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Queen in the year 1638, in the thirty-third year af Mr Waller's age.

The conclufion of this poem will be beft underfood by the fe who are acquainted with the Gierufalemme Liberata, in the nineteenth book of which the comba of l'ancredi with Argantes, and in the twentieth that of Rinaldo with the Soldan, is described; and it needs no greater recommendation to be read, than its having been reverenced by Mr. Dryden next to the Aneis of Virgil. Mr. Waller not only learned the art of verfifying from Fairfax's tranflation of it, but the fubje&t made a lasting impreffion on his maturer judgment; for in fome of his latest compofitions, as well as in this, he expreffeth a defire that the Chriftian princes would enter into a religious confederacy to refcue the holy fepulchre from the hands of the Infidels. In this place it will not be improper to give a fhort account of the life of his favourite author.

Torquato Taffo was born at Sorrento, an ancient city in Italy, about fix leagues diftant from Naples, in the year 1544. In his infancy he manifefted an amazing genius, which was afterwards cultivated at Rome and Padua with variety of polite literature; And when he was no more than twenty-two years old, he began to write his immortal Gierufalemme Liberata. Alphonfus Duke of Ferrara invited him to refide in his court, whether he repaired, and was recei ved more like a victorious hero thar

actions; and, during his fray, was honoured with very singular marks of the Duke'stiteem and affection. Nor was he less carefsed by Charles IX when, leaving Ferrara, he attended the Pope's nuncio to the court of France, which feemed to rival Italy in admiring him. But, to close these gaudy scenes, Fortune kept a dismal catastrophe in referve for f'affo, on his return to Italy, was unfortunately engaged in a duel, occafioned by a real or pretended amour, in which the reputation of a great lady was attainted; whereupon he wasseized and imprisoned by the Duke of Ferrara's command, in whose palace the challenge was given. In his confinement he was dejected into a deep melancholy, which terminated in ftupidity; in which fad disguise Montaigne tells us he faw him, but, without affigning the real cause, imputes it to the violent career of fpirits which his great vivacity of wit had occafioned. "What a condition," fays he, (as Mr. Cotton makes him speak) “ through his own

agitation and promptnefs of fancy, is one of the "moft judicious, ingenious, and the beft-formed fouls "to the ancient and true poefy, of any other Italian poet that has been for thefe very many years, lately "fallen into? Has he not great obligation to this vi

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vacity that has destoyed him? to this light that has blinded him? to this exact and fabtle appre"henfion of reason that has put him besides his? to

3 curious and laborious fcrutiny after fciences

Queen in the year 1638, in the thirty-third year of Mr Waller's age.

The conclufion of this poem will be best understood by thofe who are acquainted with the Gierufalemme Liberata, in the nineteenth book of which the combat of l'ancredi with Argantes, and in the twentieth that of Rinaldo with the Soldan, is defcribed; and it needs no greater recommendation to be read, than its having been reverenced by Mr. Dryden next to the Aneis of Virgil. Mr. Waller not only learned the art of verfifying from Fairfax's tranflation of it, but the fubject made a lasting impreffion on his maturer judg ment; for in fome of his latest compositions, as well as in this, he expresseth a defire that the Chriftian princes would enter into a religious confederacy to rescue the holy fepulchre from the hands of the Infidels. In this place it will not be improper to give a fhort account of the life of his favourite author.

Torquato Taffo was born at Sorrento, an ancient city in Italy, about fix leagues distant from Naples, in the year 1544. In his infancy he manifefted an amazing genius, which was afterwards cultivated at Rome and Padua with variety of polite literature; and when he was no more than twenty-two years old, he began to write his immortal Gierufalemme Liberata. Alphonfus Duke of Ferrara invited him to refide in his court, whether he repaired, and was received more like a victorious hero than a recorder of their

actions; and, during his stay, was honoured with very fingular marks of the Duke's esteem and affection. Nor was he lefs careffed by Charles IX. when, leaving Ferrara, he attended the Pope's nuncio to the court of France, which feemed to rival Italy in admiring him. But, to close these gaudy fcenes, Fortune kept a dismal catastrophe in reserve; for l'asso, on his return to Italy, was unfortunately engaged in a duel, occafioned by a real or pretended amour, in which the reputation of a great lady was attainted; whereupon he was seized and imprisoned by the Duke of Ferrara's command, in whose palace the challenge was given. In his confinement he was dejected into a deep melancholy, which terminated in stupidity; in which fad disguise Montaigne tells us he faw him, but, without affigning the real caufe, imputes it to the violent career of fpirits which his great vivacity of wit had occafioned. "What a condition," fays he, (as Mr. Cotton makes him speak) " through his own "agitation and promptness of fancy, is one of the "moft judicious, ingenious, and the best-formed souls "to the ancient and true poefy, of any other Italian "poet that has been for these very many years, lately "fallen into? Has he not great obligation to this vi“vacity that has destoyed him? to this light that "has blinded him? to this exact and fubtle appre"henfion of reason that has put him befides his? to *his curious and laborious scrutiny after fciences

Queen in the year 1638, in the
Mr Waller's age.

The conclufion of this poem w. by those who are acquainted wit Liberata, in the nineteenth bool of l'ancredi with Argantes, and of Rinaldo with the Soldan, needs no greater recommendatio having been reverenced by Mr. Aneis of Virgil. Mr. Waller no of verfifying from Fairfax's tra. fubject made a lasting impreffior ment; for in fome of his latest as in this, he expreffeth a defin princes would enter into a reli rescue the holy fepulchre from dels. In this place it will not b fhort account of the life of his fa Torquato Taffo was born at city in Italy, about fix leagues in the year 1544. In his infan amazing genius, which was aft Rome and Padua with variety and when he was no more than t he began to write his immortal Alphonfus Duke of Ferra his court, whether he rep ore like a victorious hero th.

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