(IV) Justice when Prince Henry is King. Hen. V. But Ned, so soone as I am King, the first thing I wil do, shal be to put my Lord chiefe Iustice out of office. And thou shalt be my Lord chiefe Iustice of England. Ned. Shall I be Lord chiefe Iustice? By gogs wounds, ile be the brauest Lord chiefe Iustice Hen. V. Then Ned, Ile turne all these prisons into fence Schooles, and I will endue thee with them, with landes to maintaine them withall: then I wil haue a bout with my Lord chiefe Iustice, thou shalt hang none but picke purses and horse stealers, and such base minded villaines, but that fellow that wil stand by the high way side couragiously with his sword and buckler and take a purse, that fellow giue him commendations, beside that, send him to me and I wil giue him an anuall pension out of my Exchequer, to maintaine him all the dayes of his life. Ioh. Nobly spoken Harry, we shall neuer haue a mery world til the old king be dead. (V) Interview between Prince Henry and the King. Enters the Prince with a dagger in his hand. Hen. IV. Come my sonne, come on a God's name, Oh my sonne, my sonne, what cause hath euer That thou shouldst forsake me, and follow this vilde and Reprobate company, which abuseth youth so mani- Oh my sonne, thou knowest that these thy doings I so, so, my sonne, thou fearest not to approach Hen. V. My conscience accuseth me, most soueraign Lord, and welbeloued father, to answere first to the Hen. IV. Call him againe, call my sonne againe. Hen. IV. Stand vp my son, and do not think thy father, But at the request of thee my sonne I will pardon thee, And God blesse thee, and make thee his seruant. Hen. V. Thanks good my Lord, & no doubt but this day, Euen this day, I am borne new againe. Hen. IV. Come my son and Lords, take me by the hands. [Exeunt omnes. This Edition was prepared by me some years since, but circumstances have delayed its publication. My acknowledgments are due to my friend, Mr. A. E. Morgan, who has kindly assisted me by relieving me of much labour in verifying references, reading proof-sheets, and in the compilation of the Introduction. R. P. COWL DRAMATIS PERSONE. KING HENRY the Fourth. pratical- stateJOHN of Lancaster, dra fty EARL OF WESTMORELAND. Cra-HENRY PERCY, Earl of Northumberland. HENRY PERCY, surnamed HOTSPUR, his son. RICHARD SCROOP, Archbishop of York. OWEN GLENDOWER. SIR RICHARD VERNON. SIR JOHN FALstaff. SIR MICHAEL, a friend to the Archbishop of York. POINS. GADSHILL. BARDOLPH. LADY PERCY, wife to Hotspur, and sister to Mortimer. LADY MORTIMER, daughter to Glendower, and wife to Mortimer. Lords, Officers, Sheriff, Vintner, Chamberlain, Drawers, 2 |