Imágenes de páginas

Earnest, earnest money, a part paid | beforehand as a pledge; IV. iii.

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Glass-faced, reflecting, like a mirror, the looks of his patron; I. i. 58. Good, real; II. ii. 234.

Good even, the common form of salu-
tation after noon; II. ii. 9.
Gorge; "cast the g. at," vomit; IV.
iii. 40.

Gramercies, many thanks; II. ii. 69.
Grave, bury; IV. iii. 166.
Griefs, grievances; V. iv. 14.
Grise, step; IV. iii. 16.
Grows, grows older (Theobald,
"goes"); I. i. 3.

Gules, the heraldic term for red; IV. iii. 59.

Gull, properly, an unfledged nestling, here used with play upon this and secondary sense:-dupe; II. i. 31.

Gust, taste, relish; III. v. 54.

Habit, exterior; IV. iii. 113. Half-caps, caps half taken off, slight salutations; II. ii. 219.

Hap, chance, luck; III. ii. 27. Hard in, hardened to; IV. iii. 269. Harness, armour; I. ii. 52. Having, possessions; II. ii. 151. Heart; "in h.," heartily; i.e. I drink to you with all my heart, heartily; (Gould conj. "your health"); I. ii. 53.

Heaven, salvation (here

= good advice; according to others, "the pleasure of being flattered "); I. ii. 256.

Hew to, shape by cutting (Daniel
conj. "hew out"); V. iv. 46.
Hinge, bend; IV. iii. 211.
His, its; I. i. 31.

Hoar, make rotten; IV. iii. 155.
Hold, continue; II. i. 12.

Hold taking, bear handling; I. ii. 153.
Honesty, liberality, bounty; III. i. 30.
Horrid, dreadful; V. iv. 13.
Hoy-day, hey-day; I. ii. 131.
Humour, caprice (Folios

"humors "); III. vi. 115. Hungerly, hungrily; I. i. 252


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| Made-up, complete, perfect; V.i.101.
Make, do; III. v. 46.

Many, many of; III. vi. 10.
Marrow, vigour; V. iv. 9.

Mean; "mean eyes," i.e. eyes of in-
feriors (Theobald conj. "men's");
I. i. 93.

| Means, power, wealth; V. iv. 20.
Meddler, used with quibble upon
"medlar"; IV. iii. 309.
Medlar, a kind of fruit; IV. iii. 305.
Meed, merit; I. i. 276.
Men, human beings; IV. iii. 534.
Merely, absolutely; IV. i. 32.
Mind, magnanimity; I. ii. 164.
Minion, favourite, darling; IV.iii.80.
Minute-jacks, time-servers (with per-
haps an allusion to "Jacks-of-
the-clock," figures that struck the
bell in old clocks); III. vi. 101.

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Natural, used probably in double sense (i) genuine, (ii) a fool; V. i. 88.

Nature, necessities of nature; IV. iii. 231.

Near, nearly; I. ii. 179.
Neighbour, neighbouring; IV. iii. 94.

Objects, things presented to the sight, everything that comes in the way; IV. iii. 122.

Occasion, necessity; III. ii. 26. Occasions, engagements; III. vi. 10. Offices, apartments where food was prepared; II. ii. 165.

On, at; I. i. 141.

in; IV. iii. 101.

Ope, open; V. iv. 47.
Operant, active; IV. iii. 25.
Opulency, opulence, riches; V. i. 38.
Ort, remnant; IV. iii. 400.
Out, without, outside; IV. i. 38.
Outgoes, exceeds; I. i. 273.
Orved; "o. to you," held at your
service; I. i. 151.

Pack, be off; V. i. 115.
Page, follow like a page; IV. iii.

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particular business (S. Walker conj. "pact"); V. i. 123. side, part; "in general p.,' in the public cause; V. ii. 7. depart; IV. ii. 21.

Particular, personal advantage; IV. iii. 159.

Particularly; "halts not p.," does not stop at particular persons; I. i. 46.

Parts, endowments, qualities; II. ii.


virtues; III. v. 76. Passes, surpasses (Jackson conj. surpasses "); I. i. 12.


Passion, violent emotion; III. i. 59. Patchery, "botchery intended to hide faults; gross and bungling hypocrisy "; V. i. 99. Pawn, pledge; I. i. 147. Perfect; "for ever p.," arrived at the perfection of happiness; I. ii. 86.

Perfection, highest excellence; (? "perfect image "; III. vi. 94. Perfumes; "diseased p."="diseased

perfumed mistresses"; IV. iii. 207. Periods, puts an end to; I. i. 99. Personating, representing; V. i. 35. Pill, pillage, plunder; IV. i. 12. Plain-dealing, an allusion to the proverb, "Plain-dealing is a jewel, but they that use it die beggars"; I. i. 209.

Ports, gates; V. iv. 55.

Prefer, show, lay before; III. v. 34. Preferr'd, showed, presented; III. iv. 49.

Present; "p. slaves," i.c. immediate slaves (S. Walker conj. "peasant slaves"); I. i. 71.


Presentment; "upon the heels of my ," "as soon as my book has been presented to its patron"; I. i. 27.

Proof, test; II. ii. 164.

--9 resisting power; IV. iii. 124. Properties, makes the property of; I. i. 57.

Prosperous, favourable ; V. i. 186.
Protest, vow; IV. iii. 439.
Purposes, plans, intentions; V. i. 17.
Pursy, "fat and short-winded"; V.
iv. 12.

Push, pshaw! (Theobald, "Psha";
Hanmer, "Pish"); III. vi. 112.

Quick, living; IV. iii. 44.
Quillets, nice, subtle distinctions;
IV. iii. 155.

Quit, rid of you; IV. iii. 400.
Quittance, requital; I. i. 279.

Rag, shabby, beggarly person; IV.

iii. 271.

Rampired, barricaded; V. iv. 47-
Rank'd, crowded; I. i. 65.
Rapt, beside myself; V. i. 67.
Rarely, admirably, excellently; IV.
iii. 473.

Recoverable, possible to be brought back to a better condition; III.

iv. 13. Regardfully, respectfully; IV. iii.

81. Remembrance; "better r.," i.e. remembrance of better things; III. vi. 46.

Remorse, pity; IV. iii. 122.
Remotion, non-appearance, absence
(Grant White conj. "motion)";
IV. iii. 344.

Render, statement, confession; V. i. 152.

Render back, give back; IV. i. 9. Render'd, surrendered, given up; V. iv. 62.

Repugnancy, resistance; III. v. 45.
Requite, repay; IV. iii. 529.

Resort; "her r.," to visit her; I. i. 127.

Respect; "in r. of his," in proportion to what he possesses; III. ii. 81.

Respectively, regardfully; III. i. 7.
Restraining, withholding; V. i. 151.
Resumes, assumes; II. ii. 4.
Retentive, restraining; III. iv. 82.

Rother's, ox's (Singer's reading, adopted by Collier; Folios, "Brothers"; Rowe, "beggar's"; Warburton, "weather's "; Farmer conj. “broader ”; etc.); IV. iii. 12. Rotten, corrupted; IV. iii. 2. Round, plain, straight-forward; II ii. 8.

Sacrificial, full of devotion as to a God; I. i. 81.

Salt, wanton; IV. iii. 85. Sans, without; IV. iii. 122. Scope; "conceived to s.," i.e. "imagined, appositely, to the purpose"; (Folios, "conceyu'd, to scope"; Theobald, " conceiv'd to th' scope"); I. i. 72.

Secure thy heart, be reassured; II. ii. 183.

Seen; "is my lord s. yet," i.e. to be seen; III. iv. 9.

Semblable, like; IV. iii. 22. Sequence, succession; "s. of degree"; according to their rank; V. i. 211. s. so only to himself," i.c. "wrapt up in self-contemplation"; V. i. 120.


Set him clear, make him appear innocent; III. iii. 31.

Set me on, put me to; II. ii. 164. Shall's, shall us shall we; IV. iii. 410.

Signet; II. ii. 208. (Cp. the sub


joined facsimiles of antique specimens.)

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Tiring, busy; III. vi 4.

Te; call to you," i e. call on you; I. ii 221.

Told, counted; III. v. 107. Touch, touchstone; IV. iii 393. Touch; "t. the estimate," pay the price at which it is estimated; I. i. 14

Touch'd, tested with the touch-stone: III iii. 6.

Toward, at hand; III. vi. 60.

Towardly, docile; III. i. 36.

Tract, track, trace; I. i 50.

Traversed, crossed, folded, (?) reversed; V. iv. 7

True, honest; IV. iii 464.
Trump, trumpet; I ii. 119.
Try, trial; V. i. 10.

Unagreeable, unsuitable; II ii. 41.
Unbolt, reveal, explain; I. i. 51.
Uncharged, unassailed; V. iv. 55.
Unclew, undo, ruin; I i. 168.
Unctuous, oily; IV. iii. 195
Under; "u. praise," by being
praised so much (not "under-
praise" as the jeweller understands
it); I. i 165.

Under, under pretence of; III. iii. 33.

Undergo, undertake; III. v. 24. Unmatched, matchless ; IV. i'i. 524.

Unnoted, (?) imperceptible (perhaps undemonstrative; III. v.


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Unpeaceable, quarrelsome (Collier
MS., "unappeasable"); I. i. 269.
Unremoveably, fixedly; V. i. 227.
Untirable, untiring, indefatigable;
I. i. II.

Use, customary; I. i. 279.
Uses, necessities; II. i. 20.

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