SECT. II. THE HISTORY OF THE APPELLATIONS OF THE WINDS; ASSIGNING TO EACH A PROPER, FIXED, AND DETERMINATE NAME; IN PROSECUTION OF THE FIRST ARTICLE OF THE TABLE OF ENQUIRY, For the sake of clearness, and to help the memory, we would enumerate and range the winds, rather according to their natural order and degrees, than under the names and method assigned them by antiquity. We shall, however, annex their ancient names, that the ancient authors from whom we have borrowed many particulars (though without trusting to them) may be the readier consulted. And for the general division of the winds; let those be termed, 1. cardinal winds, which blow from the four quarters, or cardinal points of the world; those, 2. semi-cardinal, which blow in the middle between the former; and those, 3. median, which blow any where betwixt the others but of these median winds, let those be called, 4. the greater medians, that blow in the quarters; and all the rest be termed, 5. the lesser median winds.* * See Varenii Geographia, Cap. 20. and 21. The particular division of the winds is expressed by the following table. A TABLE SHEWING THE PARTICULAR DIVISIONS OF THE WINDS; WITH REGARD TO THE MARINER'S North-east and by north North-east North-east and by east { East-north-east The north wind three points to the east; anciently called Meses. A semi- cardinal wind; or north four points to the east. Or, north five points to the east. Or, north six points to the east. A greater median wind; anciently called Cœcias. A semi- cardinal wind. Or, east four points to the south. South-east and by south Or, east five points to the south. Or, east six points to the south. A greater median wind; anciently called Phænicias. S Or, east seven points to the south, Or, south four points to the west. A semi- cardinal wind; anciently called Libs. South-west and by west Or, south five points West-south-west {{ to the west. Or, south six points to the west. A greater median wind; ancient ly called Africus. west three re North-west and by west points to the north. A semi - cardinal wind. Or, west four points to the north. Or, west five points to the north; and anciently called Thrascias. Or, west six points to the north. A greater median wind; anci ently called Circius. seven Or, west points to the north. North and by west {poi |