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What does the Rainbow seem to you to be? When does it appear?

How many colours has it? [Seven.]

What are their names? [Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red.]

Do these colours appear distinct, or do they blend into each other?

On which side of the bow does the violet appear?

On which side do we observe the red colour? Do you know how the colours are produced? [It may be sufficient for the Teacher generally to tell the children, that the colours are pro duced by an effect of the Sun's rays upon the falling drops of rain.]

Do the colours remain?

Into what do they vanish? [Into the light from whence they came.]

Of what may their vanishing remind you? [Of the transitory nature of things which appear beautiful on earth.]

Where do we first read about the Rainbow? Gen. ix. 13, 14.

Of what was it to be the token? Gen. ix. 12-17.

What was the Covenant? Gen. ix. 11, 15. Of what then may you think when you see the Rainbow?

Should you not think of the faithfulness of God?

Where do we read of a Rainbow, in the New Testament? Rev. iv. 3; x. i.

May there be many glories in Heaven, of which we do not now think?


Yes the glories of Heaven surpass our highest thoughts. The colours of the Rainbow, which we often see, beautiful as they are, vanish in a short time. It is thus with all things on earth; but the glories of Heaven are both transcendent and lasting: they shall never vanish, but remain in all their brightness for ever.

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Of what did we say the Rainbow is a token? We know that the Rainbow is the token of the Covenant which God made with Noah. God promised that a flood of waters should no more destroy the inhabitants of the earth; and to this day we behold the faithfulness of God in the observance of His promise. By the Covenant of peace, established through Christ, we have the assurance of entering into a world, where destruction and death shall have no place.

Let every renewed token of the faithfulness of God, be a fresh encouragement to you to seek an interest in the great everlasting Covenant by Jesus Christ.


Into how many seasons do we divide the year?

What do we call them?

Do we know that these seasons will succeed each other?

How do we know it?

[Perhaps the children may say " Because they always have done so."-The Teacher may answer-that is a good reason for believing they will continue to do so, but have we any more certain ground for believing it?]

Has not God declared they should?
What is said Gen. viii. 22?

What do you observe in Spring? What change takes place in the trees? When do you first see the primrose and violet ?

Do the young lambs sport and rejoice? Do you like to hear the little birds? Why do they awake from their silence? You see persons busy in the garden and fields what must be done to the ground? / The face of creation revives, by what is it changed?


Whose power and goodness clothes the earth with green-who causes the sun to gladden the earth?

Who gives the flowers their colours, and the birds their warbling notes?

When you enjoy the brightness and warmth of the sun, should you not think of the Creator of the sun?

What should you feel towards Him for the enjoyments of spring?

What have you observed in the next season? Do we receive more of the sun's light and heat?

Do you know why?

And what effect is thus produced upon the vegetable world?

Has the garden many sweet flowers ?

What may be seen on those parts of a tree which produced blossoms?

What kind of fruits become ripe?
What is done with the grass?..

In what state is the corn?"

Do the sheep continue to bear all their wool? To whom do they yield it?

What is there remarkable in the third season? How are the labours of the husbandman rewarded?

What change has taken place in the corn? What may be seen on the vine? What fruits are peculiar to Autumn?

What kind of labour is pursued in the fields? What is done with their fruits? Where are they stored?

Do the flower-blossoms continue the same? What colour may be observed in the leaves of the tree?...

Shall we long admire their beautiful tints?
Of what is their changed colour the sign-

What chiefly marks the last season?
What change may now be seen in the trees?
Into what state do they pass?

And where do the leaves go at last ?>

Where are the seeds which the flowers produced?

In what state are many little animals and insects, lately full of activity?

What difference is felt in the heat of the San?

In what condition is that part of the earth where it is Winter?!

Why is the country dreary? Why are the days shortened?.....


Whence comes the frequent frost-the snow and ice ?*

At intervals the Teacher might extensively pursue his instruction on the seasons.-Different phænomena are inte resting. In the hotter months the atmosphere is purified by lightning; in the Winter it is disturbed by storms. At one time he may point out the industry of the ant and bee, at another the changes of the caterpillar the short life of the ephemeral fly. He may contrast the surprising fertility of the vegetable world in Spring, with its comparative repose and death in Winter--its altered appearance under frost and snow. The Emblems of Death and the Resurrection are pe culiarly striking.

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