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only the earth and possibly Mars are inhabited. While I contend, reasoning cosmologically, that all or most all of the suns and planets are peopled, and many of them with beings much higher than ourselves in the intellectual scale; and that the sun contains a thousandfold more of the elements of life and growth than the earth and planets, and should be man's perennial abode. This accords with the universal dreams of humanity, and with the cosmology of our earth and its organic intelligent creations.

By reasoning cosmologically I claim we must take the earth on which we live and its characteristics, and inhabitants, as a sample and pattern of all suns and worlds, globes and spheres of this universe.

This the ancient scientists, philosophers, and poets of all the past did. Only since the modern scientists went into the subtleties of the elements of the air and earth and what kind of atmosphere we could breathe were doubts raised; as if nature could not easily modify our forms and breathing apparatus to correspond to changed conditions. This she has been doing on this earth through all the ages.

Aristotle argued that: "As one heavenly body is spherical, so also must all the others be spherical." He also contended that: "A spherical form is appropriate to bodies moving through space as the heavenly bodies appear to do." This was the only argument that could be deduced for centuries to prove the earth was round, and yet it was rejected by the scientists of that day, who held the earth to be flat. And it was held to be flat until in very recent times, when it was disproved by modern discoveries, and the earth was shown to be round or spherical, like all suns and planets.

Now all suns and planets have similar forms and similar atmospheric and external conditions. Why should they not have similar forms and conditions of organic life? The same laws, elements, and forces are at work there as here, and only scientific quibbles or theories prevent this reasonable conclusion. Why have all bodies in space a spherical form, from suns and worlds to hail and rain and dewdrops? The answer is simple. It is the result of universal electric attraction. All atoms and molecules are tiny electric batteries and form electric centres which draw all atoms around their magnetic core at equal distances from their centre, thus forming circular lines and globular forms. There are no exceptions to this universal law. All magnets draw atoms to their magnetic centre forming a perfect circle, and suns and worlds do the same.

It is imponderable, invisible magnetism and electricity that hold the grand sovereignty of motion, and evolve all creative work. Matter ceases to be "brute matter," and space ceases to be "a vacuum," when it is pervaded with this electric clothing of light, which leaps into power from the throne of invisible Omnipotence. Its birth is in the eternities and its home is in universal space. Yet with all its measureless power and grand velocities it has neither hand, nor brain, nor form, nor weight. It is the invisible word of power from the invisible Source of all power.



Reasoning by analogy the sun is like the earth, only a vastly greater world, having the same elements as our earth, with mountains, lakes, and rivers, rich valleys, luxurious vegetation, luscious fruit, and precious gems and metals.

The earth has two hundred miles of atmosphere surrounding it as ascertained by the flight of meteors. The sun has one hundred and eight times the diameter of the earth, and by the law of analogy and proportion should have an atmospheric cushion at least twenty thousand miles in thickness surrounding it. In this atmospheric belt and near the ether of space is nature's reservoir for the surplus electricity of suns and planets. Here shines and glows the sun's rainbow-tinted photosphere or corona, with vast openings at intervals through which its inhabitants gaze out on the wonders of creation.

The physical aspect of the sun's surface is similar to that of the earth in the tropics, only vastly more gorgeous and beautiful. And the physical aspect of the bending auroral sky of luminous coronal grandeur and brilliancy must surpass all powers of imagination or description. There is nothing on our earth to compare with it except the luminous arches and flaming banners of streaming rainbow colors

sweeping and flaring out into space from our glorious aurora borealis.

I contend that to reason cosmologically is to reason from the laws, elements, and organic forms of our earth: to regard it as a duplicate and example of all world creations.

Reasoning thus I claim the sun is only a greater world or earth, because:

First-the fact that the same creative forces are at work in the sun as on the earth proves that the sun is only a greater earth.

Second-the fact that in the sun these forces are at work with greater power, and in a broader field of action, is substantial proof that the results they produce there are vastly greater and more perfect than on the earth or planets.

Third-the fact that all the elements of the earth, its atoms and electricity, and all visible and invisible substances, came from the sun originally, clearly proves by the law of descent and heredity that the sun is the august progenitor of the earth, and similar in form, material, and natural characteristics to our world, and is therefore only a greater, more complete, and perfect world.

Fourth-the results here from all these forces and elements from the sun is life, animal and vegetable life, with growth and progress, crowned with spiritual beings with reasoning powers and aspiring souls. On the vast bosom of the all-glorious sun they must produce equal or greater results of organic life and power.

Fifth-as all earth elements have come from the sun, the sun in its munificence must have an abundance and to spare, for it would supply itself first, and give only its surplus to the earth and planets.

This is the law of self-preservation, evolution, and self-development.

Sixth-as the sun is the source of all life and light and heat on this earth, he must have the most perfect forms of life and light and heat for himself. The creator must be greater than the created. And if all good comes from the sun and all good is from God, the sun must be God's headquarters; and they must be intimately related in character and locality.

Seventh-our planetary system owes its existence and life to this self-luminous sun-world, which is the great electric heart of this gigantic organism we call the solar system. His electric light spreads the splendors of the day over the transparent atmosphere, forms the shifting clouds and wind tides in the air, the twilight breezes on the shore, and the ocean currents on the trackless seas.

The sun's magnetic force creates and sustains the vital elements of the air we breathe, the circulation of life in all organic forms, and preserves the stability of the world. It can therefore do no less for itself and the organic forms on the vast surface of its own mighty circumference.

Eighth-to the electric, all-life-giving sun we owe the intellectual life and collective being of all humanity, and the daily food necessary to its growth and preservation. These cannot come from a burning globe or a mighty blazing ball of fire?

And if the sun produces such results ninety-three million miles away from where he generates such marvellous power, he must produce greater results where such power is generated. This accords with the law of the conservation of energy and the eternal fitness of things.

Ninth-but the sun does more than all this: it pro

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