Imágenes de páginas

soberly with swimmyng/therfor he layth him down in the grounde or mudde, & hideth him there and all the fisshes that he can ouercome / commynge forby him, he taketh and eteth them.


Cap. lxxviij.

Ubus is a fisshe of the grekes se & of the sees of ytaly / Rubus.
they be rounde lyke a ringe, & haue many rede spottes /

& is full of sharpe finnes & pinnis / he is slow in swimmynge
because he is so brode / he gothe be the grounde, & wayteth
there his praye & suche fisshes as he can gete he burieth in
the sandes, & it is a very swete fisshe. Ryache be fisshes Ryache.
that be rounde somtyme they be in length & brede two
cubites & it hath a long tayle / theron be sharpe pinnes / &
it is slowe in swimmynge.


Cap. lxxix.

almo is a fysshe engendred in the swete water, & he waxeth Salmon. longe & gret & also he is heuy / & his colour nor sauour

[? fleshe.]

is nat gode tyll he haue ben in the salt water & proued it / thus draweth the samon to the water agaynst the streme; he neuer seaseth tyll he haue ben in the se and returned agayn to his olde home, as Phisiologua saith his fisshe' is rede, & he may nat liue in a swet standinge water he must be in a fresshe riuer that he may playe up and douze at his plesure. alpa is a fowle fisshe and lytell set by / for it will neuer be Salpa. Stockfish? ynough for no maner of dressinge tyll it haue ben beten


with grete hamers & staues.

Cap. lxxij.

Erra is a fysshe with great tethe, and on his backe he hathe Serra. sharpe fynnes lyke the combe of a cocke / and iagged

lyke a sawe wherewith thys monstrous fisshe cutteth a ship Cuts through
thorough, & whan he seeth a shippe commynge, than he ships with his fins.
setteth vp his finnes & thinketh to sayl with the shippe as
fast as it but whan he seeth that he can nat continue / than
he latteth his finnes fall agayn & destroieth the shippe with

the people, and than eteth the dede bodyes. Nota. Scilla is Scylla.
a monster in the see betwene Italye & Sicill/ it is great
ennemye vnto man. It is faced & handed lyke a gentylwoman/
but it hath a wyde mouthe & ferfull tethe/ & it is belied like
a beste, & tayled lyke a dolphin / it hereth gladly singinge. It
is in the water so stronge that it can nat be ouercome / but
on the lond it is but weke.


Cap. lxxxiij.

yrene. the mermayde is a dedely beste that bringeth a man Siren. gladly to dethe/ frome the nauyll vp she is lyke a woman

Siren is like an eagle below,

to mariners,


with a dredfull face / a long slymye here, a grete body, & is lyke the egle in the nether parte / hauinge fete and talentis to tear asonder suche as she geteth / her tayl is scaled like a sings sweet songs fisshe/ and she singeth a maner of swete song, and therwith deceyueth many a gode mariner / for whan they here it, they fall on slepe commonly / & than she commeth, and draweth and tears them to them out of the shippe, and tereth them asonder / they bere their yonges in their armes, & geue them souke of their papis whiche be very grete, hanginge at their brestis / but the wyse maryners stoppe their eares whan they se her / for whan she playth on the water, all they be in fear, & than they cast out an empty tonne to let her play with it tyll they be past her / this is specifyed of them that haue sene it. Ther be also in some places of arabye, serpentis named sirenes, that ronne faster than an horse, & haue wynges to flye. [Cap. lxxxv.]

Sirens, serpents.





[1 orig. Tge]


Eats no food,

has no mouth,

Olaris is a fishe so named because it is gladly be the londes

& a blake skine, & slipper as an ele/it waxeth gret, & is gode to be eten. Solea is the sole, that is a swete fisshe and holsom for seke people.


Cap. lxxxvi.

Olopendria is a fisshe whan he hathe swalowed in an angle, than he spueth out al his guttes till he be quyt of the hoke / and than he gadereth in all his guttes agayne. The' Scorpion of the see is so named because whan he is taken in any mannys handes he pricketh him with his stinge of his tayle. Plinius saith that the dede creuyce that layeth on the drye sonde be the see syde, becommeth scorpyons.

Cap. lxxxix.

Turio / the sturgion is a gret fisshe in the ronninge waters / and he taketh no fode in his body, but lyueth of the styl and swete ayres therfore he hathe a small bely / with a hede and no mouthe, but vnder his throte he hathe a hole that he closeth whan he wyll he openeth it whan it is fayre grows fat on east weder / & with an east wynde he waxeth fat / and whan that the north winde bloweth, than falleth he to the grounde / it is a fisshe of ix. fote longe whan he is ful growen / he hath whyte swete flesshe & yolow fatte & he hathe no bone in all his body but only in his hede.


Has no bones in his body.



Cap. xcij.

Ecna is a tenche of the fresshe water, and is fedde in the


mudde lyke the ele / & is moche lyke of colours: it is a swete fisshe, but it is euyll to disiest. ¶Tintinalus is a fayre

mery fisshe, & is swete of sauour, & well smellinge lyke the
tyme, where of it bereth the name. ¶Torpido is a fisshe. Torpedo.
but who-so handeleth hym shalbe lame & defe of lymmes /
that he shall fele no thyng/ & it hathe a maner of Squitana
that is spoken of in the lxxxiiii. chapter', and his nature.

Cap. xciij.

Trncka/ the trowte is a fisshe of the ryuer, & hathe scales, & vpon his body spottys of yelow and blodye coloure. & his fisshe3 is rede frome the monthe of July to the monthe of Nouember / and is moche sweter than the fresshe samon; and all the other part of the yere his fisshe' is whyte.

Cap. xcv.

[blocks in formation]

Estudo is a forse in a shite/inine, &e of geht they

Estudo is a fysshe in a shelle / & is in the se of Inde/ & his Testudo.

go out for theyr mete & whan they haue eten theyr bely full than they slepe swymming vpon the water. than ther come iij. fisshers botes / of the wiche .iij. twayn take one of these muskles. Solinus sayth. that this muskle hathe his vppermest shell so brode that it may couere a howse / where many folke may hyde them vnder / And it gothe out the water vpon the londe / & there it layth an hondred egges as grete as gose eggis / and couer them with erth / & oftentymes be night it gothe to the eggys & layeth vpon them with her brest, & than become they yonges.

[This copy of Admiral Swinburne's Andrewe ends with the next column of this page, sign. v. i. back, with an illustration not headed, but which is that to Cap. xcvij.]

1 Squatinus is a fisshe in the se, of fiue cubites longe: his tayle is a fote brode, & he hideth him in the slimy mudde of the se, & marreth al other fisshes that come nigh him: it hath so sharpe a skinne that in som places they shaue wode with it, & bone also / on his skinne is blacke short here. The nature hathe made him so harde that he can nat almoste be persed with nouther yron nor stele.

Note to Balena, p. 231. þar [in pe se of Brytain] bup ofte ytake dolphyns, & se-calves, & balenes, (gret fysch, as hyt were of whaales kinde) & dyvers manere schyl-fysch, among pe whoche schyl-fysch bup moskles pat habbep wipynne ham margey perles of al manere colour of hug, of rody & red, of purpre & of bluz, & specialych & moost of whyte. Trevisa's Higden, in Morris's Specimens, p. 334. For the cocke of Balena' see Musculus, p. 235, above; and for its 'mortal ennemye,' Orchun, p. 236.

the best cure is Boxing.

Wilyam Bulleyn on

Boxyng & Neckeweede.

(From The Booke of Compoundes, fol. lxviii.)


Will boxyng doe any pleasure?


Ea forsothe, verie moche: As example, if you haue


any sausie loughte, or loitryng lubber within your For saucy louts, house, that is either to busy of his hand or tongue : and can do nothing but plaie one of the partes of the .24. orders of knaues. There is no pretier medicen for this, nor soner prepared, then boxyng is: iii. or .iiii. tymes well set on, a span long on bothe the chekes. And although perhaps this will not alter his lubberly condicions, yet I assure you, it wil for a time chaunge his knauishe complexion, and helpe him of the grene sicknes and euery man maie practise this, as occasion shall serue hym in his familie, to reforme them. Bulleins Bulwarke of Defence, 1562.

The names of


(From The booke of Simples, fol. xxvii. back.)


Here is an herbe whiche light fellowes merily will


call Gallowgrasse, Neckeweede, or the Tristrams knot, or Saynt Audres lace, or a bastarde brothers badge, with a difference on the left side, &c. you know my meaning.


Hat, you speake of Hempe? mary, you terme it


with manie pretie names. I neuer heard the like


termes giuen to any simple, as you giue to this; you cal it neckwede. A, well, I pray you, woulde you know the propertie of this Neckeweede in this kinde? Neckweed (a halter) beinge chaunged into such a lace, this is his vertue. Syr, if there be any yonkers troubled with idelnesse and loytryng, hauyng neither learnyng, nor willyng handes to labour or that haue studied Phisicke so longe that he or they can giue his Masters purse a Pur- is good for thievish gacion, or his Chist, shoppe, and Countinghouse, a strong vomit; yea, if he bee a very cunning practicioner in false accomptes, he may so suddenly and rashely minister, that he may smite his Father, his Maister, or his friende &c. into a sudden incurable consumption, that he or they shall neuer recouer it againe, but be vtterly vndone, and cast either into miserable pouertie, prisonment, bankeroute &c. If this come to passe, then the best rewarde for this practicioner, is this Neckeweede: if there be any swashbuckler, common theefe, ruffen, or murtherer past grace, y nexte remedie is this Lace or Corde. For them which neuer loued concored, peace nor honestie, this wil ende all the mischief; this is a purger, not of Melancholy, but a finall banisher of

[1 Fol. xxviii.] for swashbucklers

past grace,

all them that be not fit to liue in a common wealth, no and all scamps. more then Foxes amonge sheepe, or Thistles amonge good Corne, hurters of trew people. This Hempe, I

say, passeth the new Diat, bothe in force and antiquitee.

parents' death

If yonge wantons, whose parentes haue left them fayre Also for young houses, goods and landes, whiche be visciously, idle, spendthrifts vnlearnedly, yea or rather beastly brought vp: after the death of their saied parentes, their fruites wil spryng who after their foorth which they haue learned in their wicked youthe: then bankets and brothels will approche, the Harlots waste their all will be at hande, with dilightes and intisementes, the Baude will doe hir diligence, robbyng not onlie the pursses, but also the hartes of suche yongemen, whiche when they be trapped, can neuer skape, one amonge

with harlots

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