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made in the image of God"; this has been construed as made in His spiritual image, but he may be made also in His personal image, and Christ may be the exact personal image of His Father.

Astronomy, by the law of gravitation so called, won its crowning distinction by the discovery of Neptune. Adams and Leverrier ascertained its location because of its disturbing effects; and Galle, of Berlin, by Leverrier's direction found it. This af forded the first instance of a body made known as an unseen power previously to its being discovered. But we should not, on account of this, accept gravitation as answering all astronomical conditions, for it does not. The electric attraction of matter would answer the same purpose, and explain the presence and disturbing effects of an unknown body much better than gravity.

Many stellar systems have since been found to include members whose presence only can be felt, owing to their partial obscurity, on account of their revolving so close to primary orbs of greater brilliancy. And it is said, "One of the greatest triumphs of modern science is the establishment of an astronomy of the invisible." It is the discovery of invisible matter, invisible worlds, and invisible electricity that has produced all modern progress and revolutionized all modern science.

Occasionally new and hitherto unknown stars flash into view, and grow in brilliancy with startling rapidity. The first recorded was in 134 B.C. by Hipparchus. The next in 389 A.D. Then in 1572 the one which Tycho Brahé saw, and Kepler's in 1604. The recent one discovered by Anderson this year (1901) is of the first magnitude, and is said to be as large as our sun, and to have increased

two hundred times in three nights. The scientists say it was the result of a collision of two stars or planets, and all life was swept from them with a breath of fire in an instant; and it shows the perils of space to our sun carrying the planets. But they admit the collision theory has not yet been demonstrated, and this phenomena may arise from a cause not yet discovered. I cannot accept the collision theory, or that there is any danger to suns or worlds in space. The electric machine of the universe is so beautifully adjusted as to right itself automatically; and the force that perturbs will eventually restore harmony.

As the planets all revolve around the sun in the same direction, and on the same plane, which is the same on which the sun turns, it is clear that the sun does not throw out any electric currents, except in the direct line of his family of planets. Thus, his rays follow the plane of the ecliptic, and need not waste any electric energy in any direction, either above or below the line of the planetary orbits. This greatly reduces the demand on the sun's energy, which is still more greatly reduced by the electric theory, which demands nothing from the sun but that which the attracting energy of each planet requires. Thus the sun gives up only the currents of electricity drawn from him by each planet's attraction, which currents from the sun's eight hundred and sixty-five thousand miles of diameter converge to the smaller diameter of the planets, which in the case of the earth would be eight thousand miles.

By this wise arrangement of the electric machinery of the solar system, the sun's rays are focussed and centred on each planet, and the electric heating and lighting capacity of the sun current is increased a

thousand-fold without any loss of power-just as a thousand square feet of polished mirror could focus and concentrate light and heat on an eight-foot circle.

This is a wonderful saving, and a wise and economical provision in nature. Far-off Uranus and Neptune, and little Mars and Mercury have each the electric currents from the sun doubled and concentrated a thousand times, so that the light and heat supply of the sun is never wasted, and will never be exhausted.

Size does not count: it is electric energy which draws and attracts the sun's electric rays, which are convertible into light and heat. And they are so converted in the atmosphere of planets when they come in contact with their negative electricity. So it is not weight or gravity that attracts, as those who accept gravitation assume, but electrical conditions. As we have seen, a pound of iron unmagnetized has no attracting power, but when magnetized it will lift or attract double its weight. It is so with the heavenly bodies: their electrical condition and attracting force is the measure of their electric supplies from the sun. This enables Uranus and Neptune, which are the farthest from the sun, to have as great a supply of electricity for light and warmth as Venus and Mercury, which are nearer the source of supply.

The same force that attracts the sun's electric substance enables the sun to attract and control the planets in their orbits, and is called gravitation. But gravitation is only a name that Newton invented to describe an invisible, mysterious force he acknowledged he knew nothing about. And all the scientists, including Lord Kelvin, say we still "know

absolutely nothing" about it, and have learned nothing in two hundred years.

Well, we do know something about electricity and its dual force, magnetism; all of which we have learned in the last half-century. Now the question is, Shall we reject new light, like they did in the days of Galileo, and say: "The world does not move"? Newton gave the best name obtainable in his day. Shall we do likewise, and designate the true mysterious force, electricity?

I have said that gravitation won its crowning distinction in the discovery of Neptune, and gave it more credit than it deserves. It is true Galle found Neptune under the direction of Leverrier; but he found it eight astronomical units from where Leverrier's elaborate calculations instructed him it was. As an astronomical unit is the distance of the sun from the earth, Leverrier missed by over seven hundred millions of miles, and declared that Neptune was not the star he was looking for.

There is an unanswerable fact that proves the sun's corona is cold, like our aurora, and that is the unquestioned fact that comets have passed through it three hundred thousand miles without being affected in the slightest. These comets were excessively cold, and the corona must have been cold, or there would have been a disastrous explosion.



The Newton-La Place theory of creation, known as the "nebular hypothesis," was formulated about two hundred years ago. Then there were few scientists and not a million of educated people in the world. Now we have thousands of scientists and over forty millions of educated people in the United States. Then railroads, steamships, telegraphs, telephones, and even steam and electricity, were unknown. The nebular hypothesis was then the best explanation and the most reasonable that these ingenious scientists could devise. But since then electricity has been discovered, and many new facts of science have come to light which reveal the inconsistencies of this fallacious haphazard theory. Many scientists have been waiting for a more rational and consistent theory.

Newton, who discovered the law of gravitation, admitted he could not understand or explain it, and said: "The motion of the sun and planets cannot be produced by any natural cause alone, but they are impressed by an agent or divine power." That "agent or divine power," I contend, is electricity, which is also a natural cause. And all power and causes are natural, whether human, mechanical, or divine. And God is in nature and uses natural

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