Imágenes de páginas

Astonished, the youth turned towards the coach, to ask what this might mean; but behold, the coach had " disappeared, and instead of the wasp, the dragon-fly and the spider, there stood three angels all-glorious with light!

Awe-struck and adoring, the brothers sank upon their

The boy did as they desired; and immediately the spider crept to a tree, against which she began a web, as strong and as shining as steel. Then mounting on the dragon-fly, which raised her gradually in the air, she still wove on her net-work, the several threads of which were so arranged that the whole looked like a ladder gradually unwinding itself from a roller. This wonder-knees. ful path Tonyk followed until he reached the summit of the mountain. Then the wasp mounted in the air before him, and he came with her to the giant's house. It was a grotto, hollowed in the cliff, and lofty as a cathedral nave. The blind and footless Ogre sat in the midst of it. He seemed in high glee, for he was rocking himself to and fro, like a poplar swaying with the wind, and singing the following words:

"Oh! a Leonard is a dainty rare! On bacon fed, and such fat fare! The Treguier folks taste sweetly too, Of pancakes fried, and milk that's new; But banished Vannes and Quimper be, They eat too much black corn for me!" And while he sung, he made ready the slices of bacon for roasting Mylio, who lay on the ground, his legs and arms tucked behind him, like a fowl trussed for the spit. The two eagles were at a little distance, by the fireplace, one acting as turnspit, while the other made up

the fire.

The noise which the giant made in singing, and the attention he paid to his rashers, prevented him from hearing the approach of Tonyk, and his three little servants; but the red eagle perceived him, and darting forwards would have seized him in its claws, had not the wasp, at that very moment, picreed its eyes with her diamond sting.

The white cagle hurrying to its fellow's aid shared the same fate. Then the wasp flew upon the Ogre, who was now turning about on hearing the cries uttered by his servants, and began to sting him without mercy or intermission. The giant roared like a bull in August. In vain he whirled his huge arms like the sails of a windmill; having no eyes he could not catch the creature, and, for want of feet, it was equally impossible for him to escape from it. At length, he threw himself with his face upon the earth, to shield himself from its fiery dart, but the spider creeping up, spun over him a net that held him hopelessly fast.

Then the most beautiful and most dazzling of the angels drew near to Tonyk, and said

Fear not, thou righteous one! for the woman, the child, and the old man, whom thou hast succoured. were none other than our blessed Lady, Jesus Christ, her Son, and the Holy Saint Joseph. They sent us to guard thee on thy way from harm, and now that our mission is accomplished, we return to Paradise. Only remember all that has befallen thee, for it is an example."

At these words the angels spread their wings, and soared away, like three white doves; chanting the Hosannah! as it is sung in the churches.



SIR F. HEAD'S CENSURE OF ENGLISH SCHOOLS.—(Concluded.) "IN assailing the universities, our author makes as large an admission of the excellence which they do not prevent,' as he accords to our schools. 'I firmly believe,' he says, 'that the twelve hundred students, who at one time are generally at Oxford, are as highminded, as highly talented, as anxious to improve themselves, as handsome, and, in every sense of the word, as fine a set of lads, as can anywhere be met with in a body on the face of the globe. Again I ask, 'What would you have more? May not you obtain less? What, is the complaint against the university so potent, that it prevents the application of the Scriptural rule, By their fruits ye shall know them? Arriving at Oxford they find a splendid High-street, magnificently illuminated with gas, filled with handsome shops, traversed by the mail, macadamized, and like every other part of our great commercial country, beaming with modern intelligence. In this street, however, they are not permitted to reside; but, conducted to the right and the left, they meander among mouldering monastic looking buildings, | until they reach the cloisters of the particular college to which they are sentenced to belong. By an ill-judged misnomer they are from this moment encouraged, even by their preceptors, to call cach other men ; and a man of seventeen, too tall for school, talking of another man of eighteen, is generally, as I always mention the name of my prototype, Methusalem.' Now, without pausing to inquire whether the substitution of all sorts of miscel laneous information for the discipline of classical instruction will tend to prevent the assumption of mannish Meanwhile Tonyk had unbound his brother, and, after airs in adolescence; or to examine the results of that embracing him with tears of joy, led him out of the Prussian compulsive education, which our author desi Ogre's cave to the edge of the precipice. The dragon- derates, in converting docile boys into conceited little fly and the wasp soon made their appearance harnessed men, long before the commencement of English univer to the little rushen cage, now transformed into a coach.sity life, I may venture to express my astonishment a They invited the two brothers to take their places the description given of the High-street of Oxford, and within it, while the spider sat herself behind like a the lamentation that the collegians, not permitted to magnificent lacquey, and the equipage started with the reside amidst its 'handsome shops,' are sentenced to speed of wind. take up their abode in some monastic looking college. The description of the 'stream-like wanderings of that glorious street,' is applicable, if at all, only to part of it; and what would that part be but for the monastic looking buildings' that glorify its continuation, and redeem its commercial beginning from the insignifiance of a street of respectable shops in a country town! And does a true English writer really think that it would be better for a young man to live in such a street as be fancies this, at best a very inferior Cheapside, than in the sequestered beauty of one of those buildings, which

In vain he called upon the cagles for help. Savage with pain, and no longer fearing him, now they found him conquered, their only impulse was to revenge upon him their long and cruel slavery. Fiercely flapping their wings, they fiew upon their former master, and tore him in their fury as he lay beneath the web of steel. With each stroke of their beaks they carried off a strip of flesh, nor did they abate their rage till they had laid bare his bones. Then they cowered down upon the mangled carcass; and, as the flesh of a magician, to say nothing of an Ogre, is a meat impossible of digestion, they never rose again.

In this way Tonyk and Mylio travelled without fatigue, over ineadows, woods, mountains and villages, (for in the air the roads are always well kept,) until they arrived before their uncle's castle.

There the carriage came to ground, and rolled onwards to the draw bridge, where the brothers found both their horses in waiting for them. At the saddlebow of Tonyk hung his purse and his mantle; but the purse had grown much larger and heavier, and the mantle was now all powdered with diamonds.

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time has been charmed to spare; in which the loveliness of nature has striven with the graces of art and the intiuence of years to endow fit birth-places for immortal thoughts? Does he think that there is nothing in the hopes that are there excited; in the friendships that are there born, in the principles that are there instilled, in the veneration for greatness, and the love for goodness which are there induced, tending to that result which he admits; and that when he enumerates the mere subjects of formal examination, he truly catalogues the blessings which the university confers? Can he even look at the colleges of Oxford, trace their histories, learn that they have gradually arisen, hall by hall, from small and humble lodgings for poor scholars, and have been increased, and adorned, and enriched, by the successive piety and affection of ages; yet see them now grouped into a whole, which rather seems to be the embodiment of some one exquisite sentiment, springing from a single mind, and developed in harmonious beauty, like a flower expanding, veined and streaked from the principle of loveliness within it, than the gifts of various benefactors, and the works of various architects in different times, without acknowledging that it is an offspring of the love of learning, and the feeling of beauty, and the reverence for the good and the great, which form a glorious part of the national character of England, and have thus sprung, and blossomed, and ripened here. What should we think, even of a foreigner, visiting Oxford for mere curiosity, who should turn with disgust from its colleges, monastic looking buildings, in which the students are sentenced to reside,' but dwell with fond admiration upon its streets as beaming with modern intelligence,' 'macadamizedfilled with handsome shops, and traversed by the


"There was much in this (to me) extraordinary attack on our educational system, as I read it, among some of the disciples of the system, whose excellence inspired it, which made me almost suspect as I read it, that the edition had not only been pirated by foreign cupidity, but interpolated by foreign taste. I was perplexed to find an English gentleman prophesying that if our aristocracy, with the Ghoul's horrid taste, will obstinately feed itself on dead languages, while the lower classes are greedily digesting fresh, wholesome food,' the lower orders will be governed no longer by 'classical statesmen.' And to see him asserting, that against popular discontents. our simple and only remedy is, by resolutely breaking up the system of our public schools and universities, to show the people that we have nobly determined to become enlightened too; that is, to become land measurers, arithmeticians, chemists and buffoons,' with a smattering of a hundred things, a knowledge of a few, and the conceit of knowing all.

walk which alone would have hallowed the spot, if, alas, there had not been those intimations in the work itself of a purpose which, tending to descerate the world, must deprive all associations attendant on its accomplishment of a claim to be dwelt on as holy. How melancholy is it to feel that intellectual congratulation which attends the serene triumph of a life of studious toil, chilled by the consciousness that the labour, the research, the Asiatic splendour of illustration, have been devoted, in part at least, to obtain a wicked end-not in the headlong wantonness of youth, or in the wild sportiveness of animal spirits-but urged by the deliberate-hearted purpose of crushing the light of human hope, all that is worth living for, and all that is worth dying for, and substituting for them nothing but a rayless scepticism! That evening walk is an awful thing to meditate on; the walk of a man of rare capacities, tending to his own physical decline, among the serenities of loveliest nature, enjoying the thought, that, in the chief work of his life just accomplished, he had embodied a hatred to the doctrines which teach men to love one another, to forgive injuries, and to hope for a diviner life beyond the grave; and exulting in the conviction, that this work would survive to teach its deadly lesson to young ingenuous students when he should be dust. One may derive consolation from reflecting that the style is too meretricious, and the attempt too elaborate and too subtle, to achieve the proposed evil, and in hoping that there were some passages in the secret history of the author's heart which may extenuate melancholy error; but our personal veneration for successful toil is destroyed in the sense of the strange malignity which blended with its impulses, and we feel no desire to linger over the spot where so painful a contradiction is presented as a charm."


Two questions will be asked by those who think the attempt worthy their consideration. Was it justifiable? and was it requited? I venture to answer both in the affirmative, with the hope that I am right as to the first, and the certainty that I am right as to the last.

"It is the fashion for those who have never felt the passion for ascending Mont Blane to deal out heavy censures against those who have made the venture, as wantonly risking their own lives and tempting the guides to risk theirs, without any adequate purpose. Mr. Murray's Guide Book, which, without offence, I may consider as the virtual representative of all the respectable commonplace on this subject, in one of those few passages which guide to nothing, and which, with the quotations from Lord Byron, may be regarded as taxes on the first neccssary of travelling life, thus sums up "I participate in no such apprehensions. On the con- the case against us:- -When Saussure ascended to trary, it is delightful to see the influences of classical make experiments at that height, the motive was a learning not fading upwards, but penetrating down-worthy one, but those who are impelled by curiosity wards, and masses of the people rejoicing to recognise even from afar the skirts of its glory. The name of that famous stream, to which Sir Francis Head reverts with so much contempt, happily pronounced before thousands at Manchester, at the last anniversary of its Athenæum, by a man of genius capable of embracing the highest associations, and of sympathising with the lowliest, instead of exciting scorn, tended to heighten the effect of a noble endeavour to dignity and to refine those who are surrounded by care and engrossed by labour, and who were delighted by new veins of sympathy opening between their own lives and those which happier leisure had adorned with a more serene know ledge of immortal things."


"There is, it seems, an Hôtel Gibbon here, partly standing on the site of that garden in which the historian took his evening walk, after writing the last lines of the work to which many years had been devoted; a

alone are not justified in risking the lives of the guides. The pay tempts those brave fellows to encounter the danger, but their safety, devoted as they are to their employers, is risked for a poor consideration. It is no excuse that the employer thinks his own life worthless; here he ought to think of the safety of others; and yet scarcely a scason passes without the attempt.' I cannot agree in the facts suggested in this passage, or in the inferences drawn from them. There is danger to be sure; that is, the possibility of serious accident, as 'tis dangerous to ride, to walk, to take a cold; as there is more danger in sliding on the ice than on dry ground; or as it is dangerous to go into the water before you have learned to swim; but I do not believe there was more danger in our attempt than in penetrating the glaciers to the Jardin; the difficulty was the fatigue, not the danger. Doctor Hamel and his friends, who persisted in ascending after a storm had shaken the snows and detained them for a whole day at the Grand Mulets, might not be able to acquit


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themselves of blame when the fatal result occurred after "And was the effort, notwithstanding the failure of all appearance of danger had passed; but I was assured its loftier aim, repaid? Yes; richly. Except the by the chef, and by all the guides, that there was no panoramic views from the summit, which, even when more danger than always attends walking on the ice unveiled, the successful adventurer has rarely the phy among crevices, and to the guides, who are accustomed sical power to appreciate, I believe I obtained all the to such exercise, none whatever; and I saw nothing to | real fruits of the expedition; for I saw enough of the prove this judgment erroneous; indeed, I never felt waving path above me to understand its majesty : any danger, except that of being obliged to turn back; and beyond my ken, there could be nothing greater. unless, indeed, when I was carried by my mule into I know not what the mountain is; how it sits crouched, the thicket on a path which no moralist, even if he had like Queen Constance, 'on the huge firm earth,' as if been director of an insurance company, would have for- to hide its immensity from the superficial gazer. The bidden to a life insured in his office. The rule seems object itself is so vast, so compressed to the eye betwe to be sustained by an unjust exception in favour of earth and heaven, partaking of both; so wonderful in scientific experiment, as if there were nothing else the contrast between its ascertained immensity and its worthy encountering risk for! Surely the desire to apparent lowness; that it is the acquisition of a great penetrate into the profoundest recesses of the universe, idea to understand at least enough of its foldings and and expound their wonders to others, to acquire some recesses, to be able to image the rest. Viewed from knowledge of the greatness of its most marvellous ob- Chamouni, the evening before I started, it was scarcely jects beyond that expressed in mere figures of dis- possible to believe it the monarch of European moun tances, in the hope to associate these with kindred tains;-it suggested associations rather of beauty than thoughts, born of their majesties, is as worthy an greatness; resembling a gigantic mosque, with its miobject of risk-if risk there were as to ascertain the narets and domes, such as might almost have been density of the air at a given height. As to the made with hands. With what different feelings did I hazard of the guides, which, except in expeditions gaze on it the evening after my descent, when the want undertaken against their judgment, is inconceivably of aerial perspective was supplied by pain-bought expe small, I may ask whether every occupation must be rience; when a faint, dark streak, bordering the glacier. stripped of all that elevates it and makes it heroicdenoted the enormous gulley; when the line of fretted and whether any occupation can be truly heroic that has white, on which the Grand Mulets seemed before to rest, not in it something of danger? When Luckie Muckle- expanded out into the mighty bosom of the rock-bound backet replies to our old friend Mr. Jonathan Oldbuck's glacier, with its unfathomed crevices, and roar of hidden expostulation on the dearness of her fish-It is not fish rivers, and all its border ice-caves of fantastical beauty; you are buying, 'tis men's lives,'-and is terribly justi- when the brown rock, presenting the aspect of a small fied by the catastrophe which follows,-do we wish that penthoused window, rose before me, the fortress lord of fishermen should always keep their boats hauled on ten thousand acres of snow; when beyond, on the up shore except in weather when no storm is possible-ward tract, wilds immeasurably spread seemed lengti. lest some brave young fisher lad should meet poor ening; and the small knot, which forms part of the Steenie's fate? O, no! life is a thing of hazards, or it is figure called the Dromedary's Back, rose the snownot life; but such stuff as dreams are made of. Nor dome of the star-lit solitude!' It may be said that I is it just to the guides-venal as their professional knew before that the mountain was more than 15,00 courtesies and bravery, in one sense, are-to represent feet above the level of the sea, or, which is more to the them as being tempted only by the pay to encounter purpose, 13,000 feet above the floor of Chamouni; buʻ the unavoidable labours and possible dangers of the such knowledge was of no more worth than the distance ascent. They love the enterprise-not merely the of a star from the earth, in which hundreds of millions sense and praise of success;-but the actual intimacy of miles are just worth to the imagination the line of they acquire with the mountain, which has cowered over cyphers which represents them in the table. In extheir infancy; the glory of their native vale, and the plaining such an object, the reality expands the imagi daily wonder of their lives. I can bear witness, that, at nation; the details, instead of detracting from the least in our case, there was no reluctance to overcome; general impression, infinitely heighten it,—perhaps the for although I kept my purpose as secret as I could, best test of all physical greatness, which is built up of I was pestered by applications from guides, who having things individually grand, and not mere vague outline; guessed it, wished engagements; and only escaped -so that the idea of Mont Blane is to me no longer a them by refusing to engage any, and referring them mere diagram, but a living verity. Then there was the entirely to the chef. For myself I can truly say, that evening at the Grand Mulets, crowned by an imperish in making the attempt-although it was foolish enough able vision, and followed by the midnight aspect of the in reference to any chance of accomplishment I was heavens, which here, surveyed from a spot above the prompted by no idle wish for distinction; nor, if I had impurities of the denser atmosphere, assumed a darker succeeded, should I have thought myself entitled to hue, and justified the Homeric description, Ether all boast of any feat of physical prowess. On the contrary, opens;' and though it is true that the same glory would so great are the appliances supplied by the guides to a have been vouchsafed if this rock had been the summit person who has not the strongest and justest self of my ambition, still it would not have been attendel reliance; so much is done for him, so little by him; he with the same interest, half wild, half solemn, which is so aided at every step: so supported, dragged, all but surrounded it as an incident in the greater adventure carried; that it seems to me a process more effeminate Although, therefore, the attempt cost about a thousand than manly, and by no means so unsuited to the nature francs, a day's scruples, and another day's misgivings; of the ladies who have been among its achievers, as some slight sense of disappointment at the moment of at first sight appears. With Mr. Bosworth and Mr. return; and some hours' labour, amounting to suffering: Nicholson, it was a real self-sustained effort; but with I rejoice that it was made. The suffering was no doub me, even as far as I went, it implied little more than the severe; but, as far as it can now be recollected, it aids capacity of moving and enduring. My motive was an in realizing the tracks along which it was borne: while earnest love of nature, heightened in this instance the earth grandeur, the cloud visions, and even the phyalmost into passion by the kindling perusal of many sical relief and enjoyment of the way will enrich the tales of the ascent, an ardent longing to unravel the past, so long as it shall have power to cast sweetness on mystery of a mountain which I believed to be un- the present and the future." rivalled in Europe, but which to the eye seemed surpassed in height by many nameless hills; and this I esteem as worthy a motive as the wish to make experiments with the barometer.


"In estimating the wealth with which the mind may be endowed by excursions as rapid as these into foreign

sweet influences of sky and earth; but there is no picture, enriched by the heart's experiences, to break the elementary vastness of the imagery in which the voice of eternity is heard. In the Homeric poems, all-vivid as they are

As full of spirit as the month of May,

And gorgeous as the sun at Midsummer,'

lands, I think it will be found to consist almost exclusively in the images which the scenes of the external world have impressed upon it, and in the feelings they have excited. It would be obviously absurd to hope that, from intercourse so transient and imperfect as the railway carriage, the steam-boat, and the table d'hôte allow, any knowledge of the character of the people of the fair regions at which a holiday traveller glances can be acquired beyond a few picturesque aspects the pictures are of the camp, the battle, the city, the of glancing light and shadow. You cannot, indeed, pass fleet-not of the mountain and flood; and the frequent through any section of Germany, however rapidly, with similes by which they are studded, instead of indiout becoming sensible to the charm of that unaffected cating an aptitude in the poet's mind for informing good-nature with which all classes seem imbued; as- the shapes of the universe with life and passion, or sisted in the women with a quiet serene grace, a be- clothing human affections and powers with the aspects nevolent repose of manner; and in the men, especially of matter, show, by the imperfect associations which the young students, with a brotherly affection for each often introduce them, and the mosaic air they give to the other, and a disposition to be, and to make happy, composition they variegate, how faintly the sympathies which refers their university duels to the mere tyranny between the world of matter and of thought were perof eastom. Indeed, the gashes which these encounters ceived even by the genius which inspired them. As have left, may generally be observed scarring faces the poetry of Greece became more refined, the sentiment which beam with good-humour, and show how little of scenery was still further refined, until it was lost in concern hatred, or envy, or any real passion, has in pro- the tendency to make all things subservient to the ducing those passages of foolish bravery. In Switzer-beauty of form. It breathes again in Virgil, but still hand it would be a sad waste of precious hours to spend with a subdued and courtly sweetness, and scarcely is them in endeavouring to pluck out the heart of the felt again till it bursts out in lusty life in Chaucer. mysteries of character which lie within the human Hence, after mingling with the flush of Elizabethan forms which are dwarfed by the mountains among genius, enriching the passion of Shakspeare, mantling which they move and perish, while the mountains them in the luxury of Fletcher, and embossing the stateliness selves, with the snows they sustain, and the streams they of Milton; it was crusted by the iron sense of Dryden, parture, freely expand to the gaze and invite the eye, dissipated amidst the artificial brilliances of Pope, and the heart, and the imagination to concur in holding the feebly held its obscure way beneath the frost-like most intimate communion with their grandeurs. etiquette and sparkling conceit of our Augustine age. In the revival of the true poetical spirit it has expanded triumphantly among us, breaking forth into gorgeous enthusiasm in Thomson, becoming coldly pure in Cowper, shedding a consecrating influence on a multitude of glorious scenes in Scott, and enabling us to consecrate all scenes for ourselves by the teachings of Wordsworth. No one can doubt that the deeper seriousness which Christianity has shed through our human life has attached itself to the silent forms of nature, and has given them an interest which, reflected and reduplicated by our poetry and romance, is now not confined to men of genius, or even to men of thoughtful leisure, but is felt more or less vividly as a pervading sentiment of common existence, gleaming in upon the busiest hours, and deepening the long-drawn sigh for repose from the bustle of the world, with a longing after the visitations of beauty and the approaches of wisdom."

"But the knowledge of scenery which is achieved by el excursions, is all clear, unalloyed, and priceless rain, for it not only enriches the chamber of memory with the pictures which can be expanded at will, but nourishes the power of appreciating all other kindred scenes, and redoubles the charm of those we may afterwards enjoy at home."


"The pleasure which is derived from the contemplation
of fine scenery is, I apprehend, nearly in proportion to
the power with which the mind grasps its colours and
forms, and realises a kindred between their attributes
and its own.
The mere presentment of the mightiest
external varieties of the earth's surface to the eye of
cariosity, except in the comparatively rare instances
when they melt into harmonious pictures, can excite at
most only a sort of stupified wonder. To the youth of a
poet, gifted with a peculiar sense of beauty, they may
be, as they were to Wordsworth, a passion, 'an appetite,
a feeling, and a love; though even then it may be
dubted whether the premature development of deeper
sources of pleasure has not unconsciously blended the
Spiritual with the external. But to children in general,
the book of nature spread out before them in all its wildest
sublimities, lies unread; and it is not until they have
begun not merely to think and to feel, but to reflect
on their own past thoughts and feelings, (which they
have gradually associated with the scenes in which their
emotions have been born and cherished,) that they be-
gin to understand and to love the world without them.
In this respect the experience of every youth of sensi-
lity and reflection is a picture in little of the history of
his species. Old as the world has grown in the arts of
life and death, and early as divine inspiration enkindled
the spirit of poetry in its favoured inheritors, it is only
in times comparatively modern that the mind seems to
have awakened to a sense of its external grandeurs. In
the Hebrew sacred poetry each image is singly contem-
plated as attesting the glory of God, or is employed as
the symbol of his terrors. The breath of a pastoral
simplicity is wafted from the depths of patriarchal
ages; Mount Sinai flashes with the terror of the law;
and the harp of David sometimes trembles with the



"The Nant D'Arpenaz is the fall of a small rivulet, which gushes down unseen through fissures of the lofty rock; then, in mid-air, leaps from it; and, meeting immediately with little projections, is dashed into fine atoms; floats off some two hundred feet from the ground in an everlasting yet ever-changing feather; and though a portion of the water may be caught by the lower rock and may drizzle down it, the body of water actually disperses; makes itself air into which it vanishes.' is like a spirit embodied-no, not embodied, shaped— breaking from the rock; ever perishing, yet ever renewed; an image of purity, evanescence, duration.' Its substance is as slight as its identity; the most ethereal of all things which in any sense endure light,-as the snow-fall in the river;' or a wreath of smoke, yet existing as a waterfall for thousands of years,--the Ariel of inanimate matter! I gazed back upon it till it looked like a speck of gossamer cloud; and sighed for it even while the vale expanding wider and wider, and becoming grander and grander, dazzled me with its luxuriance and its brighness."


In Original Poetry, the Name, real or assumed, of the Author, is printed in Small Capitals under the title; in Selections, it is printed in Italics at the end.



Nor in the city-not in the crowd,
Where the voices are ever stern and loud;
Where the busy money-changers make
Golden moments for lucre's sake;

Where life is hurried, where noise and glare
Contend alike in the dusky air,

Be my resting-place-not there.

Rest! hath it ever a symbol shown

In those thick close streets, in those cager looks,

That have not of health a trace or tone,

Like the grass that waves in their smoke-dried nooks? Rest! 'tis a hallowed thing,-no part

Has it in the monster city's heart:
Turmoil and bustle, clamour and din,
Stormy passion, and riotous sin,
These are not surely for rest-oh! no,
Such records of the strife below
May be for action, but are not rest—
They are not blessings-are not blest.

It is true I am young, but my thoughts grow old,
For they live where the shadows are falling over
Fragrant woods, and blossoming clover,
Bright sea billows, and sheaves of gold,
Where the bee wooeth his blooming bride,
Where the heather shines on the green hill side,
Where the village bells ring out for prayer,
And the jubilate fills the air.

Beside the path where a boy I trod,
With a serious thinking upon God;
Beside the graves where my fathers sleep,
Where the shepherd seeks his wandering sheep,
And the glow-worms their evening vigil keep;
Where the solemn yew, with its stately bend,
Seems to welcome each feathered friend,
As its joyous carol floats on high,
An unpaid grateful minstrelsy,

There there let me lie!

For I have a wish-that, though each sense
In death may lose its influence,

And feeling sympathy be nought,
Some glimpse into the past be caught;

An old scathed tree, a pale flower near,

Or a leaf that memory made dear,
Or a rippling stream, or broken ground,
Be by my last home's grassy mound,
That wayfarers may pause and say,
This by-gone and forgotten clay

Mayhap had constant friends, and these

Were his familiars-so let pass

A gentle greeting on the breeze,

And win new thoughts from Time's old glass,

So let me lie!

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Their voices I hear so strong and clear,

Like a solemn organ's strain,
Their words I drink, and their thoughts I think,
They are living in me again!

For their sealed store of immortal lore
To me they must unclose:
Labour is bliss with a thought like this;
Toil is my best repose!"

Why are thy cheeks so pale, my friend,

Like a snow-cloud wan and grey p"

They were bleached thus white in the mind's clear light, Which is deepening day by day;

Though the hue they have be the hue of the grave,

I wish it not away!

Strength may depart, and youth of heart

May sink into the tomb;

Little reck I that the flower must die

Before the fruit can bloom.

I have striven hard for my high reward,
Through many a lonely year;

But the goal I reach,-it is mine to teach,

Stand still, O man, and hear!

I may wreath my name with the brightness of fame, To shine on history's pages,

It shall be a gem on the diadem

Of the Past, for Future Ages!

Oh, Life is bliss with a hope like this

I clasp it as a bride!"

Pale grow his cheeks while the Student speaks-
He laid him down and died!

S. M.-Dublin University Magazine,

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"Why burns thy lamp so late, my friend,

Into the kindling day ?"

"It is burning so late, to show the gate

That leads to Wisdom's way;

As a star it doth shine on this soul of mine,
To guide me with its ray;

Dear is the hour, when slumber's power

Weighs down the lids of men;

Proud and alone I mount my throne,
For I am a monarch then!

The great and the sage of each bygone age
Assemble at my call;

Oh! happy am I in my poverty,

For these are my brothers all!

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