Imágenes de páginas


Mr. Pitt to Lady Hester Pitt, December 1.- Congratulations on
the successes of the Allied Armies

The same to the same, July 17. Condolence on the death of
Mr. George Grenville's child. Review of the militia by the King

Lady Hester Pitt to Mr. Pitt, July 19.

Mr. Pitt to Lady Hester Pitt, Aug. 6.

Contades's correspondencies

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William Beckford, Esq., to Mr. Pitt, January 7.

to Mr. Pitt for standing sponsor to his son

The Reverend Laurence Sterne to Mr. Pitt, January. - Enclosing
Dedication to him of the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy
Andrew Mitchell, Esq. (ambassador at the court of the King
of Prussia) to Mr. Pitt, January 15. — Congratulations on the
successes of the British arms. Solicits to be appointed a pleni-
potentiary in case of a congress to treat of peace. [Lord Bar-
rington's picture of the state of affairs at the opening of the new
year, note.]

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The Earl of Hardwicke to Mr. Pitt, January 15.- Returns the
draughts of Lord Kinnoul's instructions, with observations

The Earl of Kinnoul to Mr. Pitt, January 25.

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The Duke of Newcastle to Mr. Pitt, March 13.— Enclosing minute
of conference with the Prussian ministers. Colonel Pechlin's
extraordinary mission from the King of Prussia to St. Peters-
burgh, with a million of crowns. [King of Prussia's opinion of
Voltaire, note.]






Stanier Porten, Esq. to Mr. Pitt, April 28. — Picture of the court
of Don Carlos, King of the Two Sicilies

Major Barré to Mr. Pitt, April 28.- Details his services, and

solicits promotion in the army

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Arthur Villettes, Esq. (minister to the Swiss cantons) to Mr.
Pitt, June 29.- Details a project of the Duc de Choiseul for
sending over an individual to England to treat of peace
Mr. Pitt to Lady Hester Pitt, July 28.- Congratulations on the
successes of Prince Charles of Brunswick and of the King of
Prussia. Death of Lady Lincoln
Andrew Mitchell, Esq., to Mr. Pitt, August 17.- Introducing
M. le Baron de Coccei. [Mr. Mitchell's conversation with the
King of Prussia, after the defeat of the Austrians at Leignitz,

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Mr. Pitt to Andrew Mitchell, Esq.,
successes of the King of Prussia.
The Archbishop of Armagh to Mr. Pitt, September 11.—Earnestly
soliciting him to grant the commission of colonel to the Earl of


Mr. Pitt to the Archbishop of Armagh, September. — States his
opinion concerning promotions of favour, and regrets that an
essential duty compels him to refuse the Archbishop's appli-
cation. Congratulations on the close of the war in North

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The Marquis Grimaldi to the Count de Fuentes, March 5.-Steps
taken to sow the seeds of an alliance between Spain and France.
Importance of so doing before France makes peace with England.
Rumour of proposals to England for a congress
The Count de Fuentes to the Marquis Grimaldi, March 10. - Ne-
cessity of a secret alliance between France and Spain against
England. Impatience of the English for peace. Embarrassments
of the ministry


The same to the same, March 17. - Rise of the English stocks
upon the reports of France being desirous to make peace. Ne-
cessity of France pretending that she will not agree to a
congress. Retirement of Lord Holdernesse. Ferment on the
appointment of a Scotch secretary of state. Prospect of reducing
England to proper limits

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The Count de Fuentes to M. Wall, March 20. Effects of the
rumours of peace on the English stocks. Necessity of defer-
ring it, in order to produce a civil war in England. The pre-
sent the moment for reducing her to due limits
M. De Bougainville to Mr. Pitt, March 25.—Soliciting permission
to send a monument to the memory of the Marquis de Mont-
calm to Quebec

Mr. Pitt to M. De Bougainville, April 10.-Expressing the King's
ready compliance with the request

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The Count de Fuentes to M. Wall, March 27. Progress of the
secret expedition. Discontent occasioned by Lord Bute's ap-
pointment. Complains that Mr. Pitt avoids seeing him

The King of Prussia to Mr. Pitt. - Instances the uniform fidelity

of Great Britain to her allies, and expresses confidence that his

interests will not be neglected in the approaching negotiations

for peace

Mr. Pitt to the King of Prussia, in reply

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The Earl of Bute to Mr. Pitt, April 14. Nomination of plenipo-
tentiaries at the expected congress
Hans Stanley, Esq. to Mr. Pitt, April 18.
in any negotiations for peace with France

Sir James Gray (British envoy at the court of Naples) to Mr. Pitt,

May 19. Detailing a conversation with the Marquis Tenucci

concerning the matters in dispute between England and Spain 119

Mr. Pitt to Sir Richard Lyttelton, May. - Announcing the
King's wish to appoint him envoy-extraordinary to the court of

Sir Richard Lyttelton to Mr. Pitt, in reply, June 17.

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