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speed, and pass from the transient school of earth to the graduating university of heaven.

This little earth and the planetary forces are the hatcheries of both his body and his soul. And when God blessed Adam and Eve, and said, "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth," He implanted in them the power to strike off other sparks of spiritual life such as He had imparted to them, together with a bodily organism.

Thus that dual spark of life has brought forth millions and peopled a mighty world. And this earth is the nursery of human souls; but the perfected worlds, the vast and luminous suns are their future perennial residences. Such is the philosophy of science and reason, and the wise economy of God and nature.

That spark of life once struck from Deity-breathed from His breath-that made one living man divisible, yet unimpaired, has thrown off other sparks of vitalizing breath, until that uncreated creating breath has brought forth millions; peopled nations, and the realm of spirits beyond the stream of death. God made but two; it was enough to people countless worlds never trod by living feet, or swept by wing of soaring spirit, through all the cycles of measureless duration as they ceaseless roll.




Few people in thinking of this visible universe ever think of it as the thin shell or garment covering the invisible sovereign forces that control it, and that have woven it out of the warp and woof of invisible atoms and molecules, as a deft weaver weaves his silks and tapestries. Yet that is what the potent, invisible forces accomplish with their magnetic fingers.

They convert invisible, insensate matter into living flesh and bone and vitalizing blood. They transform seeming invisible nothings into the beautiful and varied objects that delight our eye and please our fancy. The visible things of the universe are but a handful in comparison with the invisible forces, and invisible matter that permeate them, pass through them, and fill all the seeming void of measureless space.

These viewless, mighty forces are silently and constantly weaving and unweaving, evolving and dissolving the visible into the invisible, and the unseen into the seen. All seemingly solid matter is as transparent as air to these unseen forces. They pass through and through it, and permeate it as water does a sponge. They do the same with our bodies. The magnetism at the core of an iron magnet clothes

it with invisible power; and it does the same for dewdrops, pebbles, suns, and worlds. Through electric repulsion the visible may become invisible in a moment. In Chicago, in a few hours, ten square miles of houses and their contents were converted into invisible ether and a heap of ashes.

Science says a cannon ball is solid matter, and can be shot through the air two thousand feet per second, and penetrate wood, stone, and iron.

If the same cannon ball could be shot seventy-five times faster, or 18.91 miles per second, which is the speed of the earth, it would make a hole through any substance it struck and set it on fire. But if it were sent with the speed of a sunbeam or sun current, which is one hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second, it would dissolve into invisible atoms and pass through wood, stone, and iron as if they were not there, and not make a hole as large as a pinpoint. Most scientists would recognize the cannon ball before it started as solid matter, but would ignore its existence when it dissolved into invisible matter. They say the dissolved matter of the sun comes to us as heat. I say it comes to us as atoms and electricity, and is not hot, and was not hot when it started. I say that, when it reaches the earth's atmosphere, the earth's electric attraction and opposite polarity imparted heat to it and caused it to burst into light and warmth.

And the same contact of opposite, or positive, and negative electricities on the surface of the sun gives the sun its light and warmth in the same way. And the measure of its light and heat is its attracting and propelling force, and the elements of its atmosphere. After supplying its needs, the sun throws off the remainder to its corona, and from thence to

the earth, just as the earth throws its surplus electricity off to its aurora. Thus the sun showers down upon the earth annually a thousand millions of tons of atoms five hundred times finer than transparent air. They form all animal and vegetable substances and our bodies, and constitute the productive soil of the earth's surface.

Science undertakes to ignore electrical laws, and calls electric attraction gravity, electrical combinations chemical or magic, all force an abstraction, and all spiritual things nonentities. They make nature's simple processes a mystery, and her law of evolution a ruling Deity. But evolution is not God, it is the law He has impressed upon nature. "Nature is the art of God." And the art of God is beautiful, simple, perfect. It destroys nothing; it builds and dissolves, and rebuilds again more perfectly. It has but one force, electricity, with its dual polarities; but one matter, the viewless atom; but one intelligent eternal spirit, of which man's soul is a reasoning spiritual atom.

Spiritual force antedates all matter and force. The electric forces antedate all created forms of matter and reveal the beginning of creative work. The foundations of suns and worlds had their beginning in these creative forces, and they are the beginning and the end of all material measures as applied to the vast infinities of creation. These electric, omnipotent forces hold atoms and worlds within their mighty embrace.

In a single drop of sea water we have all the properties of the sea; in a raindrop the history of the rivers; in a ray of sunshine the elemental substance of suns and worlds; in a falling apple the form and motion of all worlds; and in the un

folding by electric energy of a single life germ, the boundless story of all organic creation.

Visible and invisible matter by the electric energy they possess are constantly changing places, the invisible becoming visible, and the visible becoming invisible, and the ponderable imponderable, through an endless cycle of perpetual changes.

The electric forces hold in charge the atoms of all substances that appear in organic forms or as visible matter.

The different forms of matter, the solid, liquid, and gaseous, all wait on the electro-magnetic elements of light and heat for their beginning and permancy of structure. Light and heat, electricity, are building forces lifting matter from space into body, and then turning it over to cohesive affinities, which is another form of electricity.

All chemical affinities are under the control of electric energy, and atoms enter into molecular combinations by reason of their positive and negative electrical conditions, which shows that all material and atomic supplies are from electro-magnetic currents. And electric energy is the source of all things.

Matter, I contend, could never have been gathered under any other law than that of electricity and magnetism. Atoms would have responded to no other force than invisible electric affinities; molecules would not have sought each other and clung together under any other law or force than that of cohesive magnetism.

It was the law of atomic electric attraction that fixed the permanent centre of the earth, built its rock-ribbed foundations in orderly strata, prepared its ocean beds and its rolling waters, lifted up its mountains and spread out its continents for the

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