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least as large an infusion of these amiable qualities in their composition as in that of the red-skinned


Hypocrisy and deception do not belong pre-eminently even to savages, but to human nature. They are not the monopoly and trade of barbarians merely, but they are diffused as widely as the human race. Perhaps they stand out more glaringly on the page of history, than any other vices to which men are subject.

Especially has religious hypocrisy been exhibited wherever religion has been known, the former being, as it is often remarked, a homage paid to the latter, of which, indeed, it only proves the reality and excellence, just as counterfeit dollars and doubloons in circulation prove that there are real ones too, for no one would take the pains to counterfeit that which was not valuable and did not exist.

And if religion has in all times, especially in highly civilized countries, been made the stalking-horse and shoeing-horn to selfishness, whereby unprincipled men have ridden into place and power, why should it be thought strange that many of the Hawaiians, among whom religion has become popular, and a passport to reputation and confidence-why is it strange that they should be found running after it, and assuming its semblance, in order to get its good?

If bad men in other lands have so often made it the cloak of sinister designs, why is it wonderful that in Hawaii-nei natives should now and then be found trying to wrap it round their rottenness, in order to hide the



gaping sores of their moral corruption, as well from their own eyes as from the sight of others!

I believe this latter use is less often made of religion here than elsewhere. When Hawaiians profess repentance and faith, and act the hypocrite, it is either as self-deceived, or that they may get the favor of their minister, and entrance into the Church as a means of grace and salvation-very seldom (if we are not mistaken) as self-known deceivers, wearing the characteristic mark of hypocrisy, and in order to cover up and carry on some ulterior design.

Often, as in all societies, after the committal they have made of themselves has led them to break off outward sins, and they are safely housed in the Church, and the novelty and excitement of their new estate and relations has worn off and become stale, then iniquities prevail against them, their corruptions return too strong to be resisted by unregenerate human nature, they yield and are disclosed to themselves and their brethren as having been "hypocrites," if that term be preferred to self-deceived and deceivers, which in this case it certainly means.

If there be not immediate repentance upon the disclosure of guilt, such persons are cut off. If there be, they are suspended for a time, till it is clear what they are, and then, if giving good evidence, they are restored; if not, excommunicated. Who will say that this is not right? or who can point out a better way?

It may be remarked here, that the usages and dis

cipline of the Christian Church are doing for Hawaiians what the same causes did for the founders of New England, that is, preparing them for self-government and republicanism. As the Republican State in New England found its germ in the Republican Congregational Church which preceded it; and as the principle of individual equality and representation, first practically exemplified in the constitution of the Church, was thence transferred to the constitution of the State, in like manner is the present generation of Hawaiians in a process of training, under its religious teachers, for civil liberty.

The result will doubtless be to develop the capacity of self-government, and in due time to rear a flourishing Republic in the Heart of the Pacific. A virtual colony as it will then be from the United States, founded by American Christianity and American Commerce united, and linked, as it will speedily become, to our Pacific and Atlantic seaboards by steamer and telegraph, it may suitably be adopted into the sisterhood of American States.

Hawaiian Senators and Representatives may ere long take their seats in the Capitol, at Washington, with members from Minnesota, Utah, Deseret, New Mexico, and Santa Fé. The Star of Hawaii may yet blaze in the flag of the American Union; and the sons of her present missionaries, together with native-born Kanaka Maole from the Island Heart of the Pacific, may yet mingle in debate on the floor of the American Congress, and the voice of Senatorial eloquence from the luxurious tropics


may yet awaken echoes from the hardy North. May propitious Heaven speed the augury!

And may that happy consummation of universal brotherhood among all the nations be soon realized, of which Edmund Burke said in his place in the British parliament: I believe, my lords, that the sun, in his beneficent progress round the world, does not behold a more glorious sight than that of men, separated from a remote people by the material bounds and barriers of nature, united by the bond of a social and moral community.



Polonius.-If circumstances lead me, I will find
Where truth is hid, though it were hid indeed

Within the centre.

"Tis too much proved, that with devotion's visage,
And pious action, we do sugar o'er

The devil himself.-Hamlet.

Relative position and fortunes of the posterity of Shem and Japheth-Practical bearing upon the labors of missionaries-The ground principle of success-Variety of talents called into exercise-How to be beloved and useful-Study of books, versus the study of human nature-Something had and something wanting at Waialua-A maxim gathered from observation-Management of cases of casuistry-A common weakness commented upon-Difference of behavior between sentimental and genuine sorrow-The acting of a fine mind when sin or grief-stricken, and that of a coarse mind-The Hawaiian infirmity illustrated by a fact-The pea-hen everywhere-Native volubility and destitution of shame-Charities of the Waialua church-A manual labor school-How established and why abandoned-We journey to Ewa-A successful experiment at self-support--Remarkable proof of disinterestedness--Progress reported-Honor to whom honor is due--Fact and cause of the nation's decay--Alarming statistics-Report of a committee on moral reform-Responsibility of foreigners who have fed the national vice-Moral strength of the government now and formerly-Suppression of vice the duty of magistrates--Plea of virtue and humanitySophisms of the selfish and impure-Righteous reasonings of the duke in the moral play of Measure for Measure.

THE future of nations and of individuals is absolutely known to Omniscience only. The issues and destinies. of ages to come, God alone can explore, on whom they depend. A guess beyond the present, or a rational judgment of the future by the past, is all that the wisest of uninspired men can venture. There are thinking men of the race now dominant in the world, who judge

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