| Charles Leslie - 1702 - 354 páginas
...wifhes to his own Peculium , plainly feems to fuppofe that they had it not. Would to God, fays he, that all the Lord's People were Prophets, and that the Lord would put bis Spirit upon them, Numb. xi. 29. Exactly as they were not all taught of God , becaufe they had not... | |
| William Dell - 1709 - 722 páginas
...meek fervant of the Lord replied, Envieft than for my fake? would God (Taith he) that all the Lords people were Prophets, and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them All, Numb. ii. 29. And fo the Godly mind of any faithful Teacher, defireth to be helped in the work... | |
| John Conant - 1703 - 546 páginas
...and fervent Zeal for their Welfare, Num. ii. rebukes him, faying, Euvieft than for a?. my pike .<? Would God that all the Lord's People were Prophets, and that the Lord would put hi? Spirit upon them. 5. Love is fo far from rejoycing at any Evil that hath befallen others, that... | |
| John Johnson - 1728 - 394 páginas
...Reverend JOHN JOHNSON, AM Vicar of Cranbrook in Kent. NUMB. xi. 29. — Would God that all the Lord•s People were Prophets, and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them. L 0 ND 0 Nt Printed in the Year M.DCC. XXVII. PREFACE. T the Requeft of the Gentlemen aflembled at... | |
| Samuel Shuckford - 1740 - 502 páginas
...Privilege: But MoJ'es having no Aim to his own Glory, remonftrated, that he wifhed all the Lord'?, People 'were Prophets, and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them (I): This would have truly eafed his Burthen j for if God would have thus immediately revealed his... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 416 páginas
...difcouraging others, from feeking after the like Knowledge > on the contrary declared publickly, Numb. xi. 29. Would God that All the Lord's people -were Prophets,...and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them. Laftly, Towards our Inferiors in refpecT: of Religious Improvements, true Humility confifls, in being... | |
| Thomas Brett - 1748 - 492 páginas
...Alphabet from GOD. By the late Reverend JOHN JOHNSON, AM Vicar of Cranbrook in Kent. NUMB. XI. 29. —Would God that all the Lord's People were Prophets,...and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them. LONDON: Printed in the Year M.DCC.XLVIIL ao /. ^ 3 H ci • ..\ \ <•. •:..-"-•' --» . • .'... | |
| Thomas Chalkley - 1751 - 616 páginas
...Simplicity of the Gofpel of Chrift, being of the Mind of Mofts, when he faid, in Anfwer to Jojhua, Would God that all the Lord's People were Prophets, and that the Lord would put of his Spirit upon them, Numb. xi. 21). After this Meeting I went to Springfield, and the next Day... | |
| Thomas Chalkley - 1751 - 616 páginas
...Simplicity of the Gofpel of Chrift, being of the Mind ot Mofes, when he faid, in Anfwer to Jojbua, Would God that all the Lord's People were Prophets, and that the Lord would put of bis Spirit upon them, Numb. xi. 29. After this Meeting I went, to Springfield, and the next Day... | |
| Thomas Chalkley - 1751 - 334 páginas
...the Gofpel of Chrift, being of the Mind of Mofes, when he faid, in Anfwer to Jojbua, Would God thai, all the Lord's People -were Prophets, and that the Lord -would put of his Spirit upon them^ Numb. xi. 29. After this Meeting I went to Springfield, and the next Day returned... | |
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