausted by a long war, and enormous debts having been contracted for the discharge of repeated contributions, the prince found himself under the necessity of embracing a system of the most rigorous economy. Princes, however, being more exposed to public observation than other men, must expect to see unfavourable constructions put on their purest intentions; and thus it has fared with the Elector, whose laudable economy is termed avarice and niggardliness. One of his brothers,


brothers has no more than 120,000 livres per annum; the other only 72,000. These sums are indeed very moderate; but we believe that an excess on the other side would be far more blameworthy. Those two princes contract few if any debts; while the brothers of Lewis XVI., with an income of upwards of 3,000,000 of livres each, greatly outran their income. The pay of the ministers of state in Saxony is also very moderate; the premier not having above 4500 rix dollars salary.

The Saxon ducats are extremely rare. The Elector, it is pretended, hoards them; and when once they get into his possession, they never again enter into circulation. Whatever degree of credit this assertion may merit, we shall soon find a very excusable motive for his conduct. This prince has an only daughter; and his dominions, after his demise, devolve to his brother. In case the Elector should die before he has settled her for life, his intention apparently is to leave her an independent fortune, which can only be the result of his frugality. Let us recollect Lewis XV., who, towards the close of his life, was also accused of amassing treasures: that charge was true: but he left 16,000,000 to his daughters. Without such a provision, what would have been their situation at this time?

The Elector is a man of much information. He knows several languages, is very fond of mineralogy, and especially of music. These circumstances will be evident on only visiting his apartments. He may, however, be charged with not encouraging the arts, and accused of withholding from men of merit that protection to which they are entitled from an enlightened prince. His system is neither to commend nor to find fault: the man of talents and he who is destitute of abilities receive the same treatment from him. This conduct of the sovereign must destroy all emulation; and it seems unaccountable in a prince whose attainments distinguish him from the cominon class.

The Elector has a predilection for all that relates to military affairs; and he often takes the command in the encampments which are annually formed: but, when he happens to commit any mistake, it has been remarked that matters are previously arranged in such a manner, as to leave a possibility for casting the blame of it on some officer. Self-love insinuates itself every where.'

Mineralogy is one of those branches of science which our two travellers seem to have kept constantly in view. Of the famous mines at Freyberg in Saxony, they have furnished a tolerable description.

The account of Berlin is introduced by the following ob

servation :

If only the extent of the town, the beauty of the streets, and the outside of the houses, were to be considered, Berlin would be the most beautiful city of Europe. Manheim, Copenhagen, and Petersburgh have indeed large streets at right angles: but no where else do we mect with buildings of such striking exterior; nor with such private houses as would make a figure by the sides of the palaces of Rome. From the place called Lerondel to the gate of Oranien


burg, there is a most noble prospect. All these advantages, however, are counterbalanced in part by great inconveniences; no town is dirtier, worse paved, and in every respect less calculated for foot. passengers ;—except indeed Warsaw.'

Hamburgh, we are told, makes an appearance ill suited to its wealth. It is very uncleanly, and almost continually damp. The finest establi. h neut in the city is generally supposed to be the Orphan-house. Six hundred children are maintained in it. The boys are taught to read, write, and to cypher, with a little drawing; the girls are instructed in reading, writing, spinning, needlework, and embroidery. If there be any thing exc.ptionable in this institution, it is that the orphans, who are brought up in it, have too much care taken of them, considering the class and condition for which they are designed; and are too well educated for the sphere in which they are to move. From this charity, most of the Hambro' maid-servants are taken, who in general behave well; the boys are dispersed among the different manufactures. This foundation is entirely supported by voluntary contributions from the inhabitants.

Though, on a moderate calculation, there are at Hamburgh 12,000 indigent persons, no mendicants appear in the public streets. The senate furnishes them with employment, and compels them to work in houses appropriated for that purpose. No estimate can be formed of the exports of Hamburgh, the inhabitants observing the most inviolable secrecy on this head. The French consuls employed there since 1743 have in vain. used their endeavours to discover it. A circumstance stin more surprising is, that no person can say why this is kept a


The present king of Denmark, has not, for several years past, taken any part in the administration of the state; and his son discharges all the duties of royalty. The signature of the king, however, is necessary to all edicts and regulations; which is a sort of restraint put by the ministers on the inclinations of a young prince, whom they fear to see too soon their absolute master. The prince is much attached to military affairs, and his manners and conduct are marked by his prevailing inclination. He is, on the whole, more feared than beloved, though allowed by all to possess a feeling heart and a sound understanding. He is a man of business, and, notwithstanding his youth, free from dissipation. Every indication affords ground for believing that he will be worthy of the throne for which he is designed. The Danish princesses have very engaging persons, and are exceedingly polite. One of them, who is married to the prince of Augustenburg, is deemed a model of female grace and perfection.

In Sweden, it is absolutely necessary for travellers to take provisions with them. After a journey of from 10 to 20 miles, it often happens that nothing can be procured but milk, bad beer, spirits, and bread which is several months old: this is the case even in some towns. Unless the cold weather be well set in, postillions must never be allowed to quit the highway for bye-roads; since, for the sake of shortening the stage by about one quarter of a mile, and sometimes less, they will drive over lakes which are either not sufficiently frozen, or already begin to thaw; and, as the lakes are often covered with snow, the traveller finds himself in the middle of the water without being aware of his danger. Accidents of this sort happen so frequently in Sweden, that the persons annually drowned by imprudence are computed at 2000.

We shall extract, from the Second Volume, some details relating to the customs of Sweden, and the city of Stockholm.

In general, when a person is invited to dinner, it is for the whole day, and to stay supper, which is the custom all over Sweden, even at Stockholm: but only in houses of the second rank. Grace before and after dinner, and a bow to the master of the house, are generally performed: the length of this ceremony, and the extreme gravity with which it is performed by the Swedes, would sometimes have excited our risibility, had not reflection come to our aid. At ceremonious dinners, the healths are toasted out of an enormous tankard, filled with hock or champaign; this tankard is handed about, and every one of the company drinks a few drops, observing some formalitics, which must be learnt on the spot; he who commits any mistake is to drink a full tankard, by way of forfeit, which appeared. to us somewhat severe. We saw this ceremony for the first time at the table of the Bishop of Gothenburg, a well-informed and very amiable man, who is supposed to be the best preacher in Sweden, and who owes his preferment only to his own merit, being a farmer's son.

There are few towns in Europe so ill paved as Stockholm; which is the more to be regretted, as the king's gardens are the only walk within the town, and as, except in the warm season, they are damp and unhealthy.

The situation of Stockholm is very singular, and extremely picturesque; it can be compared to that of no other town; it presents, in different places, charming prospects, consisting of steeples, houses, rocks, trees, lakes, and of the castle, which discovers itself from all points of view. The harbour is beautiful, large, and safe, but difficult of access; so that to reach the open sea, or to work thence into Stockholm, often requires several days, on account of the passage lying between numberless rocks, which cannot be avoided but with the aid of winds from particular points of the compass.'-

The Swedish manufactures are yet very far from perfection. The workmen are negligent, lazy, and without emulation. They sometimes begin their week on Wednesday, but never before Tuesday; or, if they repair to their workshops, it is only to sleep them

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