Imágenes de páginas


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Not more than que folio, two quartos, or three of a smaller size, shall be taken out at the same time. Fines are incurred, for each volume retained above five weeks 17 cents per week; for the abuse of books, the value of the book when new.

Il'any book is lost, the same to be replaced by a similar volume, or by paying the current price of a new volame; if it be part of a set the remainder may be taken, paying the current price of a new set Two dollars assessment must be paid previous to the delivery of any books after the annual meeting. All books must be returned into the Library ten daysprevious to theannual meeting, which is always on he first Monday in March, for inspection fine for non compliance is one dollar.

The Library is opened every Thursday and Saturday afternoon from 3 to 6 in summer, and 3 to5 in winter; also on the forenoon of Saturday from 10 to 1 o'clock

Books to be neu for by their numbers and not by their titles.

The present pr. of a share is twenty-five dolları subject to an as essment of two dollarsa year.

The Library at this present time (Sept. 1817) con tains upwards of 5000 volumes, to which all bool of merit will be added.

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