out, and pre-occupied the market. You need not wonder, therefore, at my tickling up the worthy Doctor, who himself enjoyed the fun, being a loyal fellow to the back-bone; a Tory tough and true. We are now the best friends in the world. Mullion. Well, let that pass-What song-writer of our days, think you, will live? Moore ? North. Moore! No, he has not the stamina in him at all. His verses are elegant, pretty, glittering, anything you please in that line; but they have defects which will not allow them to get down to posterity. For instance, the querulous politics, on your local affairs, Odoherty, which make them now so popular with a very large class of your countrymen, are mere matters of the day, which will die with the day; for I hope you do not intend to be always fighting in Ireland ? Odoherty. I do not know how that will be-better fighting than stagnating; but, at all events, I hope we will change the grounds somewhat I hate monotony; I trust that my worthy countrymen will get some new matter of tumult for the next generation. North. It is probable that they will and then, you know, Moore's" Oh! breathe not his name," " Erin, the tear," &c. &c. will be just as forgotten as any of the things in Hogg's Jacobite relics. Tickler. Which will ever stand, or rather fall, as a memento of the utter perishableness of all party song-writing. North. And then there's Moore's accursed fancy for showing off learning, and his botany, and zoology, meteorology, and mythology. Odoherty. O ay, and the mixed metaphor, and the downright nonsense the song you quoted just now could be finely amended. North. What song ? Odoherty. "Erin, the smile, and the tear in thine eyes, blend like the rainbow," &c. Now that is a washy, watery comparison for my hard-drinking country-I lay £5 that a jug of punch would be a more accurate and truly philosophical emblem; as thus. There's the Protestant part of the population inferior in quantity, superior in strength, apt to get at the head, evidently the whiskey of the compound. The Roman Catholics, greater in physical proportions, but infinitely weaker, and usually very hot, are shadowed forth by the water. The Orangemen, as their name implies, are the fruit, which some palates think too sour, and therefore reject, while others think that it alone gives grateful flavour to the whole. Mullion. And what's the sugar ? Odoherty. Why, the conciliators dropped in among us to sweeten our acidi ity-and you know some think that they have supplied with too liberal a hand, -very much at the risk of turning the stomachs of the company. North. A hopeful illustration-but in truth, Odoherty, your whole conversa tion is redolent of nothing but drink. Odoherty. I am like Tom Moore's First Angel-the gentleman without a name, and admire compotation, not exactly "the juice of Earth," however, as Tom calls it, that being, I take it, ditch-water. Mullion. You never saw the song Tom intended for this drunken angel of his after his fall? Odoherty. Not I-parade it-Is it not in the poem ? Mullion. No, Denman, who is Moore's doer of late, cut it out, just as he cut up the Fables. I have a copy, however, which I shall sing. Song of a fallen Angel over a Bowl of Rum-punch. By T. M. Esq. Here's the dear creature, With hey cow rumble O, What are Heaven's pleasures In long or short metre. With hey cow rumble, &c. Wide is the difference, Thinks that up " yonder" Is pleasant as we are, With hey cow rumble, &c. North. A very hopeful and well-behaved angel, by my word. North. Has written one song, which I hope will live as long as " the flag of Old England waves lordly in pride," that is, I hope, for ever. I mean the Mariners of England. Tickler. A glorious song indeed! But Campbell has disgraced himself by a shabby song, in the New Monthly, about the Spaniards. It is not fit for a gentleman like Campbell to fall into the filthy slang of the blackguards of the press, and write low stuff about Prince Hilt, or to call the grand old stainless flag of France, (which he knows the blackguards do not is linked with so many splendid recollections) the " White emblem of white liver." Dr. Mullion. Some of Sir Walter's songs will certainly live. North. Perhaps those in his Poems and his Novels, if they are his; but 1 do not recollect anything particular of any other; and, in point of fact, you never do hear them sung by anybody. Bishop, by the way, has very poorly set County Guy, very poorly indeed. Odoherty. I like Bishop, a worthy pleasant fellow; but, somehow or other, I think his music generally but compilation,-a bar from this body and a bar from that-curiously indented and dovetailed, I admit, but still only joinery and cabinet-making. North. Nobody has said a word about Byron. Tickler. Dead as Harry the Eighth, and it is a pity. Heavens! who can think that the author of Childe Harold, and Manfred, and Don Juan, should have sunk to what he is now, a scribbler in a dirty magazine, and a patron of the Hunts! It, however, speaks volumes in favour of the morality of the country, after all, when we find, that even genius, such as his, must sink, if it dares oppose what we are still determined to call religion and loyalty. Odoherty. (handing the Island to North.) I have brought down Christian. Would you wish to look at it? Buller. Does it sell? Odoherty. Not at all, though the third edition is advertised. I was told at Longman's, that they had not disposed of a hundred. It would have had a better chance with Murray; but he and his lordship have broken, after a furious quarrel. The correspondence between them is said to be curious. Buller. Of course we shall have an awful libel on Joannes de Moravia in due time. Odoherty. I hope so from the bottom of my soul; for then Murray will take vengeance in turn. I had rather than a tenpenny, and that cash, that we could print Byron's Critique on the Pot of Basil. Tickler. Faugh, don't mention it. North. Christian, I see, is a poor thing, with a good bit here and there in it, but not the least originality. He is the old hero-the Lara, the Conrad, the fellow of whom his lordship found the germ in Miss Lee's Kruitzner, transported to Botany Bay, or thereabouts, where, instead of mosques, and kiosks, and tambourgis, and phingaris, we are entertained with Toobonai, and Boolootoo, Mooa, Figi, Hooni, Licoo, Guatoo, Goostrumfoo, et omne quod endeth in oo. And the womankind are the old womankind, not a bit the worse for the wear. Tickler. Yes, and you have the same amazing industry in transferring Bligh's Narrative, that he has shown so often before. But the introductionand indeed some other passages, remind us of the better days of Byron.-Listen. "The morning watch was come; the vessel lay Odoherty. Very toploftical, to be sure. Commend me to the panegyric on what our friend Fogarty (from whom his lordship appears to have taken the idea) calls " Tobacco, lord of plants." But here the herald of the self-same mouth And puff'd where'er winds rise or waters roll, Through every change of all the varying skies. When tipp'd with amber, mellow rich and ripe, And as we are talking of it, do hand us that paper of Cotton's best, until I blow a cloud. North. Why, Odoherty, you have scarcely brought us any news from London. Odoherty. How could you expect blood from a turnip? There's no news there. Parliament was just spinning down, when I quitted the city, as drowsily as a tetotum-nothing doing in the monde literaire-the Haymarket gay, to be sure, and our friend Terry, drollest of actors, as he is among the worthiest of men, making the populace laugh-but I brought you down a special article on London, from a friend of mine, which will tell you everything tellable, so you need not pump me. North. You are not drinking anything, Tickler. Tickler. I cannot say I like your wine. It is souring on my stomach. Tickler. So be it. (sings.) Drink to me only from a jug, So fill my glass with whisky punch, The thirst that in my throat doth rise Doth ask a drink divine; But might I of Jove's nectar sip, The second verse is not worth parodying. VARIETIES. ORIGINAL ANECDOTES, LITERARY NEWS, INCIDENTS, &C. BELZONI. Interesting extracts of a letter from this enterprising Traveller have been given in the Cambridge Chronicle : they develope his progress in a design with the nature of which he acquainted us before he left England; and we cordially rejoice to learn that his prospects are so auspicious. The letter is dated Fez, May 5. "In the short letter I wrote to you from Tangier, dated the 10th of April, I informed you that I had gained permission from his Majesty the Emperor of Morocco, to enter his country as far as Fez, and that I had great hopes of obtaining his permission to penetrate further south. I have now great pleasure in acquainting you, my dear friend, of my safe arrival at Fez, after having been detained at Tangier till a letter had been forwarded from Mr. Douglas, his Britannic Majesty's Consul at Tangier, to the Minister at Fez, to obtain permission from the Emperor for me to approach his capital. As soon as a favourable answer was received, we started for this place, and in ten days arrived here in safety with my better half, who, having succeeded in persuading me to take her as far as Tangier, has also enforced her influence to proceed to Fez; but this, though much against her will, must be her ' Non plus ultra.' "Yesterday I had the honour to be presented to his Majesty the Emperor, and was highly gratified with his reception of me. He was acquainted that I had letters of introduction from Mr. Wilmot, to the Consul in Tangier, from whom I received indeed the greatest hospitality, and who did all in his power to promote my wishes. The fortunate circumstance of my having known the Prime Minister of his Majesty, whilst in Cairo, on his return from Mecca to this country, is also much in my favour; and though a great deal has been said against my project by the commercial party, particularly from the Jews of this country, who monopolize all the traffic of the interior, 1 obtained his Majesty's permission to join the caravan, which will set out for Timbuctoo, within one month. "If nothing should happen, and if promises are kept, I shall from this place cross the Mountains of Atlas to Taflet, where we shall join other parties from various quarters, and from thence, with the help of God, we shall enter the great Sahara to Timbuctoo. Should I succeed in my attempt, I shall add another 'votive-tablet' to the tem ple of Fortune; and if, on the contrary, my project should fail, one more name will be added to the many others which have fallen into the River of Oblivion. Mrs. Belzoni will remain at Fez, till she hears of my departure from Taflet, which place is eighteen or twenty days' journey from hence, and as soon as that fact is ascertained she will return to England." The scandal occasioned on the first representation of the Pauvre Berger, by the short petticoats, white stockings, and pink trowsers of the female dancers of the Alps, has given birth to the moral project of creating a Censorship of Ballets, a perambulating tribunal, which shall transport itself at discretion from the Opera to the Boulevard of the Temple, to inspect the rehearsals of our female dancers. We beg leave to inform elderly gentlemen that this office will not be conferr d upon them, as the first condition of duly fulfilling its duties is to have good eyes. The rehearsals are to take place with closed doors; and in order the better to discharge their duty, the Censors of Pironettes will be placed in the orchestra of the musicians. With these advantages we fancy that salary will not be necessary to insure their assiduity.Journal de Paris. The perfect Exquisite. The facetiæ of Mr. Brummell do not furnish a higher specimen of dandyism than the following:-A few days since, one of the most finished fops that ever drove a cabriolet, drew up in the street, and stopping a respectable passer by, this conversation ensued: "Pray, my good friend, (lisping) what is the name of this place?" "Piccadilly, Sir." "No, no, not the street, my good fellow; what is the name of the town?""London, Sir," replied the unsuspicious man with a stare. "Oh, ah, so it is; thank ye, friend, I had quite forgot!!" [The following anecdote of the mode by which Garrick became possessed of Hogarth's famous Election Pictures, has been vouched to us as genuine * Taflet is 340 miles south of Fez. "When Hogarth had finished these Pictures, he went to Garrick, with whom he was on very intimate terms, and told him that he had completed them; adding, It does not appear likely that I shall find a purchaser, as I value them at 200 guineas; I therefore intend to dispose of them by a raffle among my friends, and I hope you will put down your name.' Garrick told him he would consider of it, and call on him the next day. He accordingly did so, and having conversed with Hogarth for some time, put down his name for five or ten guineas, and took his leave. He had scarcely got into the street, when (as Mrs. Garrick, from whom the story is derived, stated) he began a soliloquy to the following effect: What have I been doing? I have just put down my name for a few guineas at Mr. Hogarth's request, and as his friend; but now he must still go to another friend, and then to another; to how many must he apply before he gets a sufficient number? This is mere begging; and should such a man as Hogarth be suffered to beg? Am not I his friend?'-The result was, that he instantly turned back, and purchased those fine pictures at the price of 200 guineas, which the artist himself had fixed." HORSES. It may be observed, that Absalom, the son of David, was the first who introduced the use of horses in Israel: till then, the kings used to ride on mules, and the greatest nobles upon asses, as we see in the history of Judges. Solomon, however, had a great number of horses; but he kept them rather for pomp than for war, for he made no military expeditions. He had forty thousand stalls of horses for his chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen distributed in his fortified places. (1 Kings iv. 26, x. 26.) He had his horses from Egypt, and each set cost him more than six hundred shekels, or about ninety pounds of our money. The Scythians made sacrifices of horses, esteeming them, of all beasts, the noblest, and consequently the most acceptable victims.--Xenophon describes a solemn sacrifice of horses to the sun they were all the finest steeds, |