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Where we have been most happy. In this vale
We roam'd, when summer holidays set free

Our steps, long check'd; wondering at flowers and bloom,

The green leaves, and the linnet's song; the stream,

The moss-clad ruin, the long-emptied fosse,

The abbey's danky vaults, the ivied graves,
The blue skies, the deep glen, and pastoral hills,-
Wondering at everything, and pleased with all.
Through that copse did we stray, with cautious hands,
Dividing the thick boughs, and searching keen
The finches' mossy nest, with speckled eggs,
How beautiful they seem'd ! or callow young,
Stretching their plumeless necks with frequent chirp :-
Upon that rocky ledge, adown these banks.
Where the thick hazels overarch the stream,
And water-lilies blow, we sought to lure,
With imitated fly, the darting trout
From the bright wave, or, tired with lack-success,
Laid on the sward the rod and wicker creel,
And sought out some amusement, less austere.

Nor are the drear looks of the waning months
Adverse to thought less selfish-the tall pile,
Whose roof is matted o'er with withering flowers,
In its stern solitude, proclaims the lapse
Of years, the wrecks of man, the changes dire,
Which Time effects, and his dark servant Death!
Yea! all must change; unceasing, though unseen,
The enemy is working; nought can stay

His progress; strength is weak, and prayers are vain.

'Tis not in spring, in summer, in the sun,
The cloudless sky, and the reposing storm,
The soul can glean such lessons; these awake
Thoughts of light interest, vacant joyfulness,
Fantastic visions; but the dim aspect

Of all earth's beauties fading, -the hoarse winds,
The heavy clouds, and the unsheltered fields-
Calls to their silent home the wandering thoughts;
Hushes unruly passion; quenches pride;
And, in a still voice, whispers to the heart,
"Prepare for thy departure is at hand!"

(Lond. Mag.)



LORD William has leapt from his bonnie brown steed,

Down among Linclouden broom,

He's cast his broad belt, and his broad battle-blade,

His helmet, and heron plume.

The red sun was sinking behind the green hill,

As he walked the wild groves among,

And there came a fair maiden gathering the flowers,

And listening the little birds' song.


Her dark curling ringlets were shower'd o'er a neck
More white than the neck of the swan;

The lily she pluck'd grew more proud of her breast
Than it was of its native lawn.

Unadorn'd was her loveliness, save where the dew
New fallen 'mong her temple locks hung;
She look'd up and saw him-then rooted she stood,
Like a flow'r in a wilderness sprung.


"O give me one kiss, and thy white dewy feet

I will lace up in silver soled shoon,

And gold shall thy neck and thy curling locks grace,

As we stray in the light of the moon;

For far have I wander'd o'er ocean and plain,

By city, and fountain, and tree;

But so bonnie a maiden o'er all the wide earth,

Mine eyes never gladden'd to see.


She turn'd her eyes from him, and hung down her head,

As a rose when it stoops in the dew ;

By the sweep of her arm, and the wave of her hand,

And her eyes that a darker light threw,

He knew his true love through the flow'r beds he sprung,

In her ear some soft story to say

And the small birds sung loud, and the morning sun shone,
Ere the kind maiden wish'd him away.

Lond. Magazine, August.




FOR more than one hundred and prietor had added padlock of most fifty years had the family of elaborate workmanship, which presented a sufficient obstacle before the main lock could be approached.

Schroll been settled at Taubendorf; and generally respected for knowledge and refinement of manners superior to its station. Its present representative, the bailiff Elias Schroll, had in his youth attached himself to literature; but later in life, from love to the country, he had returned to his native village; and lived there in great credit

and esteem.

During this whole period of one hundred and fifty years, tradition had recorded only one single Schroll as having borne a doubtful character: he indeed, as many persons affirmed, had dealt with the devil. Certain it is that there was still preserved in the house a scrutoire fixed in the wall-and containing some mysterious manuscripts attributed to him; and the date of the year-1630, which was carved upon the front, tallied with his era. The key of this scrutoire had been constantly handed down to the eldest son, through five generations-with a solemn charge to take care that no other eye or ear should ever become acquainted with its contents. Every precaution had been taken to guard against accidents or oversights: the lock was so constructed, that even with the right key, it could not be opened without special instructions; and for still greater security, the present pro

In vain did the curiosity of the whole family direct itself to this scrutoire. Nobody had succeeded in discovering any part of its contents, except Rudolph, the only son of the bailif: he had succeeded: at least his own belief was, that the old folio, with gilt edges, and bound in black velvet, which he had one day surprised his father anxiously reading, belonged to the mysterious scrutoire. For the door of the scrutoire, though not open was unlocked; and Elias had hastily closed the book with great agitation, at the same time ordering his son out of the room in no very gentle tone. At the time of this incident, Rudolph was about 12 years of age.

Since that time the young man had sustained two great losses, in the deaths of his excellent mother, and a sister tenderly beloved. His father also had suffered deeply in health and spirits under these afflictions. Every day he grew more fretful and humoursome; and Rudolph, upon his finał return home from school in his eighteenth year, was shocked to find him greatly altered in mind as well as in person. His flesh had fallen away; and he seemed to be consumed by some internal strife of thought. It was evidently his own opinion that he was standing on the edge of the grave: and he employed himself unceasingly in arranging his affairs, and in making his successor acquainted with all such arrangements as regarded his more peculiar interests. One evening, as Rudolph came in suddenly from a neighbour's house, and happened to pass the scrutoire, he found the door wide open, and the inside obviously empty. Looking round, he observed his father standing on the hearth close to a great fire, in the midst of which was consuming the old black book.

Elias entreated his son earnestly to withdraw: but Rudolph could not command himself; and he exclaimed -" I doubt, I doubt, Sir, that this is the book which belongs to the scru


His father assented with visible confusion.

"Well, then, allow me to say, that I am greatly surprised at your treating in this way an heir-loom that for a century and more has always been transmitted to the eldest son.""

"You are in the right, my son," said the father, affectionately taking him by the hand: "You are partly in the right: it is not quite defensible, I admit: and I myself have had many scruples about the course I have taken. Yet still I feel myself glad upon the whole that I have destroyed this accursed book. He, that wrote it, never prospered; all traditions agree in that; -why then leave to one's descendants a miserable legacy of unhallowed mys


This excuse, however, did not satisfy Rudolph. He maintained that his father had made an aggression upon his rights of inheritance; and he argued the point so well, that Elias himself began to see that his son's complaint was not altogether groundless. The whole of the next day they behaved to each other-not unkindly, but yet with some coolness. At night Elias could bear this no longer; and he said, "Dear Rudolph, we have lived long together in harmony and love; let us not begin to show an altered countenance to each other during the few days that I have yet to live."

Rudolph pressed his father's offered hand with a filial warmth; and the latter went on to say " I purpose now to communicate to you by word of mouth the contents of the book which I have destroyed: I will do this with good faith and without reserve-unless you yourself can be persuaded to forego your own right to such a communication."

Elias paused-flattering himself, as it seemed, that his son would forego his right. But in this he was mistaken: Rudolph was far too eager for the disclosure; and earnestly pressed his father to proceed.

Again Elias hesitated, and threw a glance of profound love and pity upon his son-a glance that conjured him to think better and to waive his claim : but, this being at length obviously hopeless, he spoke as follows:-" The book relates chiefly to yourself: it points to you as to the last of our race. turn pale. Surely, Rudolph, it would have been better that you had resolved to trouble yourself no farther about it?


"No," said Rudolph, recovering his self-possession, "No: for it still remains a question whether this prophecy be true."

"It does so, it does, no doubt." "And is this all that the book says in regard to me?"

"No: it is not all: there is something more. But possibly you will only laugh when you hear it: for at this day no body believes in such strange stories. However, be that as it may, the book goes on to say plainly and positively, that the Evil One (Heaven protect us!) will make you an offer tending greatly to your worldly advantage."

Rudolph laughed outright; and replied that, judging by the grave exterior of the book, he had looked to hear of more serious contents.

"Well, well, my son," said the old man, "I know not that I myself am disposed to place much confidence in these tales of contracts with the devil. But, true or not, we ought not to laugh at them. Enough for me that under any circumstances I am satisfied you have so much natural piety, that you would reject all worldly good fortune that could meet you upon unhallowed paths.

Here Elias would have broken off : but Rudolph said, "One thing more I wish to know: What is to be the nature of the good fortune offered to me? And did the book say whether I should accept it or not ?"

"Upon the nature of the good for tune the writer has not explained himself: all that he says-is, that by a discreet use of it, it is in your power to become a very great man. Whether you will accept it-but God preserve thee, my child, from any thought so criminal-upon this question there is a profound silence. Nay, it seems even as if this trader in black arts had at that very point been overtaken by death: for he had broken off in the very middle of a word. The Lord have mercy upon his soul!"

Little as Rudolph's faith was in the possibility of such a proposal, yet he was uneasy at his father's communication and visibly disturbed; so that the latter said to him" Had it not been better, Rudolph, that you had left the mystery to be buried with me in the grave ?"

Rudolph said "No:" but his restless eye, and his agitated air, too evidently approved the accuracy of his father's solicitude.

The deep impression sion upon Rudolph's mind from this conversationthe last he was ever to hold with his father-was rendered still deeper by the solemn event which followed. About the middle of that same night he was awakened suddenly by a summons to his father's bedside: his father was dying, and earnestly asking for him. "My son!" he exclaimed with an expression of the bitterest anguish; stretched out both his arms in supplication towards him; and in the anguish of the effort he expired.

comply with his too frequent importunities for money.

After a residence of one year at the university, some youthful irregularities in which Rudolph was concerned subjected him, jointly with three others, to expulsion. Just at that time, the Seven Years' War happened to break out: two of the party, named Theiler and Werl, entered the military service together with Rudolph : the last, very much against the will of a young woman to whom he was engaged. Charlotte herself, however, became reconciled to this arrangement, when she saw that her objections availed nothing against Rudolph's resolution, and heard her lover describe in the most flattering colours his own return to her arms in the uniform of an officer: for that his distinguished courage must carry him in the very first campaign to the rank of lieutenant, was as evident to his own mind as that he could not possibly fall on the field of battle.

The three friends were fortunate enough to be placed in the same company. But in the first battle, Werl and Theiler were stretched lifeless by Rudolph's side: Werl, by a musket ball through his heart, and Theiler by a cannon shot which took off his head.

Soon after this event Rudolph himself returned home: but how? Not, as he had fondly anticipated, in the brilliant decorations of a distinguished officer; but as a prisoner in close custody: in a transport of youthful anger he had been guilty, in company with two others, of insubordination and mutiny.

The court-martial sentenced them to death. The judges, however, were so favourably impressed by their good conduct whilst under confinement, that they would certainly have recommended them unconditionally to the royal mercy, if it had not been deemed necessary to make an example. Howev

The levity of youthful spirits soon dispersed the gloom which at first hunger, the sentence was so far mitigated, pest of passionate grief assailed the three prisoners. One of them was agitated by the tears of his father; the *second by the sad situation of a sickly wife and two children. The third, Rudolph, in case the lot fell upon him, would be summoned to part not only with his life, but also with a young and blooming bride, that lay nearer to his heart than anything else in the world. "Ah!" said he on the evening before the day of final decision, "Ah! if but this once I could secure a lucky throw of the dice!" And scarce was the wish uttered, when his comrade Werl, whom he had seen fall by his side in the field of battle, stepped into his cell. " So, brother Schroll, I suppose you didn't much expect to see me?"

over Rudolph's mind. Surrounded by jovial companions at the university which he now visited, he found no room left in his bosom for sorrow or care: and his heaviest affliction was the refusal of his guardian at times to

that on one of the three was to be shot. And which was he? That point was reserved in suspense until the day of execution, when it was to be decided by the cast of the dice.

As the fatal day grew near, a tem

"No, indeed, did I not-" exclaimed Rudolph in consternation; for in fact, on the next day after the battle, he had seen with his own eyes this very Werl committed to the grave.

"Aye, aye, it's strange enough, I allow: but there are not many such surgeons as he is that belongs to our regiment : he had me dug up, and brought me round again, I'll assure you. One would think the man was a conjuror. Indeed there are many things he can do which I defy any man to explain; and to say the truth, I'm convinced he can execute impossibilities."

"Well, so let him, for aught that I care: all his art will scarcely do me any good."

"Who knows, brother? who knows? The man is in this town at this very time; and for old friendship's sake I've just spoken to him about you: and he has promised me a lucky throw of the dice that shall deliver you from all danger."

"Ah!" said the dejected Rudolph, " but even this would be of little ser

vice to me."

"Why, how so ?" asked the other. "How so? why, because even if there were such dice (a matter I very much dispute)-yet I could never allow myself to turn aside, by black arts, any bad luck designed for myself upon the heads of either of my comrades." "Now this, I suppose, is what you call being noble ? But excuse me if I

think that in such cases one's first duty is to oneself."

"Aye, but just consider; one of my comrades has an old father to maintain, the other a sick wife with two children."

"Schroll, Schroll, if your young bride were to hear you, I fancy she wouldn't think herself much flattered. Does poor Charlotte deserve that you should not bestow a thought on her and her fate? A dear young creature that places her whole happiness in you, has nearer claims (I think) upon your consideration than an old dotard with one foot in the grave, or a wife and two children that are nothing at all to you. Ah! what a deal of good might you do in the course of a long life with your Charlotte! So then, you really are determined to reject the course which I point out to you? Take care, Schroll! If you disdain my offer, and the lot should chance to fall upon you,

take care lest the thought of a young bride whom you have betrayed, take care, I say, lest this thought should add to the bitterness of death when you come to kneel down on the sand-hill. However, I've given you advice sufficient: and have discharged my conscience. Look to it yourself: and farewell!"

"Stay, brother, a word or two;" said Rudolph, who was powerfully impressed by the last speech, and the picture of domestic happiness held up before him, which he had often dallied with in thought both when alone and in company with Charlotte ;-" stay a moment. Undoubtedly, I do not deny that I wish for life, if I could receive it a gift from heaven: and that is not impossible. Only I would not willingly have the guilt upon my conscience of being the cause of misery to another. However, if the man you speak of can tell, I should be glad that you would ask him upon which of us three the lot of death will fall. Or-stay: don't ask him," said Rudolph, sighing deeply.

"I have already asked him," was the answer.

"Ah! have you so ? And it is after his reply that you come to me with this counsel."

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