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An Original Essay on the Immate-
riality and Iminortality of the
Human Soul, founded solely on
Physical and Rational Principles.
By S. Drew. 2d Edit. 8vo, Pr. 75.

COMPARING the merit of this work with the circumstances of its author, the reader will be forcibly struck with the idea, that in the common ranks of life there are men of uncommon ininds. The dedication to the Rev. and learned Mr. Whitaker, is eminently distinguish ed from the fulsome flattery which too frequently debases this species of composition. It is evidently the deserved tribute of respectful gratitude, flowing from a feeling heart, and expressed by an elegant pen. It does equal honour to the author and to his patron.

The publication of this work, which is intended to prove that the soul of man is immaterial and immortal, is rendered seasonable by the late attacks of Infidels and professedly Christian philosophers. The subject is confessedly deep and mysterious. The author proposes to establish it on rational principles, distinct from divine revelation. Whether it is discoverable without the aid of revelation, will probably admit of a dispute; but that reason confirms what revelation has taught on this subject, is, we think, in this work, very clearly demon'strated.

The author introduces his sub. ject by some observations on matter and spirit. In proving the im. materiality of the soul, he remarks, that every man feels within himself a consciousness not only of his own existence, but also of the powers of perception, judgment, volition. He then shews that these, having no positive existence, necessarily support the positive existence of a substance in which they inhere; that these powers are not essential to matter that they cannot be the result of matter, nor of any modification of matter, nor any quality

superadded to matter. He then proceeds to prove, that a conscious principle is essentially immaterial; and deduces his evidence of this, especially from its intelligence, its affections, and its reflective powers. In the discussion of these topics, the author has some ingenious remarks on the difference between reason and instinct.

On the immortality of the soul he observes, that if the soul perish, it must necessarily be either by dis solution, by privation, or by anni. hilation; and then clearly shews that it cannot possibly perish by any of these means; - that nothing in the soul itself, nor any thing exterior to it, can produce these ef fects; and that the essential properties of the soul are as immortal as itself. In demonstrating these particulars, he employs a very wide compass of forcible reasoning.

The admirers of metaphysical disquisition will be highly gratified in reading this treatise. They will not expect to find every argument equally conclusive; but we venture to say, that they will certainly meet with a depth of penetration, a force and acuteness of reasoning, of which few publications can boast. The author craves indulgence for the incorrectness of his style, and for any grammatical inaccuracies. But there needs no apology. His style is far from inelegance. Consider. ing the nature of his subject, it is remarkably clear. In his use of the subjunctive mood, we think we discover an error; and the nature of his work being argumentative, occasions its frequent recurrence. But if he errs in this particular, it is in company with many of the most respectable writers. It is commonly supposed that contingency is the sign of the subjunctive mond; but if we deliberately consider the subject, we shall probably conclude, that the subjunctive form should be used only when the sen tence supposes contingency and yaturity united *.

• See Murtay's Grammar, 8th Edit. p. 56. &c. and p. 159, &c.

The limits of our review prevent tis from giving a specimen of the author's style and manner; we therefore conclude by informing our readers, that this second edition is, in many respects, so far superior to the first, as to give it the character of almost a new work.

Memoirs of Eminently Pious Wo. men, who were Ornaments of their Sex, Blessings to their Country, and Edifying Examples to the Church and World. By Thos. Gibbons, D.D. To which is now adiled, a Second Volume; containing the Lives of many others equally exemplary in every Grace which can adorn the Female Character. By the Rev. George Jerment. In Trvo Vols. embellished with 15 Portraits, 185; fine, 215. THE former part of this work is already known to the public, and was so well received as to require a second edition. The Editor has judiciously comprized the substance of the original memoirs, which were printed in two volumes, in the first of these, which we think an improvement, as some of the lives were certainly too prolix. To these are now added, in a second volume, the lives of Mrs. Drake, Lady Falkland, Lady Halket, Mrs. Combe, Mrs. Clarkson, Mrs. Terry, Mrs. West, Mrs. Ann Dutton, Mrs. Housman, Mrs. Woodd, Miss Gray, Miss S. Mainwaring, Mrs. M. M. Althens, Lady Hope, Lady Glenorchy, Lady Huntingdon, Mrs. Talbot, Mrs. Campbell, Lady Bur. ford, Mrs. Brander, Mrs. Middle. ton, Miss Neale, Mrs. Humphrys, Mrs. Hutchinson, and Mrs. Bennet. Most of these have appeared before singly; but, combined in the present form, they present to view a rich constellation of female excellence, which, we trust, will be studied with delight and profit by a great number of our fair countrywomen; and excite in many a breast earnest desires to resemble these pious persons, who, in various stations of life, adorned the doctrines of grace, exemplified the Christian temper in all its branches, and are now, without doubt, inheriting the promises. Had the Editor ex.

punged some obsolete phrases and Scotticisms from a few of the lives, the work would have been more uniformly agreeable to a reader of taste; but these are trifles compared with the substantial excellence of the whole, which we can cordially recommend as a valuable performance.

As a specimen of the original matter we give the following extract, containing an account of Lady Glenorchy's conversion:

"Wilhelmina Maxwell, Lady Glenorchy, was the younger of two daughters left by Dr. William Maxwell, Esq. of Preston, a gentleman of high respectability and large fortune, in Galloway, North Britain; and was born at Preston,

an. 1742. Dr. Maxwell died four months before the birth of his youngest daughter; and his widow, now the venerable Lady Alva, wishing to perpetuate the name of a husband so dear, called the fatherless child Wilhelmina. She watched over the education of both daughters with maternal solicitude, and endeavoured to preserve them from the vortex of fashionable pleasure. The oldest was married at Edinburgh, 1761, to William Earl of Su. ject of these memoirs, was married at therland; the youngest, who is the subLondon some months afterwards, to John Lord Viscount Glenorchy, only son of the earl of Breadalbane. The earl of Sutherland and his countess died within a few days of each other, and left an only daughter two months old. That daughter, the present Marchioness of Stafford, formerly Countess of Sutherland, was educated under the direction of her grandmother, Lady Alva; and received kind attention from her aunt, Lady Glenorchy.

Born to

orphans was increased by her own premaThis worthy lady, whose tenderness for ture widowhood, was formed for a superior place in society. Her understanding was naturally strong and capacious, and her memory retentive. Her mind was polished by a liberal education, and richly furnished with ideas. Her person was agree. brilliant, and attended by a constant flow able, her manner engaging, her fancy of spirits and good humour. wealth, and allied to a rich and noble house, she was fitted to make a distinguished figure among the great, and to shine in courts. In early life, as might be expected from these circumstances, this accomplished young lady was filled with vanity, was fond of dress, and attached to gay amusements. But, as Moses, "when he was come to vears, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choose

ing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt," in like manner, she, in all the bloom of youth, with all worldly pleasures at her command, laid herself, her fortune, her honours, and her talents, at the foot of the cross of Jesus.

About the twenty-third year of her age she was visit, d with sickness: in recovering from which, her thoughts were invo. luntarily turned to the first question and answer of that form of sound words which

is given in the Assembly's Catechism:

"What is the chief end of man? It is to glorify God, and to enjoy him for ever?", Musing on these words, they arrested her attention, and naturally led her to put to herself the important queries: Have I answered the design of my being? Have I glorified God? Shall I enjoy him for


Reviewing her life of thoughtless gaiety, she found there was no connexion between such conduct and the glorifying and en joying of God; and that consequently, hitherto, she had not answered the chief

end of her existence. Her conscience was awakened; and, for a considerable time, she laboured under that anxiety and fear which usually attend such a state of mind..

But, on reading the 5th chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, she discovered the way whereby the great God could be just, and yet the justifier of the believer in Jesus. She believed, her understanding was enlightened, her conscience relieved, and her mind restored to peace. The fruits of her faith soon gave the most unequivocal evidence to the truth of the hap Py change which had taken place in her mind.

For some time she endeavoured to avoid the ridicule which attends true religion, by concealing it, and mingling in the society and amusements to which she had been accustomed; but she soon found it impossible to support the spirit and practice of religion, and at the same tune be conformed to the manners of the world.

She therefore openly avowed her religion, and renounced the sinful enjoyments of the world. From this time, her whole life was one conti ad course of devotion: her closet was a little sanctuary for God, to which she habitually retired with avidity and pleasure. In her family there was always an altar for God, and from which, with the morning and the evening, reguJarly ascended social prayer and praise. She loved the house of God; and the most painful circumstance of her frequent ill health, in the last years of her life, was, her being detained by it from public wor ship."

Charis or Reflections chiefly upon the Office of the Holy Spirit in the Salva tion of Men. 12mo, p. 247. 35.

THE Reflections contained in this volume, owe their origin to a conversation which the author heid. with two pious clergymen. A. question was started, Whether a man of the world, one unrenewed and unchanged in heart and life, could really and sincerely desire the gift of divine giace ex mero motu; or, from his own excitement, or (what is quite the same) without the gracious agency of the Spirit of God?" The text, in Luke xi. 13, is selected as the ground of enquiry; and from thence the author considers, 1st, The gift of the Holy Spirit; and, 2nd, The persons to whom the Holy Spirit is given. By the gift of the Spirit, he observes, that we are not to understand the

power of effecting miraculous operations; nor does it imply visions, raptures, or any enthusiastic appearances or impressions; but it must be understood, agreeably to the declarations made in the Scriptures, concerning his office in the covenant of grace: which declarations import all that is necessary to be known and realized for the conversion, edification, and final happiness of those persons who are in terested in it. It does not imply or impart any new revelation; but enables the mind to understand and digest the revelation already given and established. The persons to whom the Holy Spirit is given, are those that ask this gift of their Heavenly Father: and who are these, but the children of God? Who, beside these, can truly ask for the Holy Spirit, knowing for what they ask? though, indeed, all should be taught the necessity of this duty; but the present object of consideration is the power of performing spiritual and gracious while such, or as such, can sin prayer. The children of this world, cerely ask for no such gift; be cause a man must be renewed, or be born of the Spirit, before he can discern the work of spiritual things, or truly ask for them."


We have not room to follow the

author in all his arguments, nor to state the objections which he has answered; the reader will see from the above the general nature of the subject. The real condition of man, by nature, and the work of the Holy Spirit in renewing his mind, impressing the image of God on his soul, and producing true hoiness and happiness, are insisted on and explained with considerable ability.

than his own sound and unsophisticated truths; and, therefore, those who, instead of pointing to the Saviour and to the Holy Spirit, are di recting men, more or less, to their own powers, to rational investigation of spiritual things, to metaphysical inquiries concerning divine truth, or to fine-spun theories of human invention, all of them opposite to the plan and simplicity of the gos pel, have their reward in cold, unIn page 28, some observations animated hearers, or uninfluenced worthy of notice will be found, and useless attention. Rarely do relative to the duty of every man even sounder doctrines possess the to believe in Christ. In page happy effect of truly converting sin113, we have a just statement of ners, when adorned with the mereEnthusiasm. His remarks on tricious splendor of man's wisdom, Schism, Moral Preaching, and Re with a laboured style, with orna. vivals of Religion, are peculiarly mental flourishes, with the glitter excellent. "Those," says he, of human wit or oratory, employed are the worst Schismatics, the too much for the purpose of gain real and most dangerous Dissenters ing human applause. Nor do real from the doctrine, and the greatest Christians receive content or edifidisgrace to the discipline of the cation from classical elegancies of Church of England, who, while expression, or studied points bor. they profess to be its ministers and rowed from ancient Heathens, who members, do most strenuously con- neither knew God nor themselves. tradict, by evil life or heterodox Fine and admired discourses, barprinciples, the fundamentals of the ren of evangelical truth, may Christian religion. Idle and dis- cause men to be charmed with the solute clergymen, who (one must preacher or writer; but they lead say with regret) are to be found in them not from the playhouse, nor every place of worldly entertain the card-table, nor fashionable ament; and almost in any place ramusements, nor sordid views and ther than in their duties or churches, where the service seems, too often, tedious and burdensome; the loose, the ignorant, the unprincipled laymen, professing at the same time to be Members of the church these, and these chiefly, are the grand Schismatics and Enthusiasts! Can it be expected, that persons really concerned for truth and salvation will listen to the voice of the fox-hunter, the gambler, the sordid worldling, or the openly profane? It is with a very ill grace, therefore, that ministers of this stamp complain of the increase of Dissenters. They themselves are the principal cause of that increase." As it respects Moral Preaching, he justly observes, "That the Holy Spirit rarely blesses, and cannot be expected to bless at all, any other


endeavours, nor from the spirit of the world. Preachers of this sort may seem, like instruments of music, to sound well; but they only sound: and their hearers go off as from a concert, admiring the tunes and the performers perhaps; but neither duly fed, nor properly in formed."

We cannot multiply quotations, but must refer our readers to the volume itself; from which, we have no doubt, they will derive both pleasure and profit.

We shall only add, that we have the pleasure to be informed, that for this work we are indebted to the same able pen that produced Horæ Solitariæ, The Christian Remembrancer, and several other excellent publications,

3 Q

The Transactions of the Missionary Society (No. XI.) 8vo. is.

In this periodical work the proceedings of the London Missionary Society are fully detailed from authentic documents, and form a genuine and interesting history of the work of God under their instrumentality. We think it our duty to the public to present to their view, from month to month, some of the great outlines of that work; but the limits of a publication, comprizing a great variety of matter, do not admit of so particular an account of the journals and corespondence of the Missionaries, as fully to gratify the numerous friends of the Society, who feel a lively interest in its welfare and success. We make this remark, because we conceive that many persons are not yet aware of the utility and importance of the "Transac tions." The first eight numbers form a handsome volume of 515 pages, and comprize the History of the Society from its commencement in 1795 to the close of 1802. The ninth number contains Mr. Kicherer's Narrative of his Mission to the Hottentots, accompanied with a view of the settlement at Zak River. No. X. includes a variety of intere ting materials concerning different Missions in the south of Africa, America, and Otaheite. The present number (XI) contains, beside other particulars, a large extract from the jurnals of the Missionaries at Otaheite, in their preaching-journies round that island; and an account of the sudden death of Pomarre the Chief, who had been their principal protector.

which are added, Memoirs of his Life, Labours, and Departure. By Wm. Kingsbury, M. A. Price 15. THE text chosen by the preacher on the above solemn occasion, is taken from Zech. i. 5. Your fathers, where are they? and the prophets, do they live for ever?" from which he shews who are the persons des ribed as

fathers and prophets;" and then proposes several heads of meditation, suggested by the affecting que tions concerning them. He observes, particularly, that nothing can deliver us from the stroke of death, that ministers are as liable to dis-olution as others, that departed friend<, fathers, and ministers, should not be forgotten by survivors, and that we should trace them from our world into their present abodes. Under each of these particulars, many serious and weighty thoughts are advanced. The author then improves the subject by a word of admonition to his brother ministers, several of whom were present: be next admonishes the stated hearers of his departed friend; recommends an enquiry among all, Whether they are prepared for death; and, finally, observes, that though the fathers and prophets are removed, "the word of God liveth and abideth for ever." The whole discourse is serious, evangelical, and well adapted to the mournful occasion.

A Sermon preached at St. Ann's, Blackfriars, May 22, before the Society for Missions to Africa and the

By the Rev.T.T. Biddulph, Minister of St. James's, Bristol,&c. Also the Report of the Committee, Sc. 8vo, Price 15.

East. The difficulties which the Missionaries have to combat there, are indeed affecting, but, as nothing is too hard for the Lord, we may still hope that their eyes will be opened, and that they will be turned from darkness to night, and from the power of Satan unto God. The letter from Dr. Vanderkemp to the Directors is remark bly interesting; an extract from which we shall present to our readers in the Inteligence.

A Discourse deliverd at Poole, Dorset, July 6, 1804, immediately after the Interment of the Rev. Edward Ashwin

uner, MA who died Jul, 2, in the 70th year of his age. To

THI is the Fourth Anniversary Sermon preached before a Missionary Society instituted by Evangelical. Members of the Established Church; and who have directed their first attention to the Susoo nation, in Africa. Mr. Biddulph founds his exhortation to Missionary exertions on the golden rule in St. Matthew's gospel, chap. VII. 12, "Therefore, all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them; for this is the law and the prophets." He first makes some general remarks on

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