Imágenes de páginas

Division, variation, modulation; III. | Fearful, full of fear; III. iii. 1.

v. 29.

Doctrine, instruction; I. i. 236.

Doff, put off; II. ii. 47.

Doubt, fear, distrust; V. iii. 44.
Drave, did drive, urged (Quarto 2,
"driue"); I. i. 119.
Drift, plan, scheme; IV. i. 114.
Dry-beat, thrash; III. i. 80.
Dump, a melancholy strain in music;
IV. v. 108.

Dun's the mouse, keep still; (a proverbial expression not yet explained); v. Note; I. iv. 40.

Elf-locks, hair supposed to be matted together by the elves (Quartos 2, 3, Folio 1, "Elklocks"); I. iv.



Empty, hungry; V. iii. 39.
Encounter, meeting; II. vi. 29.
Endart, dart [Quarto 1, engage";
Pope, "ingage"]; I. iii. 98.
Enforce, force; V. iii. 47.
Enpierced, pierced through; I. iv. 19.
Entrance (trisyllabic); I. iv. 8.
Envious, malignant; III. ii. 40.
Ethiop, a native of Ethiopia; I. v.

Evening mass, the practice of saying
mass in the afternoon lingered on
for some time; IV. i. 38.
Expire, end; I. iv. 109.
Extremes, extremities, sufferings;
IV. i. 62.

Extremity; "everything in e.,” i.c. at a desperate pass; I. iii. 103.

Fain, gladly; II. ii. 88.
Fair, fair one, beautiful woman;
Prol. II. 3.


Fantasticoes, coxcombs (Capell's reading (from Quarto 1); Quartos 2, 3, 4, Folios 1, 2, "phantacies "; Quarto 5, Folios 3, 4, phan tasies Collier MS., "phantastickes "); II. iv. 29. Farewell compliment, away with ceremony; II. ii. 89.

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Feeling, heartfelt; III. v. 75.
Fee-simple, hereditary and uncondi-

tional property; III. i. 34. Festering, rotting; IV. iii. 43. Fettle, prepare; III. v. 154.

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Fine, penalty (Warburton's emendation of Quartos, Folios, " sinne and "sin"); 1. v. 96. First house, "first rank among duellists," or, "of the best school of fencing"; II. iv. 25.

Fits; "it fits," it is becoming; I. v. 76. Flecked, spotted [Steevens' reading (from Quarto 1); Quartos, fleckeld"; Folio 1, "fleckled"; Pope, "flecker'd"; Capell, 'flecker'd"]; II. iii. 3.



Fleer, sneer; I. v. 59.
Flirt-gills, flirting women


was a familiar name for a woman); II. iv. 157.

Flowered, alluding probably to the shoes pinked or punched with holes; II. iv. 63.

Fond, foolish; III. iii. 52.
Foolish, trifling; I. v. 123.
Forbear, abstain from; III. i. 88.
Form, used with play upon both

senses of the word; II. iv. 36. Forsworn; "be f.," commit perjury; III. v. 197.

Forth, from out of; I. i. 118.
Fortune's fool, the sport of fortune;
III. i. 138.

Frank, liberal; II. ii. 131.
Free-town, Villafranca; I. i. 101.
Friend, lover; III. v. 43.

| Frighted, frightened, terrified; I. iv. 87.

From, away from, to avoid; III. i. 32.

Furnish, deck; IV. ii. 35.

Gear, matter; II. iv. 103.
Ghostly, spiritual; II. ii. 189.
Give leave, leave us; a courteous
form of dismissal; I. iii. 7.

Give you, i.e. retort by calling you; IV. v. 117.

Gleek, scoff ("give the g.," to pass a jest upon a person); IV. v. 115. Glooming, gloomy; V. iii. 305. God-den, good evening; I. ii. 57. God gi' god-den, God give you a good evening (Quartos, Folios 1, 2, 3, Godgigoden"; Capell, "God gi go' den"; Collier, "God gi' good den"; Staunton, "God ye good den "); I. ii. 58.

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God save the mark, "originally a phrase used to avert the evil omen, saving your reverence, under your pardon; here God have mercy""; III. ii. 53.



ye good den, God give you good evening; II. iv. 112. God ye good morrow, God give you good morning; II. iv. 111. Good goose, bite not, a proverbial expression (found in Ray's "Proverbs "); II. iv. 80.

Goodman boy, a familiar appellation; I. v. 78.

Good pilgrim, I. v. 97. (Cp. illustration.)

From a sketch by Inigo Jones of the Palmer's dress worn by Romeo in the Masquerade Scene.

Gore; "gore blood"=clotted blood; III. ii. 56.

Grace, virtue, potency; II. iii. 15.

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ii. 190.

Harlotry, a term of contempt for a silly wench; IV. ii. 14.

Have at thee, be warned, take care;
I. i. 71.

Haviour, behaviour; II. ii. 99.
He, man; V. i. 67.

Healthsome, wholesome; IV. iii. 34. Heartless, spiritless, cowardly; I.i.65. 'Heart's case,' a popular tune of the time; IV. v. 101. (Cp. music on next page.)

Heaviness, sorrow; III. iv. 11.
Heavy, sad, troubled; I. i. 135.
Hie you, hasten; II. v. 70.
High-lone, alone, without help
(Quarto 2, " hylone"; Quarto 3,
"a lone"; other editions, "alone");
I. iii. 36.

Highmost, highest; II. v. 9.
Hilding, base wretch; III. v. 169.
Hinds, serfs, menials; I. i. 65.

His, its; II. vi. 12; V. iii. 203.
Hoar, hoary, mouldy; II. iv. 135.
Holidame, halidom, salvation (used
in swearing); I. iii. 43.
Holp, helped; I. ii. 48.

Jaunce, jaunt; II. v. 26. Jealous, in any way suspicious; V. iii. 33.

Jealous-hood, jealousy; IV. iv. 13. Joint-stools, folding chairs; I. v. 7.

'Heart's ease.'

From Naylor's Shakespeare and Music.
Joy, rejoice; II. ii. 116.

Homely, plain, simple; II. iii. 55. Honey nurse, a term of endearment; II. v. 18.

Hood, cover with a hood (as the hawk was hooded till let fly at the game); III. ii. 14. Humorous, moist, capricious (used quibblingly); II. i. 31. Humour,inclination, bent (Quartos 4, 5, "humour"; Quarto 2, "humor "; the rest read "honour"); I. i. 128. Hunts-up, "the tune played to wake and collect the hunters "; III. v. .34.

I'll be a candle-holder, I'll be an idle spectator (a proverbial phrase); I. iv. 38.

Ill-divining, misgiving; III. v. 54.
Impeach, accuse; V. iii. 226.

In, into; V. i. 8.

[blocks in formation]

Keep, make; III. iv. 23.
Kindly, exactly, aptly; II. iv. 58.

Label; a seal appended to a deed; IV. i. 57. (Cp. the accompanying facsimile of a XVth century deed preserved at Stratford.)

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6 Lady, lady, lady,' a phrase quoted from the old ballad of Susanna; II. iv. 147.

Lammas-eve, the day before Lammastide, i.e. July 31st; I. iii. 17. Lammas-tide, the 1st of August; I. iii. 15.

Lantern, a turret full of windows; V. iii. 84.

Late, lately; III. i. 128.

Lay, wager, stake; I. iii. 12.

Learn, teach; III. ii. 12.

human figure, and when torn from the earth to cause madness and even death; IV. iii. 47. Marchpane, a kind of almond paste ; I. v. 9.

Margent, margin; I. iii. 86. Mark, elect; I. iii. 59. Mark-man, marksman ; I. i. 204. Marriage (trisyllabic); IV. i. 11. Married, harmonious (the reading of Quarto 2; other editions "seuerall"); I. iii. 83.

Learn'd me, taught myself; IV. ii. 17. Maskers, I. iv. Direc. (Cp. illustra

Let, hinderance; II. ii. 69.

Level, aim; III. iii. 103.

Lieve, lief, gladly; II. iv. 208.

Like, likely; IV. iii. 36.

Like of, like; I. iii. 96.

List, choose; I. i. 40.

Logger-head, block head; IV. iv. sc. Long; "1. to speak," long in speaking, slow to speak; IV. i. 66. Long spinners' legs, long-legged spiders; I. iv. 59.

Love, i.e. Venus; II. v. 7.

Mab, the queen of the fairies; I.

iv. 53.

Made, was doing; V. iii. 28c.

Mammet, puppet; III. v. 186.

Manage, course; III. i. 145.
Manage, handle, use; I. i. 68.

Mandrake, a plant, the root of which was supposed to resemble the

The above illustration (from an illuminated MS. in the British Museum) shows the method by which the mandrake was supposed to be obtained.


[blocks in formation]

On, of; I. iv. 72, 73, 74.
Once, only; 1. iii. 61.
Operation, effect; III. i. 8.
Orchard, garden; II. i. 5.
Osier cage, basket made of the water
willow; II. iii. 7.

Minstrel; "give you the m.," i.c. | Old,accustomed, practised; III. iii. 94. call you a minstrel, glee-man (with a play upon "to give the gleek "); IV. v. 116. Minute, minutes; V. iii. 257. Misadventure, misfortune; V. i. 29. Mistemper'd, compounded and hardened to an ill end; I. i. 86. Modern, commonplace, trite; III. ii.

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Needy, joyless (Quarto 1, "need-
ful"); III. v. 106.
Neighbour-stained, stained with the
blood of countrymen ["neighbour-
stained steel," instead of “neighbour-
stained soil" (Daniel)]; I. i. 81.
New, just; I. i. 159.

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afresh, anew


I. i. 103.
Nice, trifling; III. i. 156.
None; "she will n.," i.e. she will
none of it, she will have nothing
to do with it; III. v. 140.
Note, notice; I. v. 72.
Noted, noticed, observed; V. i. 38.
Nothing, not at all; I. i. 111.

O, grief, lamentation; III. iii. 90.
O', on; [Quartos, Folio 1, "a";
Folios 2, 3, 4, "of"; (Quarto 1),
"on"]; III. i. 92.

Odds; "at o.," at variance; I. ii. 5.
O'er-perch, leap over, fly over; II.
ii. 66.

Outrage, outcry; V. iii. 216.
Overwhelming, over-hanging; V. i.

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a motion forwards and thrust
in fencing; II. iv. 27.
Passing, surpassingly ; I. i. 232.
Past compare, past comparison; II.
v. 43.

Pastry, the room in which pies were
made; IV. iv. 2.
Pay, give; I. i. 236.


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Peevish, silly, childish; IV. ii. 14.
Perforce, compulsory; I. v. 90.
Perdona-mi's, people who are con-
tinually saying pardon me [Quartos
4, 5, "pardona-mees"; Quarto 1,
"pardon-mees ; Quarto 2, "par-
mees Theobald, 66
donnez moy's"]; II. iv. 35.
Peruse, examine; V. iii. 74.
Phaethon, the son of Helios, the Sun
god, who ambitiously tried to
drive the chariot of his father;
III. ii. 3.

Pilcher, scabbard (used contemptu-
ously); III. i. 82.

Pin, the centre of the butt in archery; II. iv. 15.

Plantain-leaf (supposed to be efficacious in healing wounds); I. ii. 52.

Plats, plaits, braids; I. iv. 89.

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