Imágenes de páginas

the main, the work of God. The Rev. George Scott came in the morning from his house, twelve miles distance, and preached the first sermon on Monday; and M. Hughs preached the second, and dismissed the assembly about three in the afternoon. It was thought on the Sabbath that the assembly amounted to nearly two thousand. There was decency and good • der universally preserved, except in a few low bred people, who stalked about at a respectful distance from the assembly. Those who were distressed complained aruch of their heart being hard; and view. ed themselves totally opposed to God, and in imminent danger of eternal ruin. Those who had obtained hopes, spake of the purity of the law; of the nature and endency of sin; of the justice of Ged in the condemnation of the sinner, with pro priety. Many seemed to lose all sense of eir own danger, and to be swallowed up in views of the justice and glery of the divine goverment. The plan of salvation in the gospel appeared to them excellent, in that God was exalted, and the creature abased, and in that it is a salvation from


After the exercises were ended, a Actore was appointed for me to preach next day at iweive, at Bever township. Rode to the place, and lodged. Preached next day to about fifty people, and rode, atter preaching, fifteen miles, to a place where a Mr. Cook was to be ordained by the Presbytery the next day.

"June 23. Presbytery met at eight this morning; and, after examination of the candidate, a sermon was preached by Mr. Boyd, containing orthodox sentiments, and pertinent to the occasion. Mr. Cook was then set apart to the work of the mimistry, and to the pastoral charge of the congregation, by laying on of the hands of the Presbytery, and prayer. In this congregation the attention is considerable. Many were in tear, and several fell in the time of the exercise. From the mimisters convened on this occasion, we were informed, that the awakening had become pretty general in ten congregations do this side of the river. Twelve ministers are now settled north of the Ohio waters in Pennsylvania; these, with Mr. Wick and myself in this county, form the Erie Presbytery. There are sixteen congregations newly formed within the bounds of his Presbytery, who are seeking for sunphics, and several for candidates to settle with them; but there are not more than two or three licentiates on this side the soumain. Several congregations will probably be formed in this county within another year. After attending to presbyte nal business until the sun was down, we adorned, and rede ten miles towards George-town, and lodged with a plain,

pious family, with whom I had some aequaintance.

"Thursday, 24. Rode to Mill Creek, twenty two miles, and south of the Ohio six. Called on Mr. Scott, minister of that place, and lodged. Serious attention in his congregation pretty general; but a number of bitter opposers. Mr. Scott was educated at Prince-town college; isa sensible, sound preacher. Next day rode to Mr. M'Curdy's, in the congregation where the attention began last fall, and in company with Mr. Scott, who was going to assist at the Cross Creek sacrament. Here received the pleasing account of the hose and comfort of the old man, one hundred and three years old, mentioned in my letter last November. He obtained a comfortable hope, made profession of religion, attends public worship, 13 able to walk se veral miles on the Sabbath to the place of meeting, and gives comfortable evidence or real friendship and union to Christ.

Saturday, vode to Cross Creek, a congregation under the care of Mr Marcus. People were gathering for all quarters,-probably a thousand were now upon the ground. About twenty large five-borte waggons were stancing, with as many inute large tents pitching around the ga thering assembly, many of whom were now occupied in speaking to each other of the rising glory of the Redeemer's kit g• dom in this western world; and others singing hyinns suitable to the occasion.

"About P. M. the noise of pitching tents and other preparation work ceased; the assembly, who were row the largest by far I had ever seen convened for special worship, took seats. They covered more than balf an acre of ground. I was requested by Mr. Marcus to preach. It appeared to me I should not be able to speak so as to be heard; but I made the trial from 1 Cor. i. 18. The people were very solemn, attentive, and still, through the exercises, excepting those who fell and cried out. By speaking slow and distinctly, with a loud voice, they could hear. Among the number that fell, there was a stout, hearty looking man, whose distress continued, with very little intermission, and so as to render him totally incapable of taking care of himself until Monday evening, when I left the congregation.After surmon, the people made all further arrangements necessary to stay on the ground through the occasion, and took refreshment. The place of meeting was convenient, and rendered comfortable with light sheds and seats, covering nearly an an acre of ground. The air was clear and dry; and as the day-light withdrew, candles were lighted, and placed so as to give light to the whole congregation. The evening exercises then began, in singing,

prayer, and discourses from two of the ministers. About twelve 1 retired with Mr. Marcus, and had a few hours sleep; Sabbath morning I returned to the tent at about eight." Here this great family were then engaged in worship. There was then an interval till ten; but singing of hymns, conversing, and prayer, were carried on in parts of the assembly, by pious people, the whole time. The first sermon was preached by Mr. Hughs. Mr. Patterson fenced the tables; after which, while singing a psalm, about one hundred and thirty communicants took their seats at the tables. He then consecrated the clements, and administered to them. The tables were filled six times, making about eight hundred communicants. There were two instances of persons being so overcome with views of the Saviour's love, as to render them incapable of going to the table without help, or supporting themselves on their seat. The sweet and lovely frame Christians appeared to be in, the meekness and humbleness of mind, exceeded any thing I ever saw before. At the close of the sacrament, there was an intermission of half an hour; and then Mr. Patterson preached a short sermon, and dismissed the assembly until candle-lighting..

It was thought about five thousand people attended on this day; and but few went away at night. The order and decency of the assembly exceeded any thing

ever saw.

Those that fell were taken care of without any needless bustle. The outcries of the distressed prevented some near them from hearing for a few moments; but their expressions respecting their hard hearts,


Oh, my hard impenitent heart, it is harder than a rock. I have sinned against the light of God's word, and against the faithful warninge of Christ's ministers; I have sinned against my parents; I have crucified Christ; I am the greatest of sinners. Oh, my hard heart, my hard, impenitent heart, it will not repent! How can such a sinner as I am ever be saved?" "The evening exercises began with singing and praver. Several of the ministers spoke in turn, with propriety and clearness, on the doctrines of grace. Some of the ministers continued through the night, and but few of the people went away. After refreshment was had in the morning, at ten a sermon was preached by Mr. John Anderson. It was then my lot to preach again. After prayer and singing, the people were dismissed about 3 P. M. expecting they would mostly retire; but it was thought nearly two thousand kept their places, as though the religious exercises were but just commencing; many of them totally unable to go away, or take care of themselves. It was thought by gome who passed through the congre XII.

gation, that there were, some part of the time, from Sabbath evening until Tuesday morning, two hundred persons at a time, unable to support or take care of themselves. The enemies of religion, say this cannot be the work of God, for the Bible gives no account of such things. But when all Israel saw the fire come down, and consume the sacrifice and the altar on which Elijah offered sacrifice, they fell on their faces," and they said, the Lord he is the God, the Lord he is the God." Paul fell to the ground under deep conviction, when going to Damascus. The jailer trembled, and fell down before Paul and Silas, and said, "What shall I do ?"-It is said also, that only persoas of ignorance, weak nerves and intellects, fall. But men of strong minds, and of learning, in the vigour of life and health, are brought down, like other people. I will mention one instance, without naming the gentleman who attended on a sacramental season, I think the first Sabbath in June, declaring to the ministers and others, that he could, by his medical skill, and on philosophical principles, account for all the extraordinary exercises. He said none but weak women, and persons of weak nerves, were made to fall; but if some stout, healthy, brawny- built man should fall, he should think it above human art. It was so ordered, that he had the most fair trial. Some time in the meeting, he found himself alarmed from his security, and, instead of philosophizing on others, was constrained to attend on his own soul; his strength was so far gone he could not escape; asked some near him to carry him out, which they did immediately. When they had got him out of hearing, "Oh, carry me back," he said, " God is here, I cannot get away from God; I know now that I am in God's hands; this is God's work!" They carried him back into the assembly, trembling and feeble as a dying man. In the time of intermission, many gathered round to hear what he would say :"Oh, I have lived forty-seven years an enemy to God; I have been in some of the hottest battles, and never knew what it was to have iny heart palpitate with fear; but now I am all unstrung: I have cut off limbs with a steady hand, and now I cannot hold this hand still if I might have a world. I know this is not the work of men. I feel that I am in God's hands, and that he will do with me just as he pleases.” The last Sabbath in June I saw him at Cross Creek; he said, he thought, at some times, he could see a little how that God could save, through Jesus Christ, such a sinner as he was; but most of the time he was in total darkness.” 3 I

A General Account of the Missions, established by the Society, late in Connexion with the Rev. John Wesley,

THE Methodist Missions have for many years been under the care of the Rev. Thomas Coke, L.L.D. who has been indefatigable in his exertions for their support, and whose zealous labours have been crowned with very extraordinary success. Multitudes of immortal souls have been brought out of gross darkness into the "marvelTous light" of Christian truth; delivered from the bondage of sin and wickedness; and made partakers of those inestimable privileges and enjoyments which result from the glorious gospel of God our Saviour.

But Dr. Coke having occasion to visit the religious Societies on the continent of America, the superin. tendence of these Missions has of late devolved upon a Committee, resident in Londou, and consisting of the Preachers appointed for the London Circuit, and the persons following, viz. G. Wolff, C. Sundius, and W. Marriott, Esqrs. Mr. J. Butterworth, Mr. R. Middleton, Mr. W. Jeiram, Mr. J. Bulmer, Mr. L. Haslope, Mr. T. Allan.

They perceive that these Missions will shortly furnish ample materials for an interesting publica.


In the mean time, the Committee most respectfully submit the following particulars to the attention of the public:

1. The Mission in the Welch language was first undertaken in the year 1800; and the blessing of God has remarkably accompanied it. In Denbighshire, Flintshire, Caernarvonshire, Anglesea, and other parts of North Wales, no less than fifty seven Societies had been formed in August, 1803 (when the last regular accounts were received) consisting of 1344 members. And from advices received lately, there is reason to believe that this im portant work is still rapidly advancing; and that there are now 1700 persons at least, who, by means of the Welch Mission, have exchanged ignorance and vice for

the blessings of Christian know. ledge and Christian virtue.

2. In Ireland, the Missionaries are still unwearied in their labours, and, considering the peculiar diffi.` culties they have had to encounter, they too have been favoured with. great success. Many of the poor and ignorant Catholics have now. heard, received, and obeyed, the. genuine doctrines of Christianity. By recent accounts it appears, that a wide door is opening for the spread of the gospel in that part of the United Kingdom. Numbers are! determined to risk the displeasure of their priests, and to hear and judge of truth for themselves. The little Tracts, distributed by the Missionaries, are read with much avidity; and the best effects, both civil and religious, are likely to result from the plan of preaching the gospel to the Irish in their own native language.

3. But the principal object of the Methodist Mission has, for many years, been the instruction of the Negroes and People of Colour in the West Indies; and the blessing of Heaven has crowned with most signal success the labours of those who have been employed in that quarter of the world. Many thousands of slaves, and others, have been rescued from heathenish

darkness and superstition, and are at this time living ornaments to the profession of Christianity. And there is good reason to believe, that many thousands more, having lived the life, have also died the death of the righteous," and are now, "for ever with the Lord."

There are at present 19 Missionaries in the different islands; who have nearly 100,000 persons under their instruction. When the last returns were made up, there were more than 14,000 of the Blacks and Coloured People formed into religious Societies; many of whom are truly converted to God; and all, as far as the Missionaries know, fulfil with propriety the relative duties of life, their own masters being judges. Or, if occasionaly there be any who transgress the rules of mo rality, they are excluded from the Society, at least after a neglect of

due reproof. And it may be added, that they have all abandoned the practice of polygamy, their most besetting sin: and the fatal influence of Obeah (witchcraft) is effectually destroyed, wherever Christianity prevails.

In proof of the general good conduct of the Negroes, the Committee with pleasure relate a fact, which has been stated to them by the best authority, viz. That when an office which implies trust and confidence, such as that of watchman, is vacant, it is an usual practice, in several of the islands, with the planters or their managers, to enquire for a religious Negro, who may fill it. And in Antigua, Nevis, Tor. tola, and St. Vincent's, the owners of estates, and other inhabitants, are so fully satisfied with the conduct of the Missionaries, and so conscious of the political as well as religious advantages resulting from their labours, that they entirely support the work in those islands by voluntary contributions and subscriptions. But tho' in the other islands there are several friends of the Missions among the rich and benevolent, the work there is still very burdensome to the Fund in Europe. Indeed, the mere sending over of Missionaries from time to time necessarily occasions very considerable expence. The charge of supplying a preacher with the

clothes he will want in that country, a small collection of books,

money to purchase a horse,-the price of his passage, and a few pounds towards his subsistence in a foreign land, amounts to more than a hundred guineas.

At this time there are pressing applications from various islands for more Missionaries: and Divine Providence is raising up men qua lified for the work, and ready, with all humility, to go wherever God shall direct.

A few months ago, the Committee had to advance a consider able sum of money, in order to defray various necessary expences; but by some late public collections, their Fund is now cleared from that debt. They are, however, in want of further contributions to carry on the blessed work, which has been so happily begun; and they most earnestly intreat the kind support of all who are friends to Christia nity and to mankind.

Subscriptions will be received by each Member of the Committee, and by the Preachers in town and country.

The List of Subscribers will be printed, together with the detailed account of the Missions, as abovementioned..

Signed, by order of the Committee, Jos. BUTTERWORTH, Sec. London, April 13, 1804.


Rev. D. Williamson and the Associate Antiburgher Con
gregation, Whitehaven, half of a public Collection
for spreading the Gospel (the other half of which was
given to the Edingburgh Missionary Society)
Rev. Mr. Wilkinson and Friends, Howden, Yorkshire


April 5. The Rev. R. Adams was or dained pastor over the Independent Church at Winchester. Mr. Bingham, of Whitechurch, began the service by prayer and reading; Mr. Esdale, of Andover, delivered the introductory discourse; Mr. R. Winter, of Newport, Isle of Wight, of fered ор the ordination prayer, with impo. sition of hands; Mr. Kingsbury, of Southampton, gave the charge, from 2 Cor. vi. 4; Mr. Cox, of Fareham, prayed the genèra: intercessory prayer; Mr. Bogue,


4. 8 10 4 4

of Gosport, addressed the people from I Thes. v. 13; and Mr. Scamp, of Ha vant, concluded.

April 13. The East Kent Association held their Half-yearly Merting at Mr. Cramp's, St. Peter's, in the Isle of Tha


Mr. Collins, of Folkstone, preached in the morning, from 2 Thes. ii. 16, 17; Mr. Young, of Canterbury, in the even ing, from Ps. cxvi. 1; Mr. James Par nell, the preceding evening, from Zech. xiv. 9. The next meeting is to be held at

Mr. Gurteen's, Canterbury, Oct. 24. The preachers appointed are, Mr. Townsend, of Ramsgate; Mr White, of Ashford; and Mr. Gore, of Sandwich.

May 9 and 10, a new Independent Meeting was opened at Swansea, of which the Rev. D. Davies is minister. Twelve sermons, in English and Welch, alternately, were preached by the Rev. J. Da vies, D. Morgan, W. Griffiths, T. Davies, S. Davies, J. Lloyd, D. Peters, M. Jones, T. Phillips, T. Brown, M. Lewis, and G. Hughes. From 1000 to 1500 statedly worship at this place; and the brethren would be glad of the occasional assistance of any ministers from England who travel that way.

June 6. The Rev. G. Clayton was ordained over the Independent Church at Walworth, Surry. Mr. J. Clayton, jun. began with prayer, &c. Mr. Kingsbury introduced the work of the day; Mr. Simpson offered the ordination-prayer, with laying on of hands; Mr. Clayton, sen. gave the charge, from 1 Tim. vi. 20; Mr. Goode engaged in the general prayer; Mr. Nicol preached to the people from Is. xl. 1; and Mr. Berry, of Camberwell, concluded.

June 13. The Rev. Jas. Wall (late student at Homerton) was ordained at Southwold, Suffolk. Mr. Price began; Mr. Walford introduced the business; Mr. Garduer (late pastor) offered the ondination prayer; Mr. Kello gave the charge, from Mat. xiii. 52; Mr. Ray addressed the people from 1 Thes. iii. 8 to 13; and Mr. Wall, of London, concluded. Mr. Price preached in the evening, and Mr. Perry engaged in prayer. We are happy to find this an increasing in



The Devon Association met at Exmouth, June 20. At seven in the morning a meeting for prayer, &c. when the Address, prepared by Mr. Stoat, of Ashburton, was read and approved. Small preached in the morning, from Tit. i. 15 Mr. Saltren, of Bridport, in the afternoon, from Luke xvi. 23, &c. Mr. W. Rooker in the evening, from Gal. i. 15, 16. Other parts of the services were conducted by Messrs. S. Rooker, Crook, Varder, Heudebourck, and J. Crook. Mr. Allen, of Exeter, preached on the preced. ing evening, from Jer. ii. 31.

Next day, most of the same ministers attending, a chapel was opened at Teignmouth. Mr. Sinall preached, from Jer. xxiii. 29; and in the evening, Mr. Allen, from I Cor. xv. 58. Messrs. Innes, Winson, J. Crook, W. Rooker, and Pyke, en

gaged in other parts of the services. We rejoice in the prosperity of this Society, which was first formed by the exertions of the late Mr. Holmes, of Exeter. After a variety of changes, and little prospect of success, there are pleasing appearances of usefulness under the labours of Mr. Heudebourck (late a student at Axminster) now settled among them.

A Meeting of Ministers, residing is North Wilts and the borders of Berkshire, was held at Mr. G. Mantell's, Swinden; when two Sermons were preached by Messrs. Berkley and Thresher; after which a new Society was formed, to be called "The North Wiltshire Religious Society for Spreading the Gospel on the Borders of Wilts and Berks, by distributing Tracts and Preaching." Mess. J. and and the Rev. S. Clift, Secretary. R. Strange were appointed Treasurers; meeting to be held at Mr. Berkley's, Malmsbury, Second Tuesday in Sept.


June 28. The Rev. G. Atkins, late student at Wymondley, was set apart to the charge of a congregation, formerly at Kirkley, now at Thorneford, near Mor peth, Northumberland. Mr. J. Heslup began with prayer, &c.; Mr. D. M'Indoe Hadley introduced the business; Mr. preached from Mat. xxviii. 20; Mr. A. Blythe offered the ordination-prayer ; Mr. J. Kirton gave the charge, and addressed the people from 1 Cor. iv. 2; Mr. J. Orr concluded.

July 2. The Anniversary of the Hoxton Itinerant Society was held at Mill-Hill, Middlesex ; when the Rev. Mr. Platt preached in the morning, and the Rev.

Mr. Buck in the afternoon. The above is the first place of worship and SundaySchool which this Society established in 1797. But since that time, through the blessing of God, they have been enabled to carry on the worship of God in six other villages where the gospel was not heard, and where it had been formerly rejected with persecution. This Society is held at Cumberland Street Chapel.

July 5. The Kentish Association of Independent Ministers, held their Annual Meeting in the New Tabernacle, Green" wich. The Rev. G. Townsend preached the preceding evening, from Rom. xv. 16. A prayer-meeting was held the next morning, at seven o'clock, as usual. In the forenoon, Mr. Gurteen, of Canterbury, preached from Rev. ii. 1; and Mr. Vin cent, of Deal, in the evening, from 1 Cor. iii. 9. Immediately after, the ministers and members of different churches joined in the communion of the Lord's Suppet, at which Mr Ralph, of Maidstone, pre

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